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1The Kojiki Dojo [training facility] Empty The Kojiki Dojo [training facility] Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:07 pm



The Kojiki Dojo:

Tenjin, being the type to wake up early was able to make it into his training facility 15 minutes before the instructor began to speak. While waiting for the instructor, Tenjin remembered when applying for his masters program, reading that the Senchō school doesn't have many students, and due to this, a dōjō is assigned for each student to train with an instructor. Tenjin looked around and thought, 'this must be my dōjō.' As soon as the thought crossed his mind, his instructor walked into the facility. The instructor quickly began speaking,

"Hello, my name is Okuninushi, but you can call me O. I am your instructor until you reach the ranks of being able to learn the particle release. I myself started studying the advanced element late in my shinobi career, and thus cannot utilize the element. But I have studied the mechanics in and out and the faculty and I are positive I can produce the ability in you.

To begin, this is a proper martial arts dōjō that is considered special and must be well cared for by its users in the Senchō school i.e. you Tenjin. Shoes are not worn in this dōjō. In the particle style training facility, it is traditional to conduct a ritual cleaning of the dōjō at the beginning and/or end of each training session to promote and enhance perception. Besides the obvious hygienic benefits of regular cleaning it also serves to reinforce the fact that the dōjō is supposed to be supported and managed by the student body, and each student should be able to utilize their senses to their highest degree to find the mess. The facility is full of books on particle release and equipment to train martial arts. The primary purpose of this facility is not to utilize elemental techniques, but instead focus on the mind and body, to prepare the body for the upcoming strain that dust release will put on the ninjas.

To practice discipline, the last rule of this facility is that nobody is able to speak. Shinobis may be invited for you to spar with, but none should utter a word passed this."

O then calmly walked toward the corner where he grabbed a broom and tossed it toward Tenjin where Tenjin was able to catch it with one hand. Tenjin knew that the implication here was that the training has begun and the first aspect of the training is to clean. Tenjin began scoping to see where the mess was, and although there wasnt much of a mess seen, O sat down looking at Tenjin with the obvious look in his face that there is a job to be done. Tenjin first began to walk around the training grounds and witnessed, not a spec of dirt. Soon after, Tenjin crouched down and passed his finger on the ground to feel the streak of dust being made by the passing of the tip of his index finger.

Tenjin looked at O to see him smiling and nodding, seeing that Tenjin found what he was looking for. Tenjin then began to sweep the floor and was able to see in extraordinary detail the dirt being collected by each passing sweep. Tenjin was at first confused about the cleaning requirement of this training, but it is becoming abundantly clear that Tenjin is becoming more aware of his surroundings because of it. With enough focus on the ground, Tenjin was able to see the layer of dust on the ground. What was transparent when Tenjin first arrived, is now visibly clear. Tenjin began to compare this experience to the eyes adjusting to the dark with time. Tenjin began sweeping under all of the martial arts equipment and even put extra attention to the entrance which brought in a small amount of sand everytime the wind blew. Tenjin was still amazed that he is now able to see the spec of dust floating right in front of his face. Tenjin thought about how little he cared about the world around him to not have noticed the simple things. Tenjin is still young, but because he’s always doing something in regards to his studies, he has never stopped to stare at open space before. Tenjin even smiled as he cleaned, which appeared to be the goal of the training as O stood up soon after. O stopped Tenjin from sweeping by grabbing the broom and continuing the cleaning himself. Tenjin had a good feeling this meant his training was complete for today as O silently walked off when finished without saying a word.

