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1To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Empty To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Sat Dec 02, 2017 2:13 am

Anon Brier

Anon Brier

Anon sat patiently in the waiting room for his turn to speak with the newly appointed head of the village hidden in the leaves. The young wanderer in truth had little reason to want to join a village after leaving his own, but he wanted to become closer to Supaku and felt this was a necessary step to that end. Not to mention the fact that he'd heard much about the ANBU in the village and had even heard that there were supposed to be much greater divisions than even the ANBU. Such a thing was unheard of to the young ninja and so he decided he simply needed to ask the one who would know anything and everything he could possibly ask: the Hokage. Anon sat quietly, fidgeting with the dual swords across his back. Contemplating what he would say or do. It wasn't often he was nervous.

He was trying a new look today, and had not dyed his hair the normal magenta to match his mask, no he'd also worn a regular black shinobi mask over the lower half of his face, starting at the bridge of his nose. It meshed with the black garb he was accustomed to wearing perfectly, and was tucked into the black shinobi netted shirt he wore underneath his retro shinobi gi. He had his normal black cloth wraps about his forearms and his black shinobi tights with black tabi and soft step sandals. In truth, he looked more like a picture come to life out of the old scrolls of what shinobi came from but he didn't let it bother him. No, today he would let nothing bother him as he felt it might show some sort of weakness of character. That is not something you'd want to show the leader of a village you might wish to join.

With a sigh, the ninja stood and began to pace about the office's waiting room, catching the stares of the receptionist and a few guards. True, they seemed a bit anxious with an armed wanderer walking about in their presence, but it didn't bother them enough for them to ask him to relinquish his weapons. Something he would happily do if needed, but it seemed they trusted in the strength of their ninja, or their Kage. With that thought crossing his mind, Anon wondered just how powerful a Kage would have to be. It would need to be quite a strong individual to not only lead, but protect an entire village. That was the sort of strength he wished he himself could possess, but knew that the day of that happening was far off. He'd met one kage in his life and she didn't seem as strong as people made her out to be, but that may just have been his standards of what power should be.

The man was pacing as multiple people walked out of the Kage's office, from dignitary types, to military personnel, to important looking ninja, all who had been there long before he'd even stepped in the building. It was not long before he heard his name called and he stepped over to the receptionist, bowing his head to look down at her as she sat behind her desk. "The Hokage will see you now, please make sure to be respectful and keep those weapons sheathed. It would not do to anger our Kage or act in a hostile or threatening manner." With a nod in agreement, he was pointed towards a staircase behind the desk and through a set of double doors.

When he pushed through the doors, he noticed first the amount of guards that had their hawk like eyes trained on him. With a bow of his head, he moved quickly to the stairs and ascended them, keeping his hands as far from his weapons as he could. When he reached the top of the stairs he was greeted with another set of doors with two masked guards standing outside of it. When he looked at the doors, then the guards, they looked him over and bowed, opening up to the Kage's office for him. Anon stepped inside gingerly and heard the doors close behind him. He stepped forward and bowed low, hands press together, his weapons clinging as they made contact in the motion. "Thank you for meeting with me, Lord Hokage. I had a few queries I wanted to make of you if that would be allowed." He stayed bowed, waiting for the response, not even taking a look about the room.


2To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Empty Re: To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Sun Dec 03, 2017 12:54 am



Rippa sat behind his heavy wooden desk. The day had been a rather long one of which he had to meet with people that clearly thought themselves more important than anyone around or beneath them. Each on making demands of him as if he were their personal toy or tool to be used. Some outrageous while others needing some more subtle negotiations to make them actually work. He had been learning with whom to give leeway while with others he had to set a tone informing them they would not have their demands tolerated. Simply put he had to make a stand here and there and it had not made friends. Though it had been made clear his office was loyal to the daimyo and his court the village was not to be abused. It had worn on his mental state some and now he was simply filling out another form for requisitions to the academy. A request that had been sent his way to have more senbon and shuriken to train the students with as their current ones were worn and dulled beyond sharpening. Of course the bill would have to be footed by the village but it wasn't costly by any means. Something he was fine dedicating resources to.

