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1But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Empty But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Tue Jun 19, 2018 6:28 pm



The weather was lovely outside, as it usually is in Konoha, casting a glow on the streets and people of the village. Walking through the streets of the village, Satoru stated to himself "I've waited so long to graduate from the academy so i can become a genin and start going on missions and helping the shinobi and villagers of the village, but I have absolutely no idea what to do right now".  He continued on, walking in the middle of the street, past villagers and other shinobi who questioned why he was talking to himself, but Satoru was oblivious to this and continued on, "Man I'm bored...and hungry. Maybe I should go get myself some food then focus on being the best ninja that ever lived, heh heh". He stopped infront of Ichiraku Ramen's and wondered with a hand on his waist and the other behind his head, " Am i in the mood for ra-" before he could finish, he belly grumpled loudly, "Oh man, i dont have the luxury of being picky right now, Ramen it is" As he started to go inside.

Upon making his way into the establishment, the scent of the spices and various ingredients of ramen invade his nostrils. "Hmm, my parents never really liked Ramen, so i never tried it. Maybe its time i see what its all about" Satoru thought to himself before a waitress came and sat him down at a corner booth by himself, which was odd seeing as he didnt come with anyone, he didnt question it though. He ordered himself some chicken ramen with egg and he wanted it to be extra spicy, the waitress took his order to the kitchen. Satoru thought maybe it would've been a good time to get some reading in, but he left all his comics and clan scrolls at home, as he usually doesnt really go anywhere in the village to read. He leaned forward putting both his elbows on the table and holding his face up with his hands, "I wonder if anyone else in here are genin? Man i can't wait to be put into a squad", he said softly. His belly grumbled again loudly, he hugged his belly and lay his head on the table thinking, "Man i really gotta eat, i hope the ramen won't be much longer now"

WC: 398

Last edited by Satoru on Wed Jun 20, 2018 6:31 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Forgot to add wc at the end)

2But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Empty Re: But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Tue Jun 19, 2018 7:54 pm



Yugen had been quietly eating and enjoying the quiet day off. While he still wasn't cleared for missions he had gotten his physical training for the day finished about mid-day, basically leaving him with the rest of the afternoon free to himself. So like any normal konoha ninja he elected to bother his friends. Oh wait, he had none. So, like any other lonesome protagonist Yugen found himself eating at one of the small ramen shops around the village, Ichiraku Ramen. Not actually that bad for small house ramen. He admitted, casually slurping a noodle into his mouth. Well, not that Yugen could actually remember having ramen before. Sure he's had noodles, (pasta), and he's had soup, (fish soup [for "fortitude"]), but never at the same time. A pleasant combination of texture and taste that the clanless ninja could appreciate thoroughly.

At least until a certain someone came prancing through.

Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a mess of white hair kinda like his, not as spiked though. They didn't speak much but his voice was enough cause for irritation. Another ninja barging in looking down on him huh? Well not this time, nope. Yugen quickly slurped another noodle before shifting to look at who he was dealing with, "Look kid, some of us-" He choked on the noodle slithering down his throat. He didn't recognize it at first, but he knew this guy. While at the academy Yugen felt so out of place being older than nearly every student there, not to mention weaker... However there was something else. Puberty. God, that was a horrid time, and he was still going through it. While at the academy he was occasionally blessed to find other students around his age studying in the same class. This guy, while they had never talked, Yugen had seen in passing; and he was doing more than just looking. Yugen found himself flustered and more red than the edge of a rainbow every time he had seen him. His bubbly bright eyes, and muscled frame, caused Yugen to fall fast. Though the joy at finally graduating from the academy suppressed the memories, until now.

"So-some of us a-are..." He stuttered pathetically. Until regaining some composure over himself, coughed, and tried again. Keeping his face a bored neutral. "Sorry, I misspoke. Just wanted to introduce myself as a fellow leaf genin. Glad to meet you." Yugen winked, the same neutral expression on his face.


