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Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju


Mokuzai was meditating in his room while the sun was rising to give day to the morning, he had been up for nearly half a hour just meditating to give him mental clarity as he focuses his chakra to the center of his stomach to practice fine chakra control. Once the sun was fully up in the sky and he heard the faint distant sound of a rooster making it's daily noise did he break out of his meditation and stood up slowly while in nothing but blue boxers as he begun to stretch as a yawn escaped his mouth, he would quickly glance around the room he was sleeping in that consisted of his bed and his clothing and items he currently had on him.

Even after living in Kirigakure for nearly a full year did his current home had much in the way of personal possessions for him to indulge in, but as a shinobi he never had much time to indulge in pointless activities anyway although in his time he had made many allies as well as friendly connections that no longer made his home feel as empty and lonely as it was had upon his arrival causing a small grin to appear on his face.

Now that he was in good spirits Mokuzai would proceed to find clothing as he took a proper bath the night before already and walked to the left side of his room where his clothes were properly laid out flat with little to no wrinkles making him smile at their near perfection,He begins to dress himself by putting on his  a simple white shirt with a V-cut that shows off his simple necklace matched with a long blue thin sleeved jacket with blue like lining on the edge of his sleeve's and paired with standard long chuunin black pants with his signature dark red pocket striped to his left leg for his trusty kunai  and  six senbon's into it and finish's his clothing by putting on his black sandle's, he then grabs a his leaf shinobi headband and ties it lightly around his head and then proceeded to grab a blue bandanna and tightly tied it even more around his head that allowed his hair to keep away from his eye's while also securing his shinobi headband. He then goes to grab a pair of two scrolls and begins tying one around his bruised left arm he got from training and then repeats with the other two he then turns to two giant fuma shurikens that are laying against the wall and reverse summons them into the ninja scrolls now attached to his arms before using bandage wrap to tightly secure them so they dont fall of his body and stay in place and then does the bandage's for his legs as well, he finally ties his shinobi-headband around his head tightly and then puts his ninjato and katana blade on his right hip in their proper  sheaths and a strap connects it to his pants as it dangles forward and back as he walks out the door of his home.

Mokuzai would take a big step forward out of his home and taking in the cool breeze of Kirigakure's weather to his face but once he was done in indulging he would turn towards the administration building of the village, today he would be going on a mission that he himself had requested to go on days prior with another genin of the village that he would have accidentally blown off had he not gotten up early. He would then begin jumping to rooftop to rooftop as fast as he could go before making to the building at nearly four minutes and forty eight seconds, he would chuckle at the fact that he had did this routine was before at his top speed but now realized he had been going alot slower then he could have been this time around.

He would then another deep breath trying to bring some more air to his lungs before breathing back out feeling his heart rate slow down, he had gotten a little to enthusiastic about the mission as he was eager to test his new found strength against whatever task he was to face this day.  Mokuzai would walk into the building and be meant with flight of stairs that he would find he was not too enthusiastic about as a deep sigh escaped his lips as he begun walking up, finally after a few flights he would reach the mission detail briefing floor and then read the mission detail paper quickly and then reported himself into the mission briefing room and begun to wait patiently.

After a few hours a shinobi that was wearing a Jounin jacket walked in that simply gave Mokuzai a nod before going to the front of the room and standing there.


Last edited by Mokuzai Senju on Sun Apr 29, 2018 1:11 am; edited 1 time in total



Verdandi would wake up naturally at the same time as almost every day. It was early. She could see that the sun was about to rise on the horizon and the mist of Kiri would soon swallow any sunlight possible. Enjoying the few moments of of bright morning feeling she'd sit on her window and gaze away. Despite her being here for barely a few months now, her apartment was filled with fancy stuff. Even before she had arrived her parents had already organised a lot of fancy furniture to be placed. The ice princess was as spoiled as ever. Her bed in it's queen size would hardly be given as the standard issue for aspiring shinobi. Due to Verd's fetish for shiny things, about three hundred little crystals were dangling from the roof by simple threads. They would reflect in the few sunrays that made it into her apartment and brightly lit it in a beautiful display of color. Verd placed her head to the side of her window wall and gazed into the prettiness of her emeralds and sapphires.

Her eyes wandered to the large walk-in dresser, seeing that her maid had already prepared her battle kimono and made it as shiny clean as naturally possible. Dandi stepped into the shower and let the myriad of warm water droplets cleanse her. It was still very early in the morning. Until she was finished with brushing her hair, rinsing her skin and cleansing her pores from sweat, quite some hours would pass. A simple breakfast based on protein and yummy bread was washed down with some nice tea. She slipped into her kimono at last. Standing in front of the large mirror at the entrance, she'd make sure her hair was fixed properly. Her skin as smooth as usual. Fixing her boots and testing the mobility of her attire with a few jumps through her room, brushing her palms along the crystals as she danced about. Feelling content and ready, she slid her few ninja tools into the sleeves of her dress, easy to pull them out from there. Fixing her dull katana blade in her laced fabrics that made up for the kimono's belt.

