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1The Eyes of a Tiger(Takao/Social) Empty The Eyes of a Tiger(Takao/Social) Wed Mar 14, 2018 12:30 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

"I lost?" as he began to mumble to himself and then looked deeper inside of himself as he remembered how he felt. His head was not in the game, victory was no where near impossible. He simply did not have the drive to take what was right there before him as he felt like he wasted everyone's hopes and dreams. The feelings he felt of fear and excitement, of joy and happiness had long since been written away. He remembered it like it was fresh in his mind, that beastly spider made of metal, it had a weakness, an undeniable weakness and all he had to do was take it. However in the end the outcome disappointed the crowd and himself as he walked away the feelings built up that day could never be understood without being there.

He began to sit looking down at the ground, he did not understand this feeling, he had felt it before as he kept thinking how all this happened, how he could fail and how would he ever face Airi ever again. The rise of excitement and the knowledge that winning was not a dream, it was just simply that he would have to take one more step. He was too kind, he had held back against his first opponent and after realizing the difference in their skills he proceeded to take out his rage upon the poor scarred back of Mokuzai. He did not do it for the fun of playing around with his opponent, he got upset that a single strike from his weapon was enough to stop his opponent dead in his tracks as he released wave after wave of his bladed weapon to the back of the defenseless opponent as he began to think on who this shinobi's instructor was.

Sending someone so weak into the exams, then after that he felt like he deserved the same treatment for being weak when he was strong. He was not some little house cat or baby kitten who could simply roll around and get what he wanted, he was a tiger in the wild that had to unleash his power to obtain what he wanted. He had to destroy the feelings that made him lose, the inadequate movements and the wasted thoughts inside his head as he began to get up walking towards a secret area he discovered in his sadness. There was rain and there were trees and then there was lightning. He began to think back to his fight with mokuzai as he began to take a deep breathe as he breathed out what seemed like smoke as he took his time to think on what had happened. This area had a rather large open space so he felt it was perfect as he then formed a few hand seals as the winds picked up with the smoky smell as he began doing a combination of things before forming the tiger seal and completing his technique once more.

"Kaze no tsuyoi honō" as the flames exploded across the location as the trees were set ablaze by a white flame as his tail swayed as he was breathing heavily as he had done this a bit differently from how he usually did it. He was just letting off some steam as he wanted to train harder then ever before, he wanted to become stronger then anyone and make them all call out his name.

He was panting as he was sweating as the heat was getting to him as the wind was blowing like crazy as he began to realize the technique that he would use had to be greater, he had to become brighter and he had to make an explosion. This was not just any technique, this was how he felt. Miku had to shine as bright as a shining star and explode like an atomic fissure ripping the clouds apart. His mind was no longer stable as he was just letting off some steam as he began to punch the air and launch a round house kick as the heat got to him he looked to the white flames as the look in his eyes seemed rather determined.

He began to punch a few more times and then began to kick around more as he did a roundhouse kick, followed by a drop kick and double kick. He lacked the skill as he fell his tail flicked as he regained his balance and landed on his feet, but then fell forward nearly landing in his own white flames as he got up again, he began to take out his weapons as he began to throw all his metsubishi into the air as he looked up, he then closed his eyes. Focusing as his ears twitched he could hear the white flames burning the wood and the heat as his ears flickered, he also noticed that they were falling as he drew his kunai with chain and began to rapidly strike them in the air without looking as the sounds of the chains moving back and forth until one nearly hit him as he evaded as a clouds of shavings fell to the ground and some landed on his face making him look a bit dirty.

He told himself this was not good enough as he kept on attacking as the rain did not seem to put out the fire as the weather meant nothing to him, he survived a storm and he would survive this as well as he wanted to work hard to make up for what he lacked.


