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1Getting somewhere Empty Getting somewhere Thu Feb 01, 2018 12:54 am

Shogo Misao

Shogo Misao

The river twisted and turned and went on as far as she could see. the chunnin exams was fast approaching and time was running out. The day was nice enough with a gentle breeze flowing not unlike the river in front of her. She picked the location due to attempting to learn a fire jutsu. While weak in theory, this was her first time trying katon and she wanted to make sure nothing got burned to the ground my accident. She took a deep breath and focused. it was crunch time as she formed the simple hand signs needed for the jutsu to activate the jutsu. She focused as she formed a fireball in her hands only for it to blow up in her face. 'Well at least its a weak jutsu' She said as she went through the signs again focusing more on the chakra control then last time. This time the small fireball looked alot more stable till she went to throw it. Misao lost focus right as it was about to leave her hands and again it blew up this time in her face. Blinking and feeling a slight sting she went to the river and washed her face, happy that the small film of soot came off easy.

Misao took a deep breath and went over in her head what she was doing wrong then it dawned on her. 'I haven't been holding the chakra till the fireball leaves my hand, It has no way to launch because its not making it to the start point.' As the revelation hit her she went through the hand signs again studying how the flow of chakra was coursing through the ball of fire in her hand. Waiting a few seconds to make sure she had it right she pushed it, then used her chakra to pressurize it as it left her hands, this time flying a short distance away and bursting on the ground spreading into smaller flames. "Yay I did it!" She said jumping up and down in excitement. Sure it was a pathetic fire jutsu but hey, she had to start some where. She had designed it mainly as a distraction and If it exploded in someones face or againced their torso it would make for a fine distraction. The fact of the matter was is she had no talent for fire jutsu and due to her studies in the medical and sealing field she had neglected her ninjutsu training, and that was something she would have to remedy. Even if this jutsu was the worst one in the exams it wasn't exactly the most power full jutsu that won, it would be which ones was used to the most effect. Her mind would have to become her most valuable weapon in this competition, if she kept her cool head she would at least get so maybe the 2nd stage at least and she did not want to drop out first thing.

505 wc

450 word count for training E rank Jutsu and Positive trait of Quick Learner.

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