Closing the door behind her would cause a high grade seal to activate itself and lock the place up for good. It was her fathers work. Very neat. Even though it was kind of sad to know that the seal placed on her house was stronger then any technique Verdandi had in storage yet. She scratched the back of her head in a subtle sigh but smiled. Life was good. But today she'd have to work. Jumping along the rooftops through the city she'd wave at some of the few friends that she had made, they were already hard at work. Knowing the missions building despite not having done any yet, Verd decided to walk up alongside the outter wall instead of taking the stairs. She didn't want to exhaust herself yet, despite being still kinda sleepy.

She would drop into the briefing room just a bit after Mokuzai. Just not from the stairs but from the window instead. Looking into the room she had snatched the briefing papers on her way upstairs, reading the basic contents of her task and sliding the papers up her sleeves. Slowly she moved further into the room and directed herself towards the fellow ninjas. Giving two deep bows as accustomed from spoiled little royal brats that had more manners than required in the ninja world.

"Verdandi Yuki, pleased to meet you" gazing over the frame of her partner she could quickly tell he was of higher rank then her. Verd didn't mind, she just hoped he wasn't gonna rub it into her face all day long like some other wannabe-hero chuunin she had met before. He did look decent. Maybe she was lucky and get a cool partner for once. She yet wondered about the village sign. Leaf shinobi in Kiri? Having no particular positive or negative feels towards konoha she yet remained curious as to how he ended up in her aunt's village. But the small talk would come later. For now they would have to listen to the specifics of the mission and get their 'go' signal to head off. Verdandi was as ready as a genin could be. This would be fun.


Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

As the young Senju waited he would think about his home, he wondered how it changed since he had left and what new ninja he would find and befriend as he had did for Kirigakure yet the feeling of uneasiness assaulted him at the prospect that he no longer fitted into the Konohagakure lifestyle as when he had graduated he went straight to the chunin exams in search of higher powers. However those thoughts washed away as he heard the sound of something approaching from the outside window, had this been outside the village outskirts he may have been alarmed but due to them being in the heart of the village he felt little fear and would feel even less so as the window opened to reveal a smaller slim women in dark green set of rather loose and lightweight clothes resembling a kimono.

"Verdandi Yuki, pleased to meet you" The small female would say and Mokuzai would smile back warmly in response, "Mokuzai Senju, a pleasure it is lady Verdandi." Upon hearing her last name he recognized her from the same clan as the Mizukage and due to his lack of Kirigakure's custom's though best to announce her as if she was his better at least for now, the jonin in the room would release a strong cough in order to get both the ninja's attentions and the young Senju would turn towards him in response. Now with their attention the jonin begun used the chalk board and outlined specific details of the mission out, they would explain that they could capture, reason or fight against against a Kirigakure genin that sported dark hair and dark colored eyes lead by a chunin that took position to the north side of the village, as the chunin explained Mokuzai left eyebrow would curl in thought as he payed close attention that the leading chunin was around the same age as his partner with a powerful dislike for anyone born outside of Kirigakure which meant that reasoning with the leader would be utterly impossible as Mokuzai and Masu were both technically outsiders even if they were under the alliance's program leaving the only options to fight or capture him, however the genin had the chance of easily being persuaded with the right words and show of force.

The chunin would state that the ninja's would probably have some form of fear, it was obvious to Mokuzai that the genin and possibly the chunin would obviously fear death or pain just as he had use too and the same plan he had used before would suffice. He then turned to Yuki to ask her what she believed would be the proper course of action "So what do you say Lady Verdandi? Shall we deal with the swiftly through force or through logical reasoning, I believe as a relative of the Mizukage herself your words would hold more weight then mine as a outsider so ill leave the decision to you as i will support you if you choose that force is necessary."


Total WC:1,364



Verdandi would roam her eyes over her partner-to-be and gazed at the Jounin afterwards. She was content Moku's strength would come in handy as the picture of the situation began to seem clear to her as well. Leaning back to the wall next to the window she snuck inside she wondered for a minute what way would suit her best. Then again, she remembered the teachings of her aunt Aya when it came to extremists. Knowing well that auntie didn't have much love for anyone opposing her dream of a peaceful village. "Reasoning with them sounds like a waste of time...." she muttered to herself more so lost in thoughts. The Jounin didn't seem to care much, he probably had worse tasks and deeper troubles to deal with throughout the day. "Do you feel confident that you can capture him?" she asked Mokuzai, while she glared over the personal sheet and intel that was recorded from their leader. Yet, unsure if Moku was aware of it, Kiri currently had no prison anymore. Even if they would capture them, they'd be harshly sentenced and punished severely without keeping them captive. "Then again... we should think of a way to punish them accordingly to how we see fit. If we turn them in, law dictates for them to be severely punished to the point they would have preferred to die instead." As she muttered her comment the Jounin would smile in a sadistic way, seemingly to be one of the people supporting Aya's horrid decision on how to keep criminals at bay in Kiri.

