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1A new day. Empty A new day. Mon Apr 16, 2018 9:25 pm

Sasuke Edo

I never really went out due to losing my best friend a couple of weeks ago. I would usually just stay and bed and cry. But now I've decided to move on with my life. Before i came here to the ramen shop i was training so my body is weak and my hands are bruised up.

I was now sitting on a bench reading my book about rare jutus and such. Thinking how i would be able to achieve these new things I'm a quick leaner for sure. My life has been all about books i read all the time. All kinds of books Fiction, Mysteries, ETC. Books are my quiet place at times when i need to just think or calm down due to my anger issues.

I read books to learn new things to get stronger as i would say. I first found out i had power beyond this world was when i first activated dojutsu(Bykugan). Then through out time I've got stronger and so used to my eyes its like a walk in the park when i against an opponent.

2A new day. Empty Re: A new day. Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:22 pm



Megami had spent the most of her day training alone. She couldn’t figure what to do with herself. She wanted to purchase more ninja tools, but didn’t think she would have enough to buy what she wanted. “What to do next?” seemed to be a very complicated question. She just roamed around the village trying to figure what she could get into. It seemed like she hadn’t done much. Regrettably, she withdrew from the chuunin exams almost last minute. Megami sighed at the thought that she missed a chance at becoming a chuunin. She knew that she had a ways to go as far as training was concerned. Though, she wouldn’t openly admit it.

After walking around for about an hour, she felt a little famished. There seemed to only be a ramen shop that was in the area. She wouldn’t say no to it, but it wasn’t what she was hoping for. Megami heavily considered continuing her walk, but she figured that she would just deal with it. She entered the shop and noticed a boy reading on a bench. The boy looked familiar, but her hunger enticed her to move forward toward the counter. She ordered a bowl of pork ramen to go before just sitting on the bench next to the boy reading his books. She didn’t speak to him, but just sat patiently while she waited for her foo. Today, Megami wore her standard sleeveless grey dress with the Hyuuga emblem on the back. She sort of eyed over to the boys book and realized that he was reading what seemed pretty intently. Megami then sighed loudly before crossing her legs, left over right, with her hands in her lap.


3A new day. Empty Re: A new day. Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:34 pm

Sasuke Edo

Sasuke would now look over to the girl she looked a lot familiar like she was apart of me. I didn't speak to her just sat there reading my book. I was reading the book very intensely. But then i realised something "I-Is she a HYUGA?" No can't be he thought but what if she is that would be kinda cool meeting a fellow hyuga.

I would stand up walking over to order a howl of ramen then going back to the bench reading my book. Id quickly glance at the girl a number of times. She reminded me of my brother Ido in a way i don't how but she did. Ido my older brother was my best friend that died...He was murdered a long time ago so I've moved on for a while bit i still wanna find that person who did it. The waiter finally called me to get my ramen.

I walked over back to the bench sitting my book to the aide. Then id finally spoken. "Ummm...Are you from around here?".

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4A new day. Empty Re: A new day. Mon Apr 16, 2018 11:06 pm



She watched as the boy walked up to go order his ramen. Megami figured that he had just been sitting there reading. As he ordered she sat there and studied her stubby nails. She knew that she would never grow them out unless she would use them as weapons. Though, it probably would be easier just to use a weapon. Her fists were already good enough weapons. She had been trained in the Hyuuga’s Juken style. Her proficiency in the style was greatly lacking which made her a bit upset that she would even be thinking like that at a time like this.

Taking a deep breath, she adjusted herself in her seat. She then noticed that he had gotten his food before her. Megami started to get a bit enraged as she was about to storm up to the counter to protest. Though, before she could stand up and give her piece to the person at the counter. The boy stopped and asked her a question. "Ummm...Are you from around here?"

She shifted her head slightly with a stern look revealing the Konoha headband with the prominent leaf at its center. There was a brief silence from her. The boys features reminded her of herself a bit, but she didn’t think much into it. She was very selfish, but she did enjoy the company of the younger people.

“Yeah, I’m from here. What of it? Hyūga Megami of the Hidden Leaf,” said as she flicked her ponytail backwards proudly as she announced her clan.

"Who are you?"


