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1Second Mission Paperboy(D-Rank Mission) Empty Second Mission Paperboy(D-Rank Mission) Mon Aug 07, 2017 11:08 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

D-Rank Mission Mailman:

Days had passed since that moment when he met the fluttering forest fairy known as Airi. He was busy browsing the area as he was searching for the first address for his mail delivery. Apparently the old man Master Lee was expecting a letter as he made his way around the village, struggling through the market place as he noticed some other shinobi running on the roof tops to deliver mail as he began to wonder why they were not running on the ground like normal people.

Shinobi were strange things as he decided he needed to also get going as he finally found an opening he dashed towards the nearest wall and trying to run up it he only got half way up the wall before gravity pulled him back down to reality as he hit his back and the back of his head against the ground as he kept the letters safe in front of him as he hugged it tightly. Jamie had a bit of a problem, but it was nothing he could not easily remedy as he took a deep breathe and decided to meet his new challenge head on.


Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Jamie decided to just take a deep breathe and then started running around and began jumping off the one wall to the other back and forth until he reached the top as another shinobi did a corkscrew cartwheel flip to avoid him before entering a barrel roll jump as if he was an arrow twirling around before dashing like a normal ninja dashing shinobi. This was definitely a shinobi village as he began to run on top of the roof top as he slipped and slid a few times as he barely maintained balance jumping from roof top to roof top just barely making it as he nearly fell face first the one time just managing to block his fall with his right hand bruising it slightly.

After a while he noticed he was not going to make it as he used a reverse grip to draw out his tanto and stabbed it into the side of the building, but sadly it was too weak and just bounced off as he was falling he sheathed his blade and hugged the letters bag as he landed on his feet breaking one of the sandals on impact while the other strap became stretched and torn. He gave up on the sandals and went back to the roof tops once again.

As he tried jumping off the walls he felt the pain as his feet pressed against the hard walls, but he endured it as he finally got back to the roof. It was easier to grip the roofs with his bare feet, but it definitely hurt each step he took as he made his way towards the location he finally found it. The Lee residence as he stopped in front of the large gate as an old man stood there with a strange bobbed hair style and began shouting at him.

"That is Youth!!" as the man picked up Jamie for no apparent reason as he held out the letter not sure why this was happening to him. "Oh, sorry, i just got a bit excited. Thanks, remember to always be full of youth!!" as the man grinned with shining teeth and a sparkle in his eyes and for some reason it even looked like the hair was sparkling.

He nodded and was off as Master Lee bid him farewell. For some reason his instinct told him to run away as fast as possible, as the man went back inside as Jamie only noticed after that the guy was wearing a cool green jumpsuit.


Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Jamie was running for who knows how long as he stopped for a bit, the ground was fortunately flatter and softer then the ground in the forest. However it was still hard to run on and he really needed new sandals, he was a bit worried about the previous place. He got taken by surprise at being lift up into the air and the way he appeared was so dynamic it was scary on a whole different level from what he was used to.

As time passed Jamie began heading around the village until he reached the second location for his mail delivery. He reached a lady by the name of Inazuma Yen, she seemed rather nice and began taking out her glasses as she looked at him really closely. She sighed as she looked up to the sky and mumbled to herself just barely audible that she was hoping for some really hot guy to deliver her mail. She took the letter and patted Jamie on the head as the old lady reminded him of his old lady who left him behind. It was a bit nostalgic as he then realized he might end up being late if he just stood there the whole time. Jamie began making his way back towards the center of the village as he began his search for the next client, Miss Minami of the Kei family.


Akito Miku

Akito Miku

That moment when Jamie had finally made his journey to the final location, it was a small little house with a small little garden as a young girl was busy watering the plants. He was a bit nervous as he entered the home very slowly and very carefully. The wind blew through the garden as he got so many scents in the air his nose began to itch as he instinctively stepped back a bit as the girl looked up with a smile.

"Are you bringing me mail today, it is for the Kei house right?" as the girl tilted her head to the side that smile which started bothering him a bit as he blushed and simply nodded his head. "You do not need to be so scared, i do not think i will bite you, but these flowers might." as he backed away even further the girl started to realize the boy was taking her seriously as she giggled a bit scratching the back of her head.

"It was a joke, a joke okay, now just give the letter already." as he came back to his senses he moved forward cautiously as he extended the letter as far away from his body as possible as she sighed before taking the letter hoping that she did not permanently scar the boy who was still looking very carefully at the flowers.

"Hey, the flowers do not really bite, that was a joke, you need to learn to relax" as he was still a bit confused he simply nodded and then ran off as she stretched out her arm. She actually wanted to have a nice long conversation, but it seems she scared him away as he finally completed his deliveries and ran off to the mission board to receive his reward as he felt that was one of the scariest missions ever as he began to wonder just how dangerous the C-rank missions would be.


750 [Mission Completion]
+400(Extra Payment| 4 x 25 = 100 ryo)

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