Verd would smile for a bit, being referred to as lady wasn't something uncommon for the princess but she certainly wasn't expecting it from a fellow ninja above her rank. "Please just call me Verdandi though." she mentioned to keep things clear. Not trying to remove the idea that she was royalty and deserved it though. Blushing slightly to herself as she didn't seem to mind being pampered as the princess she was she yet didn't want to be belittled as a shinobi. "I guess we will figure it out when we get there. I suggest you are right and that I do the talking on behalf of aunt Aya but I think we should be prepared to fight from the very beginning. I have a feeling this won't go the easy way...." This being said, Verd would scribble the last few info’s that the Jounin had given them onto her mission paper and slid it back up her sleeve. Seeing as he had other things to care for Verd jumped on the verge of the window again and would slowly walk off, using the supernatural walking technique, along way the buildings walls. Waiting for her partner to catch up so they would make their way towards the mission’s location.

While they were traveling, Verd would try and get some basic info out of her mission partner. "I use my katana for close combat and got some minor ninjutsu up my sleeve. If I give you a signal it means I will try to freeze them, so don't get caught in it. What’s your speciality?" She asked as they would pass by the various roof-tops along way to their target. Not really able to shake the smirk from being called a lady there though.

570 / 1310

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

Waiting patiently for Lady Verdandi's answer Mokuzai would gaze her up and down as he could tell from the parts of her body yet uncovered that she held a build similar to his own but a year ago that contained little muscle but just enough to make her more durable to most, he wondered if the Mizukage them self trained her for the dangerous future as a shinobi. Just as his though process finished he could hear her mumbling as if she wasn't entirely sure of her answer, "Reasoning with them sounds like a waste of you feel confident that you can capture him?" Mokuzai would politely give his response back as he held the tone of someone talking to royalty, "Indeed i can Lady Verdandi, i assume with you dealing with the following ninja i can take out their leader quite easily."

But as he finished speaking she would talk once more, "Then again... we should think of a way to punish them accordingly to how we see fit. If we turn them in, law dictates for them to be severely punished to the point they would have preferred to die instead." Following her gaze he could see from his peripheral vision that the jonin wore a sadistic grin on his face meaning that what she spoke of rung true, "I suppose were just have to see once we check them out then, milady." A small smile would form across her face before she continued to say that she would like to be called just Verdandi and Mokuzai smiled back with a simple nod, "I guess we will figure it out when we get there. I suggest you are right and that I do the talking on behalf of aunt Aya but I think we should be prepared to fight from the very beginning. I have a feeling this won't go the easy way...." The young Senju clenched his fist before placing  it over his heart, "Worry not Verdandi as i will be by your side and i will make sure that this mission is a success  no matter the trial, for that you have my sworn vow."

With those words said Verdandi now jumped to the window she had arrived from and used the supernatural walking technique to scale the building, Mokuzai would watch before he stepped back towards the other side of the room and took a running start and jumped out using his leg power and he would begin to spin like a top heading straight for a building but just before he hit it he used his left hand to slam the sheath of one of his blade's into the wall of a building and activated the supernatural walk so that he was now in front of her to be her vanguard of sorts. Now on their way the lady would speak casually to Mokuzai, "I use my katana for close combat and got some minor ninjutsu up my sleeve. If I give you a signal it means I will try to freeze them, so don't get caught in it. What’s your specialty?" He smiled at her, "So kind of you to warn me, as for my skills just like you i use the art of the blade at close combat as well as ninjutsu, although over the year i have learned my fair share of more powerful one's. Perhaps on less important affairs i can teach you some of my own, if you would like that."

Just as he finished speaking he would land on a building and from nearly thirteen meters away he could hear two ninja talking about a Iwagakure ninja scum as they called him and as he got to the edge of the building he could see the fitting description of the group of man they were to either subdue or reason with, he turned to Verdandi and nodded silently while pointing in the direction of the man although he wondered if her eyes were possibly not trained enough to see from the distance his could although he did doubt she could hear their voices from this distance.


Total WC:2,080



Moku's behaviour was still oddly polite. Almost annoyingly so. But in the end Verd couldn't help but giggle to herself again. He seemed like the knight in shining armour type. As much as she admired it, she felt sorry for him, as he would not find many alike him in the place called the bloody mist. Even Verdandi's soul carried a cold heart. Not only frozen by her element but by the simple way of how Kiri-nin tend to deal with things. His offer to teach her was kind but they had other worries ahead. After the fight maybe. One step at a time.

Verdandi would follow her vanguards lead as they came closer to the building in question. It wasn't a problem to hear their targets, they were loud. Excited even. It didn't even require Verd to make use of her ability to feel into them to realize how the lot of them were excited. Angry. Filled with deep deep anger. She’d still make use of her empathy. To get a proper picture of the situation. They would have to get closer though. But seeing as they were occupied with their target this shouldn’t prove too difficult.

Tugging Moku by the arm she'd gesture him to follow her. Having spotted a well-protected roof close to all the voices. Reaching it would show the rogue's beating down on a foreigner. He had been punched into a sorry mass of bruises. Knowing Moku's personality by now she was sure he'd try to jump right in the moment he'd see the person in need and pain. Verdandi was more pragmatic. This guy already had his worst. What was coming now wouldn't be that bad that they had to ruin their moment of surprise. So Verd made sure to keep Moku held to not ruin their moment, signalling him to think before acting now.