TWC = 766

E ~> E-1, 75 words and 0 Ryo. [439 remaining]
E-1 ~> E-2, 150 words and 0 Ryo [289 remaining]
E-2 ~> E-3, 225 words and 0 Ryo. [64 remaining]
E-3 ~> D, 300 words and 0 Ryo. [16 remaining]

2The Kojiki Dojo [training facility] Empty Re: The Kojiki Dojo [training facility] Thu Feb 15, 2018 3:03 pm



Tenjin walked onto the campus as he felt that he was being too lax with his training. He'd study some powerful ninja in the passed, all of them with so much more experience than him, and he knew that if he was to have a chance in becoming as strong as them he'd need to train to be able to keep up with them. Speaking of catching up he felt today he would need to work on his speed in particular, and the strength in his legs as well. He thought there was a good technique he could learn that would help him get out of a jam in the future as well as help out in improving his overall speed utilizing the body flicker technique which uses the users chakra to temporarily improve their overall speed and make them faster based on their chakra utilization. Tenjin first began resting, laying down by a tree, and soon after collecting his thoughts, he began to get in a running position. He wasn't going to do some mere jogging today. He was going to try to go as fast as he could, to improve his speed, for as long as he could, to improve his strength.

He began to run at his top speed, running laps around the dojo as he also ran across the University Campus, as he brought up his hands to form a seal. With the Ram seal in place he began to focus his chakra into his feet as he could feel himself start to go faster and faster. His control over the chakra to initiate the jutsu was perfect but maintaining the chakra control for a long period of time was getting the better of him unfortunately. After about a good three minutes of running he felt his chakra leave his feet as he had tired himself out and he stops beside the University to catch his breath. Tenjin realized that the strength on his legs were also developing with this run. Tenjin stretches his legs and then hops in place and shakes them loose to get them ready for another run.

He needed to become stronger if he had any hope of helping defend his village, being faster is not the only solution. He had become a genin in order to be able to fight alongside other shinobi whenever's appropriate or called upon but he knew that in his current state he'd be more a liability than an asset. He needed to become stronger before he could undertake in the big league missions or to stand with his fellow ninja to defend the people of Iwagakure. He stood up, renewed in determination, as he began to run around the field once more while bringing his hands together. Forming the Ram sign he focused his chakra once more as he began to run faster as his feet were infused in the chakra. He continued to run as he controlled more chakra throughout his body while maintaining an even pace. "Come on, legs, don't let me down." He ran as fast and as long as he could as his chakra was being exhausted while going into his feet. Before long he couldn't keep control anymore as he stopped just short of the dojo once again and fell onto his hands and knees from the efforts of going around the University and back to the dojo.

He panted as he held himself up with his hands while thinking about how much stronger he needed to be. He got on one knee as he thought about his own progress. All in all he was keeping himself at a good pace with his training as he felt that he has never physically trained before to this extent. He felt his body was beginning to adjust to the lifestyle of ninja training and exercise by getting faster and stronger. It was his dream to become a useful ninja for Iwagakure, one that could defend his fellow ninja and friends in any situation as well as one that could one day better the state of the village, and he was going to do all he could to make certain he'd achieve that dream one day.

He took off into a run once more as he allowed himself to jog at first before he picked up his pace and ran around the campus once more. Bringing his hands up again he forms the ram seal as he felt the chakra reserves within him burst and spread down his legs once again to reach his feet and boost his speed. He began to run faster and faster as he brought his hands down and focused on controlling his chakra to allow him to continue running at his speed. He kept his focus on making certain he could keep his chakra control going to allow him to continue to run faster for longer. His breath was in rhythm, his body was in motion, and Tenjin entered a state of flow. Trying to keep his body from giving out too quickly, as he ran all around the campus, Tenjin felt as if he was skating on a floor without friction. After 6 minutes of his running he felt he had exhausted his chakra enough as he came to a stop near the tree he had rested under before the start of the training, and sat beside it to give his legs a rest.

He stretched his body and allowed his legs to stretch out. He had felt he had improved his speed a little bit as well as learned to utilize the academy technique a bit better as he gave his legs a little bit more rest before he got up. Tenjin decided to go home, and catch up on his particle release studies before coming back out to train either later in the day or at night.

