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The sun beams would always peak through the lightly dusted boards of the ceiling in the mornings. The Iwagakure shinobi would immediately sit up from his slumber, stretching his arms out to each side in a ‘Y’ formation before immediately rolling off the side of his bed and catching himself on one hand just before hitting the wooden floor. From this point he would do fifty one-armed push-ups with each arm. He would then leap to his feet, in one fluid motion and bow to his punching bag before unleashing the potent strength of morning youth upon it. With every repetitive mix-up, he would practice a unique breathing method to empower himself, in addition to unleashing small amounts of his chakra flow into the attacks. At the height of ferocity a small flicker of green glow would occasionally burst forth from his powerful body. This was a snippet of the massive training regiment the young man diligently adhered to. It was only afterwards that he would freshen himself up and pull open the small closet he had been using for clothes. It was in that moment he noticed he didn’t own a single shirt. Had they all been left behind? Do you live like this? He grabbed some money and readied himself for a much needed adventure to the grand market district of Konoha.

Just a nice pair of cargo shorts and his plain bare chest and feet were all that he wore out. His tattoos were elaborate, covering a good bit of his torso, which might have excused if only slightly, his apparent shirtlessness. It was also a rather warm day.  The issue, which Komorebi was entirely unaware of, was his body tended to draw too much attention in a positive way. The fragility of most people’s self-image made them easily able to be shattered. It was like a bizarre passive ability. Rude men who felt threatened, gawking women who felt uncomfortable with their eyes drawing toward his body. All of this, and Komorebi was none the wiser. He had no conception of why anyone would behave any different toward him. Some shops implicitly disallowed anyone to come in without a shirt. With a frown and a sigh, he would immediately flip around with a revitalized expression and dip into another store.

This shop was big. It had clothing for men, women and children. It even had a section for big and tall. It was lovely that they were more inclusive. Komorebi walked around for a few minutes, taking his time and taking in the sights. He always smiles gentl at people who made eye contact with him. Friendliness was important in a world with so much hostility. Though he was a proud shinobi, he tended to leave his headband home when not attending to missions. It was surely not the best idea to represent another village in the deeper community areas of any place.

He eventually found himself lost in the men’s section of the store sifting through all sorts of different designer tops. He had the money for any number of them, but he truly wasn’t interested in being wasteful. He could get a shirt for much cheaper than those prices. He continued to sift through, taking a few out that he liked at least slightly. He was absolutely immersed in this tedious art. Why couldn’t it be standard fare to just go topless?

WC: 576



Yue awoke with a start. The sounds of her alarm clock beeping resonated through the apartment. Sunlight filtered in through the wispy curtains she'd bought and the sounds of birds chirping played in the distance. Yue ran her fingers through her tangled hair as she looked out of her bedroom window. The sun had risen and cast an orange glow on everything it touched. Yue smiled to herself. Something had finally gone right. Her sleep schedule had been less than perfect since the move and today was the first day she woke up without feeling like garbage.

Yue took a long shower and stepped back into her room to decide her outfit for the day. As she picked through her clothes she felt the need to celebrate the fact she'd actually woken up on time. She pulled on mid-length white dress with a patterned scarf and simple brown sandals. As she sat in front of her mirror and applied makeup Yue wondered about what type of prize would befit a goal as great as getting out of bed. Her closet was getting a little dull. Maybe shopping? She stole a glance to her closet. Definitely shopping.  Yue applied a pink gloss to her lips finishing the rather simple look. She grabbed a pair of sunglasses and fastened her Kirigakure headband to her upper arm. Why shouldn't the world know she was a force to be reckoned with?

The air was warm as she slipped out of her apartment and headed towards the marketplace. If she got there quickly she may beat the crowd that was sure to fill the area as it always did. With the hope of doing so, Yue quickened her pace. She seemed to make it in time as the number of people flowing in and out of stores was way more manageable than she'd remembered it to be. Now content with the number of people she'd have to share her space with Yue leisurely made her way around looking in a couple of small stores that mostly sold accessories before coming upon a rather large one.

She pushed open the door and marveled at the size of the store inside. It had a section for everyone it seemed. There were few other people in the store. Yue began her walk to the women's section when she noticed a familiar face. Or more likely a familiar set of abs. It was the mermaid haired man from the hot springs. Is he even allowed to be in here without a shirt? As she watched many a lady gawk at his physique, Yue realized when you're attractive it probably doesn't matter.

Instead of contemplating whether or not to go over there Yue just did. She'd ruined his bathhouse experience by calling him a pervert and even then he still helped her get away from real potential perverts. She owed him something and with the way he seemed to be staring at those shirts maybe this was her opportunity to make it up to him. She walked up to the section beside him.

"So are you more of a muscle shirt guy or what?"


Last edited by Yūe on Thu Apr 19, 2018 12:06 pm; edited 1 time in total




As Komorebi sifted through the ornate wooden hangers, he seemed to pass up a majority of the presented options. It was likely a bit strange to the store workers to watch a man without a shirt being so picky about them. As he pulled one from the rack and scanned it he actually didn’t mind it too much. It was a slate gray, sleeveless shirt with little black dogs all over it. Who didn’t like little dog symbols? It was as he prepared to turn to the counter with his proud purchase in hand that a voice appeared seemingly out of nowhere. The dark-haired girl from the hot springs had appeared once again. She seemed in a better mood than the last time he had seen her, and understandably so. Being that close to seeing a total strangers bare essentials as well as those of middle aged geezers was nothing short of a traumatic night of relaxation.

