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1Eventuality [Invite Only/NK] Empty Eventuality [Invite Only/NK] Fri Feb 09, 2018 10:20 pm



Loud electronic beeping and the smell of intense cleaning chemicals. A sanitized environment. An unfamiliar bed and the mildly uncomfortable itching of bandage fabric surrounding his entire torso and neck. Hanza hadn’t been conscious in two days. His body had taken a turn for the worse after his severe burns. When chakra returned to him and his internal body temperature plummeted again, attempting to fix the damage he had suffered from his third and final trial, second degree burns, the pain that caused was so much more excruciating it rendered him unconscious and kept him that way. The medical professionals had been able to minimize scarring to his torso, saving him from a grim fate of burn wounds across his face. But his torso would likely be scarred with relative severity.

It was a peaceful visage. The white haired young man laying in his hospital bed, light gently beaming through the window blinds. Monitors keeping track of him. The small side table bore nothing upon it. No flowers. No notes. Nothing at all. Hanza wasn’t well known. He didn’t have many friends and he wasn’t good at making them. The lack of these things would not matter to him at this time, however, as he was still unconscious.

Within his mind he dreamt of different things. At some points these were good dreams. A cup of tea and a lovely evening alone with a good book. And then there was fire. Wretched flames consumed his mind and flesh. He was quite shaken mentally by the experience.

The doctors and nurses were attending to dozens of genin. Some in worse condition than others. These trials were not for the weak or the faint of heart. It was a fortunate thing that Kumo was supplying this medical treatment at no cost to the ailed. Hanza was housed in the intensive care unit. Due to his unique physiology, doctors couldn’t rightly determine if the Kōri clansmen would ever come back. They were only waiting to find out. As the peaceful looking patient lay in his bed, serene as they come, it was unbeknownst to the rushing about physicians that the next person to approach him would be the first one he awoke to.

And in those first few moments he would then realize his actions weren’t simply for naught. He was a contender now. All of his trials were clear. The only question being: would Hanza Kōri be in any condition to fight in the next segment. Would he heal quickly enough?

WC: 427

2Eventuality [Invite Only/NK] Empty Re: Eventuality [Invite Only/NK] Sat Feb 10, 2018 4:27 am



Izumi woke up quite sore. The soreness was a reminder of her victory, the soreness was caused by the exam trial she completed just the night before. Izumi, along with Nova Makato and Hanza Kouri, were the first to advance to the tournament portion of the exam. The fog from her mind cleared at the memory of Hanza and she bolted upright. The young woman had remembered the boys sacrifice. The man had taken the full brunt of a katon technique as well as a fall from a seventh story building. It was the customary time for Izumi to awaken, during the dark of the dawn before the sun rose. Hurrying to get ready, Izumi quickly dressed herself in her white kimono with the Karisuma symbol on its back, the beautiful silk garment hugging her form. Izumi had wanted to be there for Hanza in the hospital and to assist in his recovery to the best of her ability. Izumi hadn’t trained much in the medical arts since her graduation, focusing mostly on her offensive capabilities during her training with her mentor, Syekren Uchiha. The Karisuma teen scrambled about looking for her coat. It was black with a white fur lining and was quite large for the young woman. The coat had belonged to one of Syekren’s friends, a man Izumi knew only as the Jackal. The man had helped her and kept her safe the night of Suna’s destruction. The coat was a sentimental object for her, much like her uncle’s journal which she would tuck into the interior pocket of the coat. Izumi felt guilty about Hanza’s sacrifice, she doesn’t think that if she were put in the same position that she would have made the same choice as him. Izumi rushed into the dark morning making haste towards the village hospital. The young woman wanted to get there as soon as she could. It was the only thing on her mind since she had woken up. She rushed out the door quickly only to return, grabbing the vase of flowers that had been left in her room by the maids who attended to the luxury suite she had been provided as a participant in the exams.

