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1Never Alone [Kayn/NK] Empty Never Alone [Kayn/NK] Fri Feb 23, 2018 8:28 pm



Kisei really didn’t want to deal with this right now. He had just been kicked out of the chuunin exams by a freaking girl from his own village- former village. It was a bad shock for him to say the least. Even know he was trying to figure out how he let himself get beat so badly. Now he had to deal with a damn order that came in months ago from another random stranger he met on the streets. Apparently he had come across one of his old advertisements from before the burning of the Sunagakure. Not that he cared to explain that, nope, instead he just sent Alpha to retrieve the weapons from their old home.

That had been a week ago? Alpha had returned this morning, complaining that it wasn’t easy smuggling high-tech weapons into the country. I gave him a raspberry.

“Are you sure that you want to do this?”
Alpha had asked him.

Truthfully, he wasn’t sure. Before he had no qualms selling his weapons away. He had created them for the use of others anyway. Though now it almost seemed wrong. He couldn’t explain it. But in a way they survived the same hell he had. A boy getting attached to a machine. What a laughable sentiment. Laugh at him though, his feelings weren’t unjustified. But he did have to make a decision.

Right now he was sitting around in the inn lobby with an inconspicuous looking Alpha with a suitcase holding his latest weapon delivery. “They should be here soon.”


2Never Alone [Kayn/NK] Empty Re: Never Alone [Kayn/NK] Fri Mar 09, 2018 11:08 pm



A request for specialty items sent in months ago, finally fufilled and ready to be picked up? Well, it was about damn time, was what some people would claim. Some people would even argue as to knock off part of the payment for how long it took for the request to be completed.

But, Kayn did not mind. He knew precisely why his request was late, and he had sympathy for the black smith whom had taken the time to forge this work of art.

But that did not stop him from being a bit annoyed at the location; the lobby of an inn located within the confines of Kumgakure no Sato, otherwise known as the Village Hidden in the Clouds. Not that Kayn was truly complaining, he simply wished that they could have performed this transaction in a more.... private setting.

No matter. He was rapidly approaching the inn in question, a strange place named the 'Thunder Palace'. A hotel in the lightning country named Thunder Palace? If there was ever an award for original naming, this place would surely never win it, but the appearance more than made up for it. The inn was fashioned to look very much like an ornate palace, complete with lightning motiffs adorning the walls. Overstuffed furnature was seemingly scattered about in such a way that one could always find an empty seat if you needed it, and it was never far away. According to the brouchure, the Gold and Silver ornaments that adorned everything was a tribute to the Gold and Silver brothers of Kumogakure lore, the only ninja said to be able to weild multiple of the Sage of Six Path's Treasured Tools without dying. It was a nice touch, something that Kayn could get behind.

A little nod to history, even if he did not know the lore personally.

Still was not a real reason as to why they were meeting in the lobby of all places within the inn. He would have to ask this smith when he finally met him in person -- who's hair brained scheme was it to meet in a very public place such as this with weapons that could cause destruction like those that Kayn ordered?

Pushing open the door to the inn, the blue haired youth would slip his six foot four frame inside the establishment. The male was dressed in his normal change of clothing and style; a sleeveless black shirt with a funnel-like collar, with white trousers that are black from the knee down and just a little short of being full length jeans. Rivets can be seen on his pockets and on the ends of his trousers. Around his waist, Kayn wears a white sash similar to an obi, into which he kept tucked a sword. His feet are wrapped in bandages up to his ankles and his hands and arms are also wrapped in bandages up to the elbow, nevermind the assortment of weapons that he carried on his person. The sword was always present on his side, tucked into the Obi around his waist, but he recently added to his collection of weapons: a pair of 'hidden' blades, were attached to his forearms, hidden beneath the bandages that were wrapped on them. Dubbed 'Patience' and 'Time' respectively, they were usually his last resort or when an unexpected weapon was needed. Hidden away on his person along with the various kunai and shuriken that he normally carried were two trench knives that Kayn made his main method of attacking; Ignorance and Apathy were usually the only weapons that the blue haired male required to win a fight. Tucked beneath the Obi was a length of chain that the young male kept for various purposes, like combining with the two Fuma Shuriken that were located on his shoulder blades, held in place via a neat trick he learned from his father.