"You mentioned you would teach me... I guess you have some water techniques up your sleeve? Soak them... drench them from head to toe. I can cast my freezing techniques before they even see us coming, but I need a lot of water for that, can you do that?" She argued. Even though there would probably be better plans, she knew Moku wouldn't be able to watch much longer how the foreigner was being treated. Pained screams would echo from below. Racial slurs of him not belonging here would follow. What a low life he’d be. A worthless piece of trash…. Words that made Verdandi angry to hear them from the lips of a supposed Kiri-nin of sorts.

Using her chance to tap into their minds and get a deeper feeling of the situation while Moku was getting ready for his attack one way or another. The younger ones were certainly not here because they deeply desired to. They might have their troubles and are channelling those the wrong way. Probably the bulky one was just their one-way ticket to escape their own misery. But Verd was certain they could be reasoned with.
As for the leader, his mind was filled with sadistic rage. He had done worse than beating a stranger before. This guy murdered. Maybe outside of Kiri but he has seen blood that he spilled on his own desire. In brutish, animalistic ways. No matter what happened to this guy in his past.... he was way past saving and past the point of allowing one to feel sorry for him. "Once I freeze... I'll take care of the young ones. Don't hold back on the boss. He certainly deserves to die more than one death..." she spoke in an ice-cold voice. Disgusted by the personality she could feel there. Judgment day was upon him and Moku would be the weapon to deliver the sentence of death today. It didn’t matter if Moku understood what Verd’s ability was or how she could read their enemies. But seeing how this guy was pushing his fist to the already broken and defenceless foreigner should be already motivation enough for him to give this guy the punishment of his lifetime.

700 / 2010

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

Watching the sight from afar he could see that the group of nationalists were hovered over a object but they had it well covered and his eye's could not penetrate enough to see what it was, with a slight tug of his arm Lady Verdandi got his attention and made a small  gesture for him  to follow her as she weaved her hands over to a more well protected spot on another roof closer to the voice's. Now closer he could see it all...a simple man that looked of a foreigner being savagely beaten and covered with bruises all over his body to the point he looked more like a dieing corpse then one among the living, Mokuzai clenched his fist at the mere sight of it all it wasn't the fact that he wanted to save the man but the reasoning behind the beating was what made his teeth grind and his fist tight enough to the point that his own small finger nails were digging into his skin that was enough to cause light blood to drip from it's place. He wanted to kill them as they didn't deserve to live not a single one, last time he had showed mercy as the ninja at the time had done no wrong yet but this time was different. A man of no rank and no power beaten but for the single crime of being not born in Kirigakure, just as the Senju was going to go in and kill them both but a hand gripped onto his shoulder by Lady Verdandi would stop him as she advised to think before he acted and although this made logical sense his drive to kill them was like a woodpecker slowly drilling away at the bark of a tree as with every second a piece of his reasoning to stay away was being consumed by the overwhelming feeling of murderous intent.

"You mentioned you would teach me... I guess you have some water techniques up your sleeve? Soak them... drench them from head to toe. I can cast my freezing techniques before they even see us coming, but I need a lot of water for that, can you do that?" Mokuzai would simply nod his head in response as his body continued to be assaulted by the murderous intent running through his mind to the point his chakra begun to swirl within himself as if in a tidal wave of utter rage, just as he was about to do as she said he would  hear her say,"Once I freeze... I'll take care of the young ones. Don't hold back on the boss. He certainly deserves to die more than one death..." He would glance back at her with a face of a man consumed with anger and hate as he though that she meant to give the genin pardon for this act, he would nod once more in response but in truth if she was not equip to also give the genin proper punishment on par with their level of compliance for this crime Mokuzai would have no problem being the shinobi to dish out that justice.

If she had more to say he would not hear not a single word more as now was not the time for more discussing but of action, Mokuzai would quickly weave hand-signs in rapid succession to the point that they almost seemed blurred before a puddle of water would appear beside him as it transformed into a exact clone of himself. Mokuzai himself would jump off the building high into the air as he did so he would twist his body at a defined sixty five degree angle as he performed a mid air somersault now facing the way of the nationalist group while as he weaved another pair of hand-signs and starting to build up chakra in his lungs, his clone watched carefully as he saw the buildup and jumped down from their location and bursted at eleven meters per second grabbing the beaten foreigner before jumping on a roof whilst at the same time Mokuzai released a gushing mini waterfall from his mouth that caught the nationalist group by surprise soaking them down to their underwear while pushing them ten meters towards Lady Verdandi's direction as he landed back onto the ground.

Chakra: 170/200

Jutsu used:


Total WC:2,806



Verdandi nod her head in acknowledgement of her partners actions. The clone to save the civilian was not within her plan at first. She'd have probably frozen him along with the rest and just free him afterwards. But this way the one thing that could probably become an obstacle was out of the way. The water would flow into the alley and as expected. The leader would quickly react trying to get away from the sudden ambush.