Izumi raced down the nearly empty streets and loved the feeling of the cool morning air. The streets were empty enough that she could appreciate the blanket of stars covering the night above her while she ran. There weren’t as many stars here it seemed to her. Compared to her home, she felt that the night sky here was missing something. The young woman missed home more than she thought she could. It’s not like she was just on vacation, her home was gone. Wiped clean from the map, all that was left was a pile of glass and rubble. Izumi hoped that she wouldn’t have to experience anything like that again. It bothered the young woman that she doesn’t think she would have done the same for the poor boy who had experienced so much pain just to make sure they both succeeded. Nova was on her mind as well, but it just didn’t seem the same for some reason. Izumi had reached the hospital, and rushed into the lobby panting for air from her near sprint across the village. Taking a deep panting breath between each word she spoke to the receptionist, ”I need to see Hanza Kouri,” the receptionist looked sleepy and unprepared for such a vigorous visitor at this hour and simply muttered a room number and divulged his location to be the intensive care unit. Izumi ran off towards where the young man was fearing the worst upon hearing his location.

Izumi had finally arrived, and laid her cornflower blue eyes on the poor young man who had sacrificed his wellbeing for her. Izumi resolved to do whatever it took to get him ready by the time the next portion of the exams begun. Upon getting a closer inspection of the lad, Izumi could finally see the extent of his injuries. He had burns on much of his body and bruises on more of it. The fall and the flames did not do him any favors save for avoiding his face. He was still sleeping, probably the only time he was not in pain and Izumi was in no rush to remove him from his sweet slumber. Instead her hands would begin to glow green and she would begin to work on his burns, wanting to everything she could for the young man who did everything he could for her. Izumi had escaped the trial with no injuries and she had him to thank for it. Izumi would continue healing him for a few hours before exhausting the extent of her ability and sitting on one of the chairs. Her timing was impeccable, as she sat the young man’s eyes would open finally awakening. Izumi would stand up immediately, forgetting her exhaustion and rushing to his side, the flowers she had brought for him still sitting in the chair beside the one she had chosen for her rest. She used a soft sweet voice, ”Good morning Hanza. How are you feeling? Are you okay?” The young woman was slightly embarrassed by her repetitive line of questioning, however its sincerity was apparent, she stood bent slightly forward over him holding one of his hands eagerly awaiting him to speak.

914 words.

3Eventuality [Invite Only/NK] Empty Re: Eventuality [Invite Only/NK] Wed Feb 14, 2018 5:05 am

Nova Makato

Nova Makato

The third and final trial had left Nova in poor shape. Her hands and knees had to have the shards of gravel and splinters of wood plucked from them, and was given a dose of a painful antiseptic that stung when applied. The fall and slide left her limbs not only cut but horribly bruised, and it ached to use her hands. Her wooden leg had taken cosmetic damage, but not structural. A more painful issue was her right ankle, which had been twisted then heavily used. A splint was bound around the tender joint with cloth bandaged, providing support. Her injuries were not severe, so she decided to tough them out until the night before her first combat trial to heal them. After medical attention she was dismissed to home where she fell asleep promptly the second she walked in the door. Kurogokegamu sat idle in the corner, its gem eyes greeting her as she entered. The proctors who had taken her in the night had not bothered to take her primary weapon, though her lack of chakra would have made the spider puppet useless anyways. She slept through the day and night, the bright sun of the morning sending a beam across her face finally waking her up.

Nova sat up groggily, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her body ached horribly, and each movement felt tedious. She strapped her leg in place, and walked to her shower which had a seat installed for her time here, so she could sit and bathe herself with ease. She let the hot water pour over her for longer than she had intended, letting the heat seep into her aching muscles. She scrubbed at her singed and dirty locks with coconut scented cleanser and rinsed it, leaving a pleasant scent instead of the bitter smell of burnt hair. Wrapping her hair on the top of her head in a towel, Nova slid a pair of clean shorts and tank top on, sliding her spider decorated kimono over it leaving it untied. Dragging a comb through her thick hair, the damp locks fell flat against her back. Limping sorely into the kitchen, Nova pulled supplies from her pantry and fridge to make her signature red bean mochi. The process was not as easy with her injuries, but yet again she made a plate of gorgeous mochi. She pulled two little paper boxes from the top of her pantry and put layer after layer of soft mochi in, separated with parchment paper. She slid the lid on and tied a white ribbon around them, a pretty bow on top. Gently setting them in the bottom of her basket that fit in her puppet, she walked outside wielding a pair of scissors. She kneeled at the rosebush besides her front door and snipped two of the fullest blooms, their petals a velveteen deep pink. She took them inside, trimming the extra leaves, and stuck them in the bows of each box.