Do I like muscle shirts? I don’t know if I like muscle shirts. Do I like anything at all? Well, yes. I like almost everything but how do I answer this question?

Komorebi was a confident man. He wasn’t one to become anxious when presented with conversation, but the topic of clothing left him mindlessly baffled. Having such a delicate fashion question shunted his way illicited a simple, yet excruciatingly awkward response. “uhm..You know those nifty button-up shirts with the floral patterns? Those are definitely my favorite of all time.They were not. The Kanetsu clansmen had never been much interested in shopping for clothing. He would receive clothes as gifts from his parents or his friends and siblings. Those were what he would normally wear, love them or hate them. It was not all that important to him that he looked any sort of way.

He shoved the shirt back onto the rack as if he hadn’t been holding it in the first place and said with a slight smile “Has anyone ever told you that you should be an assassin for hire? In both of our encounters you were able to somehow move behind my back without even a flicker of sound. Do you practice that? ARE you a deadly assassin hired to kill me without being seen.” he would give a false serious look in her direction before chuckling. He had never caught her name during their last encounter, which was perfectly understandable given the circumstances. “I’m Komorebi in case you missed it last time, but I don’t believe I ever got your name. What brings you to the great big market district today?

He hoped the woman wouldn’t feel odd having stumbled upon him for the second time now without his shirt on. What a horrible thing it would be if she somehow believed her suspicions were confirmed. What if I am a pervert and I don’t even know it?! Should I turn myself in to the authorities for public indecency?

WC: 504
TWC: 1080



"You mean those shirts grandparents wear on vacation? Uh okay." Yue raised an eyebrow at him. Why did he have to answer like that? She was trying to be kind but he just had to make it difficult and want to dress like an old man. You'd think it hard to become even more awkward considering where they met but Yue had more questions than answers at this point.

Once the man, Komorebi as she'd remembered, had put down whatever shirt he was looking at he fired off into questions about her kekkei genkai. Honestly, Yue hadn't thought much about her clan or what the rest of her family was like. After all her father never talked about anything let alone family and she took her mother's last name. She often forgot that she was constantly sneaking though she didn't mean to be. She didn't even cast a shadow. Maybe she should consider the line of assassin work. 'Yue the assassin' does have a bit of a ring to it.

"Yep I'm definitely here to kill you," Yue spoke with an eye roll. He seemed like he was asking genuinely but she wasn't gonna spill her life story to a stranger. She paused looking through the rack on her side and made her way over to his side of the rack and began picking through some of the men's shirts.

"My name's Yue, by the way, there wasn't much of a chance to tell you before." Wow. None of these shirts are really that great. There seemed to be a couple that fit the description of what he liked though.

"I was looking to add some more color to my wardrobe but then you were here so I decided to see what you were up to. By the way, I get that like to flaunt your body and all but have you ever even owned a shirt before?" Yue half joked. This was the second time they'd seen each other and he still wasn't wearing a shirt. Was he poor? Komorebi didn't really look like he knew what he was doing though. Yue glanced over at him from the rack, it seemed like this would be her good deed. An unspoken apology for barging in on him at the bath house. She was going to shop with him and help him get some good clothing.

"What kind of colors do you like?" Yue started as she picked through a plethora of multicolored shirts not waiting for an answer. She wrinkled her nose a bit as she found a shirt almost exactly what he described liking. It was darkly colored, button up and had several different types of flowers printed on it. "You should try this on maybe?" She held up the quite hideous shirt to show it to him. Yue looked at him as best she could without cringing. If this is what Komorebi truly liked maybe he'd what to go try it on.  

WC: 509



As snide as ever, the newly self-described Yūe had her sarcasm loaded and ready to go. She was not, in fact, an assassin prepared to murder Komorebi in cold blood. It left something to be pondered on about the nature of her silence. He stood, awash with his own thoughts as he held the only article of clothing he had seen that day which held any semblance of “nice-looking”. The woman with raven black hair and an adorable baby face stood around, seeming to join in with the hunt for the mythical shirt. Meanwhile, the uncultured man to her side participated in one of those common ventures in which a person acts as much as possible like they know what they are doing when they truly have absolutely no idea. He shifted through several more short, with nods of approval and shakes of disapproval trying to seem like a normal functioning adult.

I really enjoy darker reds, perhaps even red-brown colors. I think the term for that is like...Mauve?

Finally, he gave a hefty sigh and looked over to his new friend, caught by surprise. Yūe presented an option similar to what he had mistakenly described as his ideal shirt. It was absolutely not something a normal human being would wear on a standard day in the life of a shinobi. Though he didn’t have the heart to confess his anxious white lie. He had no idea what lay behind the door he was about to open.