Jutsu used in frustration:

2The Eyes of a Tiger(Takao/Social) Empty Re: The Eyes of a Tiger(Takao/Social) Wed Mar 14, 2018 2:12 pm




Takao had always been one for theatrics. Over the course of his thus-far short life, and after observing countless different breeds and flavours of competition, he had found his favourite; Chuunin Exams. The young, prospective shinobi of various nations seemed to fight at their hardest when the tantalizing golden carrot of promotion was dangled above their heads. Even beyond that, it intrigued him beyond measure to witness the creativity and ingenuity of minds uncorrupted by the breakneck life that a shinobi would endure. This attention was usually given to shinobi of the other nations, as a way of determining their methodology of training, if only to store that information in the vaults of his memory for later usage.

One participant had caught his eye; a young genin from Konohagakure. Exceptionally young at that, compared to what he had observed to average age of participating parties to be. He, not unlike Takao when the senior shinobi had participated in his exams, did not win his bout. Try as the genin did, the gods of luck and battle simply did not shine in his favour. It was unsurprising, at least to him, that the genin had taken it to heart either. Even from the stands he could see the anger, frustration, and harsh sense of disappointment growing. Loss seemed to hit the youngest of their kind the hardest, for they undoubtedly felt as though they had the most to prove. The competitive climate of the exams did little to abate that mindset; surrounding oneself with peers who were just as-- and if not more-- competitive than themselves. If anything, it bolstered their drive for success and victory. The shinobi lifestyle was cutthroat and destructive, it took a special kind of mind to thrive in the hellish environment that so many were willing to throw themselves into. The will of fire that swelled within could either drive them onward to greatness or burn them alive. For people like Takao and Akito, it did not seem like there was anything in between.

A small, weak, sympathetic smile pulled at his cheeks. The Jōnin had seen it all first hand, both in those he had offered guidance to in the past as well as in his own mirror. Takao followed him, his legs moving out of sheer curiousity that grew with each step that took the genin closer to his destination. As he lingered wordlessly in the background, the fireworks brought the slightest of sparkle to his otherwise dull grey eyes. Now this was behaviour he was all too familiar with as well. The rage that burned within people like himself and this young genin were of kindred soul; it felt like he was looking through a mirror into the past. But, ultimately, raging against one’s own frustration was self destructive, and hardly productive. A loss was a loss, yet failure was something entirely different. He wanted to speak up, but something kept him from doing so, and instead he watched for just a bit longer.

As Akito struck his metsubishi indiscriminately whilst surrounded by a myriad of flames, a quiet laugh was exhaled from his throat. The rain, fortunately enough for Takao, drowned out the light chuckle. It did not seem like the best course of action to make himself known by laughing whilst the genin was still discharging a shower of fire and metal shrapnel in his throws of rage.

“You really remind me of myself when I was about your age,” Takao said, his monotone voice carried through the rain and fire. His hands dug into the pockets of his trousers, dampened by the rain as he stepped closer, and stopped his advance just short of the fire. “Maybe just a tad more frustrated, but… The fire is about the same.” He said, his shoulders rolling into a shrug of dismissiveness.

“So, you’re taking the loss pretty hard, huh?” He continued, eager to dig into the psyche of the young and impressionable mind, and see the source of this frustration and anger. Was it the disappointment of others, or himself? Did this exam hold some sort of deeply seeded importance to him? Perhaps he made a promise to another, vowing to succeed in some manner? The options were without limit, and Takao was a sucker for a good story.

“If this is how you intend to better yourself in preparation for the next exams, I might have some light criticisms. Maybe a little advice too, if you're interested.” Takao added. He hardly looked like somebody that was in a position to give advice to a shinobi, at least not to those who knew little of him. He was dressed casually in clothes now damp from the rain, he spoke informally, and his lazy posture was hardly reminiscent of a person who had dedicated a lifetime to being a shinobi. In fact, it might have even looked a little shady from an outside perspective, for him to have followed the young genin in the manner that he had. But, ultimately, it was all in the interest in bettering him as a shinobi of Konohagakure.

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3The Eyes of a Tiger(Takao/Social) Empty Re: The Eyes of a Tiger(Takao/Social) Thu Mar 15, 2018 1:55 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

This feeling of absolute weakness that only he could understand, a feeling he had felt before and a feeling he wanted to no longer feel anymore. He remembered the monkey king and wanted to settle the score. No matter how hard he tried he knew it did not even matter, but something deep down inside told him to try anyways asa his feelings like shards broken scatter. His mind was strong, or was it like his body frail. Was he simple twisted like a screw loose, or straight forward like a nail.