Though she was sore and beaten, she elected to travel without Kurogokegamu again today, in efforts to raise less attention that she would already for having been in the first group to complete the trial. She slid the basket to her forearm, put her silk slippers on, and walked out the door. Though her pace was slow she made good time through the village, a beeline for the hospital. After this she would head for a tea, but there was a more important matter to attend to. Her performance in the trial was.... not stellar. Her teammates were the real reason for their success, herself a mere distraction. Izumi had been the one to make it out of the ruins, and the partner she had not met before the trial, Hanza, had taken a fairly severe burn to ensure their success. Nova did not know how she could properly thank them for helping her in a trial, but simply saying those words would be a start. She found herself at the steps to the hospital in which all genin competing in the trials were being treated.

She slipped inside the sterile building, the florescent light beating down on her. The basket swung against her shoulder as she walked towards the desk, listening from a distance. Nova listened as the receptionist slowly spoke on the phone, her ears perking as the woman mentioned a boy in the ICU suffering from burns. At this, Nova rushed in the direction of the ICU, using the signs on the wall as her map. She walked quickly, peeking from window to window to see if she was at the right one. She came to the final room on the hall and peered in, seeing two familiar people inside. A wounded boy with white hair on the bed, and a woman with a fiery red mane standing from a chair in the room. After a moment, she quietly peeked through the door and swung it open slightly, slipping inside before closing it again. ”Good morning Hanza. How are you feeling? Are you okay?”, Izumi was leaning over the bed slightly, her hands grasping one of his. Nova held the basket behind her back and walked to the foot of the bed silently, waiting for the right time to speak.

[word count 880]

4Eventuality [Invite Only/NK] Empty Re: Eventuality [Invite Only/NK] Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:56 pm



As he lay in that hospital bed, which happened to be rather comfortable, consciousness flooded over him like likes washing over him on the shore of an eternal beach. If it were not for the IV drip and chakra suppressors in the room, Hanza would have experienced the incredible pain he had experienced initially when his body tried to ice over his burns. When his eyes gently opened up, he would see a familiar face. Izumi Karisuma. She had one of his hands gripped. He must have been obvious as he regained consciousness as she seemed to be waiting patiently for it. Her beautiful blue eyes would meet with the green of Hanza’s as his formerly limp hand returned a gentle grip. She was not the only one present. Hanza looked over and spotted Nova, the woman he had been less familiar with but knew to have also went through great troubles to ensure a victory. He couldn’t have known what had befallen her. He never had the chance to see. Whether it was the fact that he had been through hell and high waters these last few days, or perhaps the looming fear that he would not recover in time for the next stage, Hanza immediately began to tear up.

This reaction came before he could respond to Izumi’s inquiry verbally. Hanza was a gentle person, he had been throughout his entire life. Everyone had thought him too soft to function in this difficult and dangerous world. And yet, he seemed to throw himself into the most dangerous of situations without regard for his own safety. The tears were cold and crystalline. He opened his mouth finally and began to speak. “Thank you both for being here, it means more than you could imagine.

He looked down and Nova at the foot of his bed and spoke toward her. “I’m so sorry I could not get to him before he got to you.” Hanza had no idea why these two were here with him. It felt surreal. He didn’t realize he had made such a mark on his two comrades. His intention had never been publicity when he did what he did, he just needed to make sure he contributed to the effort, and protected his allies. He had no idea whether or not the trial had been a success or a failure. Furthermore, he did not even know if he would be cleared to move forward if they had been successful. He was in poor shape. He could tell just by attempting to sit forward that his body was going to fight him every step of the way. The burns were decently healed, but the bruising would remain for some time. Pain would course through him when he moved, but at least he wasn’t in agony like before.

When my mother would take me to the beaches of Kirigakure as a young boy she would always warn me that pale people like me burned easily. But I hated the feeling of sunscreen.” Hanza smiled brightly and chuckled. “I guess she was right.

