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Laïs Crowly

Laïs Crowly

Mission name: Deliver food.
Mission rank: D
Objective: Deliver a box of donated food to a family in need.
Location: Iwa hospital
Reward: 150 ryo
Mission description: There are families going hungry. It's our initiative to help them. Get this food to the families in need.
Mission details: Families have been spending time in the hospital and it has been draining from their wallets and purses. Now they can no longer afford both food and the treatment. This is due to the years of Iwa being poor and riddled with crime. Get the food to the families intact and show the people Iwa cares.

750 wc needed

Laïs Crowly

Laïs Crowly

The trip to Kumogakure for these 'Chuunin Events' had been an interesting time. She had learned quite a lot about what chakra is and could do. An interlude into the shinobi world and the road to power that was laid bare before her. For a first time, she had actually an idea of what she could strife for rather than to go on bestial rampages on a whim. No longer would it be a struggle between the humane and the beastly. No, they could clasp hand and claw together on a path that would free them of the human norm, a mixture between the Divinity of rationale and Supremacy of bestial power. She had come to understand that, where she had once been a power to be reckoned with in a remote village, she was now once again small fry among the stronger.

Meeting Lamya had not only been the revelation towards something greater, but that last snake-healing technique she had used had also cured her wounds and removed the fatigue she had been suffering due to exhaustion from her escape. Furthermore, it had set the woman on a new course. Questions rose to the surface about the versatility and the use of these 'senjutsu', but also to what extend she could improve upon her infectious energies. The revelation brought by Lamya, along with her former meditation and restoration in strength had allowed her to find back some lost abilities, even improving upon a symbiotic use with the beast within. Yes. For a first time since ever, she felt as if the world laid at her feet.

However, the road towards power would not come easily. She would have to learn her place in the shinobi world, what this 'D-rank' exactly meant for an outsider as her. For this, she had been meeting with a few administrators of the local forces here, requesting to help out with a few tasks. While she had hoped to be given something of interest, she had instead been given a few 'missions' - chores barely worth to trouble a kid with, if you asked her. They held no risk, but were supposed to help out the people of the Village. The woman couldn't say she was intrigued with helping out people in such a way, but it was what it was, and while she was at it, her eyes would feast upon potential knowledge that would allow her to improve upon her understanding of the shinobi world.

As such, she was now making her way towards Iwagakure's hospital, carrying a box with food. The smell of grilled chicken, freshly cooked vegetables and aromatic rice pervaded the immediately area, making other people look at the passing woman in turn. It was a simple task the Administration considered a D rank mission fit for 'genin level' shinobi and aiding forces such as hers. As she moved towards the front doors of the hospital, Laïs wondered why such tasks were given to trained shinobi, inexperienced as they were or otherwise. She wondered what exactly was supposed to be learned from this, and pushed open the doors. Finding herself quickly at the reception, the carrion crow Sage lifted the box to show it.

"I'm here on behalf of Iwagakure Administration."
"Ah, yes. Please proceed to the third floor, room 302."

The floor was marked with coloured dots, teh walls littered with pointers and markers of which section was to be found where. Somewhere on them, one pointed Laïs at the direction of the stairs, so she took the stairs and made her way to the third floor. Reaching the third floor, three more hallways revealed themselves. Room 302 would be one of them... Laïs tilted her head, finding this mission rather confusing and getting the awkward idea the challenge was not to get lost in the labyrinth of hallways and divisions that was so apparent to the doctors and nurses moving around here on a daily base. Still, not intended to 'fail' such a menial task, she stopped a nurse and asked for the directions upon which she was promptly given them. Eventually, passing five more doors, she reached the room and walked inside after knocking.

In the bed, a five year old kid laid sleeping, his breathing irregular. Laïs placed the box quietly on a nearby table, eyeing the kid for a few seconds. She could feel his sickness, a barely beating pulse causing weak ripples in the surrounding natural energy. The odd sensation of lingering death in the air, a bland taste on her lips, its putrid stench subtly lingering. Lowering her gaze pensively, Laïs found it a pity the boy was dying a slow death, and though she'd love to end his suffering quickly with the help of her own decaying energies, she did not. This was not the moment to act on a folly, even if said folly was an act of mercy in her eyes. Instead, she opted she'd have to talk to Lamya about this.



Reward: D rank jutsu

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