How did he not notice someone had come close to him, how could he not see that he was not alone. He may have a family, friends and a home. However in the end he still knew in this world he was on his own. The man spoke and said that he reminded him of himself at that age, as he began to wonder why the man said this. His fear told him he had to run away, he had to find a way, to get away, but his curiosity like a cat made him stay. How could he run away from knowledge or a chance to learn, and in the worst case scenario he can enjoy watching the world burn.

The guy had rather bad manners keep his hands in his pockets, but this did not really matter as his eyes were glued to the strange look in his eye sockets. The man stepped closer as this made Miku's heart start to race, as if he was about to be a part of a chase. The man mentioned how he was frustrated like the fire that ran wild and shook violently with the rain not stopping its fervent flames, as the small little cat boy known as Miku was careful not to get caught in any strange games.

The man spoke as if he understood, but was it that he was simply reading the mood. He mentioned that he did not take the loss well, but it was not the loss itself. He had risen to the occasion then fell, he did not care if he could excuse himself for only being twelve. The man asked if this is how he would better himself for the next exams as this lit a fire inside his heart and an intensity seemed to steam off of Miku's small frame. The guy offered his opinion and some advice as he began to wonder what it could be.

He thought about it for a moment as he began running the situation in his mind carefully.

This guy was a stranger he knew nothing about, he could be a ronin or a missing shinobi. Was the man really there or an illusion caused from the heat of the flames, was he really going to give advice to help him, or help himself as this became rather hard to think about. Then when he looked into the fire the image that had been etched inside of his mind appeared again, the flames that would engulf the village as he watched Airi standing there. He did not know why he kept having these visions in his mind as he looked towards the stranger as he was cautious before asking.

"Who are you?"


4The Eyes of a Tiger(Takao/Social) Empty Re: The Eyes of a Tiger(Takao/Social) Thu Mar 15, 2018 4:29 am



Emotion ran rampant in the young shinobi after realizing that he was not as alone as previously thought. Takao, although making an honest effort to appear as little hostile as he could, was unable to ebb the natural look upon his face. Some might have found it threatening, others cold, and others yet merely unpleasant; regardless of which synonym they used to define that look, it was still a far shoot from the nonthreatening demeanor he would have liked to display.

Fear, curiousity, frustration, anger, contemplative--... the kid was certainly not short of emotion, that much was indisputable. In contrast, Takao displayed little in response, and maintained his largely expressionless, slightly intimidating demeanor. Not the best first impression ever made, Takao would be the first to admit that much, but it could have been much worse.

In his state of observance, Takao had failed to notice he had failed to introduce himself. A mental slap across the face was in order for throwing the most basic of pleasantries out the window. “Ahh, shit. My bad. Forgot about introductions… My name is Takao Kimura. I'm from Konoha. You are?”

“So! That advice…” Takao cleared his throat, seemingly intent on continuing after having not been met with opposition to the offer. “This is going to sound like something out of a cheesy motivational speech in a bad movie, but just hear me out.” The raven-haired shinobi continued.

“I can see in your eyes that you’re angry, or… at the very least, frustrated. Probably goes without saying, because of all the…” A hand was removed from his pocket and gestured toward the fire that burned around them. “Anger is a great source of motivation, if you use it right. But if you don't, and you just let it run rampant and unchecked, it'll eat you alive and burn what's left.” As Takao continued, his hands began to wave and move as he talked, displaying a bit of inherent expressiveness to his body language. “I like to think of it like this… Your anger can either be the arrow, or the archer. If you’re the archer and your anger is the arrow, then you can aim and fire it where it needs to be fired. But if anger is the bowman and you are the arrow, then your rage is in control, firing you wherever it deems appropriate. How often do you truly feel in control of your actions when your anger is at the helm?”