WC: 520
TWC: 947

5Eventuality [Invite Only/NK] Empty Re: Eventuality [Invite Only/NK] Wed Feb 21, 2018 1:36 am



As Hanza was waking Izumi could hear someone else with a strange hobbling gait enter the room. She had a vague idea of who it might be however she was more focused on the young man before her. Apparently her appearance had provoked a bit of emotion in the boy. His tears were strange however, not falling in hot streaks but instead tiny teardrop shaped crystals of ice. “Thank you both for being here, it means more than you could imagine.” His words confirmed Izumi’s suspicion that Nova Makato, the other partner in the third trial was the one that had shambled into the room. Hanza would address Nova directly with his next comment, something about him apologizing for not saving her as well. It would seem that she hadn’t escaped unscathed either. Izumi felt another pang of survivors guilt, but it was fleeting she shrugged it off easily, justifying her success with the fact that she had won the trial for all three of them. The young man indeed seemed to be in a lot of pain. However, he was able to take the situation lightly “When my mother would take me to the beaches of Kirigakure as a young boy she would always warn me that pale people like me burned easily. But I hated the feeling of sunscreen.” Pausing to smile and chuckle the boy delivered the punchline. “I guess she was right.” Izumi would laugh along with the boys joke, a weight lifted off her shoulders, feeling relieved that the young man hadn’t hated her. She gave his cold hand a squeeze, before charging  her hands yet again with healing chakra. The young woman would smile and continue working on his wounds. “I’m glad you came Nova, it’s good to know a fellow Suna survivor has the good heart I’d expect of one us. Hanza, you need to rest. I’m glad you’re light hearted enough to be making jokes but laughs must hurt. Thank you for taking that fireball for me, it was very courageous.” Izumi was still smiling and said this sweetly, not a tone of commanding but of care. “I’m surprised you haven’t questioned why no one is representing the Sand Village. Aren’t you curious?” Izumi’s mediocre healing skills hadn’t made much progress up to this point but at least he was getting solo attention that he wouldn’t be receiving normally in the busy hospital. For every member of the exams that had succeeded there were a handful that didn’t and many of them were injured. In fact, Izumi had a small bit of pride that it seemed the Mist Village had the best prepared of the entrants. The Mist Village had the highest number of genin advancing to the tournament portion. Even better, two of the Mist Representatives were in fact former Sand Village residents, the two being Izumi and Nova.

493 words.

6Eventuality [Invite Only/NK] Empty Re: Eventuality [Invite Only/NK] Wed Feb 21, 2018 3:12 am

Nova Makato

Nova Makato

Hanza was awake, though looking pale and weak laying on the bed. Izumi had his hand grasped gently in hers, though Nova noted the green glow of chakra on her hands as a channeling of a healing jutsu. “Thank you both for being here, it means more than you could imagine.” he spoke to the pair in the room with a somewhat emotional expression on his face. Nova looked down at her feet, slightly uncomfortable as she did not know what to say back. Pulling the basket she carried from behind her back she set it on the vacant chair in the room. Grabbing what she had put within she walked towards the two others in the room and sat the pair of boxes between Izumi and Hanza who lay on the bed. The deep pink roses that she had trimmed this morning were tucked neatly in the beautifully tied bows atop each box. “I wanted to bring you each a thank you for helping me in the trials... I would not have gotten past something like that if not for you.... I am so sorry you got hurt Hanza.” Nova looked at the ground solemnly as she spoke trying to keep emotion from bleeding into her voice and tapped the toe of her fake leg against the tile floor.

Hanza looked up at her, she was not standing at the end of the bed fidgeting. The boy spoke to her,I’m so sorry I could not get to him before he got to you.. “No, absolutely not. I'm totally fine. I just wish I had distracted him a little longer so he didn't get to you... thank you for making the sacrifice to help us all get through.” Nova said immediately and then turned to face Izumi, “and thank you for crossing the finish line. I know I didn't help as much as I would have liked to be able to.” Nova shook her head and tried to change the topic to a slightly happier note, “I see you know a bit of medical justu Izumi, I think I might be able to help a little as well”. Walking to the opposite side of the bed as Izumi, Nova grasped Hanza's other hand which was so cold to the touch it gave her a shiver down her spine. Channeling her own hovering hands, Nova's palms glowed a deep emerald green and she imparted what energy she could into the boy who had helped her so greatly. She smiled warmly at the girl across the bed and at the boy who lay there, glad to be able to provide some comfort. Though she had only known them briefly, circumstances such as the trials brought people closer, and for that she was glad. Nova addressed the boxes she had set down besides them, “I made some mochi for you, some green tea, some red bean. I know its not much but I hope you like them”.