But Verdandi and her friend were still at advantage. They had to make use of it as long as possible. To prevent as much bloodshed as anyhow could happen in this situation. Moku was enraged and seemed to concentrate his anger towards the leader. Good. Just as expected. He'd keep him distracted while Verdandi jumped after her vanguard. She didn't just sit around while her new friend was at work. She had properly prepared her seals and was melding the chakra of her kekkei genkai in her belly. The very moment Verd would hit the ground her palm directly touched the water. "Now!" she screamed. Moku had been warned and should be completely prepared to stay off the grid while Dandi was doing her move.

Hyōton: Kōri no Yari! Verdandi released all the bottled-up ice chakra from her belly into her palm. A few of the faster trouble makers had already been about to jump off from the water flooding the alley. But it didn't matter. Those who were still standing in the waterfall would come to terms with their legs starting to freeze onto the ground. The freezing itself was slow and would take time, but the actual act was of the technique was simple. The large spears fuelled by the water would grow from the water source below. Three large spears would encase each of the lower ranked ones into a makeshift prison and a fourth one would grow towards their stomach threatening to dig inside them. It was a mere warning. If any of the Genin would try to escape the spear would move forward and bury itself into their guts. The technique wasn't the most powerful but it'd certainly intimidate the lower ranked threats.

The spears next to the leader yet, wouldn't try to be kind on him. He easily escaped the ones trying to imprison him and the offensive one barely shot by his leg, scratching a very minor wound into his skin. But he broke the spears head with sheer power and used it to jump off and away from the battlefield below. Making his way to the rooftops he knew he wouldn't get out of this without wits. Grabbing his shuriken he'd toss five of them after the clone and the civilian. Potentially forcing Moku to intervene as they would quickly catch up with the escapee. Taking his kunai at hand he'd get into a defensive position on the rooftop, ready to face Moku's frontal attack if he'd go after him. Aside from his stance he was also starting to mold chakra. Probably getting ready to use a wind element attack on Moku once close enough.

Meanwhile Verdandi would make sure the lot of weaker enemies would remain in check. Using her natural gift of empathy to search their minds for whims to break free. If she spotted someone that displayed a sudden outburst of mindless courage in their facial expression, she'd make sure the spear that was ready in its offense would grow forward and poke its spike head softly and yet not lethally into their stomach. "Stand down. None of you will be harmed if you just relax now. Or I'll make sure you have to deal with my aunt instead. I bet she'd take an arm from each of you just to make you idiots remember that breaking the law in Kiri is now equal to suicide ~"

Verdandi was ready to face any of them should they find the sudden courage to oppose her. They could still prove to be a threat to her as she wasn't necessarily more powerful than them. But she could read if not smell their fear. They weren't the type of misfits that would risk to die for their little bullying hobby and that is what she was counting on.

Chakra 135 / 150:

730 / 2740

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

Just as his feet landed onto the ground he would hear Lady Verdandi scream "Now!" and with swift movement he used the momentum from his somersault landing to jump twelve meters back and did a back flip as his feet skidded along the grounded earth, she had successfully managed to play out her plan and trapped a few of the chunin's faithful followers but Mokuzai would see no more before turning his focus towards the leader as he watched him break the ice crystal spear head that had formed from Lady Verdandi's jutsu to jump off and away from the battlefield to escape to a rooftop above. Once making his way up to a secure rooftop the leader grabbed  his shuriken and he'd toss five of them after the young Senju's  clone and the civilian he held in his hand then proceeded to take up a  defensive position on the rooftop ready to face him as if he had prepared enough, he was sorely mistaken.

The ninja had already made two mistake's, firstly he had angered him right down to the pit of the soul and secondly he had greatly underestimated the capability of even one of his clone's as once the shuriken were thrown Mokuzai would whistle grabbing his clone's attention that made them look back and they would see the five shurikens in such clarity that each of their directional paths were revealed. The clone  did a sharp turn around and then proceeded to  jump upward easily avoiding all five as they had been poorly aimed in the midst of battle, the clone would use one hand and send out three crescent shaped flying water slashes out of  the palm of their hands one inch long and one and a fourth inch wide at a speed of twenty five meters a second each and in response the leader had send out a flying slash of his own made of wind that was much larger then the clone's at two meters in length, but traveling at only a speed of 10 meters a second.

This was his third mistake, he had underestimated Mokuzai's ninjutsu skills and as his three water blades crashed with the wind blade and although the leader's attack had seemed a larger and more capable weapon it was in adequate as the raw speed and combined might of the three water crescent blades had cut throw his jutsu but reduced the amount of damage as they flow right towards the stunned leader giving him three new cuts among his chest area that each cut a half a inch deep. However despite the victory the battle was far from over as he stood there more enraged then he was hurt which brought a sadistic smile across Mokuzai's own face as he jumped in front of his clone before speaking, "Take that man into the main streets and leave him in the care of more lawful citizens and report back to La- Vandandi to assist her as i deal with this scum. Now go" His clone simply nodded before jumping down from the rooftop into the crowds and putting the beaten foreigner to the mercy of Kirigakure's more helpful citizens as he was a obstacle in the battlefield, the clone although still standing had used nearly all of it's chakra in the last encounter but was able to still assist by use of physical combat and as he came back to Verdandi he would immediately express that truth but say he was her's to command until he disappeared.