3But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Empty Re: But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Wed Jun 20, 2018 1:31 am

Sarutobi Isuma

Sarutobi Isuma

Isuma looked down upon the village as the sunlight shine down behind him and the pillar he was standing on as he scouted the area looking for something to do "I should really go do some training.. but not really in the mood" Isuma said to himself as he continue to look around the village. Isuma watched as people walked through the streets as many when inside stores and some made there way into buildings while a few stood in the edges standing talking with fellow friends and families. Isuma decided to move from his spot as he jumped down from the pillar which in really was a lamp post to a building as he ran the edges jumping threw rooftops was a good way to entertain himself as he thought of something to do plus he enjoy freerunning around the village.

Isuma would jumped down and land near several stores as the villages looked at Isuma some waved at him knowing him since he was in the academy also since he is a Sarutobi and a distant relative of Asuma Sarutobi he was pretty known threw the area. He noticed that he was heading towards the only spot in the village where he could find some good food none other than ramen; Isuma crossed his arms as he began to think to himself "Ichiraku's ramen shop is near by but I'm not really that hungry... Buuutttt since I'm already making my way over this way why not?" Isuma grinned as he dashed forward passing by several stores then taking a right and continues down the street until he stopped and looked to his right and the ramne shop was infront of him. Isuma felt kinda nervous since he hasn't come here for about 2 months; he began to scratch the back of his head as he looked down but he decided to move forward and enter the shop.

Entering he noticed a few people but the ones that stood out were the two white heads that look like they where having a conversation one was eating while the other look like he was straving. Isuma stood as a waitress stood by a desk as she noticed him; she made her way towards him and asked him showed him to a table across both the guys. Isuma took his Dao form his hip and sat down as he lean his dao with his case on, on the table as the waitress smiled as asked him for his order as Isuma looked at a small menu "Hmm what should I get let see... Ummm... Ahh yeah let me get some Shoyu Ramen please" Isuma said as he smiled giving her the menu back she wrote it down and when to the kitchen. Isuma crossed his arm and lean his head back on the seat as he looked up at the celling "Maybe after this I might go walk a bit then train or do a mission" Isuma said a bit outloud.

Word Count: 516

4But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Empty Re: But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Wed Jun 20, 2018 2:48 am



Having grown up listening to the stories regarding the Leaf, Roku had heard that many found the village to be one of the best places to live in and conduct business within for various reasons, but only after having spent a few days of familiarizing himself with the area did he truly appreciate the village for what it offered. The least pleasant aspect to the Leaf were the massive forests that surrounded it on every side, or at least he believed so as it quickly became apparant those who dwelled here enjoyed the woods and their encroaching verdant lushness. But once you had escaped the clutches of green leaves and swarming bugs, life in the village itself was pleasant. All of the Hidden Villages were specifically located in places that were not easy to get to, but the redhead did not find his searing desert to be as treacherous as the endless monolithic trees that stretched for miles.

The village itself? A jewel, even compared to his home, and despite his biases against foreign lands Rokumaru found that he enjoyed spending time in the village more than expected. The weather was temperate but felt cool due to his acclimation to desert climates, and the sun shone clear in the sky almost everyday. This pleasant weather caused the streets of Konoha to constantly be filled with people, and with the crowds came the merchants and artisans looking to make a profit from them. The financial district of Konoha reminded him of the Bazaar back home with how the streets teemed with life long into the night, and the shops that were located within had an amazing selection of goods for sale that clearly displayed the village’s trade prosperity. In the past week he had spent his meals dining in the various restaurants that were nestled here and there, using his increasingly dwindling funds to satisfy the cravings that sprang up when he happened to pass by a shop or stand that contained something of interest. Which, with Konoha’s wealth, seemed to happen every other block. His tastes were expensive, but his funds could withstand a bit of a further beating and survive at the time.

Now, on another gorgeously sunny day that was beginning to become a bit windy for his tastes, the redhead had one single place in the village he had wanted to visit before being able to say he had his fill of the place. Sure, Konoha was a great place and beat Suna in certain categories, but this wasn’t his place and these weren’t his people. Nice enough, but so long as he wore a foreign headband Roku was treated with the polite dismissal that came with being a stranger. It grew old after a while, but it was his future apparantly. Better to get in, get what he needed, and leave.