TWC = 981

E ~> E-1, 75 words and 0 Ryo. [906 remaining]
E-1 ~> E-2, 150 words and 0 Ryo [756 remaining]
E-2 ~> E-3, 225 words and 0 Ryo. [531 remaining]
E-3 ~> D, 300 words and 0 Ryo. [231 remaining]

E ~> E-1, 75 words and 0 Ryo. [156 remaining]
E-1 ~> E-2, 150 words and 0 Ryo [6 remaining]

3The Kojiki Dojo [training facility] Empty Re: The Kojiki Dojo [training facility] Thu Feb 15, 2018 11:43 pm



Tenjin stretched his limbs as he walked onto the spacious dojo and eyed the many tools and targets he could use to his disposal in training. The day was perfect for training as the sun setting upon the Iwagakure, turning the village orange and the birds chirped to signal the end of the day. He inhaled the air deeply, knowing he'd be tiring himself out soon, as he prepared himself for a long and hard day of exercise. He later removed the top section of the gi to allow his caramel skin to breathe and he sets the shirt on a nearby bench as he looks around to think about what to do next.

He decides to commence some standard exercises as he gets on the ground and begins doing pushups. Having not yet learned how to do perfect push ups, Tenjin was although raised studying while growing up with his family, and when studying push ups Tenjin believes he understood the basics but he hardly ever did them so he knew he couldn't do many in one session. He started to count his number as he started off with strong pushes. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5..." The sun continued to set upon Iwagakure as Tenjin seen the shadow slowly envelop the light in the dojo, as he pushed himself up and down while keeping his concentration to the task of growing stronger before night fall. "13... 14... 15..." His movements started to slow as the air in his lungs was growing constricting as his muscles grew strained from the exercise. "25... 26... 27..." He knew he couldn't keep it up much longer but he pushed on as the goal now became a number: 30.

"28..." He held himself up upon completing the 28th rep as sweat pours off his face onto the ground. He watches the water fall as he pants and collects himself as he lowers down to the ground once more to try for another. "29..." He succeeds! He only has one more to go before reaching 30 and he knew it would be the most difficult one to pull off. He holds himself in position as he prepares and slowly allows himself to lower to the ground. He tries to push himself up but finds his arms slowly lock as his muscles are tensed from exertion and he grunts from the pain. He shouts at himself in his head, pushing himself to ignore his arms which are begging for rest, as he pushes himself for one final rep. He slowly is able to rise as his arms protest more and more before finally his elbows lock as his arms regain a fully outstretched position. "30!"

He pants as he gets back on his feet and stretches his arms to allow them to rest and regain a bit of strength as he walks back to the bench. He sits down to rest before grabbing a bottle of water he brought and drinks it down longingly. After a few gulps he puts it back down before putting on his shirt and heading out. Because Tenjin cleaned in the morning, he found no need to clean before locking up.

TWC: 530

E-2 ~> E-3, 225 words and 0 Ryo. [305 remaining]
E-3 ~> D, 300 words and 0 Ryo. [5 remaining]

4The Kojiki Dojo [training facility] Empty Re: The Kojiki Dojo [training facility] Fri Feb 16, 2018 12:55 pm



The sun was just breaking over the horizon, but Tenjin was already soar. He had spent yesterday's hours with a rigorous training and fitness program, going through all sorts of workouts in place for cardio and strength training. All for the increase in his ability to combat opponents and the limberness to be able to move even faster. It was to increase his own effectiveness as a ninja and be able to stand by the rest of them in defense of Iwagakure. If the village is attacked, the boy is determined not to be on the sidelines. He would be the one who stands by the other shinobi, and fight off those who threatened the village.

Which was why even as the sun brightened the land, Tenjin was determined to train his body even more. He gave himself a minute on the rock he was on, sitting in the middle of the river, to take a drink and rest for a moment. He was determined to give himself an advantage of being able to endure more pain. He was assigned a master to train under, and then earn the right to learn the particle jutsus, the sacred Iwagakure technique, and maybe even develop his own flavor to it. It was definitely something he wanted to do. First though... he was only at step one. He stood up and crossed his fingers.