Now that there was no other distraction the leader held his wounds as they were lightly bleeding and he would look towards Mokuzai way with utter disguise and the young Senju returned his gaze with the same passionate hate for each other and the leader would say something, "You scum!" and Mokuzai would only chuckle at the though of it "Come at me with all you got, this will be your final battle." Grabbing the hilt of his blade and releasing it from it's sheath he grabbed his Ninjato before spinning it around in his right hand in reverse grip and speeded forth towards the nationalist leader as he envisioned the look on his face when the fate that awaited him came to pass.


Clone's Chakra: 5/20

Jutsu used by clone:


Total WC:3,545



Verdandi watched Moku going after the leader with the expected determination. She didn't care much for his bloodlust. It served her in the wanted distraction. Most of the genin had submitted to their threat and as the ice had spread on the water surface it eventually caged them pretty well. One of the cheeky ones used his blade to break free from the spears. But it would cost him. Verdandi had fused her chakra into the pillars to act on instinct. The frontal spear would push forth as the genin tried to escape and stab a pretty basic but still painful wound into his stomach. The wounded guy would drop back to the icy floor where the quick ice would start to freeze itself onto his limbs. Lucky for him the frost would eventually cover his wound as well hence keeping him from bleeding out his precious blood. Another one was angered by the display and broke himself through by the use of multiple D-Rank shots of wind chakra.

Verdandi sighed to herself as she watched him try to take off and run. Just in time Moku's water clone appeared, mentioning that he'd be at Verdandi's disposal. So Verd would take this literally as she placed her palm against the water clone. Moving it down to his hand and spinning herself around to throw him off in direction of the fleeing enemy. She'd slowly walk towards one of the icy pillars, breaking it at their base. The genin was in panic and didn't seem to look back on what was happening. He did some criss cross moves which made a bit hard.... but still... he wasn't the skilled kind to escape her.

Verdandi would toss the broken ice spear in his direction and scream loudly. "Careful! Behind you!" making the poor felllow look back. As he did. Moku's water based clone would crash into him and shortly afterwards, the ice spear would first pierce through Moku's clone straight into the stomach of the Genin. As he was impaled against the building behind him. The water properties of the clone would start to freeze while the clone was forced to dissolve slowly. Creating a very easy coffin for the runaway boy. At the display of both punishments and wounds that came along from opposing the icy princess. The remaining genin seemed to have lost their appetite to fight.

Verd was content and started to get some rope from a nearby workshop. She was going to tie them up one by one and get the wounded/frozen ones back together. While of course making sure none of the remaining idiots would try another funny move. Keeping Verd busy for now.

In the mean time, the leader seemed to have his problems dealing with Moku. He had already exhaled his wind chakra and wasted it on the diversion. With his kunai at hand he'd stand against Moku's attack. He didn't seem to be the kind that'd give up without deep motivation to do so. His C-ranked Taiutsu would prove to be an obstacle to come around. He was quick and could move accordingly. It'd take some time for Moku to hit him and the first hit would certainly be swallowed by his protective jacket. After the first hit he'd try to throw a water prison at Moku. The hand seals would take their time. There was a chance Moku could stop him before it got casted. But if he managed it to go through.... it could turn very troublesome.

630 / 3370

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

As Mokuzai rushed towards him it was obvious that even though the nationalist leader had made it to the rank of chunin his taijutsu stance's were still a far cry from being perfected compared to the enemies the young Senju had already faced in but one year of the shinobi, the nationalist leader held a kunai tightly in his hand without moving and waiting for Mokuai to strike. It seemed that he was confident in his skills and the village flak that held quite a bit of protection from average strike's however it had a weakness, although the flak jacket protected its user well it only provided protection for the torso area meaning that every other bit of his body was more vulnerable.

Once he was within two meters the nationalist would crack a smile and due to Mokuzai's more exceptional eyesight he could see even the slight twist of the chunin's torso and the slow movement of him outstretching his fingers that he recognized as a open palm forming, had this encounter happened earlier in his career this attack may have worked but not anymore. Now completely assured he could grab him the chunin stepped forward ready to grab but using the momentum of his speed Mokuzai would begin to bend his knees and using the earlier water on the rooftop from his attack around the nationalist leader he would easily slide across the ground right behind him but he wasn't done yet, he quickly used his left hand and placed it flat on the ground as he used it to stop his sliding  while lifting his body off slightly from the ground as he  quickly spun his body back towards the nationalist leader whilst tightly gripping his blade tightly in the right hand and  swung it with a quick and powerful  stroke across the chunin's heels aiming for his Achilles tendon causing a two inch deep cut and then swiftly swung his left foot around knocking the chunin off his feet completely causing him to be in mid-air for only but a second and the young Senju would use that time  to use his right foot's heel to land a direct hit right onto the chunin's forehead as he fell causing a bruise that slightly resembled the one he gave to the foreigner before quickly getting back onto his feet and jumping backwards content with what he had done.