Right now what he needed was a bowl of ramen from a legendary and very old establishment known as Ichiraku. Apparantly the business had been operating for hundreds of years due to the quality of their food, and he would be more than bummed if he left without the chance to see it all for himself. People had a tendency to exaggerate when it came to things they liked personally, and there was only so much a chef could do with noodles and broth. Nonetheless Roku was hoping to be surprised, and had no problem spending a large chunk of his remaining ryo on testing the restaurant’s reputation. The modest-building that came into view as he turned a corner had apparently once been a simple wooden stand long ago; it had come a long way since then, it seemed.

Despite it being close to lunchtime there were few customers who occupied the building from what he saw as he entered, only a few tables around the whole place having been taken, but it seemed like a rather young crowd. One of several waitresses led the redhead into the dining room and sat the teen down at a small table against the wall, close to a few other patrons who were Konoha-nin if their headbands were any indication. Genin, too, if he could guess from their ages, though they could have been Chuunin that lacked a flak jacket. Two with pale hair that resembled each others’ rather closely sat a short distance away, another with darker features a few tables meters from them, and as he sent the waitress off with his order for a bowl of shio ramen Rokumaru thought of ways to mess with the foreign shinobi.

He eyed the sheathed blade one boy had set upon the table before him, thinking of swiping the item, but he had no use for a sword beyond making its former wielder wonder where he had lost it. A better idea came to mind, and as he watched all three of the boys for a sign that all were distracted Roku ran his fingers through the sand in his pockets. Just one harmless prank; surely he was allowed that much after everything he had been through since Suna’s fall.


5But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Empty Re: But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Thu Jun 21, 2018 12:56 am



With his eyes closed and his face lightly sweating, Satoru's stomach felt like it was turning inside out at this point. "Aw man, did i not eat breakfast this morning? Jeez, i must've been too excited to do ninja stuff. This is bad. This is real bad. Lets just hope the waitress comes thru with my order soon" Satoru thought to himself as he sat there with his stomach in his hands. He hadn't notice that someone one table over was speaking to him. The young Namikaze rotated his head slightly to the left only to catch a piece of what the person was saying. "- wanted to introduce myself as a fellow leaf genin. Glad to meet you." the pale person said with a neutral look on their face. He held his head up, unfolded his arms to put them back onto the table and put on the friendly face he usually has, trying to veil the hunger that he is currently going through, "Hey there, pleased to make your aqcuaintance. The name is Satoru Namikaze. Won't you join me for lunch? I was about to go train but im way too hungry to do anything" He replied as he pointed to the seat opposite to him.

Turning his attention away from the pale boy for a moment, Satoru looked around the restaurant, scouring the room amongst the other customers for the waitress that first took his order. He didnt find her right away, partially because some of his attention was diverted to a teenager sitting not too far from him with dark dark blue hair that reached to his shoulders and a short sheated weapon on the table infront of him. Satoru was a bit surprised as he recognized the boy from his academy days but it seems now that he has gotten much stronger as being a genin and knowing bukijutsu was very impressive to him.  The young Namikaze wants to learn bukijutsu one day but because of how much he focuses on the abilities granted to him through his kekkei genkai, he much rather train in the arts of Fuuinjutsu and Ninjutsu for now.  While his attention was still on the young boy and his weapon, the waitress showed up to his table with a bowl of ramen steaming on the tray she as carrying. "Oh, thank you for the Ramen, ma'am." Satoru said as he accepted the bowl onto his table and inhaled the steam through his nose, almost tasting the flavors within the broth. He wasted no time in immediately jumping into the food. "Man, this seems piping hot" he said to himself. Picking up some noodles with his chopsticks, he brought his attention back to the pale boy that he asked to join him.


6But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Empty Re: But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Sat Jun 23, 2018 11:30 am



"S-Sure, I'd love to eat you." Yūgen nodded. When the full meaning of his words caught up to him he blushed profusely and quietly apolozed, "I-i meant eat with you..." The frail genin continued to blush. He held his hands together nervously, glad a peaceful albeit tense silence fell between them. Satoru was looking around the small shop around them and Yūgen followed his gaze. Not much was going on from his perspective, not seeing anything of importance from the other clients, either from his general apathy or his blazing, albeit, shallow, interest in the white haired boy next to him. Yūgen did take notice of their interest in the sword sheath one of the patrons was carrying. If only I was more manly like that... Swords and scars really weren't his thing. Absentmindedly Yūgen brought a hand to trace the scars around his neck and eye. Well scars are my thing, just not being 'cool'. Another list of things to hate about his body, unless muscles and most scars than a regular Chuunin.