The trio sat in silence for a while, Nova and Izumi putting spare energy in doing whatever minor healing they could for the boy. Hanza broke the silence,“When my mother would take me to the beaches of Kirigakure as a young boy she would always warn me that pale people like me burned easily. But I hated the feeling of sunscreen.” Hanza smiled brightly and chuckled. “I guess she was right.”. Izumi smiled at the story as Hanza told it, then spoke.
“I’m glad you came Nova, it’s good to know a fellow Suna survivor has the good heart I’d expect of one us. Hanza, you need to rest. I’m glad you’re light hearted enough to be making jokes but laughs must hurt. Thank you for taking that fireball for me, it was very courageous.”. Letting silence fall for a moment, Izumi changed the subject, “I’m surprised you haven’t questioned why no one is representing the Sand Village. Aren’t you curious?” Nova looked curiously at Hanza's face for his reaction. In her experience throughout the trials, Nova had come to find that what information she had was the first knowledge of Suna's destruction for all who had not been from there themselves. On many occasions the Kiri headband tied over her knee had slid down to reveal the Suna plate there, sparking the conversation about why she had chosen to represent a different village. Nova was aware that Hanza not only represented Kiri, but lived there too and was curious about how he felt on the matter of so many people not from there representing it.

[780 Word count]

7Eventuality [Invite Only/NK] Empty Re: Eventuality [Invite Only/NK] Tue Feb 27, 2018 8:00 pm



Nova and Izumi each brought different values and personalities to the room, but Nova seemed to be having a very difficult time with the whole event. She had brought gifts and, as Izumi used her medical arts to heal Hanza, he smiled enthusiastically at the beautiful hand-cut pink roses which rested on the gift boxes. Holding his breath to choke back the pain of reaching out for his box, Hanza secured it and brought it gently to his lap to observe.

“I wanted to bring you each a thank you for helping me in the trials... I would not have gotten past something like that if not for you.... I am so sorry you got hurt Hanza.”

Hanza would look gently surprised at Nova as he held the gift she had given him and he would shake his head. “No, Nova. Don’t be sorry that I was hurt, isn’t this part of the exams? For there to have been a winner in all of these events there had to be losers. Evenso, I ended up a winner in the end didn’t I? You were hurt as well, and if I could have left this bed before you got here, this would feel more like a gift exchange than a hospital visit.

Nova would soon join Izumi in healing Hanza, both of them channeling that emerald green medical chakra throughout his body. It certainly alleviated some of the persistent pain. He couldn’t help but feel guilty for leeching their chakra like this though. He didn’t want this to all feel like a pity party for him, so when the mochi was mentioned, he allowed his negative feelings to subside and smiled, genuinely happy with the gift.

Thank you so much, Nova. And thank you too, Izumi. Neither of you had to be here or do any of this for my sake. I anticipated being alone in the hospital. You are each a blessing of your own.

He would finish up with a heavy exhale that caused him to wince slightly due to some pain throughout his torso.

“I’m glad you came Nova, it’s good to know a fellow Suna survivor has the good heart I’d expect of one us. Hanza, you need to rest. I’m glad you’re light hearted enough to be making jokes but laughs must hurt. Thank you for taking that fireball for me, it was very courageous.”.

Sacrifice. Is that something they drilled into our skulls for all of those years in the academy? I was terrified. I think that makes it less than courageous. I guess I am some sort of poster child, now. I can see it now. The Frosty Blazing Martyr of Kirigakure. What sort of things have they said of me up to this point? Hopefully nothing, I did not want extra attention.

He took a few moments to think about the situation itself, he was speaking and chattering more now than he had in months. He normally didn’t flourish at all in a social setting. He must have damaged his brain somehow. Wht Izumi said next would drag Hanza’s thoughts a bit as he couldn’t come up with an answer.