Still the desk itself was wide with a high backed red chair that Rippa sat within. Across from the desk was two smaller but comfortable black chairs. The Hokage hat sat on the right side facing the door while on the left was a single pen and a stack of finished papers. The one Rippa was working on laying flat in front of him. Behind him was a shelf filled with scrolls and documents. References for him to peruse at will. Above him on the wall was a mount with two twin crossbow Katana known as Adam and Eve. His precious weapons ready to be taken down and used in a moments notice. Next to the door was a coat rack with an ammo belt with 8 bolts within it and a red long coat hanging from it. Around the top of the room was either pictures or portraits of each Kage that held the office prior while off to the side was a crackling fire with one two person couch facing it and two chairs angled towards the couch but still slightly towards the fire. Rippa himself was settled where he sat in a pair of black slacks with a zipped up black turtleneck. shinobi pants were on underneath tucked over the top of combat boots. His white hair hanging around his face with a stubble of white five oclock shadow.

An approach to his door brought his sky blue eyes up as he would sit up and rest his arms but not his elbows on the desk. Putting his hands ever so slightly together by simply allowing the tips of his fingers to touch. He would patiently monitor the young man who entered. Taking in his twin sword equipment and wondering if he too took on a twin sword style. The young man would enter and the first thing Rippa would note was half his face was hidden. The second was that the man held no headband. If anything he was a shinobi without identification or a face. So Rippa would calmly listen as the man spoke without introducing himself before nodding to the guards just outside the doors to close them. Privacy was important at least. Still Rippa would wait a moment before replying. Studying the young man a moment before his right hand would indicate the seat across from him. His words warm and friendly which surprisingly met his eyes.

"Please, come in and inquire away. It will be a comfort to meet with anyone without a sense of entitlement. Though if you would remove your mask, I would appreciate it. Those who have come to me before with a hidden face and no name have not done so with good intentions."


3To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Empty Re: To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Mon Dec 04, 2017 5:55 pm

Anon Brier

Anon Brier

The hokage allowed him to come in and make his inquiries, which was a blessing. Not only had he brought his swords, but anon had his scroll with ninja tools sealed in them within the pocket on the inside of his retro ninja gi. He had a few ideas to show the Hokage his skills and that he would be nothing but a boon to the village. He was asked to take off his mask and he was in no position to refuse the leader of the village he was currently visiting, so with a steady hand he reached up to grab the top of his mask. Truth be told, only one two other people had seen him without his mask, and he wasn't normally in the business of taking it off for people. Yet, he knew that this was his best chance of staying in the good graces of a kage, and so he pulled the mask down from the lower half of his face, showing his slightly thin lips left in a nonchalant line. He took the time to look around the room before he approached the desk, taking in the decorations of it. He'd never really met with a kage in their office and didn't know what to expect.

Looking around he could see weapons behind the Hokage, strange weapons that looked like a cross between a sword and a crossbow,  but were obviously strong weapons nonetheless. He looked behind him to see the red coat and crossbow bolts in an ammo belt, things that were foreign in nature to Anon. Without wasting too much more time, he stepped forward, noting the paintings of former Hokage high on the walls, the previous leaders of the village. He didn't have time to look for the Hokage he resembled before he reached the chair and bowed once more. He would gently remove his swords while they stayed in their sheathes, placing them upon the desk gingerly, as a show of good will.  After this was done, he reached into his gi pocket on the inside of the left breast and procured a normal scroll, placing it on the desk next to his dual swords. This would, of course, be the scroll that he had sealed his kunai and shuriken into for later use. When he had placed his items down, he sat in the chair quietly, placing his hands on the arm rest, sitting straight up to be respectful and dignified.

"Lord Hokage, I am Anon Brier, of the Mitarashi clan. I once was a ninja of the village hidden in the sand, but was allowed to leave to pursue my own path and get stronger. Before I left I was a chuunin ranked ninja, and am close to passing that even as we speak. I suppose my first question is this: Is there any thing in the village that could fit my skills? I am practiced both in bukijutsu, using two swords in conjuction, and fuuinjutsu. I wish to learn Ninjutsu at some point and maybe even get a summoning contract. I wanted to find my own way in this world but I find more and more that I miss being part of a village. I suppose the thing I want most is to gain the strength to protect others, but I don't have anyone I can protect if I'm by myself. I must apologize for speaking so plainly but I wished not to waste any of your time, or mine." He bowed again from his chair and sat straight once more, hazel eyes meeting the blues of the Hokage as he awaited the response from the man across from him. The weapons and scroll on the desk were placed there for the Hokage to feel as if he were not here as a threat, and for him to look over should he wish it.