When Tenjin arrived into his dojo and took off his boots, before he was able to clean he noticed three other young particle release scholars, and each one pulled out a kunai from their pouch once Tenjin arrived. Tenjin did the same, and looked around at the shinobi as he waited to see who will make the first move. Tenjin looked us and saw Master O just looking over the fight with three other older gentlemen. It was clear that this is the training of the day.

‘Come at me with all you got. We will all get stronger the more we fight.’ Tenjin thought. Tenjin then looked at all of the ninjas and they all nodded with grins. Then at once, all 4 dashed to the center, and the fight was on. Tenjin dodged the first couple of swings and kicked away a third, before jumping out of the pile and landing nearby, but out of the circle. The other ninjas charged at each other, while throwing their kunais at Tenjin and this time Tenjin pulled out his senbon, fighting off different attacks at once with the ace eye characteristic.

No one was showing signs of letting up, and because they didnt have kunais anymore, they resorted to attacks and blows against each other, kicking mostly as they blocked with arms and legs. Tenjin ran toward the fight knowing he was the only one with a kunai now, but they noticed the misadvantage. Twice Tenjin was kicked hard enough to fly across the dojo, and another 3 times he was injured by fists to the chest. Only once did he feel a strike on his face, and that's when the boy jumped back, looking across the 3 assailants.

If this was a real shinobi mission, this could be a life or death situation. ‘Only one of us would’ve lived. Which one would it have been?’ he thought to himself, who turned to each other and then all 3 ran at Tenjin since he was still the only one carrying a weapon. He responded by running with them and at the last minute slide beneath, throwing senbons up at the two in the middle. One missed, the other was right in the gut. That one doubled over and fell, but then stood up, blood visible on his clothing. Tenjin charged after the group, hitting and fighting each one in succession until he made it to the one he injured. A quick hand to hand fight ended with Tenjin slipping around and bringing a kunai to the clone's neck, who responded by utilizing the body flicker technique and appearing behind his apparent master. Tenjin felt a surge of energy, as did the other ninjas, and the fighting continued with a renewed pace and determination. As they all charged at each other, the remaining masters appeared in front of all of their students as O, in an instant stood between Tenjin and his targets. The training was complete, and Tenjin dropped due to fatigue. It’s too early to go home, and the day already started with Tenjin feeling as if he got beat up. Tenjin was rather amazed as to how far the school went with their endurance training as he laid in his dojo facing the ceiling while everyone else left without saying a word.

TWC: 785

E ~> E-1, 75 words and 0 Ryo. [710 remaining]
E-1 ~> E-2, 150 words and 0 Ryo [560 remaining]
E-2 ~> E-3, 225 words and 0 Ryo. [335 remaining]
E-3 ~> D, 300 words and 0 Ryo. [35 remaining]

5The Kojiki Dojo [training facility] Empty Re: The Kojiki Dojo [training facility] Fri Feb 16, 2018 2:09 pm



Tenjin waited a while until his master left the dojo, and quickly used this window of opportunity to get up and follow the other students no matter how tired he was. Tenjin wanted to test his reflexis and thus his reaction time, as he wanted to learn how to better hold off the attacks, but still find a target to counter. Tenjin caught up to the youths when they parted way from their masters, and he quickly offered them a friendly match. Tenjin reminded them that they forgot their weapons in his dojo so they were going to have to go regardless. All except the one with the injury decided to go, and when the fight began, the opponents didnt want to give Tenjin mercy since he basically won in front of their masters. Tenjin found himself moving faster and harder in order to avoid the incoming attacks.  It wasn't enough that they were fighting like they were real opponents, they did want to win after all. They wanted to take over Tenjins pride. It was exactly what he wanted, a certain challenge.

The 2 shinobi moved across the room, as Tenjin tried to gain the higher ground on his opponents.  He made it to scale the wall when he had to sidestep a drop kick, as he dodged and countered, he noted that even the punches were making marks where they made contact, and Tenjin found himself having to move even further and faster. They were solely coming at Tenjin now, he needed to reduce the numbers again.