“I’m surprised you haven’t questioned why no one is representing the Sand Village. Aren’t you curious?”

He had lived in Konoha for almost a year at this point, he was hardly in tune with world affairs and was most of the time tucked into his own headspace anyway. To his best guess, Suna was undergoing political turmoil or something technical like that. He looked over at the two in the room and seemed distant, trying to make sense of it himself but eventually gave in and asked.

I..haven’t found myself even noticing these last few weeks. The trials and the exams had my mind fully occupied. I’d love to hear about it though! What sort strange circumstance would have Sunagakure natives representing Kirigakure in the exams?

Hanza Kōri was entirely unaware of what had befallen Sunagakure no Sato.

WC: 686
TWC: 1633

8Eventuality [Invite Only/NK] Empty Re: Eventuality [Invite Only/NK] Thu Mar 01, 2018 8:24 pm



Nova would finally speak up, making her presence known finally from behind Izumi, “I wanted to bring you each a thank you for helping me in the trials... I would not have gotten past something like that if not for you.... I am so sorry you got hurt Hanza.” Nova had proffered a pair of boxes to them, with a rose on top, freshly picked from the looks of them. Nova comforted Hanza for his evident failure to distract the man from both of the young women he was paired with instead of just the one, Nova would turn to Izumi and thank her directly for completely the trial for them. With a kind nod Izumi would affirm that she had heard and appreciated the thanks. Nova would hobble her way to the other side of the bet and grasp Hanza’s hand as well. “I see you know a bit of medical justu Izumi, I think I might be able to help a little as well” Nova’s hands would glow a familiar green as she also channeled some medical chakra into her hands and began to heal the young man as well. Izumi smiled at Nova “Hopefully we’ll have him feeling better quicker than the hospital staff would have alone. I can’t do much about the more serious burns but everything minor I should be able to handle. I wish I could do more for you Hanza, but I haven’t trained much in the medic arts since leaving home.” Hanza appreciated everything they were doing for him, “Thank you so much, Nova. And thank you too, Izumi. Neither of you had to be here or do any of this for my sake. I anticipated being alone in the hospital. You are each a blessing of your own.” Nova would finally identify their gifts as mochi. Izumi and Nova would work until they were a bit tired again and sit back down silently waiting together.

Hanza would break their silence, “Sacrifice. Is that something they drilled into our skulls for all of those years in the academy? I was terrified. I think that makes it less than courageous. I guess I am some sort of poster child, now. I can see it now. The Frosty Blazing Martyr of Kirigakure. What sort of things have they said of me up to this point? Hopefully nothing, I did not want extra attention.” Izumi knew what sort of things people said about her, at least she thought she knew since some of the more bold viewers would commonly approach her as a potential suitor. They called her beautiful, they called her graceful, they called her gorgeous, in fact up to this point she had been called just about every compliment a young woman could be called. Women were different however, apparently none were so bold to say such things to Hanza but he was not without his own admirers. “As far as I know, they say you’re handsome Hanza. On more serious notes, I’m told that all the Genin who passed the trials are thought highly of by many of the village leaders. The tournament will be taking place soon. I hope you’re healed by then Hanza, and I hope we never have to face off. I’d hate for one of us to injure the other. Hanza finally decided to approach the topic of Sunagakure, one that Izumi hadn’t spoken of to many. It was still a wound that was healing, while it no longer pained her constantly it still would haunt her on occasion. “I..haven’t found myself even noticing these last few weeks. The trials and the exams had my mind fully occupied. I’d love to hear about it though! What sort strange circumstance would have Sunagakure natives representing Kirigakure in the exams?” Izumi’s eyes would tear up slightly, a few warm tear drops falling on the young man’s hand before she spoke, “Our home was destroyed by criminals from the Hidden Leaf Village. We were told that we would have to choose a sponsor. That’s why Nova has both headbands, mine I keep in my room. Many people died in the chaos, I doubt anyone who witnessed it will be the same.”


716 words for a total word count of 2,123.