4To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Empty Re: To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Fri Dec 08, 2017 12:52 am



"Lord Hokage, I am Anon Brier, of the Mitarashi clan. I once was a ninja of the village hidden in the sand, but was allowed to leave to pursue my own path and get stronger. Before I left I was a chuunin ranked ninja, and am close to passing that even as we speak. I suppose my first question is this: Is there any thing in the village that could fit my skills? I am practiced both in bukijutsu, using two swords in conjuction, and fuuinjutsu. I wish to learn Ninjutsu at some point and maybe even get a summoning contract. I wanted to find my own way in this world but I find more and more that I miss being part of a village. I suppose the thing I want most is to gain the strength to protect others, but I don't have anyone I can protect if I'm by myself. I must apologize for speaking so plainly but I wished not to waste any of your time, or mine."

Rippa would watch idly as the young man would bow his head and approach. His words resonating with Rippa in certain ways but at the other time bringing some pity forth. For someone to leave home with a feeling that they didn't belong was not something he wished on anyone. Too many had felt lost and abandoned by everything around them and he pitied them for it. Somewhere to belong was a fairly decent feeling. Even as he set his equipment on the counter Rippa would hover his right hand over the weapons. Twin swords. A style much like his own. How interesting that he had heard nothing of this man as of yet. A wanderer though? It was a kindness rarely shown for a village to release a shinobi from their service. Especially that of a chunnin. If he became something they might still secretly hold some claim to him.

For a moment Rippa would idly study the blades while considering his options. If Suna decided to enforce some claim was he willing to stand against them? Of course as unlikely as that was he was somewhat far away from that. Or so would be his conception of the problem. Not a great outlook to consider something not his problem if it wasn't one right than. He would still keep it in the back of his mind for the time being but nothing to prevent allowing the young man to join. Instead his hand would lower from the weapons to idly direct his blue eyes to Anon. Studying him a moment before settling back into his own chair. Speaking a little with a smile.

"We do actually happen to have four options for you. Once you rank up of course should you prove by meeting the requirements that your capable of joining one of the four out of five divisions. There is of course the ANBU which every village has. Your identity on missions is hidden but you will be a hidden hand. On the other hand there is the Konoha police force. In a way you openly police the shinobi world in the light that the citizens can observe. Of course there is a more militaristic based division called the sword priests. Where the shinobi world usually works individually the sword priests can still manage that but a more trained to work as a well oiled military unit. Lastly there is of course the Sealing division. The division by itself is perhaps our greatest defense. Putting away great beasts and jutsu alike. As of yet all these divisions need a commander which requires you to reach Jounin. What do you think of those?"

5To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Empty Re: To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Mon Dec 11, 2017 4:12 am

Anon Brier

Anon Brier

Anon took all the options in, weighing them on each hand. There was so much that he could do to grow in this village once he started growing stronger. He had once wanted to be an ANBU operative in the village of the sand but after growing and meeting new people he learned that sometimes just strength and staying to the shadows wasn't the most important. He liked the idea of being part of the police force, helping people out in the light of day, policing the shinobi world that came through the gates of Konohagakure and anyone inside the village. But he wasn't one for policing and working as a 'public servant' in the sense of writing tickets or responding to dispatches. No, that wasn't for him. The one that rang out most with him thus far was the sword priests. They were militaristic, powerful, they sounded like natural leaders! Perfect for someone of Anon's stature and caliber right? Well they would be, but there was something else that spoke to him, on a fundamental level that the other three options did not. It was of this one that he spoke to the Hokage.

"The sealing division? I've heard of them before, as there were a few pieces of literature about that in my family's home within a compound that held a sect of the Mitarashi. From what I understand, they'd originally come from Konohagakure centuries ago before the fourth great shinobi war. Some of the members of my clan we incredible with using fuuinjutsu and sealing techniques. I know most others in my position would choose the position that gave the most notoriety, the most power, or even the most control over the village ninja.. But I want to work towards the sealing division. Anyone can become the village's greatest strength or offense, but the greatest defense suits me fine, it's what I want to do: defend people. If you will have me I wish to join your village and prove myself worth of your sealing division. I have much to learn, but I am a quick learner, an avid student, and I have a thirst fro growth."

