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1The Old Man's Camp(D-Rank Mission) Empty The Old Man's Camp(D-Rank Mission) Sat Sep 16, 2017 10:57 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Setting Up Camp D-Rank Mission:

Jamie was on his way with the mission scroll as he made his way to the first camp located somewhere to the west. He was still searching around when he noticed some strange smoke signals, as he got there he was carefully sneaking about as some old man began laughing as he got a bit scared and started running up the tree really fast before getting caught by some large man who grinned and shouted

"YOUTH!!" as he wanted to scream the man landed near a camp fire holding the young Jamie in his arm as he was a bit dizzy as the other three old men began laughing. "Lee, you really need to stop scaring all the young genin that come to help us out" as they squinted their eyes. The other old man took a puff of smoke from his pipe and then spoke. "Seems he is just a wandering shinobi, though as long as he helps does not matter if he is from the village" as another old man spoke as well. "These genin are really getting smaller lately, even these wanderers too."

After a moment another old man spoke again, "Back in my day i used to be a top ranking shinobi, now i can barely keep up with genin anymore. You know i once went to war, it was a mad war in a village far away from here. There were children with the power to shatter small mountains, fat men able to move as fast as lightning and women who were good at everything. It is so frustrating these days, what happened to the days when men were the strongest in the village. Not that it really matters man, woman or child if you got talent and you train it what more can you expect. As you already know I am..."

The conversation went on for close to an hour as Jamie was barely able to stay awake and was so bored he was no longer even feeling the slightest bit of fear. He even heard Master Lee mumbling that he could not fall asleep first, he had to show his youth and some other strange ramblings about making a dynamic entry into the story as Jamie began to wonder what kind of mission this actually was.


2The Old Man's Camp(D-Rank Mission) Empty Re: The Old Man's Camp(D-Rank Mission) Wed Sep 27, 2017 4:17 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Jamie was tired and hungry, but the mission will not wait for him to eat so he began trying to set up the one tent. They had thought it was a bit cute watching him struggle, but they also knew he had a job to do and them just watching would make this harder. Master Lee set up the one tent as he caught Jamie's attention on purpose as Jamie began to watch he mimicked the movements of the weird master and had the tent set up. It was not perfect, but it was good enough to get the job done.

After some time of pitching up tents he was told he needed to set up another tent a long distance away from there, Master Lee decided to go ahead and two of the old soldiers decided to go with him as he went towards the other side of the location. The trees seemed dangerous as he heard strange animals everywhere as the old man began speaking again. "When i was young we had this special technique for running, you see you spread out your arms like this and then let them flail behind you to make like an arrow" as Jamie watched the old man doing the ninja sprint he then asked a question that stumped the old man. "why?"

The old man got hit so hard he nearly thought he would have a heart attack, he had been raised on the ways of the ninja sprint. However he had no idea why they performed the ninja sprint the way it was done as he realized that he may have been a blind fool all this time. When he thought about it even more he began to realize they probably look like a bunch of chickens with that strange run of theirs as his life seemed to be coming to an end inside his mind.

The other old man wanted to laugh even though he also did not know the answer as they made their way and finally reached the other side of the camp.


3The Old Man's Camp(D-Rank Mission) Empty Re: The Old Man's Camp(D-Rank Mission) Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:59 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

After some time setting up the next camp, they set up a few more camps as Jamie mostly just carried small things as well as being sent to run back and check how far they were with preparations on the other side. Back and forth Jamie went as he worked harder and harder to get the mission done. He was complimented a few times, however he had to suffer a few more sessions of talking for close to an hour about the long history of the leaf which made no sense to him at all. Eventually he finished up after delivering the last signal flare to be used for testing as he took a breather as he was told he was finished with his long mission as he returned to receive his payment as he felt so sleepy from all the boring old stories and the carrying of many items and goods. Jamie never wanted to do this mission ever again



750 Words (Normal Mission Words)
100 Words (Extra Pay Mission Words)
850 Total (Pay 150 + 25 = 175)

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