As he moved into the place, a hand reached into his pocket to find a flyer. Gold eyes glanced down briefly at the picture upon it, then lifted to look about the room, as the male attempted to match the picture to a fact within the room...

702 wc

3Never Alone [Kayn/NK] Empty Re: Never Alone [Kayn/NK] Sun Mar 11, 2018 8:19 pm



Kisei curiously watched people come and go throughout the lobby. Their casual lives, the ways they went about it. Smiling, laughing. It pissed him off. Sure, he was glad for them, to a degree, didn’t mean there wasn’t an ounce or envy or rage dwelling beneath that. He took a deep breath, relaxing into the seat. Kisei wasn’t here to judge, he was here to sell some merchandise that never made it to his client. That was all. After that he could happily go back to his room and tell the rest of the world to f-

Both of the Ushinatta glanced in their sideview as an inordinately tall, militant looking figure. Kisei struggled to focus in on him for a moment, but a second later and the blur cleared out. Producing a clear picture of who he was looking at. It was a man. Blue hair, menacing looking demeanor. Most of them just simply said, “Hey look at me, I’m a gangster.” Kisei reached for the steel umbrella leaning against his chair. Fully loaded in case this guy was just as dangerous as he looked. Though if those muscles are any indication, this might be a rough ride. Muscles- Kisei stopped himself right there. He wasn’t in the mood to indulge in his mind’s unconscious fantasies this time. With a huff he turned his attention to the suitcase, it stood on the left side of his chair. Feeling anxious about their new guest he moved the case between his legs. His right hand resting on the hilt of his most treasured weapon. He was endlessly grateful that Alpha had gone back to retrieve it. Kisei had nearly broke down when it flew off the bridge…. It wasn’t a fun time.

“You seem tense. Maybe a bit of tea?”
Alpha suggested. Of course Kisei shot him down on the offer but sent him away regardless to get him some water. Whoever his client was, he hoped they got here soon. His fowl mood was beginning to return and he didn't trust himself with projectile weaponry.


4Never Alone [Kayn/NK] Empty Re: Never Alone [Kayn/NK] Sun Mar 25, 2018 2:53 pm



“You seem tense. Maybe a bit of tea?”

Something about those words drew the blue haired male's attention, something about his own situation seemed to resonate with them, and his eyes were cast in the direction that he percived the sounds and syllables to be coming from. It was there that Kayn could see someone, no, two people looking in his general direction, one with a case tucked between his legs and and a hance resting on... an umbrella?

Weird. But a bit of hope sparked into him as he realized that one of the men watching him seemed to match the picture on the flyer that Kayn held. Tucking the bit of paper into a pocket, the male would hold himself up a bit straighter. He would turn himself into thier direction, heading over to them. He would make his way over to them slowly, not wanting to startle them should they look away from him as he approached. But even as he did, the male took in the measure of both men who sat there; one appeared to be his own age, and from the way he gripped the ... umbrella was it, a weapon user. The other persona.... he seemed to be older than the seated person. Perhaps an older relative of the engineer? In any case, Kayn would not alter his course, nor slow down. It would seem that he was not the only person uneasy about selling extremely powerful weapons to a stranger; perhaps that was why such a public location was chosen?


As Kayn drew near to the duo, he would nod to the pair of them before extending a hand to shake. "Yusuke, Kayn." Whether or not they shook his hand would not change his next course of action; the blue haired male would pull up a nearby chair and remove his sword from the Obi around his waist and lean it against his left knee. The rest of his weapons would be shifted around a bit so that the male could settle himself into his seat comfortably, leaning forward so that he could hold conversation without having to speak overtly loud.

"I take it that you are Kisei, the weaponsmith from Sunagakure no Sato? Thank you for taking the time to meet me here in Kumogakure no Sato, especially in light of the recent events befalling Suna..." The male paused for a moment, thankful that he nor his mother were living in the village at the time of its destruction. Given the severity of his mother's illness, he was sure that she would have not survived any sort of escape or evacuation attempt. Nevertheless, he was a native of the village himself, not that this male need to know that information, and it was good to show some kind of sympathy towards others. "You have my condolences for anyone you may have lost during the incident..."