Takao let a moment of silence befall them, and his neutral expression finally pulled into a small smile as he lamented on the advice he gave. He took a few steps off to the side, offering just a bit of distance between himself and Miku, as he paced at the edge of the fire that popped and crackled next to him. His hand extended, brushing over the flames as if he hardly cared for their presence, but his appendage did not linger long enough to be hurt. Perhaps it could have been summed up a tad more concisely, he mused. It wasn’t a perfect analogy, far from it in fact, but it worked just well enough for the idea he was trying to convey. He glanced off to the right, into the rain-clouded distance, and lifted his hand to scratch his cheek. “Well, that was a bit longer winded than I intended… Anyway, my point is, don’t let your anger just throw you into a frenzy. It's better to use it as your fuel for progress, not as an outlet to feel better, you know?”

The senior shinobi’s attention returned to Miku and he chuckled lightly. “Well, anyway… I suppose it's a little presumptuous for me to come and lecture you after your fight-- was just trying to give you a little guidance. No hard feelings, yeah? You fought well, in my opinion. Probably doesn’t make you feel any better, but it was entertaining.”

Total WC

Last edited by Takao on Sun Mar 18, 2018 10:06 am; edited 1 time in total

5The Eyes of a Tiger(Takao/Social) Empty Re: The Eyes of a Tiger(Takao/Social) Thu Mar 15, 2018 9:50 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

The man used slightly bad language, though it rather left him a bit confused at the phrase used. The man proceeded with an introduction, he said his name was Kimura Takao from Konoha as he felt a bit less worried after hearing that as he looked down. "I am Akito Miku of Konoha"

Before the conversation could turn into a back and forth Takao as he was known as began to refer to the advice he wanted to give earlier. The Takao began to clear his throat, in a sense it seemed that this guy might actually be rather nice as he seemed to see a bit of Nayoko, the ramen guy in him. The guy mentioned cheese and motivation as if it was a bad movie, as he began to wonder just how interesting this conversation might end up being. For a moment in time his worries had been buried as they were pushed aside to satisfy his curiosity as his cat ears twitched like a fly has been landing on them. Miku's cat like tail would sway for a bit before slowing down and resting to his side.

He also felt so different when you think about it if they teamed up with Airi, they could make a colorful group. Airi, the Green Shinobi and ruler over all that is natural. Takao, the darker then Black shinobi with his raven black hair and features that made him start thinking this guy walked alongside death. Then there was Miku, the one red autumn leaf as he was day dreaming slightly he was still paying attention.

The man said he could see the anger, the frustration and the feelings that seemed to explode like fire as the fire kept going as the rain splashed on their heads it was a really rainy day for some reason, not that it even mattered. This man was strange, he did not speak of eliminating his emotions like all those before him. Hide your emotions from the enemy, stop feeling emotions so that you may do what is needed. However this man told him to redirect his anger and not let it go out of control, like that time he unleashed a massive heated blast and created a really deep hole.

He began to listen about burning alive as something deep down inside began to scratch inside of his head, something he did not know still lay dormant in his heart as he would have to soon make a choice he was not ready to make. The hand waving began to make his eyes twitch slightly as he followed the hand a little bit, as he resisted the strange new urge to jump at it like a cat to a mouse or a moth to a flame.

The man then told him that his anger could be like on of two things, it could be the arrow that pierces the heart of the enemy or it could be the archer that would shoot the arrow wherever it felt like it. He began to wonder if the man knew that he had learned archery, or if it was just a coincidence as fate had a strange way of converging together. He understood what the man said, but what he understood was not something that could be done simply from knowing.

He was not sure how to answer as he thought about it for a bit. The man gave them silence as the white flames still burned, this technique he developed was rather dangerous if left unchecked as he began to think deeply on what it was he needed to do. He watched the man walk away slightly as his ears were perked up more he could tell the man's location even if he did not look anymore, the man was standing dangerously close to the fire as he looked up slightly just to confirm the man's status more clearly.

