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1Wild Pig Chase [Mission/Private] Empty Wild Pig Chase [Mission/Private] Tue Dec 18, 2012 11:59 am

Raishi Kanetsu

Raishi Kanetsu

As he headed out to the Wild Wild West, Rai opened up his second Mission scroll to read it's description. Basically, he was to kill a rampaging boar that has been attacking villagers and eating their crops and the reward was 160 ryo! Rai was happy considering this..he was stacking up his ryo quite nicely. He continued to read the description as he hadn't read it at the complex, he had just picked a random C ranked one. He was Special Jounin now, and had to take more responsibility in his village because he had been slacking for too long. This was a what was the difference between a boar and a pig again? Rai was no expert in pigs but he knew that there was no significant difference. At least he thought so.
He had finally arrived at the Wild Wild West and he stopped on his tracks for a second to admire what he saw. He had never been here before and hopefully he would never have to come here again as there was really nothing much to admire. It wasn't like the place was a total dump, or that it was terrible or nothing, it was just the fact that Rai was not used to that type of environment so he didn't really see much in it. There was in fact, nothing much to see. It is basically just a very wide area that has nothing but strong winds and very unstable grounds. Rai kept on walking and then he saw a sign, saying:

Every step should be taken with cautious, for you might even get sucked in by the ground as it collapses and you fall into a deep pit that may offer no return for you.

How heart warming He said to himself grumpily as he headed out, looking for signs or prints of a boar.


2Wild Pig Chase [Mission/Private] Empty Re: Wild Pig Chase [Mission/Private] Tue Dec 18, 2012 12:34 pm

Raishi Kanetsu

Raishi Kanetsu

Now Raishi was no expert in hunting down pigs or boars or whatever but he did know a constant between the two. Dirt. Pigs stereotypically, loved rolling in heaps of mud. Now in a dry place like this, were would there be any moisture for mud to be formed. Rai smacked his head, this was hopeless. This boar could have been anywhere! This mission should have been relatively simple. Find the boar. Kill the boar. Killing the boar should be of no challenge to Rai, it's just finding it that's the problem. He remembered what his mum used to tell him all the is only when you stop looking for something, and forget about it that you realise that's it is right in front of you!
Rai took this to heart and loosened up a bit. He passed a few villagers that smiled and waved at him and he of course smiled back and waved in a polite manner. He realised that even though he didn't like the Wild West, other people did and others even lived here! Rai started really thinking about the place and realized that apart from the boar problem, this side of the village is quite serene with no troubles at all. He watched kids giggle around and play on the ground. Was that hide and seek? They seemed to be enjoying their lives and this made Rai smile. This is how life should be. no worries at all....apart from probably a pig problem here and there. He laughed at the joke he made in his head. This was a sign of laziness as Rai never laughed alone unless he was feeling very lazy. To take away the feeling of laziness from his mind, he ran passed the group of kids playing and ran up the nearby hill. he placed himself on the floor, and rolled all the way down, in laughter. The kids had seen what he had done and as a result of amusement, they copied Rai. He went up the hill with the kids again and went down. They were happy and they did it over and over again. Eventually, they became tired and one of them came to Rai and said:
"You stink" before giggling and running off. Rai nearly punched the kid to the top of the hill in fact, he imagined it in his mind, giggling to himself as he kid ran away. Dumb kid. When he becomes a shinobi and HE HAS to clear the trash at Gisei Lake, Rai would be there, laughing and throwing more trash into the lake. Seconds after the kid left, there was a loud scream and after that, a sequence of screams. Rai heard the words wild pig coming from a running citizen and he ran in the direction everybody was running from.


3Wild Pig Chase [Mission/Private] Empty Re: Wild Pig Chase [Mission/Private] Tue Dec 18, 2012 12:56 pm

Raishi Kanetsu

Raishi Kanetsu

There in an open space was THE boar. It was certainly NOT a pig as the differences physically were incredible. It looked nothing like a pig, apart from it's body structure and head shape. Aside from those elements, everything else was appallingly different! It stood about 2 feet in height, with wild fur and strong tusks. It had a long, bald tale and it's overall color was palish brown. It's eyes were wild and old and it's nose or snout, had several cuts, changing it's original color of pink to black. This was certainly a very depressing pig to look at. In fact, it looked sick, like it was about to die. Rai almost felt sorry for the little fella and that's when it decided to attack him. He watched the boar charge at him and he quickly jumped out of it's way. Surprisingly, it had sharp reflexes and it spun it's head around, twirling it's whole body with it. It charged again at Rai, now on the floor, then he jumped off the ground , landing about 5 meters away from his previous location. The boar was evidently confused as Rai had seemed to disappear from his old position. It decided to charge again, and this time when it was about 50 cm away from Rai, he gave the pig a roundhouse kick so hard, that the boar fainted. It obviously had a thin skull due to its head size so Rai thought a nice good kick to the head would do it some goo, and it had. They were praises from everywhere, even the kid from earlier that had called Rai smelly was praising him. Rai smiled and asked for the villagers to tie the boars legs together. The villagers decided to kill it and use it for a celebration. Rai couldn't help but smile and he headed back to the complex. Smelly and sweaty.


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