Yūgen looked up from his pity party as a waitress had come up, bowl in hand, and promptly delivered his partner. They excitedly picked up the bowl and began savoring it's scent. Man, even dorky and energetic this guy was sweet. He kinda reminded me of a child, but more mature.

"Enjoying yourself there huh?" Yūgen chuckled. "But anyway-" he paused to partake of his one ramen, rather warm but not piping hot, "How are you doing? You mentioned training? And what about missions, go on a lot of those?"

7But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Empty Re: But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Sat Jun 23, 2018 5:49 pm

Sarutobi Isuma

Sarutobi Isuma

Isuma continue to watch the ceiling until foot steps broke his concentration then he heards one of the waitress talking to the gentleman that just arrived. Isuma would tilt his head towards the man as he saw a red headed young adult by the look of it but he had a chunnin vest but it wasn't a konoha one. Isuma eyes scanned the man as they both meet eye to eye for a moment as Isuma would glance at the two genins again and noticed that they where both also looking his direction; for a brief moment he could have swore that he knew one of them but couldn't put his finger on it as the oner white hair kid looked a bit timid as he ran his hand over his neck and cheek. Isuma noticed the scar on his neck and wondered if his dao was giving him bad memories, so he decided to pick up the blade and blade it on the seat with him.

The waitress arrive at isuma's table with his order "Here's your order Isuma; enjoy your meal" the waitress said as Isuma blushed a bit scratching the back of his head as a single tear of sweat run down his head "Hehe Thank you.. I always do" Isuma respond as the waitress blush a bit and smile then walked away as isuma claps hands together he reached for the chopsticks that were to his left stack inside a cup. Isuma ripped the off the paper off and slipt the chopsticks apart and he spinned them around his fingers as he got ready to get his taste buds filled with deliciousness. Isuma then began to devour his ramen almost like he has never eating before.

WordCount: 294

Last edited by Sarutobi Isuma on Thu Jun 28, 2018 3:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

8But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Empty Re: But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Sun Jun 24, 2018 5:21 am



The darker haired boy looked up as Roku walked towards a table further into the dining room and the redhead offered a friendly nod to him before taking a seat. That the stranger had a weapon out in plain view and no one made a fuss meant they were likely accustomed to such behavior from the local ninja population. There was a very different atmosphere to Konoha, so much more relaxed than what he was used to. He thought again about trying to mess with the boy a bit, not knowing how far a brash young shinobi would react to a bit of sand in his ramen. Stuffing the grainy material that cling to his hands back into the flak jacket’s pockets, he waited for his food and watched the other diners.

The two boys with similarly white hair sat silently as they waited for their ramen, the tanned one looking around the room until spying the sword wielder and seeming to recognize him, though he eyed the blade as well and made no move to go speak with his darker haired comrade. His more pale companion did the same, looking at the blade on the table and brushing his fingers across a scar on his neck, and the darker haired boy seemed to notice both of their stares as he moved the dao to the seat beside him. Rokumaru, watching from the side like some voyeur, was just glad everyone was now following proper dining etiquette by keeping their weapons somewhat out of sight. He slid his hand down to another pocket and zipped it closed, no longer feeling a need to have his kunai within easy reach.

A waitress soon emerged from the kitchen with several bowls of ramen and paced them before the two boys with light colored hair, meaning they had likely gotten here first before the one with the sword did. They both savored the scent of their ramen before breaking the chopsticks given to them apart and beginning to pick at the noodles and toppings. The waitress returned with the dark haired Konoha-nin’s order and sat it down before him, though the two exchanged words that Rokumaru did not strain his ears to eavesdrop on. From the boy’s grin and the waitresses indulgent giggle, it was likely just harmless flirting. The same woman returned to the redhead with a porcelain bowl filled with noodles, broth and meat that truly did smell like no ramen he’d ever been served in Suna. This place must not have been lying about it’s claim to fame, as the other boys had immediately dig into their food with gusto. Looking at the pit of chopsticks brought to him, Roku instead chose to grab the pronged metal fork that had been laying on the table when he arrived. Preferring to just stab at the bowl indiscriminately and eat what was speared, he did just so.