Anon's hazel eyes were lit with flames, metaphorically sure, but he was ready for the path he would take. His mind was dead set on becoming the defense of the village hidden in the leaves. Whatever he had to do to prove himself a value to the village he would do, if it only meant becoming an asset. "I understand if there is some sort of trial to joining your village. Such as a test of skill, a test of loyalty, or what have you. I just want you to know I can handle it and anything else you ask of me. I am fully committed to proving myself and working hard. There is someone in this village that I've met and I want to be able to be here for, and after meeting others in your village I've learned what it means to make friends and want to protect something precious. I know I'm talking a lot but I want you to know, if there are any trials I must face: I am ready." He clenched his fist and stared into the blue eyes of the Hokage, his eyes burning with unwavering resolve, no matter what adversity he may face in the hours or days to come.


6To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Empty Re: To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Mon Dec 11, 2017 3:51 pm



"The sealing division? I've heard of them before, as there were a few pieces of literature about that in my family's home within a compound that held a sect of the Mitarashi. From what I understand, they'd originally come from Konohagakure centuries ago before the fourth great shinobi war. Some of the members of my clan we incredible with using fuuinjutsu and sealing techniques. I know most others in my position would choose the position that gave the most notoriety, the most power, or even the most control over the village ninja.. But I want to work towards the sealing division. Anyone can become the village's greatest strength or offense, but the greatest defense suits me fine, it's what I want to do: defend people. If you will have me I wish to join your village and prove myself worth of your sealing division. I have much to learn, but I am a quick learner, an avid student, and I have a thirst fro growth."

Rippa would observe the man before him and tilt his head. His right hand rising to stroke his chin. He wasn't familiar with seals himself but he knew them to be potent. While Ninjutsu certainly was decent with defense techniques the ability to seal away everything your opponent could do was frightening. The fact that this Anon individual had such a clan history as far back as before the fourth great war involving seals was also impressive. Hundreds of years of knowledge and experience perhaps even long lost from Konoha's front lines. Rippa couldn't begin to suggest the young man wouldn't be fully capable of making captain in a substantial amount of time. It was certainly to the benefit of Konoha. The question of course was what had brought him forth now? Certainly there were rumors outside of Konoha of the divisions but they held little to no interaction with Suna. He doubted very much the man had left Suna to come to Konoha for just that. Perhaps his wandering had taken him into Konoha at some point but there had to be more to it. No man suddenly decided to settle down for title when he might have had that in his own home. Was Suna so lost that they had to let their chunnin seek their fortune elsewhere? Still he would listen as the boy spoke again. Paying a respectful amount of attention.

"I understand if there is some sort of trial to joining your village. Such as a test of skill, a test of loyalty, or what have you. I just want you to know I can handle it and anything else you ask of me. I am fully committed to proving myself and working hard. There is someone in this village that I've met and I want to be able to be here for, and after meeting others in your village I've learned what it means to make friends and want to protect something precious. I know I'm talking a lot but I want you to know, if there are any trials I must face: I am ready."

There was a passion there that brought surprise into Rippa's eyes. He hadn't considered a part of the boys story to begin with. His lineage had originally been from Konoha. This place had always been a home waiting for him. That passion burning in his eyes was the fire of Konoha. The will to press forward and never falter. He could recognize it anywhere. Of course there was another explanation that had been offered to. The traveler met someone with roots and wished to stay with her? How sweet. Though now idle curiosity had him wondering who. He was assuming it was a woman of course it could be a man. He didn't know or mind the preferences of the man before him. Still it took a lot to show that kind of determination. So he would wonder idly who this person was because he needed them to be dedicated to Konoha as well. Less the two begin to wander together again. His thoughts were drifting though. Instead he would lean back and stretch his arms with a bit of a waking up stretch. This conversation was far more lively than his others had been. Still his blue eyes would take in the young man before him. Speaking as he finished stretching.