Last edited by Izumi Karisuma on Wed Mar 14, 2018 12:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

9Eventuality [Invite Only/NK] Empty Re: Eventuality [Invite Only/NK] Mon Mar 12, 2018 12:58 am

Nova Makato

Nova Makato

As the other two spoke, Nova would slide into a seat, her body weary and sore. Falling into silence, Nova would stare out the window letting her mind wander. Hanza would break their silence, “Sacrifice. Is that something they drilled into our skulls for all of those years in the academy? I was terrified. I think that makes it less than courageous. I guess I am some sort of poster child, now. I can see it now. The Frosty Blazing Martyr of Kirigakure. What sort of things have they said of me up to this point? Hopefully nothing, I did not want extra attention.”. The boy spoke deeply introspectively and, and understood what he mean, he made a sacrifice, that would change many's minds on what they felt about him. On the opposite side of the spectrum, Nova feared what was being said about her, and her complete lack of preparedness for a trial such as the one she was stuck in.

Izumi would respond to him verbally as Nova just kept her thoughts to herself.“As far as I know, they say you’re handsome Hanza. On more serious notes, I’m told that all the Genin who passed the trials are thought highly of by many of the village leaders. The tournament will be taking place soon. I hope you’re healed by then Hanza, and I hope we never have to face off. I’d hate for one of us to injure the other. Hanza finally decided to approach the topic of Sunagakure, a touchy subject for it's refugees. Emotions were in turmoil, some still morning it and others wishing to avenge it. It was was a wound that Izumi suffered as well as she spoke on the matter, “I..haven’t found myself even noticing these last few weeks. The trials and the exams had my mind fully occupied. I’d love to hear about it though! What sort strange circumstance would have Sunagakure natives representing Kirigakure in the exams?” Izumi’s eyes would tear up slightly as she spoke over the boy, “Our home was destroyed by criminals from the Hidden Leaf Village. We were told that we would have to choose a sponsor. That’s why Nova has both headbands, mine I keep in my room. Many people died in the chaos, I doubt anyone who witnessed it will be the same.”. The outburst of emotion from izumi was not something that Nova anticipated, but nodded as she mentioned Nova's headband, “I know I represent Kiri, but I never removed the Suna headband from my leg. I feel as though I represent both, at least what was good of Suna.”. Nova would shift back in to thoughtful silence, emotional pain on the matter written across her face.

[exit thread]

[Word count 466]
[Final word count 2126]

10Eventuality [Invite Only/NK] Empty Re: Eventuality [Invite Only/NK] Thu Mar 15, 2018 2:55 pm



The words and feelings of the two visitors was like a solemn and devastating stroke of a brush. A brush which painted a portrait of anguish and disdain for the circumstances which seemed to line up the path that lead to this point. Both of them, Izumi and Nova, seemed deeply wounded by the tragedy of which they had been part. had been destroyed.

The perpetrators of the attack were criminals of Konohagakure no Sato? Sunagakure no Sato has been destroyed? No. That could not be...

You mean to tell me that an entire village was wiped away by the actions of only a few? What kind of monster would do such a thing?” Hanza would clench his fists in an anger, the room would grow colder. The young man’s mind raced, a painful thud began to knock against the inside of his skull. It wasn’t standard procedure for Hanza to be particular moved or this emotional at all except when he was anxious. A new wave of deep emotions had washed over the pale man. He had never himself had the opportunity to explore the Land of Wind, his parents had always warned him against it. The temperature there was not the best fit for a shinobi of cold and ice, but Hanza was a curious lad. It had been part of an ongoing bucket list.

Your hearts are torn and pained at the loss of so much. You have each taken on the mantle of Kirigakure out of necessity. But remember, within your hearts you are Sunagakure no sato. We are all Sunagakure no Sato. You will do your homeland proud. And one day we can live in a world where this is not able to be.

His thoughts continued to race. He danced with the ideas for whom should be held responsible. These were villains of Konohagakure. What had the village Hidden in the Leaves done to right the injustices of its failure? Hanza had spent a significant chunk of time bolstering the village as a member of the exchange program. He would leave immediately following the exams after receiving this information, returning to Kirigakure to be with his family. It seemed there were people capable of great devastation looming as free radicals. Hanza wouldn’t lose his family from across the continent.

The seeds of revolution had been planted within Hanza of the Kōri.

Exit Thread

WC: 403
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