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1Basics of Farming (D-Rank Mission) Empty Basics of Farming (D-Rank Mission) Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:09 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Farm D-Rank Mission:

Things were different as he went out to his new mission wearing a hoodie as he looked down towards the ground, he was not happy with the way things turned out as he felt like he was different from everybody as he made his way back from the village after obtaining his mission scroll.

Today was a mission much like gathering herbs, just on a completely different level of technique as he met with the strange old farmer who gave him a few instructions to begin helping with his work. It was important for the farms to work as they provided a regular food supply much more reliable then vegetables in the wild and crops that get eaten or pillaged by swarms of locusts, or crazy rats and sometimes are infested with snakes. While he was thinking that he noticed the farm had a few giant rats running about and some really big ass snake that just came out as the farmer tossed his giant hoe at them they all retreated into the forest as he sighed.

"Okay kid, this is what you need to do" as the man took a deep breathe as if he was going to ramble on.

"You must fix that fence to keep out those darn critters that be eating me crops. You must harvest me some of those fine oranges over there. Give old Betsy some fresh hay, and harvest me some of those there corn cobs, got it?"
as he gave a slight tilt of his head as he wondered when the farmer hit his head and transformed into a pirate.


2Basics of Farming (D-Rank Mission) Empty Re: Basics of Farming (D-Rank Mission) Tue Jan 23, 2018 11:04 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

He arrived at his first location as he made his way towards the fence. It seemed like a simple enough job as he looked at his target for fixation. He checked that the one part of the fence had fallen over due to rusted out nails and some were due to the fence having rotted away as he looked to it he sighed as he learned this would be a tough job. He was given the instructions and had fortunately read about this since at one point in his life he was thinking of making himself a new home.

He got the few tools he needed as he went back and forth from the tool shed. He also then went to get two new planks to replace the rotten sections as he began his work. He first took the small hammer and began moving all nails from the broken post as he pulled one by one. It was a tough job as he needed to make good use of his new found strength after training with Peron some time in the past. He finally finished what he was doing as he took a deep breathe before preparing for the next step in his fence fixing.


3Basics of Farming (D-Rank Mission) Empty Re: Basics of Farming (D-Rank Mission) Sat Jan 27, 2018 3:30 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

After some time he went and got the new posts and fitted them in position, he then stabbed them in place before nailing the hammer into the nails to make the wood stick together. It took a while but the fence was finally done before he began to check around for any critters.

He was getting hungry as he made his way to the orchid with all the oranges, he looked around and while he was tempted to have a bite the mission came first as he made his way to a near by tree. He wanted to try hitting it, but then he realized there were too many risks. Either he hits too soft and hurts his hand, he gets lucky and hits just right and gets some oranges or he hits to hard and breaks the tree. He then started thinking about what hee would do if they all fell at the same time as he sighed and just focused chakra into his feet and walked up the tree to go collect the oranges as he took the basket with him. He was still a bit confused as to why a farmer would also farm oranges as he thought farmers only did wheat, corn and other strange items.


4Basics of Farming (D-Rank Mission) Empty Re: Basics of Farming (D-Rank Mission) Sat Jan 27, 2018 7:59 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

After completing the orange gathering he began to collect hay from the barn to take towards the stables where he finally met with a large animal called Betsy as he felt a bit of fear. This was like the size of a giant wolf or a bear, just thinner and sleeker as he made a mental note that this fearsome beast that could potentially dash rapidly with a rapid dash as he looked at the horse as he slowly put the hay in front of Betsy as she began to eat the hay without complaint.

The final part of his job now began as he went to the corn fields as he felt like he had seen this before, he felt like he was one with the corn as a child of the corn as he was thinking of popping the corn as he carefully took corn cobs from the top of the stems and made his way down filling in the second basket as he got what he needed he finally returned as the farmer thanked him as he went home hoping the help he provided would be enough to save the farm.


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750 (Mission)
+100 (Extra Pay 25[1] = 25 ryo)
850 Words

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