"That is some impressive dedication. Of course the sealing division could use its first real leader. For now they move as individuals. Scholars each of them. Studying and locking themselves away mostly. If you were to reach the height of this division I would hope you were capable of bringing them together. As for this individual you met I am curious as to whom that may be. To influence a traveler to remain still is an impressive feat. Ahh but some form of trial. Hmm well it is awfully stuffy in here. Do you mind walking with me to the roof? I could use some air. "

7To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Empty Re: To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Thu Dec 14, 2017 2:38 am

Anon Brier

Anon Brier

"That sounds like a group of people I can work with to whip them into shape as real protectors of the division. I will do you proudly if I can reach the heights you have set for me. As for who brought me here, I would like to say it was a number of people, but in reality it was one that really changed my mind about wandering. Her name is Supaku. She's one of the Hyuga clan here in the village." Anon didn't let his eyes wander from the stretching form of the Hokage, tilting his head at the last request. The Hokage wanted him to accompany him to the roof for some air? But didn't he just say something about a form of a trial? Anon was somewhat confused to be honest, but he shrugged and stood up and bowed once more, gripping his scroll and pulling it back to himself. He'd place it in his pocket, then grab his swords and push them back into the places on the back of his belt, the two short swords' weight feeling like a comfortable pull that he was so accustomed to after having gotten used to the feeling of having them upon his body.

"If it pleases you, we shall go to the roof. I never really liked sitting inside much anyway, and having the opportunity to go outside, I'd rather choose that. In the sand village I spent much of my time outside training and honing my body. As for the trial, if it just involves fresh air, it seems rather simple, but whatever you choose I will follow, Lord Hokage." Anon bowed once again and when he came back up, his eyes met the blue hues of his hopeful soon to be leader. After a few moments, his eyes traveled to the interesting weapons upon the wall behind the desk of the hokage, studying their makeup and how they seemed to be built. They looked to be of fine quality and high make, resembling not just swords, but ranged weapons as well. The intricacies of the design fell short on Anon, as he was only accustomed to normal swords and the like, having only ever encountered those types of weapons.

His body turned towards the door, walking forward a bit and stopping to wait for the Hokage. Anon's eyes traveled once more to the red cloak and the bolts within the holsters, his mind playing on the many scenarios such things would be used for. Was the coat perhaps something of exceptional make as well, being reserved for one with the strength to lead a village? It could have any number of abilities hidden within the fabric that lie dormant, waiting on the chakra of its master. Could he one day have such a thing? Could he handle the power that would come from just wearing a coat that could give untold strength to the wearer? His mind swam with the infinite possibilities of such things and he began to day dream about when he could finally have something like that for his own.   Anon wasn't one privy to day dreaming, but in this case he couldn't help it. The Hokage had not just impressive weaponry, he had attire that was likely able to make the strikes from Anon's own blades negligible, or to feel as soft as a tickle. Such power was unheard of in the village hidden in the sand and Anon couldn't help but feel a daunting presence from the man he had his back to now.


8To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Empty Re: To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Thu Dec 14, 2017 8:19 pm



Rippa would smile a bit as the man mentioned how he would grow to be an asset to the division. He certainly hoped so. If the division was going to be a sufficient shield it needed someone to stand within to inspire it. The fire within burned hot enough in this fellow at least. If the other members of the division at least had time to observe him and approve of him they would be all the more likely to follow him should he prove himself and make captain. Most certainly a better introduction than if he had joined when he was say a jounin. If he had been promoted to the head of the division there would be mistrust and it would harm their survival rates. At least this way he could write his story with the men and women of the division side by side. A fresh recruit like them. If victory was in his veins he would find himself as a captain in no time. The leader of a division within Konoha and the renown that went with it. Still the name the young man had dropped drew his attention as well. He had met the girl and while she seemed reserved and proper this young man apparently held her support. He was formal enough of course but they had arrived in very different ways. He would be happy to challenge them in much the same way. As she had been tested with the fist so would he be tested with the blade.

