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Amaya had spent every waking moment for the past several days, any sort of free time she could get her hands on, in the library or the local book store. Of course, when someone was as busy as Amaya had turned out to be with training others, training herself, regular Jounin duties, and the fact that she was now dealing with an over protective Inuzuka.... well, that didn't leave a lot of time for other things. Therefore, she had set this day out among all the rest. She already made it quite clear she was going to be off duty and staying that. No training. No social interactions. Just pure, uninterrupted training. Simple, right? Yeah, not so much. The day off wasn't hard, but the rest? So many people were crawling out of the proverbial wood work to learn Medical Ninjutsu that Ashi had taken to hiding her in her room and pretending she wasn't there, just to save her from being bombarded. Amaya didn't mind though, she loved teaching it, it was her passion. But, now it was time to focus on some me time.

She'd made sure she had set her alarm clock, not wanting to wake up late once more. It would have been nice to be able to sleep in, but she had far too much work still left to do before she could even begin to try and put this jutsu into actual practice. Therefore, the clock was set to five in the morning. It was indeed early, and would probably still be dark outside when she left the house, but she already had made pre arrangements for the library key so she could get some studying done in private, and the librarian hadn't had a problem with the idea. Hell, the two got along quite nicely given the amount of time Amaya normally spent there. Second home and all that... well, third home now, seeing as Ashi's home was now her second. But, that's getting a little off topic.

She had made sure she went to bed early enough, or at early as she could. So when her alarm clock started with the annoying buzzing far before the sun had even thought about wanting to rise only half of her actually wanted to chuck the thing across the room and break it into little pieces. With a groan she opened her eyes, arm automatically shielding them as she half expected some bright ass sunlight to be shinning through. After a moment she removed her arm from her face and glanced at her darkened window. "Oh, good. I didn't sleep in for once.", she mumbled to herself as she stretched with yet another groan. Once that morning ritual was completed she sat herself up, slowly, hating to leave her nice warm spot on the bed. She threw the covers the rest of the way off of herself and then placed her bare feet on the cold ground with a mumble of curses at the coldness.

Well, at least she was out of bed now, sort of. A sigh escaped her before she put her weight fully to the ground and stood, completely leaving the warmth of her bed. "Why the hell does it have to be so cold?", she groaned as she walked her way over to her closet. After sliding the doors open she just stood there, momentarily rubbing her growling stomach. Yup, definitely time for some food after this. She continued to stare into her closet for a moment, as if trying to will the clothes to just pick themselves out themselves. She was going to be off duty all day long so it wasn't like it made a difference in what she wore, not that it ever did. The only time she really bothered dressing in proper attire was when either doing something 'formal', or a squad meeting, and even then she barely bothered.

So, comfortable it was going to be. She grabbed another of her many sweaters, this one a dark blue in colored. She also grabbed a matching dark blue long sleeved shirt, a pair of black pants with pockets running up the sides of them, and black close toed shoes. Simple, but workable, and very warm. Definitely wanted the warmth. Especially if she was going to be outside for super long periods of time. With her clothes in hand she wandered her way into the bathroom, turning on the water and waiting until it was perfectly warm. She proceeded to shower, using unscented soaps and shampoo. A quick towel dry following this, and a hasty bun put into her hand to keep the long white mess out of her way, allowed her to then get fully dressed. All followed by another roar of her stomach. "Uuugh, I don't even feel well enough to eat this morning." Yup, but whatever was causing her to feel ill wasn't going to stop her. Nope, not today. Not from this.

Wandering into the kitchen she settled for a light breakfast; a glass of water and an apple, all while mentally scolding herself for slowly slipping back into her old eating habits. Finished with her breakfast she was more then ready to head out the door. Shutting and locking the thing behind her she took off at a run in the direction of the library. Research had to be first, obviously, though she did have the basic concept for the jutsu already in her mind, and a damn good reason for needing it.

She paused long enough to thank herself for having paused long enough go grab her weapons and the key before leaving, having pocketed the whole lot to keep them out of view. Reaching the library she produced the key from her pocket, slipped it into the lock, and let herself in, making sure to lock the door behind her. After all, the librarian had given Amaya permission to be in there before hours, not everyone and their mother. She didn't bother with any but one light, more towards the back of the place. She wasn't going to need much to read by, after all. Heading to her favorite second; the medical area, she began to search through titles, pulling books down and stacking them in her arm as she figured she might need them. With a good collection of four or five books now weighing her down she proceeded to a nearby table and dropped the whole lot with a dull thud that echoed through the empty library.