Before the chunin could even get back up Mokuzai weaved quick hand seals before stretching out his left hand as it turned brown and quickly became similar to that of a tree before his hand seemed to become longer as  it begun splitting  into ten different branch's that quickly wrapped around the nationalist leader while entangling him, tried as he might the chunin found himself incapable of breaking their grip as they lifted up back onto his feet and stretched out both his arms and legs so Mokuzai could look him directly into his eye's as he walked back to him.

"Can you feel it...? The pain coursing through your legs as your own blood slowly drains from your body, fear not though as i have no plans to dirty my hands any further by taking your life no..the punishment shall fit the crime. I have been ordered to capture and thrust you into the hands of Kirigakure's officials or persuade you, know that i will spare you the painful death that surely awaits you if i hand you to them but perhaps you may take your own life after my punishment is served." Without so much as a warning Mokuzai would use his Ninjato and swiftly swing the sharp side of his blade down onto the nationalists left hands fingers cutting the pinkie, ring, and middle finger nearly completely off and only repeated the process to the other hand causing the chunin to release a blood curdling scream as now both his hands and his legs slowly bleed him out but the young Senju would not stop as he now dropped his blade and grabbed the three fingers of the nationalists left hand crushing them from his grip before cruelly ripping them off with a bit of struggle as he disconnected the finger bones from the main body causing his fingers to fall upon the ground, "How does it feel? To be in the presence of someone stronger and be helpless against their advance's, i wondered if thats how the foreigner you so brutally beat into submission felt. I guess you can ask him while your in the hospital recovering from your wounds after losing your ability to weave ninjutsu, Ohh? Did i not mention it? Thats right, your punishment for being able to leave here alive is living the rest of your life without most of your fingers so you may never again hurt another with your hands or ninjutsu. You will live out the rest of your days always needing help from everyone who crosses your path." With those words Mokuzai grabbed the nationalists right hands fingers and ripped them off like the others before throwing them  onto the ground.

By now the once proud leader was nothing but a sniveling mess of tears and snot as his blood flowed from his body into a puddle on the floor, Mokuzai would gently lift his head so he could look him in the eye again as it had been tilted towards the ground. "Take this to the heart for if i have to come find you again for any reason, i will be sure to  snuff out your life." Mokuzai let the nationalist go and deactivated his jutsu letting him drop into a pool of his own blood whistled loudly to grab his partners attention, "Verdandi! Can you freeze him please, i dont want him to bleed out before he can get proper medical attention for his wounds." The young Senju walked to the six fingers he had ripped off and grabbed each of them and put them into his red pocket pouch with his kunai and senbon before looking back towards the chunin, "I'll properly dispose of these no need to worry your head over them as they are no longer your concern."

Chakra: 150/200

Jutsu used:

WC: 1,052

Total WC:4,597



Verdandi had tied the group of lower ranked ones together save for the two that were still frozen and wounded. Some of them being of such young age that Verd would wonder how they even ended up in this kind of mess. One by one she'd interrogate them as to why they were here and how they came to justify the beatings of helpless civilians in the first place. The very young ones were crying by now. Scared by what happened to their older group members. Using her skills of deep empathy Verdandi could easy figure out if what they were telling her seemed to be coming from honest feelings or not. Considering that none of them tried to flee or fight back once they were trapped she would hear them out. Some of them were coerced into joining it. Some were just scared of their leader. Some had troubling times at home and going through rough stages in their childhood.

Considering that Verdandi's spears had brought them all to a near-death experience as well as seeing their older friends wounded. Verd was sure they wouldn't cause any stupid moves in a long time. One by one she would remove the ropes off them and tell them one last time that, if they would do it again Verd would personally see to it that they would meet her aunt and receive the proper punishments that were currently in order for crimes as their own. That being said. She gave them a gently spank on their behind and let them run. Boys of barely the age of 10 or 11... She didn't want them to be punished unfairly. What they went through today would have to suffice and if one of them would turn out to become a criminal... well then Verd would have given a promise today that she'd take care of them.

Moving on to the wounded ones, she was less nicely with them. Making sure their wounds would remain frozen and making it clear that if they would act up... she'd make sure to melt the ice and let them slowly bleed to their fate. Tying their hands and feet as she put one on each shoulder and jumped her way to the roof. The frost that was lingering on alley floor started to melt quickly and the remaining water made its way to the nearest drains. Leaving no trace of what has happened here today. Content with how the mission went by, Verdandi arrived at the rooftop to see the leader entangled in Moku's wood jutsu. Scratching the back of her head she realized that Verd wasn't the only one with a unique element at hand as it seems. Placing the two wounded rookies on the floor she'd slowly approach Moku and the leader.

He looked hurt and broken, Moku must have done some cruel stuff to this guy. Verd would raise her eyebrows at him wondering if her vanguard didn't go a bit overboard here. But she'd save them both the trouble of starting a discussion. After all, in her own rage, she told him earlier that he'd be fine to kill this guy. The sight of the leader’s hands was yet another story. Not so pretty to look at. "Really?" she asked Moku with a disgusted look on her face. Not that she didn't think it wasn't a proper punishment. Considering that auntie's guys would have eventually taken both hands completely. She stepped closer and spit some water on the guys palms. Before reaching forth to slowly and carefully freeze the wounds. "Shush now. The hospital will take care of you."