Still the young man would collect his weapons and other gear from the table. Rippa himself would move to the wall. One arm reaching out to gently pull off a single katana from the pair. Lifting it from its bars that held it in place like a decoration and slipping it down to his left side. Held hilt up within his left hand by the scabbard. The weight of it was fairly heavy but for Rippa it may as well have been as light as any other Katana. With that the other spoke of his consent to moving the meeting outside. Having been accustomed to it more out in the sands. It was considerably colder and a couple of flakes of snow had been falling that morning. Likely there was a thin layer of powder on the rooftop. Still Rippa would skip grabbing his coat or his ammo. Moving passed the young man with a part on his shoulder to encourage him to follow.Encouraging him to just follow along. His sky blue eyes studying the young man in passing and judging his body build and the way he held his equipment. All things that would be important within a few moments.

Still Rippa would lead the young man up the stairs until the final door arrived. He could feel the cold from the other side. Idly he would unlock it with a wave of his hand. The door itself swinging open before Rippa stood there looking over the white covered tops of Konoha. He would reminisce a moment longer before continuing to walk out onto the roof. A flat surface with snow that crunched underneath his boots as he moved about five of the twenty meters it spanned. With that covered he would turn and face the young man across from him. Tilting his head. before nodding and spreading his feet slightly. Widening his own stances footwork but not moving otherwise. Instead he would speak up in return. His sharp eyes still warm and meeting his smile all the same.

"Anon Brier san. I would like to test you to see if your worthy of the village if you would allow it. Merely by attending a couple of missions with myself. However before we move onto those I need to know that your capable in a combat situation. Please, charge me with one basic strike of your combined swordsmanship knowledge so I may counter it. To judge if you can keep up of course. "

9To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Empty Re: To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Sun Dec 17, 2017 7:58 am

Anon Brier

Anon Brier

Anon was still in his lull of a daydream staring at the coat and thinking of all the possibilities until he felt a gentle pat upon his shoulder. He was pulled from his thoughts, glancing over at the retreating form of the Hokage. It was time for the two of them to head out and get some air like the Hokage had wanted. With one final look at the cloak, Anon nodded to himself and made to move along behind the leader of the village hidden in the leaves, trying to decipher in his head why exactly he would choose to want to go outside for air at this point in their meeting. It wasn't as though something had lead up to it, it was rather out of the blue. He had been talking about some form of a trial not long before the mention of departing the office but that didn't make much sense to the wandering ninja. Was there some sort of correlation he wasn't seeing there? He was not oblivious by any means, but he wanted to expect more of the Hokage than to just take him outside for a trial. Or would the trial be happening outside and that's why they'd go out there?

Anon had no idea what to expect as he followed the Hokage, closing the office doors behind them before they moved to ascend a flight of stairs, heading for the roof. Upon reaching the top of the stairs, the Hokage unlocked a door that stood in their way with a wave of his hand and pushed the doors open, welcoming them both to the sight of snow blanketing the top of the roofs of the village hidden in the leaves' buildings. He stood there for a bit, seeming to be reliving something in his head that had some sort of impact on him, before stepping out onto the roof and crunching the flakes of snow that gathered in a thin layer beneath his boots. He walked about five meters out and turned to Anon, who was coming through the doors, making sure to be respectful to those inside and close them, turning to meet the gaze of the hokage once more. The hokage had gotten into a bit of a wider stance than before, nodding to Anon and tilting his head, as though he was prepared for an assault.

'That's because he is prepared for an assault.'

It seemed that the hokage wanted Anon to draw his blades and come at him with an attack of his own to gauge the strength of his potential recruit. Anon was hesitant at first, but didn't want to disappoint someone who was doing him a favor by taking him in as a village ninja. With a curt nod and fire in his eyes, the shinobi drew both of his blades from his back and squared his stance off. The longer sword, his short sword, was held in a regular grip while the small sword was held in a reverse grip. The reverse grip small sword was held in front his him as if ready to attack or block while the short sword was held in front of his body as a normal swordsman would have it. For a few seconds he didn't move, nothing rustled, but with the fall of a new snowflake his body burst forward and he jumped into the air. He didn't expect to land an attack on the most powerful shinobi in the village, but he didn't want to say he didn't even give it an attempt. His body came into a spin, with his reverse grip coming down first, followed by the second sword in a flurry of steel. When he landed upon the ground he would try to jump back, with a questioning tilt of his head as if to ask: 'how was that?'