Before sitting herself in her chair she allowed the idea that the library was rather spooky to play across her mind, grinning at herself. "If I didn't know better I'd think that the boogyman was lurking around the book shelves, just hiding in the dark and waiting for me to get too near the shadows to jump out at me...", she cackled at herself following this, flopping down in her chair afterwards and just shaking her head.

It was time to get serious now. The first book was flipped through quickly, being left open on a rather gruesome looking page that depicted the various stages of death. She shoved the first book off to the side, allowing it to remain open to keep her place marked as she started on book two. Book two proved not to have much of anything she'd be able to use now, though she made a mental note to go back to it when she was ready to train another jutsu she had in mind to learn. It'd prove useful then. Onto the third one, then. This one she picked through slower, mentally noting several pages that would be good to reference, even stopping long enough to read a few pages several times over again to save them to memory. She closed the third book and slipped it up and off to the side next to the first one. The fourth, and the fifth that followed proved completely useless, only touching on techniques and information that she already knew from previous trips to the library. Not even updated information.

She placed the other three books back on their proper shelves and then sat herself down once more, delving deeper into the information that the books provided. Anything from the temperature of a dead body, to the stages of rigor, even how the brain and heart acted at the very seconds following death. Though, most of it was repeated information it was always good to have a refresher course of sorts to have in mind. She wanted to get this right on the first try. Not spend hours upon hours training it because she didn't do her hardest to get the technique down in the proverbial sense before trying to put it into action.

After ensuring that she had the basic ideas down again, and any old information updated she pushed her chair back and stood up from the table. She placed her books back on the shelves in their respective places, and pushed her chair in. She then proceeded to shut off the light she'd been using. She wandered her way back to the doors, smiling at her perfect timing as she could see the librarian walking up to the doors on the other side. She opened the door before the elderly woman reached the doors, holding it open for her to walk in, and handing her the key with a nod of thanks for being allowed to use the library early. After the door shut she looked around with her reddish gaze, mentally calculating the best place to get this training done at. She needed privacy, the point of this jutsu was to project a falseness, and that wouldn't work if everyone knew what you were capable of doing. Some place closer to home would work. Not many people seemed to want to go to the river since it was becoming colder out, so that was the direction she headed. Keeping to the shadows as she ran, or higher up as to avoid being seen. She didn't want anyone spying on her.

It took her only a few short minutes to reach her destination. It wasn't so much of a clearing as normal, but she really didn't need that much room. Besides, this site had what she needed, a live person to test on. Not that they'd be alive when she was finished, in any sense of the wording. The man had been camping, for some odd reason. And, seeing as she wasn't one to ask questions about what others were doing she snuck up on the man. She didn't need to get close, given the concept of this. She just needed a shit ton of focus, and a good control of her medical chakra. The hand seals came fast from her well trained hands; Dragon, Tiger, Hare. Chakra now reaching out, enveloping the man, consuming him. A gasp of a sound as the last full breath he would take for a little bit could be heard, and a shocked expression over took him. Much like one who had been attacked and caught off guard. Good so far. The man slumped backwards, following off of the log he had been using as a make shift chair. His body was completely still, eyes open wide and staring, but not blinking. He didn't move at all, minus the loss of balance. Not a single muscle twitched. There was no rise or fall of his chest.

Amaya moved forward, hand going to the mans neck as she checked for a pulse. One barely registered, and she only knew it was there because he had to be. She watched him closely the entire time the jutsu lasted, taking note of how his body seemed to start to go through the several stages of rigor. All in perfect order. For anyone who wouldn't know better the man truly did appear dead, beyond dead honestly. But he wasn't, and at his first gasp of breath that became clear. He tried shaking off the jutsu as fast as he could, as his eyesight had been the first thing to return, taking in the sight of Amaya standing over him. Some sort of albino demon obviously out of the mans own nightmares given the utter fear he was stinking of.

She wasn't going to give him time to recover, however. No witnesses, remember? She slipped him into the water that was thankfully only a few short feet away, holding him under until the bubbles stopped and then some. She even waited extra time to ensure he wasn't attempting to fake it. When she was sure he was truly dead she pulled him out long enough to check for a pulse and find a lack there of. It was then down the river for him, allowing the water to take care of the body for her.

Standing there with her feet in the water she watched the mans body slip down current before being taken over by the body, a satisfied smile on her face. That had worked better than she had planned, and she considered it a job well done. Nothing to do now but to return home, to prepare for another jutsu.

Word Count: 2,224 / 2,000

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