Wrapping noodles around the utensil and stabbing a chunk of beef floating in the broth, the redhead raised the fork to his mouth and tasted the ramen that had apparently made this shop so renowned and loved by the locals. Immediately after his tongue touched the food, he understood why it was so well liked; the noodles themselves were obviously rather high quality, having a pleasant range of flavor themselves when he bit through the long strands of grain, but it was the broth and meats that were the true gems. The salt and bone base that the shio ramen was made from had a thick, overpowering flavor that did nothing to hide the tastes of everything else in the bowl but instead acted as a backdrop for the lighter flavors, though as he quickly took a second and third bite the overwhelming saltiness was beginning to grow unpleasant.

It was still the greatest bowl of ramen that the redhead had ever been served, well worth the modest price, and the unexpected enjoyment he gained from this lunch exacerbated the hunger he felt clenching in his stomach. Deciding that he was going to buy a few more bowls of a different variety, just to see which was his favorite, Rokumaru rhythmically stabbed his food with his fork and raised it to his mouth, quickly consuming half the large bowl within a dozen bites. Yes, going for a saltier version of an already sodium-laden dish was a mistake, but the flavor was well worth whatever lethargy came from digesting the unhealthy mass of noodles and broth.

As he ate the noodles with his fork Rokumaru watched the other patrons from the corner of his eye, keeping check of where they were and what they did at all times.

789 | 1649

9But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Empty Re: But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Mon Jun 25, 2018 8:49 pm



The place seemed a bit busy at this point and there were almost no more available tables for the customers to enjoy their meals. That is to be expected from Ichiraku's restuarant as the ramen taste amazing to him, he ordered it a bit spicy and the flavor that came with those spices really took his taste buds for a wild ride. While savoring the taste of the ramen, the pale boy unintentionally uttered something totally wayward and uncalled for. Seeing as it as a mistake, Satoru did not draw much attention to what the fellow genin had said

"Aha, right" The young namikaze awkwardly replied, trying to hide how uncomfortable the pale young man made him feel for a second. Satoru put that to the back of his mind and ate some more noodles before conitnuing "I've actually never been on any missions yet, i was about to go on my first one today but i dont know, maybe i'll go home, get in some training, some reading. Just until i get into a squad you know, not that i need one bu-" his attention quickly diverted to the lady that just gave him his bowl of ramen. She was serving another bowl of ramen to a red headed fellow. He seemed to be a mature looking young man, but satoru couldnt recognize him at all. Seeing a strange face made him stare in the persons general direction for a bit before returning to his new acquintance, "Hey, i never caught your name. What is it?"


10But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Empty Re: But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Wed Jun 27, 2018 6:19 pm



Yūgen listened carefully to Satoru's words. They seemed like a confident guy, an even more eager young ninja. For them it seems the actually enjoyed the training regiments and the missions he was going to do, there was something about squads there too but they cut off again for some reason to look at the other customers. Yūgen couldn't really figure this guy out, and it was starting to get him ticked.

Not that he hated him! No, it was more like, frustrated; that they were so... He couldn't put a word on it. Which was precisely why he was frustrated. He couldn't form a solid opinion on them, they didn't seem too extraordinary, not emo, not depressed, not really out there and excited. They were just, normal. Yūgen attributed his anger to not talking to people on a daily basis, yeah, that was what it was.

Taking advantage of the moment they were distracted, Yūgen promptly slurped the rest of his noodles and raised the bowl with his left hand to down the rest of the soup.

"The name is Yūgen Kintsugi. I'm a ninja like you. Though I haven't gotten approved for any missions or squads yet, not quite sure why, but that's just how it is." Yūgen chuckled. "Saying that out loud, I can't really call myself a ninja can I? But who knows, maybe that will change soon."