Shifting in his seat, Kayn would lower his voice an octave, those gold eyes seeming to light up somewhat. "But we did not come here to discuss tragedies, now did we? We have a business arrangement, you and I. It would be nice to see what the fruits of your labor have come up with in this time..." Something good, he would hope; Kayn had sent the weapon smith very specific requests for this weapon, and he was eager to see what could be done. The male wished to augment his fighting style somewhat, a change from his normal tactics of using swords. He was well versed in Taijutsu, and wanted something that would supplement the close quarters combat he prefered to use. As it was, Kisei was gaining a bit of popularity with his weapon creations, and Kayn felt it would be nice to support a fellow Suna native as well gain something useful for himself.

A veritable win-win for everyone involved, but it was not over just yet. The male would wait for the other male, or either of them, to answer him. In the meantime, he would flag down one of the fair maidens who maintained the bar area. After placing an order with her for some black tea, he would wait patiently for it to arrive.

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5Never Alone [Kayn/NK] Empty Re: Never Alone [Kayn/NK] Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:51 pm



Kisei set the cup of water down on a small coffee table at his side, thanking his brother for the drink. Alpha’s eyes bore into him before flicking to the side. It took a couple of tries and the tapping footsteps moving towards them to bring Kisei to understand what was going on. Reflexively tightening a grip on his umbrella he turned to face whoever was interrupting them. It was the same hulk of a man he had spotted earlier.  A blaze of blue hair seated upon a muscled boy. Kisei couldn’t get an accurate read of him but he trusted that Alpha didn’t see him as a threat.

The boy introduced himself as Yasuke Kayn and offered a handshake. Which he’d decline with respectful silence and a gentle nod to proceed. He studied the other boy carefully as they pulled up a seat next to him. Adjusting themselves, and from what Kisei could guess, a massive amount of weaponry on him, he sent a look to Alpha that said, “Is this guy serious?” He nodded with a sympathetic look on his face. Kisei slumped his shoulders and rested both hands on top of his umbrella while he listened to Kayn.

"I take it that you are Kisei, the weaponsmith from Sunagakure no Sato? Thank you for taking the time to meet me here in Kumogakure no Sato, especially in light of the recent events befalling Suna..."

Kisei's eyes narrowed on the man, thrusting the top half of his body to face the insolent little man who had the lack of mind to bring that up around the two of them. His anger flared like a star and faded back just as quickly. They probably didn't mean anything by it. You didn't simply bring up the genocide of another village for mockery. Not without swift punishment of course. The Ushinatta was about to open his mouth to talk when Kayn's voice broke his thoughts.

Their voice dropped down low and it had an, interesting effect on the young Ushinatta. A crimson blush took over his face and his entire body arced at his words. Alpha saw his brother's reaction and grunted, shaking his head. "Get a grip on yourself." His eyes seemed to say. Kisei mentally nodded and willed himself to focus on the situation at hand. Here he was about to sell incredibly dangerous weapons to a complete stranger. Didn't he learn anything from recent experience? This world was dangerous enough without the use of chakra tech. When one village could completely annihilate another, what more did you need? What was power worth in the face of absolute chaos and hopeless agony? No, he couldn't part with this weapon, not just yet.

"Mr. Yusuke. Your words flatter me greatly.." Your words do so much more to me than that. He really hated his mind. "However, before I even consider giving this to you there are a few things I need to know." Kisei paused, letting his words float between them. "Consider this, say that I was the kage of your village and I ordered you to murder an entire clan, or even lay waste to another village. Would you do it?" He asked carefully. His question loaded with blades and accusations. But unfair as they were they were necessary. Kisei continued.

"What I'm giving to you is power Kayn. Think carefully on what power can do in this world then answer. Don't half-ass the explanation either, I want to understand how you think." Not to say that Kisei didn't trust Kayn, but he didn't know him, and that was the terrifying thing. He was entrusting power that could be reconstructed and re-purposed to something he hadn't intended. Kayn at least seemed like the responsible sort that loved his weapons. Kisei could work with that, maybe they were just a weapons enthusiast? No, that was even worse! What kind of person collects weapons for a living?!

Either way if his client could not answer in a satisfactory manner, then he was not worthy of such a weapon.


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