That being said, Verd would put her fingers to her lips and give away a loud whistle. One of the courier crows would be heard screeching as it made its way from the next messenger tower to Verdandi. Making a few notes with some makeshift coal on her mission scroll to add that the targets in question were either dispersed or put into hospital care. She'd place the mission scroll into the paper case and let the crow fly off. This way mission headquarters would soon be notified of what the situation was like. "Alright. You take the big guy, I can carry my wounded younglings. I let the children go. They had their punishment already. We can leave the rest to the hospital guards until headquarters sends for them." Verd would casually brush some dust and dirt off her kimono. She didn't like to be dirty. But todays mission went as smooth as she could hope for so she wouldn't complain too much. Carrying the older rookies on her shoulders this would even prove to be sort of an exercise for her in the end. Verd would give away an awkward smile knowing she’d be able to spend the afternoon free of duties.

830 / 4200

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

Just as he asked Lady Verdandi had came to the rooftop with two of the followers in hand before dropping them onto the floor as they appeared to not have the will to resist anymore same as their leader, she raised her eyebrow looking at the nationalist leader's sight until her gaze shifted onto his hands and she would then scowl in disgust as she said but one word "Really?" Mokuzai simply shrugged in response. Even if he did explain himself she seemed to understand that the fate that he gave him was  far less then the one that awaited him if he handed him into the authorities, even though Mokuzai took six fingers he could easily replace them with prosthetic one's and still retain some control over them using the academy's puppet technique that all ninja learned but rather or not the leader was too crushed to think of that at the moment was of no concern to him.

Lady Verdandi did as he had asked and slowly started to freeze his wounds to prevent more blood lost then the chunin had already suffered as  he silently wiped the blood off his hands using the clean part of the chunin shirt as she took care of the rest of the details needed to complete the mission before stating what she wanted to do next, "Alright. You take the big guy, I can carry my wounded younglings. I let the children go. They had their punishment already. We can leave the rest to the hospital guards until headquarters sends for them." Just earlier he had enough rage to give them a more painful punishment but considering the faces that they had as they looked at their leaders mangled hands and the pain they had already endured he figured that they had made there point and they were most likely never to do something as foolish again, Mokuzai would wear a warm smile as he had earlier before the real action started. "Very well then Verdandi~! Ill be taking this guy with me as you asked. Oh! Before i forget tomorrow at about eleven am to two pm i will be in the training grounds teaching two other genin combat skills, I noticed earlier that you lacked more....powerful water technique's in which to activate your unique abilities and i would love for you to come so that i may teach you some of mine despite the meagerness of them. Until next time then." The young Senju quickly lifted the nationalist over his shoulder before jumping off in haste as he didn't want the ice to melt before he could get to the hospital, he hoped that Lady Verdandi would seriously consider his offer as he only wanted the best for all ninja's that he befriended in his journeys.

-Exit Thread-


Total WC:5,080

C-rank Mission:1500/1500 (3,580 Words Left)


C ~> C-1, 575 words and 100 Ryo. (3,005 Words Left)
C-1 ~> C-2, 600 words and 125 Ryo. (2,405 Words Left)
C-2 ~> C-3, 700 words and 150 Ryo. (1,705 Words Left)

Water Style:Erosive lake Jutsu(B-rank): 1,350/1,350 (355 Words Left)

25 Ryo per 100 words: 75 Ryo (55 Words Wasted)



Verdandi couldn't help but find the attitude of her vanguard certainly confusing. One moment he was overly polite, another moment he'd miss that implying that Verdandi was lacking in skill was a pretty rude thing to do. But heck. She would survive it. After all he wasn't particularly wrong. But she'd probably have to sleep over it first. He wouldn't be training beforehand anyway. Pouting a little, Verd would slowly make her way to the hospital, dropping the two wounded Genin at the care station. This should make sure that their wounds would be cared for before the ice would ultimately melt down. Moku dropped his patient as well and wished for goodbyes.

The princess lingered a while alone in the hospital. Watching over the kids as they received their care. The leader seemed utterly traumatized by his loss and certainly wasn't going to do anything like this anytime soon. Nor that he could anyhow. But Verd wondered if their aggressive attitude had been for the best after all. She was learning to have a heart of ice but she wasn't sure if this was really the path to go. Then again... they were ninja. Sooner or later they'd have to kill. It was their lifestyle and no amount of complaining would fix that.

Once the ninja from headquarters arrived. Verdandi dropped the briefing scrolls and gave in the final report. Not sure if Moku would come back around to see them as well she made her way to the park though. Probably going to jump in the lake and get some swimming exercise done... or straight off to the hot springs? Rewarding a hard day of work with some relaxation and looking forward to cash in the pay later on too hehe $_$


300 / Total WC: 4500

Mission Pay / Training:

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