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1Discovering the pervert! [D-Rank] Empty Discovering the pervert! [D-Rank] Fri Sep 22, 2017 7:44 am



Mission Details:

Fuyuko arrived at the mission board early in the morning. There were still a bunch of missions available, with no one in sight to pick one up, she decided to take her time and read all of them. After having read all the missions that were up, one of them piqued her interest the most. She grabbed it  and walked towards the store listed on the note; at the same time she read the full mission description. “Hello, I’m the manager of the food chain ‘Freshness’. Lately I’ve been having a lot of trouble in keeping one of my three stores staffed. I would hire a new employee, but after just a few days they will have already quit the job without ever giving a real reason. I’m requesting help in investigating what the problem with this specific store is, since the other stores are booming. I would love to find out myself, but unfortunately I can’t be at the same store all the time. Please help me find out the problem.

Having finished the letter she became excited for the mission, since it was Thursday, she'd be able to start right away. On top of that, it wasn't something too complicated, nothing related to combat as well yet. Fuyuko was unsure about herself if she was ready for those kind of missions. So as long as she could stick to the more simple ones she was content for the time being. Having almost arrived at the store on the mission note, she decided not to enter and instead head towards one of the other three stores. To check out how the booming stores were doing and see if there was a clear difference between the good running one and the, as she assumed, understaffed store.

After about another hour of strolling through town Fuyuko finally stumbled on another Freshness store. She took a deep breath as she entered the store. Clean. That's the word she'd use to describe the store. The floor looked like no one had ever walked on it. The shelves themselves looked brand new, with the products almost a single straight line all at the front. There was a dent here and there, but that was most likely due to the fact that people grabbed the item to purchase it. Wandering through the aisles, they just looked the same one after another. The only difference between the isles were mostly just the products. To top it all of the personal seemed happy, eager to help out customers that were having issues making decisions on what to buy. She wouldn't need to talk with the staff in order to find out if they enjoyed working here or not. This is because if she had a job here, she'd be happy to come to work every day. Having concluded her preliminary inspection she headed back over to initial store she was supposed to be at.

She looked around as she walked through the store. It didn't look all that different from the others. The shelves looked in tip-top condition, you couldn't see yourself in the floor like in the other one, but it was still definitely clean. It wasn't as busy as the other stores, despite it being peek shopping hours and she wondered why that was. She looked over at the staff and it became somewhat apparent. The expression, the mood that was readable on their faces just wasn't the same. They didn't radiate the same willingness to help, or that they enjoyed working here. As strange as it may sound, this made Fuyuko happy. She was capable of figuring out a stern difference between the two stores, without having spent a single minute working in it. It was definitely worth investigating why there was such a stark difference between the staff.

Not wasting anymore time Fuyuko walked up to what seemed to be like the owner. He was the only one walking around all suited-up. “Hello, I’m Miki Fuyuko, and I came to help out as per your request” she said as she made a quick bow. “Aahh, perfect. I’m Hao and I’m the owner of Freshness. Let’s walk to the back so we can talk further”. After going to the back of the store the owner continued talking. “I’m very glad you’re able to come and help out with my problem. I’m really at a loss, please help me find out what the problem is. I’ll go grab a shirt for you to wear whilst you’re working in the store and after that you can start working. Are there any questions you have for me before you start?”. “No, I don’t have any questions in particular, though if I do whom should I talk to if you’re not present at the store?”. “You can talk to Juroku, he’s in charge when I’m at the other stores.” Hao handed over the shirt and Fuyuko quickly put it on and followed him back into the store.