"Takao-senpai..." as he thought the guy might be an upper class shinobi, but was not fully sure as he had a strange feeling about this guy. "are you able to control them?" as he looked up to the man his tail swaying as he was full of questions and before the man could answer. "are you strong?" as he felt deep down inside that this man was powerful, though his mind had not fully taken to believe it just yet. To even fool around near his flame would require quite a good amount of endurance, this man could very well be special, a special jounin specializing in anger management as he started imagining a special jounin professor in strange round glasses. He also thought that this guy could look like a doctor if he wore some spectacles. He waited for the man to answer his two questions as he seemed rather docile compared to before as the rain seemed to get lighter as the time passed.


6The Eyes of a Tiger(Takao/Social) Empty Re: The Eyes of a Tiger(Takao/Social) Fri Mar 16, 2018 10:04 am



One corner of his mouth pulled into a faint smirk, though not so much out of cockiness or an overabundance of confidence as it was enjoyment of musing over the thought. "Of course. It'd be a little hypocritical of me to come and preach about controlling your emotions if I couldn't actually do it myself, wouldn't it?" He said in response, his eyes returning to fixate on the fire as it danced.

"Truthfully, it isn't that difficult. When I was younger, I used to think that it was better to pretend I didn't have them at all. It helped for a little bit to act like nothing bothered me. Like I had no anger, no frustration, no sadness. But after a while, I started to feel less human." Takao continued, providing further exposition on why he stood where he did on the spectrum of shinobi and their relationship with emotions.

"We're a lot like fire." He said whilst lifting his bare hand up to chest level. “We can be wild, unrestrained, destructive, and angry…” The raven-haired shinobi gestured to the flames around them again, using the fire that raged on as a result of Akito’s anger. Takao drew in a breath and as he exhaled, a baseball sized flame left his mouth alongside the oxygen. It landed on his hand, and the fire stuck to his skin. He stared at his alight hand, entirely unaffected by the presence of the flames. Even as it burned and cracked and popped, he only felt the heat. The countless generations of his clansmen before him had ensured that the flames of those that lived today would never cause themselves harm. Even as the fire burned, it never spread, and stayed entirely contained to Takao’s hand.

“Or we can be controlled, powerful, and constructive. Our fire only burns what we let it burn. You know?” His steel, dull-black gaze lingered on the flames that consumed his hand yet did not damage him. A firm flick of his hand would douse the flames that burned on his hand, leaving the skin underneath entirely untouched. His hand flexed into a fist as it returned to his side, a further indication that he was untouched by the flames. His comfort around the flames that raged on around them might have been a little more explained with this display of control over fire.

His inner musing ran wild with self-criticism, teasingly berating himself for being so philosophical and anecdotal in his attempts at giving some advice. As his gaze lingered upon the dancing flames, his smile began to falter and fade for a moment. That familiar voice rang in his left ear, as it always did, and whispered it’s destructive poison. Burn it all, he heard the disembodied voice in his head say. For somebody like Takao, who found solace and safety in the flames, it made sense that the voice in his head would tell him to burn everything, lest he be killed or maimed or otherwise hurt. It was only within his own fire that he felt truly safe from harm. But he was savvy to the ways of his mental illness by now, even if its presence persisted yet, not unlike an annoying old wound that festered and refused to close.

The vague inquiry about whether or not he was strong wrought a legitimately warm laugh from his lungs. It wasn’t condescending, or at least wasn’t intended to be, and it afforded Takao a moment to think. “To some degree, I guess.” Talking about himself was something that Takao truly detested, and with the shortness of his answer to such a question, it was undeniably obvious as well. “I’m a Jōnin, so assuming that nobody made a mistake with the promotion paperwork, I’d imagine I’m at least passable in some way or another.” He clarified just a bit further, if only for the sake of conversation.

“So, pardon my curiousity, but… Who trained you? It doesn’t seem like they’re doing a half bad job so far.” He said, making another reference to the flames around them that didn’t seem to be dying out, although Takao seemed just as unconcerned with that fact as he was with the fires themselves. They could be handled with ease, if the need to do so arose. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. I just like to keep track of shinobi who utilize fire in Konoha, although I don’t have a very good reason to do so.”

