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Like clockwork, Daremo's eyes snapped open. The pair of reptilian-like orbs, more so now after his sudden revival, adjusting to the darkness of the room. To say it was dark would not be entirely accurate for there were rays of sunlight slithering through the closed blinds, providing some sparse lighting to the room. Glancing over at the clock, the time reading 6 am, Daremo turned off the alarm before it could ring. During so not for his benefit, but for the woman currently laying on his bare chest.

How adorable you are, Kaia

Indeed, Kaia did look adorable in the way she tightly clung to his body, as if the woman was afraid he would disappear. He could not fault her. It was only yesterday he revealed himself to be alive when she thought he had perished during Sage training. Her action to his sudden revival was what he had expected. She was in denial upon him first appearing, seeing it as some sick joke done by the Gods. This denial morph into grief than finally acceptance and realization when she realized he was very much alive. That the person standing before he was her lover, and not someone who was pretending to be him.

He remembered in great detail what transpired after that realization. The couple fell into their routine of making breakfast together. And, at the same time, Daremo spoke on exactly how he was back from the dead. Telling her the mistakes he and Hikari did that ultimately led to the elder summons sparring him from death. . .with a price. Memories, something people take for grant, Daremo no longer did. They were the price for him to be revived; to return back to the living once more. But, not all was lost, his memories of Kaia and his family remained intact. He still remembered the necessities of living and how to defend himself, but everything else? All the other people he once knew? All the friends he had made? All the enemies he had made? All of that was gone for now.

You will get them back.

True, he would eventually get them back, gradually over time, or so that what the elder boss summon told him. He did not know if it was the truth or the elder was just trying to comfort him. It mattered little to him in the long run tho. The memories he most cared about were intact, and that what mattered to him.

The day was a blur.

Must what had occurred after breakfast was a blue for Daremo. There was a lot of touching, caressing between the reunited couple. The week they have been apart felt incredibly longer than that, and both of them wanted to be reacquainted with each other. Clothing was shredded and sounds of pleasure filled the room throughout the whole day and night. The best way to reacquaint oneself with a lover is through the pleasure of the flesh. And when it came to Daremo and Kaia? The couple feasted themselves on each other.

But, not so rough. . .

Pushing the covers back some, Daremo's eyes trailed down Kaia's bare chest and came to a rest on her stomach. Gently and carefully, Daremo rubbed her stomach that held their child. Their legacy and heir. No matter the gender of the child, Daremo was determined to love him unconditionally. . .something his father never did.

. . . family

Leaning down, Daremo placed a light kiss on Kaia's lips, his breath tickling her neck as he spoke "Wake up, love. We need to get dress and head to Kaminari no Kuni. It is time for you to meet my grandparents." Urging her to wake up. A courier nin had shown up during breakfast tp give Daremo a letter from his grandparents. Who, he does not know how, knew he was alive and in Sunagakure no Sato. The letter spoke of their desire for Daremo and Kaia to visit them in Kumo. They had apparently moved there for reasons unknown. After reading the letter, the pair sealed away all of their clothing and other items - leaving out today's clothing attire.

Once Kaia was up, Daremo would lead her to the bathroom for a shower among other things. Afterwards, once dress, the pair would leave Sunagakure, traveling between foot and transportation, catching a ride with the friendlier merchants heading in their direction. They would eventually make it to Kumogakure, renting a hotel for a week. This being a temporary solution till a decent apartment could be found.

[Exit Thread]

759/600 | Travel complete



Peaceful. It was the one word to describe the way she was sleeping. The past week had been torture in many ways – she had become so used to sleeping next to Daremo, so used to being snuggled up to his side and feeling safe while she slumbered, that the week she had had to go without that she had found herself struggling to sleep, struggling to keep her eyes closed until utter and total exhaustion had came upon her. That wasn’t the case now though: as she was snuggled up to him, her head resting on his chest and her long black hair spilled across it, she was sleeping so peacefully and calm it was like the world had righted itself. Yet it couldn’t last. A letter having arrived yesterday had changed things, their breakfast disturbed by a courier bringing a summons to Kumogakure by Daremo’s grandparents.

So, despite the fact that she didn’t want to wake up, it was expected nonetheless when her love placed a gentle kiss on her lips to awaken her. She returned the kiss, listening to his words before stretching with a groan. She has slept for a while and yet it didn’t feel like nearly enough. Still, she forced herself awake, tugging blankets off of herself as she made her way into the bathroom – more interested in a shower and emptying her bladder than food for the moment: of course, that didn’t stop her stomach from roaring to life nonetheless as if it didn’t like the idea of being put off till later.

Once she had had a chance to relieve herself, and to shower – something she definitely needed and which ended up taking longer than it would have originally – she dressed not in standard shinobi attire but rather a soft kimono with a pattern appropriate for the season made out of a material that wouldn’t cause her to overheat while also ensuring her skin was safe from the sunlight. Her long black hair was dried and brushed with care before being twisted up and held into place with ornate golden hair sticks, crossed over each other in an X fashion. She ate breakfast, tucking several pieces of fruit away to snack on during the trip – not wanting to risk having to go longer than needed without food between stops. She also ensured that everything she had brought with her was safely sealed away again in a variety of scrolls for easier storage safe for weapons hidden on her person – she might be pregnant, and she might have been dressed like an ordinary traveling civilian, but she wasn’t going to be unarmed.

Once there was nothing left to distract herself with, nothing left to do, she signed out of the hotel and left with Daremo, heading towards Kumogakure both by foot and by catching rides with the various merchants and travelers making their way in the same direction, ensuring not to push herself too hard or too fast.

Even as the scenary changed, however, Kaia still found herself feeling a bit paranoid – she had never really thought about having to meet any of Daremo’s family which of course was completely silly not to consider, but now she could only hope that they liked her. She didn’t want to cause a rift with his family, and she certainly didn’t want to be a black spot for them, so all in all she found herself as they neared Kumogakure beginning to feel quite nervous, as if butterflies were fluttering around her stomach. Even Daremo’s assurances that they would like her did nothing to sooth her nerves – she would simply have to wait and see for herself, which wouldn’t be too long as Kumogakure came into sight.

Word Count: 620

Thread Exit, Travel Complete

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