Juroku, this is Miki Fuyuko, Fuyuko, this is Juroku the manager.” “Oh what a pleasure to meet you, I’ll be looking forward to working with you.” Juroku said with a smile on his face. “I’ll be in your care!” Fuyuko replied as she bowed. The rest of the day was rather uneventful. Fuyuko was working together with the manager for almost the entirety of the time while he was teaching her the ropes of the place. Honestly Fuyuko enjoyed it a whole bunch working with the manager, he seemed extremely polite. This pleased Fuyuko quite a bit because she hasn’t met a lot people that treat other with respect. The store closed and everyone went on their way home. After the owner had lost sight of Juroku, Juroku went ahead and called Fuyuko back quickly. “For your working attire tomorrow it’ll be more helpful to wear something more tight. Lose clothes might become a struggle whilst working.” he said with a smile on his face. “Oh, thank you for the advice, I’ll be sure to follow it up.” she replied, bowing once more and now running of to home.

The next day Fuyuko was the first to arrive at the store. She had followed up on Juroku’s advice and put on her mission clothing. The clothes were tight fit around her body, making the shape of her body very clear. Not long after the rest of the staff showed up and eventually did Juroku. He opened the door and everyone headed inside. As they headed in Juroku bumped against Fuyuko on accident. “Oh, I’m sorry, are you alright?” he asked her. “Yes I’m fine, thank you” she replied. Though something felt of, she could’ve sworn that something touched her butt. She shoved the thoughts aside and continued on her way. The rest of the day was much like yesterday. However Juroku seemed to bump into her a lot. Where yesterday they had never bumped into each other, today it seemed like the most normal thing. As if they were two magnets being pulled towards each other. Often, but not always, she’d also feel like someone had touched her again on her behind.

Fuyuko became agitated with the manager and called him towards the back so they could have a short talk. “How come you are bumping into me so much today?” she said with a rather irritated voice. “I have no clue what you’re talking about dear.” he replied. The tone in his voice made a shiver go down Fuyuko’s spine. Her gut feeling told her that Juroku was no good at all. “I would highly prefer it if you tried to stay out of my way. Otherwise I will have to inform the owner of the business you’re conducting!” she said with stern voice. Juroku walked closer and close to Fuyuko. She couldn’t help but take steps back until her back was against the wall. With Juroku only being a about a foot away from her he started talking. “Now I wouldn’t do that. First of all who is he going to believe you, a new person that has hardly any working experience. Or me his manager that he has been working with for a long time. Further I’ll make sure you will be blacklisted in all the stores in the village so that you’ll never be able to find work again. Let an older man just have his fun.” He said as he placed his hands on Fuyuko’s sides.

As Fuyuko’s temper quickly got worse and worse with each passing second, she charged herself up without thinking about it. “Let go off me!” she yelled and upon doing so released the stored up electricity within her and shocking Juroku slightly and releasing his grip on her. This however was not enough to make her feel better. Without thinking about it she swung her hand backwards and with all her might back into the direction of Juroku’s face. Slapping it with all her might and leaving a big red hand print on his cheek. “I’m going to the owner and tell on you!” she yelled as she started storming out. “You’ll never find work again! I’ll make sure of that!” he said back loudly, but with a clear tone of desperation in his voice. “I don’t care! I’m undercover anyway into finding out why everyone quit their jobs in this particular store and now I know why!" she said whilst angrily looking at Juroku for the last time.

Upon finally reaching the other store where the owner was she explained the whole story of what had happened. It was hard for her to bring it in a nice well-mannered way as she was still fuming on the inside. The owner and Fuyuko went back to the store, she wasn’t happy about this, but it was part of the mission. Having arrived at the store Juroku was nowhere to be found. One of the staff members had said he quickly ran out of the store with all of his stuff in his hands. And with that it was a mission completed. The staff also immediately looked happier upon finding out that Juroku would no longer be working at the store. "Thank you for helping my find the problem. Whenever I was in the store there seemed to be no issues at all. Juroku didn't seem to cause any issues, I guess he did it all behind my back." Hao said with a smile on his face. "It was my pleasure." she replied with a smile. She gave back her working shirt and went on her way back home. The mission was a success but it left her in a foul mood for the rest of the day.


1844 wc

1844 - 750 (Mission) = 1094 wc
1094 - 600 (Extra Ryo) = 494 wc
494 - 450 (Perception E-0 > E-3) = 44 wc

44 wc left

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