Technique(s) used:

Total WC

7The Eyes of a Tiger(Takao/Social) Empty Re: The Eyes of a Tiger(Takao/Social) Sat Mar 17, 2018 11:52 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Miku tilted his head slightly to the side as his hair swung to the side, his ear twitching as the shift of his expression which seemed to wonder why there was a smirk on Takao-senpai's face. He began to speak using words such as the hippo is critical when he comes to preach about emotion control since he apparently had trouble with that too.

This white flame technique was truly a wonder as it was still burning even after so much time seemed to pass, or was the time itself not moving at all as Takao began to contradict himself. He spoke of struggling to control emotions and now speaks as if it is not even that difficult to begin with. He mentioned that when he was younger he used to pretend he did not have them at all as Miku began to think back to his past for a bit.


"Jamie, Jamie, Jamie?" as the children were calling out his name. They thought he was weird, he seemed to have trouble speaking and was always walking around with this spaced out look on his face. He looked clueless in a world where information was king, he looked lost when found among a group of his peers. He was disliked by his family's clan for being weak, he had only done a few harmless missions for the village and was later accepted into this green lush village after Inuzuka Ashi adopted him. She was the mother of Inuzuka Shippo and had gone into one of her maternal fits when seeing him in the hospital. While his first day being taken to visit the academy made the people think he was good at controlling emotions, after some time they realized he simply had a hard time showing most of them clearly.

He was a ball of emotion that when pushed would explode as that fateful day when he underwent the awakening to his true name, Akito Miku. When he returned the jeers were even worse and he seemed to not show any major reactions at all among his friends or peers. Though when he returned home he was a bundle of tears as his mother tried her best to comfort him. He told her back then that he would be leaving home to take part in the chuunin exams and that he would be looking for his own place to stay. To be on his own so that he could become strong, so that when the clan questioned his mom he could say that she adopted the future hokage of the village.


He was listening, but a part of him was still stuck in the past as Takao then said that they were a lot like fire, that while lifting his bare fist to his chest he spoke of being wild, unrestrained, destructive and enraged. After a while he watched as Takao breathed in and upon exhaling he saw a ball of flaming chakra that was that seemingly spat on Takao's hand. The resistance to fire seemed strong as he watched noting that Takao was not hurt at all, what kind of flame control technique was this that he could not be burnt with his own flames.

He then spoke of them being able to control it in order to become more powerful and in some sense creative. He spoke of the fire only burning what he wanted to burn, and at that same time it applied to the way of the sword as well.

Takao also mentioned being strong to some degree as he said he was of the Jounin level, to him who was Genin though he felt like he could still become more, not already noticing his increased strength or the fact that the examiners already declared him fit for the rank of chuunin. The man then asked who trained him as he looked down to the side thinking back to a mysterious woman.

"I was trained by a girl i can not remember, I also got training from Eizo-san and Anon-sensei a little bit. I learn from anyone who wants to teach me. I know I should do more training by myself, but I feel like I have to learn from everyone else too, if I want any chance to catch up to some of them"

As Miku thought back to the Hokage Rippa Chi, the Godly Mitsuo and his brother Inuzuka Shippo. As he thought to himself inside of his head, that even Anon-sensei was someone he would have to one day defeat.


8The Eyes of a Tiger(Takao/Social) Empty Re: The Eyes of a Tiger(Takao/Social) Sun Mar 18, 2018 7:38 pm



”A girl you can’t remember,” Takao parroted, idly clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth. He shrugged, dismissing it at generally useless tidbit of information that offered little toward fulfilling his goal of learning more about this particular situation. The other information that was offered gave a bit more insight, but not much. The names were unfamiliar to him, but that wasn’t too out of the ordinary. Shinobi were secretive by nature, or at least supposed to be. It stood to reason that only a name standing out would be the mark of a good showman and poor shinobi.

“Interesting lineup.” He commented offhandedly, not truly finding anything of particular interest in the names, sans the Anon-sensei he claimed. The anonymous teacher piqued his curiousity, but was glazed over for the most part otherwise, again deemed to be largely inconsequential knowledge not unlike the others mentioned before and after.