11But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Empty Re: But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Thu Jun 28, 2018 3:21 pm

Sarutobi Isuma

Sarutobi Isuma

Isuma decided to pick up the broccoli inside his ramen and eat that first as he felt instant joy as the ramen soup gave it a taste flavor to the plane taste of the broccoli. Isuma munched on it until he swallowed it but for some reason there was an after taste of salt or but grainy; He would looked at his ramen for a moment as he wonder why it tasted like that he has never had that after taste before. Isume put it to the back of his mind for a moment and he began to roll the noodles on his chopsticks as the noodles hanged as he lifted his hand up to his eyes and open his mouth lefting it drop and catching hit with his tongue as he began to slurp on them; it was delicious just like he remember it tasting like until he reached to the end of the noodles then the same taste of grains almost like someone drop sand on it.

Isuma placed his chopsticks inside the bowl as he waited for a waitress to come out from the kitchen as he waited he wanderer what was with his ramen so; Isuma began to look around and noticed everyone enjoy there meal. Isuma placed his elbow on the table as he planted his face on his hand as he waited. The waitress would come out from the kitchen as she looked around the room until she reached Isuma noticing that he was waiting she would approach him with a smile on "Are you done Isuma, how did you enjoy your ra.. is there something wrong" The waitress would say with a worried face expression as Isuma lifted his head "no- no I enjoyed it but for some reason i have an after taste of sand like flavor?? was just wondering if it was me or not. Isuma said looking her in the eyes then at the ramen bowl; the waitress bowed as she apologized and picked up the bowl letting him know that she would bring him a new one " Sorry about that not trying to make your day hard on you" Isuma said this sounding apologetic as he claps his hand together lowering his head as she smiles and let's him know that is fine.

Isuma sit there waiting for his next bowl as he kinda felt like a jackass, he would lay his head on the table as he almost felt guilty for that "Damn, you have to be kinding me.. Isuma said under his breath.

WordCount: 439

12But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Empty Re: But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Tue Jul 03, 2018 1:26 pm



The building of Ichiraku was nothing special or eye catching, something he would probably pass by on the street without a second glance due to its boring architecture being a carbon copy of every other building in this lush village, but the ramen that was served up to Roku was unlike any he had before. Ramen was a popular dish no matter where you went and there had been several shops in Suna that were dedicated to making the dish, but none of that could compare to the decadent quality of the Ichiraku ramen. As he was not a chef, nor did he really have any culinary instinct, the redhead could not pinpoint what exactly it was that he found so delicious; he had made a mistake of choosing ramen with a salt broth, as the already sodium rich dish made his head start to hurt, but the flavor of the noodles and meat that had been added kept the boy focused on his food. Hungrier than he realized, the bowl was gone within two minutes. Not letting anything he paid for go to waste, he hesitantly drank the broth that remained in the bowl and set it on the table before him.

No longer enraptured by the unexpected quality of his meal Rokumaru sat back as he let his food settle, contemplating buying more, and looked around to see what he had missed in his distraction. The dining room had become much more occupied which escaped his notice, probably the beginning of the civilian’s lunch rush time. But civilians were always just background noise to him, never being people of interest unless they were mixed up with shinobi. Instead it was the ninja themselves that he was interested in watching, and he looked around the room to locate the local boys who had been dining here when he arrived.

The two with luminous white hair still sat together as they are, speaking between themselves, and Roku ignored them as they were doing nothing that interested him. Instead his eyes were drawn to the Konoha-nin with the dark hair and the sword, who seemed to be discussing something with the waitress as she looked into his bowl, frowning at its contents. The woman bowed her head in apology and left with the bowl in hand, and the teen laid his head on the table and waited for her to return.

Rokumaru dug a hand into his pocket in confusion, which crescendoed as he knew every single grain of his sand still remained in the pockets where they belonged, and he had to wonder for a moment if he had gone through with his prank after all. His brain was slow and tight due to the excess salt in his food, making the boy feel a bit lethargic, and it made most of what happened between him entering the building and draining the bowl of ramen a bit hazy to remember. Shrugging, the redhead removed his hands from his pockets and zipped them up.