10To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Empty Re: To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Sun Dec 17, 2017 8:30 pm



Rippa would stand in his position and watch with warm blue eyes. Judging the speed and technique of the man before him. He was a swordsman for certain but his fighting style was entirely different from Rippa's. Something that Rippa could appreciate was swordsmanship. For individual fights it held its own well enough but for large fighting forces swordsmanship was definitely the way to go. He had studied and employed the shield wall in Konoha's sword priests as a tactic used when engaging large forces. An unbreakable wall of steel pushing through enemies and protecting archers and spears behind them. A time honored tactic because it was incredibly difficult to get through. While Kenjutsu focused mostly on the skill of a lone warrior, and Kyujutsu focused on the precision of a single shot, He could not think of another specialization that brought forth the ideal of working with the warrior at your shoulder. It embodied team work and yet a lone warrior was known for his power with swordsmanship. There was more to learn here than just the strength of the man before him. Once he encountered the mans strongest technique he might even begin to practice the art himself.

With that said the man had drawn his blades in a unique way. Rippa had never held his weapons in a reverse grip like that. A Katana was always to be used in a forward grip. However the difference in attack angles was certainly apparent. It was almost like he would be attacked from two different directions at once. Even as he considered that he realized the one was primarily used like a shield to cover his body while the other was used for a counter attack. Still there would be no counter attack here as Anon was the offender. Still the man launched forward with surprising speed. He hadn't expected the man to be as fast as he was but he was still prepared for it. Especially an air based downwards double slash. Of which Rippa would grip the hilt of his katana and step back slightly with a flick of his wrist he would draw the blade. One solid motion hitting both swings aimed for Rippa like hitting a solid wall. As if he had just slashed at the floor beneath them. Yet there was a grace to it that redirected the force of it to the side. He didn't block power for power but rather redirected it to the side.

With that done Anon would jump back and look at him with inquisitive eyes. Rippa would stand tall where he was as he flicked his katana to the side before sliding it into its scabbard with a practiced fluid motion. Blue eyes studying the man before him. Looking him over. Finally he would smile and bow his head respectfully. Raising up with an inhale and looking out over the snow topped Konoha. Speaking warmly. "Very well Mr. Brier. I can accept your strength. My conditions are simple for officially becoming a member of Konoha. First, Complete one C rank mission with Supaku Hyuga. Since you are fond of her getting her to tag along shouldn't be difficult. After which you will do one B rank mission with myself and finally a B rank mission with both Supaku and myself. Upon completing my evaluation of all three of those, I will grant you a headband. On a side note. I would like you to take on a squad for the time being. Get to know other genin besides Supaku and help them grow. Of course as a chunnin each squad activity will be reported directly to me. Any questions?"

11To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Empty Re: To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Tue Dec 19, 2017 6:25 am

Anon Brier

Anon Brier

Anon let what had happened go through his head as he watched the Hokage, waiting for a reaction. He could barely tell what happened due to the speed at which the other man moved, but he was almost positive that the Hokage hadn't just blocked his attack, but knocked it to the side as well. Anon sighed silently, looking to see the Hokage re-sheathe his sword with practiced speed and bow his head to the wanderer across from him. With that, he too would bow his head low to the other, a swordsman's respect for each other's strength with the blade. The two of them had a lot in common, it would seem, and Anon was unsure of how to proceed before the Hokage began to speak to him.  He referred to Anon as 'Mr. Brier' which felt weird to be honest, but not completely out of place. In any case, he spoke on how he accepted the strength of the chuunin level ninja and gave the conditions for joining the village. He would need to take on a C-Rank mission with Supaku, which was easy enough as he was planning to take her with him soon enough anyway.

The next two conditions were interesting and caused the ninja to tilt his head a bit. A B-Rank with the Hokage himself, and then another with him and Supaku? This would definitely get interesting. It will also give me a chance to try and impress the Hokage enough to show I am good enough for his divisions. These thoughts crossed Anon's mind and he was nearly ready to agree to the conditions wholeheartedly. He didn't just yet, he wanted to think for a moment on the implications of such a deal from not just any ninja, but the Hokage himself. With someone like the strongest ninja in the village with him, the missions would be a breeze. Not only that, but if the Hokage accepted him enough to acknowledge his strength and skill with a blade, enough to take him on missions then surely others in the village could accept a wanderer into the fold of their 'family' right? These thoughts were currently the most important on the mind of the Mitarashi and he nodded quietly.