5A new day. Empty Re: A new day. Mon Apr 16, 2018 11:24 pm

Sasuke Edo

I blankly stared at the girl...then my eyes enlarged. "I knew she was a Hyuga." My dad did say I would meet another hyuga in my life time. There was a brief pause then I said. "I'm Sasuke Hyuga...Nice to meet you." I would say in Calm, Cool and collected way. My whole demeanor is Calm I give off a natural cool vibe I would say.

I would never had thought I would tell anyone my full name. I've always been distant around people I don't know but this girl I just feel safe telling her that. Even my closest friends aren't really my friends there just people I talk to a lot. I never had a real friend just because I keep everyone at arms length. Ido was my only friend i ever had and maybe just maybe that will change.

I would look at my bowl of ramen noticing it was getting cold so I sat there and ate.

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6A new day. Empty Re: A new day. Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:05 am



Sasuke? The name didn’t sound like any that she had heard in the clan. Her demeanor eased up a bit as she heard his name. She sighed a bit as the boy sat down and started eating her ramen.Her food was ready to go as she walked up, paid, and began to walk out of the shop. Out of curiosity, she sat back down and started eating her food next to Sasuke. She took her time while eating small bites. The ramen was great. The texture really floated on the top of her taste buds. It was like the savoriness of the pork and the broth rolled down her throat.

Megami paused eating to find out more about the young clan member she had met. Normally she wouldn’t care too much about other people, but there was a special place in her heart for young people. The boy was hard to read, but she wasn’t the best at reading people’s emotions. She was actually quite terrible. Megami placed the bowl in her lap as she thought about what she would ask him.

“I don’t think we ever met before. Who are your parents? Are they from the village?" she asked slightly calmer than she had been.

It had been awhile since she actually had a normal conversation with someone. She seemed a bit uneasy. Though, her tone wouldn’t lack the same confidence. She seemed to rub off on people the wrong way. The only one to seem to have enjoyed her company seemed to be a boy she met named Jamie. It had been a long while since she saw him. It made her a bit curious about what happened to him.


7A new day. Empty Re: A new day. Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:21 am

Sasuke Edo

Well actually come to think of it my parents are extremely secretive so i don't know where they are from. So i decide to lie and say "Well my parents are from the village and I've never seen you around either.* I sat there and ate my ramen eventually finishing with a big sigh.

"The ramen was fantastic!" Id say to myself i haven't had a decent meal in ages since my parents are always gone and I cant cook if my own life depended on it. I could tell the girl liked her ramen as well...She seems to have been starving. I would now look off into the distance stunned by the amazing view of the flowers and trees. I'm not really the nature type but it was good to go out for once since I've haven't been out in ages.

The only time i go out is when its time to train. Its nice to not train for a while i mean after all i train 15 hours sometimes a day when I'm up for it l. I usually train by myself or with a friend mostly by myself.

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8A new day. Empty Re: A new day. Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:55 am



Megami was really curious to why his parents were secretive. Though, she didn’t dwell on it too much. There were a lot of reasons why a Hyuga would hide their background. She understood to an extent. There were a lot of people who wished them wrong doing. The shinobi world was quite harsh. She understood how death could affect a person. She had lost family and teammates in the past. It was part of the reason why she wanted to get stronger. Her drive for strength was almost unquentiable. It was almost caused her to lose track of conventional goals. Megami had to remind herself to take one day at a time.

“Ah,” she replied, “Well if you ever want to train or do a mission, just let me know. It’s been awhile since I trained with another family member. That’s just assuming that you are a shinobi. All Hyuga should pride themselves at least in the basics of training.”

She went back to eating her ramen and started to reminisce on the past. It had been a number of weeks since she was able to relax like this. The fact that she asked him to train or go on missions was a step up from her usual invite. Normally, she would train on her own. Making friends for her was hard. She didn’t mind company regardless of how she treated them.


9A new day. Empty Re: A new day. Tue Apr 17, 2018 1:05 am

Sasuke Edo

That's the first someone has ever asked me to train with them. Most of my friends wouldn't train with because I'm possibly to strong for a child but i decided to say to her. "Well if your up foe it maybe we can train now."