The boy had an idea and jumped even farther ahead toward the weapons that were earlier thrown, getting comfortable spacing between him and his opponents.  This is what he needed.  He sighted and grabbed the kunais that landed in the area, throwing them at the shinobi ahead. They dodged it by tilting their heads.  He then jumped up as the ninjas caught up, and as they passed tenjin quickly threw the senbons he also picked up.  One of the ninjas was hit in the shoulder, but the other saw the trap and used his speed to dodge the projectile.

It did not matter, as Tenjin dove down to the one who was injured, bringing his weapon forward and landing atop of the hurt ninja as Tenjin laid him on his back with the kunai targeting his throat.  With a final and joking tap on the head with the kunai, the shinobi used the body flicker, dispersing and landing outside of the dojo as he disappointedly waved goodbye, as once again Tenjin and the survivor felt a surge of energy.  Tenjin shot his eyes back open, gripping his kunai tightly, and engaged his opponent in battle.  Things were seemingly getting tougher again, but at this point Tenjin was ready for it.

This time, his opponent was right on his tale, and he was forced to fight in transit.  He was starting to get very tired, but he knew he had to continue.. to win.  It was the only way he would learn what he needed to know.  Tenjin dodged at the last minute as a series of shurikans lodged themselves into the wall behind him as he passed. Tenjin had to hurry, he was getting stronger.

Tenjin dashed at his opponents and when he finally stopped, Tenjin grabbed his target by the legs and swung him away and down onto the floor, leaving the boy to use the momentum to cartwheel back onto his feet. Tenjin then tackled the ninja before he gathered his feet, and both became locked in a dance of move and countermove, as each one tried to overpower the other. Tenjin felt another surge of energy.  This was it.  Tenjin and his opponent stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity, and then the two ran at each other, colliding in a flash of kunai slashes and kicks, and before long the two were racing down each others throats, exchanging blows and clings.

Tenjin was dodging punches left and right, because he thought that ‘while they didn't do as much damage, it was still something that had to be avoided at all costs.’  Before long Tenjin and his opponents were dodging each other's attacks while simultaneously trying to strike each other down. Tenjin was not about to give up.

The sounds of metal to metal clings alerted the two that none were going easy on each other, both jumped away from each other to catch their breath  Both ignored their fatigue and utilized this moment to their advantage as they ran at each other and took off to attack once again, trying to beat each other while making sure that they themselves don't get beat.

There was one point where Tenjin and his opponent slowed as they entered a state of extreme fatigue, but it wasn't enough to stop either of them as they continued.  Tenjin ran forward as hard and fast as he could, turning to his opponent only once as the two ran forward and off toward each other again. Tenjin was able to dodge a few blows and simultaneously be able to make contact with a couple more, but his opponent was equally landing as much blows as well as dodging a good amount of them. Tenjin and the other shinobi are determined to prove that they are worthy to become a master of the particle release.

After a flurry of attacks, both jumped apart again. Tenjin was tired, but winning was making him feel a very different type of energized, and both were feeling ready to win, staring each other down, and then both brought their hands up. As they both attempted to run toward each other, Tenjin quickly realized that his opponent collapsed with exhaustion.

"I.. I did it?  I did it!" Tenjin thought to himself. As he also collapsed and was knocked out due to all of the exercise. It wasn’t long before the opponent that Tenjin was versing was able to wake Tenjin up by splashing some water on his face. When Tenjin opened his eyes he saw as the boy had his hands out extending it so that Tenjin could use it as support to get up. When Tenjin and the other shinobi locked hands, Tenjin remebered why he wanted to get stronger. It was for the people in Iwagakure. Tenjin cleaned himself up and got ready for more training in order to become one of the strongest shinobi in Iwagakure.

TWC: 1083

Reaction Time:
E ~> E-1, 75 words and 0 Ryo. [1008 remaining]
E-1 ~> E-2, 150 words and 0 Ryo [858 remaining]
E-2 ~> E-3, 225 words and 0 Ryo. [633 remaining]
E-3 ~> D, 300 words and 0 Ryo. [333 remaining]

D ~> D-1, 325 words and 25 Ryo. [8 remaining]

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