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Sero collected his tickets as he had won the race just as the two weasel blade demons were pried from the posts. Already they had wrestled loose from those that helped them and Sero could hear their growling from where he stood. However he cared not for their irritation at his useful tactics. Instead he had gathered a few more of those tickets he had so far. Whatever they were for he was curios about how they could be used later on. Were they designed in such a way to draw the eye perhaps? He wasn't sure and that bothered him slightly. However his attention couldn't be kept on the tickets for long as there was an alarmed shout and Sero noted metal flashing from his left. He hadn't been looking for it since the other two hadn't moved but a third was rocketing at his legs. A blur of dark movement placed him outside of the blades path calmly as he watched a third and older weasel come to a stop and glare at him. It slammed its paw down to the ground and in front of its paw ten tickets appeared. It growled and watched him until Sero would take a breath before providing ten tickets up his sleeve as well.

A double or nothing had been presented by his challenger. So he had answered in kind. Seemingly satisfied the weasel snarled at him before jetting back to the track. The other two looking to each other until the older one called out to them and they rushed to join him. So it appeared Sero would be fighting this lot alone for a double or nothing with increased odds. All three would be concentrating him and no other runners would be involved. They wanted to beat him and yet Sero appeared entirely calm. His grey eyes taking them in as he moved to the starting point. Glancing down to the blood stained sands. They were fast and coordinated but three attacks at a time could be followed if he concentrated. He just couldn't fail to maintain that concentration for three laps or he would lose. Regardless it meant more tickets and that meant more of a chance of coming across Nozomi in the finals. Something he was personally looking forward to. Three blade demons running on the wind wouldn't hinder him in this goal. If anything they were simply going to aid him though that wasn't their goal.



Still he was not going to fret over three blades coming for him. This was just training to him. The question was already answered in his mind. As the whistle blew both the three blades and Sero raced forward. A charcoal dark blur slammed into the sand one foot after the other and in a flash was already several meters in. The three weasels were not deterred by the speed he had not shown previously and were keeping up though. Moving into formation with one behind and one on either side of him. His grey eyes shifted to either side and then over his shoulder as he studied their signals. One lap in they finally made their move. A simultaneous attack. Right at the starting line. From both sides they dived for his legs while the one behind him shot forward to try and hew him at the waist. However a sudden shift in the charcoal form and mist poured from between his hands. Sero spun then with a huge and dark blade as his swing connected with all three in one spin mid air. Sending all three flying back with their blades cracked and slamming into the dirt. Each one skidding to a stop and shaking their heads in confusion. That swing had some power behind it most humans lacked.

However as they looked back to the sword it stood by itself. Their gaze had been directed back to the dark blade as a cloak fluttered over its guard. Confusion lit their faces until a sound of cheering brought them back to the starting line. Sero had just crossed his second lap. Alarm slid across their faces as they rushed him individually without formation. They couldn't lose to one human. They were a Yokai team. Such things were unheard of. Still they shot forward and Sero watched as they gave chase. Spinning through the air as he passed the large blade and his right hand yanked it up again. The sword shifting into a katana as his left hand tossed his cloak into the face of the first to arrive. The weasel caught off guard and entangled in the fabric as it came to a crashing stop. The other two were on him just as quickly though. For the remaining lap Sero seemed to almost idly deflect each charge and send them flying to the side with his counters. Never drawing their blood until they rested on the side lines panting. Sero was content though and let his blade fade away. Collecting his winnings again from the teller. That had proven profitable.

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