"I accept these conditions, Lord Hokage. It would do me no greater pleasure than to have one of your station with me as I do my best to prove my worth to you and the village. I will not falter on these tasks you have set before me. They will be cleared as quickly as possible, and I will emerge victorious. I only hope I can make you proud enough to earn the headband of the village hidden in the leaves" He bowed once more to the Hokage and when he stood straight again, he flipped his blades around his hands, stopping once they were both in a reverse grip. At that point, he then pushed each one into the sheathes upon the back of his belt, with practiced precision as though it were natural for him as breathing was. He was used to doing this by now and it took little to no effort to ensure the blades were put away correctly. When this was done, he listened once more to the rest of what the hokage was saying, nodding along as he did so.

He was a bit excited at this point. He was being asked to lead a squad of genin as well, even though he was chuunin. He would likely only be leader of two genin in name, as his sensei would still be whoever he was assigned to until he was a higher rank. From what the Hokage said, he would be to report to him with the squad activity, which is what Anon would have expected. When the explanation was over, he was asked if he had any questions. Until now, he didn't think about it but he did have one question. "Just one, lord Hokage. I apologize for my rudeness in not asking this sooner but do have a name other than 'Hokage?'  While I do not mind calling you lord Hokage, I just wasn't sure of what to call you." He'd wait for his answer, and whatever was given he would accept. With a low bow, he would excuse himself, citing the conditions given and then say he was off to complete the C-Rank with Supaku, turning and leaving the rooftop with his Kage's leave. It was time to get to work.



12To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Empty Re: To Join or No? [Rippa|NK] Wed Dec 20, 2017 1:18 pm



Rippa would watch the young man before him. He had a sort of class to his swordsmanship that brought him to the consideration that he might be his equal at higher ranks. At least when it came to two sword styles. The smaller blade with the larger one was more diverse than his own twin katana style. One could predict the range of the next attack when both blades were roughly the same length. However having a blade a different length created openings. His blue eyes would shift between the two as he considered the idea of a continued assault. It was more tiring of the mind to have to adjust between the lengths of the weapons one was defending against randomly. It was clever. This young man before him with hair as white as his own had his interest. With that said he wondered about the lower mask. Did he keep his identity hidden for his own safety or was it to further intimidate and confuse his enemies? The eyes told a lot in a fight but so did facial expressions. Someone without a single shift in expression when their life was on the line was at the very least intimidating.

Still the man would sheath both his weapons and spoke respectfully. He was well mannered for a wandering swordsman. Rippa had been under the impression that individuals from Suna were more harsh to the ears. Brutes and criminals mostly. Their shinobi trained to do whatever it took to accomplish victory. To take it under the most violent circumstances. This Anon was more reserved in first impressions than that by far. Calm and collected in a way that made his sword fighting more cold and calculated than those who might run in with a roar. However Rippa had noted that the man stated he hadn't fit in at the time in Suna. Not feeling like he belonged in the world was a harsh sensation. Rippa wanted Anon to succeed in that moment. To give him the whisper of a home he could build upon. Perhaps Sepaku was the key to him warming his soul to the flames of Konoha. The flames he saw in even the children he passed on their way to the academy. Some might say it was all in his head but he could feel it. From Supaku, Jamie, Anon and so many others he could feel it. A connection to some burning desire to be better.

As Anon would turn to leave though he would make one more inquiry. Rippa of course was a little surprised at it. It was the first time he had been asked that since he took the office. Either everyone had known him as a sannin, looked him up before the meeting or was simply content with referring to him by title alone. Rippa would blink in surprise before letting out a loud laughter. Oh it was nice to be reminded he was a person first. His laughter was warm as he let it boom from the roof top. He wasn't laughing at Anon for not knowing but rather for the human moment in it. How easy it was to forget. Still his laughter would subside and he would clear his throat as he wiped his eyes. "Ah forgive me...a little bit of an inside joke I suppose. My name is Dr. Chi Rippa. It was a pleasure Anon Brier and I will be seeing you soon." With that Anon was gone and Rippa returned to his office shortly after. More paperwork to do but with lighter spirits.

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