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1The Dawn of Stone [earth release training] Empty The Dawn of Stone [earth release training] Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:34 am



The sun rose high, and the heat beat down on all who trained in the Coliseum of Iwagakure today. Tenjin stood, shirtless and sweating already working to increase his earth elemental awareness. His training was as always constant and unyielding. He had but one desire and that was to better manipulate earth release jutsus. Now was the time for a hard and intense training. He strapped heavy weights he brought to train under more unbearable conditions onto his ankles, Tenjin would then run. Each leg when lifted fet like a tun and thus too much for Tenjin to handle. Nevertheless, this day, he felt extra powerful and felt the extra desire for strength. He knew that his skills and strengths as a ninja were coming to a head. Sooner or later, he might even seek out a promotion to chunin after intense training and enough completed mission.

The entire time he lifted the weights as he ran, he would continue to focus on the doton element that surrounded him. He would focus his own ample chakra stores into it, to manipulate it. Lifting boulders he would mold the rock, attempting to mold the elements with his chakra, and to successfully master the keys to elemental jutsus. This was only a small skill, he didn’t have full access to, but because of this, Tenjin must train his earth element to reach that of an ANBU. He simply did his best to get it to work. Once he had completed molding chakra with many of the rocks, he would focus on smashing them beneath his fist. He would drop his small hands onto them, shattering them. With each destroyed rock, Tenjin thought about the concept of the will of stone. Tenjin further envisioned the stones as an enemy to the nation. As he continued rage would slowly fill him, causing him to be more violent with his strikes and lifts. Tenjin soon would move to enter into the ‘pit’ itself within the coliseum, where he could fight other genin. Tenjin believed that because he has earth as his primary elemental affinity, that he can train it under stressful conditions, and he wished to fight to create this stress. Entering into the pit, he stood at the sides and watched several other matches go on and on while he waited. Not many people wished to fight as they came to train, and they didnt want to hurt their fellow Iwa shinobis, and so he was forced to wait a greater amount of time than he would have liked.

Because he’s still cute and a child, his genin opponents would line up before him after noticing who wanted to train with combat. Tenjin will still work hard to defeat each and everyone, but they still thought him weak due to his appearance. Tenjin wants to train to a point where he will not be afforded the same courtesy. He wants to enter the arena against one or possibly two men at a time to have a fight. It was a fight such as this he entered the arena. He faced off against a genin who quickly created a shadow clone. Tenjin was surprised by the young shinobis skill already. Both were similar in stature to him for once. They walked closer, and stood around 10 meters from where Tenjin himself stood. Once the fight began, Tenjin channeled his doton infused chakra to harden his skin, giving him an incredibly tanned appearance. He awaited their attacks, and would allow them to strike first. They moved in like lions on a beaten lamb, or so they thought. Each blow hit Tenjin and caused a thud to be heard all around the stadium, and yet Tenjin received each strike without waiver.

Thanks to his doton infused body, he barely felt each fist. It was more like a pressure sensation, with no pain attached. Once a couple more landed, he began to attack back. The ability to simply absorb blows meant he need not dodge too much, and focus on attacking back. As a fist hit him, he moved his arm up to trap one of the mans arms, and head butted him. The strike left the other genin stumbling back, blood coming from between his nose. Once this was done, he moved to focus on the shadow clone. The strikes came faster now, the maulings of a desperate animal. Trying to save its life, when death was the only answer it would receive. This was not the village of Konoha, with shinobis of special bloodlines at every corner, no this was Iwagakure, the place where strong men lived. After several strikes, Tenjin bent low and sent a shattering fist into the shadow clones diaphragm. The shadow clone would fall back causing it to disperse into a puff of smoke; Tenjin would look at the original as he was ready for more combat.

The genin continued to fight however, and would appear to not let Tenjin strike back. Each counter strike though would make contact with his opponent, and yet the man fought on. In the end the man would be so exhausted that he would fall forward on knees, unable to stand. Once the man was on the ground, he would stand behind him. Lean low and whisper in his ears “It appears as if you spent all of your chakra on the shadow clone.” Looking down at the genin Tenjin would help him up and thanked him for a great sparring session. He had gotten his fight. Finished he would return to training. Here he would begin his meditations and focus again on the doton the surrounded him. He wished to be fluent in doton chakra before long, all this waiting around would do him no good. He needed all the strength he could gain, and this meditation would assist him in gaining it. He wished to be hard as a rock, and strong as the mountain. A volcano that is strong against all things, and then explosive with fire.

Once time had passed in meditation he would move on to continue work with his earth release techniques. He focused to make earth walls and constructs, spikes and sinking into the ground. The earth would slowly really begin moving to his will and strength. He had enough strength now that he could do what needed to be done. He could harden his body with stone, and make his fists stronger, and his muscles stronger as well. The combination of earth and fire only made sense due to his focus on a balanced type of attack. Using this new found level of ability in fire release, he thought he could strengthen his earth release to the same level as his fire release. An attack with the earth and fire release should be in his arsenal, as the earth element will help make things harder, while the fire element will help in making parts of it hotter. Combining the basics with the mixture could only lead to greater and greater things. Tenjin was glad with his abilities and wanted to hone the skills more. He felt as if there was nothing left to gain except for more proficiency. While training, he encountered an unusual situation. Apparently a chunin who taught the genin the shadow clone jutsus came up to Tenjin with two shadow clones. Thus three chunin came behind him and challenged him. Unfortunately they were in for a rude awakening. They had seen his fighting style and believed themselves strong enough to handle the situation. This was a place where the strong lived, so Tenjin did not take any of this personal, it was just for honor and pride.

The shinobis walked in the arena, and the opponents took out kunais. Each had a kunai and were chasing after Tenjin. Unfortunately for them the hardness of his skin only caused small scratches when hit by the kunais as the shinobis were swinging in a slashing motion. The pain was real however, and they each sliced several times. The opponents were prepared, Tenjin gave them that. However what they had not been ready for was the earth release training he had been focusing on. Tenjin would crash bodily into the chunin and focus on attacking the primary target. He would punch and kick, wrestling with the chunin and forgetting about attacking the clones. The chunin would fight back of course, and the blows would be felt against the flesh of Tenjin. The sounds were apparent, and while they hurt, Tenjin was now trying to win at all caused. He even began activating his newly found doton chakra. Covering his body with the rock, he stood stronger and more formidably. He continued fighting back for what seemed like ages. Two shinobis standing still while punching each other, waiting to see who would back down first. In the end, the chunin could have won if he had his clones fight too, but it appears as if the youth wanted to prove something to himself by just fighting with pure taijutsu against Tenjin. But he would back down enough for Tenjin to force his shadow clones to disperse due to the original spending so much energy to keep himself standing. Slamming both fists into each other, the battle was over, and Tenjin was knocked down as the chunin also fell back. Both said at the same time, “Great match.” When Tenjin recovered, he was able to collect his belongings and head to his house for a well deserved rest before completing his first mission.

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