Silence would betide him for a moment as his mind wandered. As the two conversed, with the majority of the conversation falling upon Takao’s own words, he began to wonder if his appearance had interrupted Miku’s attempts at venting his frustration. In truth, that fact was undeniable, he had interrupted him, primarily for the selfish reason of speaking to somebody whose anger and boiling frustration reminded him of himself at a similar age. It wasn’t particularly surprising that the young genin didn’t seem very talkative outside of answering the questions proposed to him. Having a complete stranger, and an adult one at that, approach whilst oneself was in the throws of frustration was undoubtedly an uncomfortable experience. Takao knew that he lacked the warm exterior of a person who engaged in such situations more casually, and the cold air he exuded had likely worsened the situation at large.

“They didn’t do a half bad job, from what I could see at least. Don’t beat yourself up too much over the exams, yeah? There are better ways to progress as a shinobi than participating in the equivalent of international genin cockfighting.” Takao said, being a tad more harsh with his language than what may have been appropriate in front of a child. At the same time, he reasoned with himself, this was a child who the village had deemed adequate to die in servitude of their defense, so a bad word would be the least of his worries. He, for the longest time, had been largely critical of the Chūnin Exams. It seemed redundant for villages to showcase their prospective shinobi, most of whom were eager to prove themselves or show off their bag of tricks, and allow other nations to gather intelligence on where the newest generation stood on the power spectrum. But people loved their theatrics, and the village hosting the exams typically experienced an economic boom from tourism as a result of the highly coveted event. Nothing seemed to bring folks together quite like watching children beat each other up and try to kill one another. Even he had to admit that it was entertaining to watch, which was approximately half of the reason he had opted to watch them. The other half was, of course, to gather the intelligence and information he assumed the other villages were also gathering.

“Also, I like the white flames. They’re a nice touch. Meant to blind people, yeah?” He asked, casting another casual glance to the flames. He had picked up on the technique’s intended purpose almost immediately, but hadn’t thought it relevant to mention until he complimented it. The brightness of the flames had little effect on Takao, but those of lesser ability may have found it more uncomfortable to look directly at. It was, as he had previously mentioned, a nice flare of style to the technique. A mental note was taken and deposited in the vast library of memories dwelling inside Takao’s head, perhaps to be used later.

Burn him.

That voice plaguing this psyche finally spoke up, and Takao’s eyes narrowed. Seldom did they represent his honest thoughts, and instead urged him to do terrible things, just as the proverbial devil on one’s shoulder was apt to do. When it found something to latch onto, a leverage piece against Takao’s better conscience, that voice would rarely let it slip from its clutches.

He lost his fight. His fire is weak and cold. His weakness is a danger to us. A liability. Burn him. Burn him down into ash.

Despite being vocal, Takao pushed it back. The voice had precious little power when it contested Takao’s mind alone. Only during moments of weakness, when he was beaten, exhausted both mentally and physically, would that weak voice hold the power it desperately clamoured for. It would take a lot more than that to drive him to do what it wanted.

“Well, anyway. My bad for interrupting you when you were venting. We’ll probably see each other again at some point, so I’ll leave you be.” Takao said, having taken the lack of conversation as a hint that perhaps his presence wasn’t as welcome as it seemed. No offense had been taken on Takao’s end of course, he would have reacted equally if not more standoffish to being interrupted himself, in the event that this was even the case. His right hand rose for a single shake of the wrist, vaguely reminiscent of a wave goodbye. He hadn’t left just yet, in the event that there was something Miku had yet to say.

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9The Eyes of a Tiger(Takao/Social) Empty Re: The Eyes of a Tiger(Takao/Social) Sat Mar 31, 2018 2:21 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

As quickly as he had came, the man had left as he thought to himself to search out for this man again in the future. With this his venting ended after some time as he had managed to put out the fire and the rage inside his heart for the time being. All he knew now was that he wanted to go back home, to Airi, to his friends, to his family and to his mom Ashi.


Training 3 C-rank Jutsu 1000(3)= 3000 Words Total
Shin Kaze Bunshin (True Wind Clone)
Kūki no kyū (Sphere of Air)
Kaze Bunshin (Wind Clone)

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