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1Haladis, S'athmos[Plot Tracker} Empty Haladis, S'athmos[Plot Tracker} Tue Sep 05, 2017 5:20 am

S'athmos Hadalis

S'athmos Hadalis

Chapter 1: Making Some Aquantices

Whilst S'athmos finds himself one day walking up to The Honored Shinobi Monument, he seems to be in the need of some new friends, more like close yet powerful acquaintances so that he can feel more confident about his 'Zero Hokage' plan. He decides to keep this information to himself and lay low for a while until he's strong enough to reveal that he's truly the bad guy here. Hiding the secret that he's bad will be difficult of course, but he may be able to pull it off for some time because no one would ever suspect him to turn out to be evil. He goes out to seek other's who might be interested in making such an evil group so that the plan can be successful. Who knows's who'll he'll meet in the meantime?

Chapter 2: Multiple Sath's

S'athmos meets up with Watari, his old friend and now Sensei. He kindly agreed to train him so they began almost immediately on the same night. They both figured why not waste any time. This is his best hope as of now to get stronger until he's powerful enough to steal the Sharingan from an Uchiha member. Of course, he'll need the help of some friends in order to do that. Watari is just a stepping stone of his ultimate plan. He doesn't know anything about it though. He's clueless until later on, that is, until word gets around that S'athmos has changed from good to bad.

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