I'm always ready to train even in the stupidest moments I'm ready for whatever. Most times i spar with someone i end up winning or well i end up winning. I never really appreciate my dojutsu even though its my best asset.

I've always end up blowing big chances in fights since i usually just go all out but vs stronger opponent's i some how never understand them. I'm glad she said that she looks as strong as me heck maybe significantly stronger perhaps.

I got up and returned my bowl to the waiter. I went back to bench and started to read my book again.

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10A new day. Empty Re: A new day. Tue Apr 17, 2018 1:23 am



Megami finished her bowl of ramen before leaning back in her seat. She carefully placed the bowl next to her. Today was just full of nostalgia. It wasn’t everyday she got to take time with a clansmen regardless of how distant they were in blood relations. She was quite content that she was able to spend time and eat with someone else. She really hoped that they could be friends with each other or at least training buddies. The fact that he agreed made her happier than she felt in awhile. She slightly smiled and clenched her fist.

“Alright! I’m definitely up for it. Where would you like to train?”

She wondered what his training regimen normally consisted of. Megami had seen a number of different training styles since she had become a shinobi. Though, the boy looked pretty young and competent. There was some hope that she would be able to increase her abilities by training with him. She wouldn’t go easy on him. It was the Hyuga way to have easy training sessions. A lot of blood sweat and tears had been shed to push herself to become a decent genin. Megami’s blood pumped with adrenaline at the thought of becoming a great shinobi. She smiled a bit as she stood up from her seat.

“Actually, we could go to the training grounds. There aren’t too many distractions there this time of day. That’s unless you have somewhere else to be. I like to see what you’re capable of,”
she said with a ton of excitement.

For the first time in awhile, she felt genuinely warm inside. Megami was very persistent in how she did things. Most people wouldn’t agree to train with her normally. Though, most of the people she met really felt like she was too much to deal with. It was truly mesmerizing that she finally met someone else to train with. There could be endless possibilities on how they could improve themselves. She hoped that Sasuke would be ready for anything. Today wasn’t such a bad day afterall.


11A new day. Empty Re: A new day. Tue Apr 17, 2018 1:36 am

Sasuke Edo

She agreed she actually agreed. I'm very exited to get this thing going. Iver never had a decent training buddy since Ido. "Whatever you want...I'm down for anything!." I hope we can become close friends.

Its not all the time you meet a fellow clan member and get to spar with them! Maybe i can improve what is already perfect. If we do become close friends maybe i can get out of my head and mind and more into my soul and conscious.

I hope shes a very good fighter...I mean well she's a hyuga she has to be good if I'm good. My dad always said never back down and that's what i will stick to that's my ninja way.

"Whenever your ready, Megami."

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12A new day. Empty Re: A new day. Tue Apr 17, 2018 2:08 am



“I’m ready to go right now! Follow me!

Megami started moving toward the training grounds hoping that her newfound associate would follow. She figured that they would probably wing it once they got there. The training grounds held a lot of history of those who trained in the ranks of Konoha. Many shinobi in the village could have been found training here at some point in their lives. Her first shinobi team had originally met and trained there. Megami didn’t usually train at that particular location, but it was somewhere which they could at least have some privacy.

“How do you usually train?” she would ask.

She normally trained with plenty of calisthenics to increase her endurance. Then she would move onto working on her fighting stances and using dummies to make up for a partner. Training dummies never could replace a human body. It was something she had to deal with everyday, but it was good to know that she had someone else that she could train with. The boy was a bit taller than her. She knew that she wasn’t going to grow any more than she already was. It made her wonder how old was he. He couldn’t look much younger than 14 to her.


13A new day. Empty Re: A new day. Tue Apr 17, 2018 6:50 pm

Sasuke Edo

"How ever you train is how I train. My style is getting old." I usually would just do anything that will get me stronger. Before i started train i would just read books and gain knowledge.

...Or i would train with Ido we would do a lot of hand to hand combat but know I've almost mastered hand to hand now i just need to master my lighting element. i have hard time mastering that just because u don't really train i just do fore and hand to hand that's all.

She seemed like she trains a lot just because shes so ready to train its amazing shes kinda like me ready for anything. Hopefully we can build great friendship.

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