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1So long and thanks for all the clouds :) Empty So long and thanks for all the clouds :) Sun Dec 03, 2017 3:35 pm



This is a resignation letter to all, I am sorry to leave and not tell you all beforehand. Due to a lack of creativity in the wake of some complicated personal feelings, I am stepping down as Raikage, and claiming my character, Lin Katonrai, as inactive.

Katonrai Lin, the raikage, would like to leave her estate, her ryo, and her title to Mizuki Raiu, if she has her way. If it fits in with Maigo's personal story she would like to go away with him and can become an NPC for Maigo's use. If not, she will go away to study Sage Mode and its intracacies. If I return I would like to be able to use her and have this as her back story.

I will be reachable on skype and hope you enjoy your RP until i return, hopefully.




(this is Syekren)

It was great having you on staff with us and great having you on as the Raikage. I hope some day you'll come back to us and have the creativity flowing again.



Ah, it's sad to see you go. Hopefully I'll see you when you eventually return.

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

Sad to see you go, Linkage :(

Gone are the student-teacher relationship, the unofficial Tsunade-Shizune friendship and the long-term plot with the fluffiest Sage ever...

I'm Raiukage for a day... until Mitsuo takes it away...



Sad to see you go Lin

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

I think Raiu should have said "So long and thanks for all the ryo" but please have fun wherever you go to Lin and maybe one day you can come back again...

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