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1An odd introduction [Nova|Maxi] Empty An odd introduction [Nova|Maxi] Mon Feb 05, 2018 2:18 am

Nova Makato

Nova Makato

Nova had spent the morning at her favorite place in the village that was hosting the Chunnin exams. She had stumbled across is one morning when the smell of their pastries baking had drawn her from blocks away. Now she had made it part of her morning routine to stop by for a warm mug of her favorite lavender tea and working her way through all the baked options they offered. On this bright morning she was feeling restless, so after drinking down her tea she grabbed a cherry-almond danish to eat as she further explored the city. As she did so many mornings she wore her deep green and spider decorated kimono over a simple outfit of shorts and camisole. As she had been since her arrival, she kept the kiri headband tied in place over the inset in her prosthetic limb that displayed the symbol of her lost city. She walked in the vague direction of the social grounds, perhaps to run into one of the other shinobi she had met thus far.

She had completed her first and second trial of the chuunin exams so far, the first with ease and the second much less so. Though she had been able to complete the task, she had encountered an issue she was not expecting, and that was her fear of being trapped and unable to move sparking a panic attack, something that she had never experienced before. Though she did not know if the exact events of what happened in that room had been made common knowledge, she felt embarrassed and weak that her emotions had gotten the best of her when she herself was able to escape from the genjutsu istead with relative ease. Nova was to be paired with some other genin in the upcoming third trial, for which she felt incredibly relieved. The third trial would be the most difficult of the three, and she had many flaws that would be lessened by having a team to work with. Her thoughts meandered around all topic on the exams and before she had realized it her wandering pace had led her to the edge of the social grounds. Slowly, she walked around the outer edge, craning her neck to look into the swarm of people so see if she could spot a familiar face. Taking a bite of her pastry, still distracted, Nova walked headfirst into a man who was standing near the barrier, on the outer edge of the crowd. From the speed she was walking she fell back onto the ground, the pastry tumbling out of her hand and skinning her palms as she caught herself on the ground. Her wooden prosthetic leg had shifted out of place with the fall too, her Kiri headband sliding down to show the faceplate from a Suna one that was mounted on the kneecap of the wooden limb. Looking up at the man before her she experienced a weird combination of intrigue and fear from looking at his intimidating demeanor and style, wearing almost all black and covered in dark tattoos that reminded her of fuiinjutsu seals. Slightly too stunned to speak she just sat on the dusty floor and stared up at him.

[539 word count]

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