Staring over at the swordsman that rested his head against the table, Rokumaru felt the urge to go over and speak with (harass) the boy. Up to now he had yet to speak with a single Leaf for longer than it took to ask directions, and what better time to do so than while the boy was stuck at that table waiting for his food? Searching out a different waitress than the one who had returned the stranger’s food and making eye-contact to make sure she knew he wanted something, Roku sent in another order for a bowl of ramen with a pork base and let her know he would be moving to the table with the dark-haired boy carrying the sword. She did not seem to care, taking his empty bowl off to the back as he stood up, pushed his chair in, and walked through the crowded dining area.

Rokumaru approached the swordsman’s table and rhythmically tapped his fingers against its surface, sending vibrations into the boy’s head. He had no idea what sort of patience this boy had for strangers, or foreigners for that matter, but the worst he could do was send him off without another word. “Mind it I sat here?”, he asked the teen while nodding towards the empty seat opposite from him. “I’ll buy your first bowl if you indulge me with some small-talk. Been looking for a Leaf to wiggle some info out of since I got here.

758 | 2407

13But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Empty Re: But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Sat Jul 07, 2018 2:11 pm



Satoru had finished his bowl of ramen and scanned the room one more time. The red haired individual had moved over and is seemly getting acquainted with the konoha shinobi, though this didnt interest him in the slightest as he was wrapping up his meal to leave. The taste of ichiraku ramen had rested very nicely in Sato's mouth. "I'm sorry Yugen, it was nice to meet you but i have to leave now, I have to go to my clan's archives and do some reading to develop my fuuinjutsu" He said, sliding out of the booth and up onto his feet. He got out his wallet and left some change on the table next to Yugen. "Here, pay the waitress for me will ya? Sorry for running out on you so quick but i've spent too much time here already" Satoru made his way to the exit passing by the table with the darker haired konoha shinobi and the red haired stanger. "Hello there" he said as he gave them a slight nod and walked away from their table towards the outside world.

Satoru knew where he was supposed to be that day, he had already spent way too much time at the ramen shop eating and making small talk. He limbered up on the outside of the ramen shop and started making his way to the office of a local jonin, havin some parkour fun to have his first breifings given to him. It turned out that his first mission was actually a few days from now so he didn't have much to do today but go home and train. Satoru's training includes more reading than actual physical training beacause he spends a lot of time in the Namikaze clan archives, reading about various ninjutsu and fuuinjutsu that he might one day be able to master. His physical training usually takes place in the woods around konoha or right in his backyard. After getting his briefings, Satoru made his way back to his home, where he started his training in his backyard. Push ups, Sit ups, Jogging on the spot and a whole lot more exercise went into his routine. As a genin he knew that he had much more to do than focus on his basic physical fitness, but in time, his jutsu prowess would be worked on.


14But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Empty Re: But first, Ramen [Invite Only] Sat Jul 21, 2018 12:57 pm



Yugen was a bit disappointed that Satoru had to leave so soon but he nodded understandingly to the other man as he waved him goodbye. The waitress came out and looked warily at the sealer leaving shop. Yugen quickly got her attention before gesturing to the money he left on the table. "From the guy that just left." The waitress looked at Yūgen before reaching down and coutnimg the money. The clink of change giving Yūgen a bad feeling that Satoru was short and it was confirmed when she gave him a disappointed look. "Ten short." Yūgen knew she meant small change, but it didn't stop him from cringing a bit when he reached into his wallet and topped off the cost, as well as pay for his own meal before he forgot.

The waitress, much happier, began to store away the profits. Meanwhile Yūgen quickly downed the rest of his ramen, wiping the residue off his face with a napkin beforr quietly excusing himself from the ramen shop. Waving to the handsome red head on his way out. What they were doing Yūgen didn't bother to commit to memory.

The clanless ninja didn't really have much planned but Satoru had a point. There were much better things he could do with the rest of his day than eat ramen. With all his disadvantages he was going to have to work twice if not three times as hard in his training if he wanted to be taken seriously. That sucks, but he didn't have a choice. If he was to protect this village he needed to give more than six days a week to his training.

It might be better if he had someone to help him train though.


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