The next set of occurrences between Ms. Yūe and Komorebi were of that fashionista “montage of one trying on clothes” ilk. He would accept the shirt she offered to him. He had some idea of what they could do, since the standard method of looking for clothing was impossible for him.

Alright, that’s quite enough of this. A concept, if you’d like to entertain one. I will rummage over there in the women’s clothing section for a number of clothing items that I think you should try on. You will do the same for me. We will meet back here in ten minutes and demonstrate the outfits for one another. You’ll have a second opinion on some new looks, and I might leave here with a shirt on my back. What do you say?

He truly wasn’t giving her much of a choice, as regardless of what she said, he would turn tail immediately after she spoke and walk with a confident and comical gait off to the women’s clothing section to begin looking for outfits. Komorebi was a physical combatant, so taking a look at someone was enough to gather a decent approximation on their size. All of his choices would be surprisingly accurate, with the exception of maybe one or two items.

His first two selections were safely in the normal range of what he imagined a woman who dressed and behaved the way she did would like, high end heels, a black skirt and a long sleeved crop-top. The second outfit was more basic; high waisted jeans with a logo t-shirt that read “Bite Me”. From that point forth he wandered into a section he knew she would likely never enter. Bright clothes with graphics of unicorns, smiley faces, and overall just a happier area in general. Komorebi loved it. He would grab a bright yellow sundress with a pair of dainty white flats. To top off that outfit he grabbed a sun hat with a sunflower pinned to the brim.

He would return to her with his selections and, if she had made some for him, he would exchange with no objections and offer her the first go. He would stand-by outside of the dressing room as her personal hype man, making a joyous ruckus each time she stepped out of the room, shouting things like “Oooh, girl. Kill ‘em” and “Slay!

When she was finished, he would take her offerings into the room with him and do the same thing. Popping out each time with a new outfit, posing extraneously with muscle flexes and sexy expressions galore. It had been a fun day.

Exit Thread

WC: 701
TWC: 1781

Endurance: E-0 -> D-0 (750)
Speed: E-0 -> D-0 (750)
Perception: E-0 -> E-2 (225)
Total: (1725)


Last edited by Komorebi on Sat Apr 21, 2018 7:59 pm; edited 1 time in total



Did he mean maroon? Komorebi had a lot to learn. Yue chuckled and shook her head gently. She thrust the shirt into his hands. "Here grandpa, if you like these style shirts so much go try this on," Yue looked back into the rack and picked out a grey pair of cargo shorts.  "And these too."  

Yue sent the shirtless shinobi off into the changing room with his outfit and perched herself on a chair in the waiting room. The waiting room was quaint and small and many men stared curiously in Yue's direction but she was busy thinking about what other outfits she'd put him in. He was a definite summer so brighter colors would fit him better. Komorebi stepped out of the dressing room and while the shorts look fine the shirt was at least two sizes too large.

"No, no, no. Take that off it looks terrible" Yue said with a face of sheer disgust. "I'll go get some other shirts just wait here." Komorebi stopped her instead to propose his own idea. It sounded similar to a fashion show and Yue wasn't opposed to showing off a bit.

As though it were a race, Yue speedily made her way over to the men's section to pick out some more clothes. She pulled a couple of brightly colored shirts heavily leaning towards eye-grabbing colors like blue, lime green, and she even managed to find a hot pink crop top with cute palm trees on it. She also pulled a couple more pairs of cargo shorts because they didn't look that bad on him.

Yue began picking kind of goofy outfits but eventually morphed into actually trying. She tried to pick some more sophisticated pieces including some very dark almost burgundy slacks and a matching suit jacket. She looked across the aisles on her way to the dressing room to find him walking confidently through the women's section with an armful of clothes.

After reconvening at the dressing rooms Yue decided it'd only be fair if she went first this time. She was handed the pile of clothes Komorebi collected and promptly turned to go into the dressing room. She carefully inspected each item clothing. He actually had a sense of fashion. So how come he can't find a wearable shirt?

Yue first pulled on the shirt that read 'Bite Me' with the jeans and did several turns in the mirror before stepping out to show her shirtless friend. Upon receiving applause from him she turned to try on the other outfit. Yue went for the yellow dress next. It was way out of the norm for her but, she did want to add variety to her closet and it didn't look that bad. In fact, she looked pretty good in yellow. Yue peeked her head out of the changing room first before breaking into a runway style strut.

Soon after it was Komorebi's turn to try on the clothes Yue had picked. Every single shirt looked off. It wasn't almost comical. None of the shirts Yue had picked looked good on him at all. They were either too small, too big, or there was just something strange about them. It was fun none the less. He would pop out in a similar fashion to Yue and pose and the young woman actually found herself laughing and having a good time.

She, to the surprise of Komorebi, ended up purchasing the yellow outfit. She bid him a goodbye feeling slightly bad she couldn't help him find a shirt but he seemed happy either way. On her walk home she thought about how though unplanned how nice her day was. It was a first for her to have a good day since the exchange.
[Exit Thread]

WC: 639
TWC: 1,652

Stat Training

Strength: E-0 --> D-0 (750)
Perception: E-1 --> D-0 (650)
Endurance: E-1 --> E-2 (150)

102 words leftover

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