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Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Jamie was admitted to the hospital as he was not really sure what was going on as he looked up to the white clean ceiling. Jamie felt something soft and wet on his feet, it was strangely soothing as a part of him began to realize there were hands on his feet. He was not sure how to react, but he decided to accept it since nothing bad seemed to be happening as he began to wonder how he ended up in the hospital to begin with.

The hospital staff were quick and efficient, however there were no medical shinobi to spare for the two who were recently admitted as the one massaging the boy's feet felt this was a waste of their talent. They had removed some of the damaged skin beneath Jamie's feet and proceeded to apply a treatment in order for the skin to repair itself and for him to recover.

Jamie was not one to cry at this point since he was actually more emotional about abstract feelings then about the physical feelings he had. He was not quite broken, he simply was not all together to begin with. Jamie kept laying there as he looked around noticing there were a few others also in beds sleeping and some just fooling around.

The nurse was a bit disturbed that the boy was not even paying attention to her as she stopped massaging his feet and took hold of his one foot while looking towards his face. He noticed her gaze as he looked towards her, he was a bit confused still and had also been tired out a bit from using his jutsu in that battle with the wolf. Though it was mostly the strain of having no direction in his life anymore, as he was now living a life aimlessly without aim.

Jamie decided to greet the lady who was making his feet feel better as he raised his hand slowly and said in a soft voice. "hi..." as he seemed to trail off the nurse who had been a bit annoyed was now stricken as she nodded and greeted him back before continuing with the treatment. Jamie really was curious as to what happened to Kyoko and Cloud as he just remembered getting on Kyoko's back and now he was here, in bed with a nice lady.




After what felt like an eternity of waiting, a woman finally came out and told them they could help Cloud. Limping to the door, he threw himself down on the covered bed, and looked around. The room seemed to be mostly empty, save a few old ladies knitting from their beds. "Ooooh, aren't you just the sweetest thing..." One of the grannies looks at him, and he tries to distinguish her smile from the folds on her face. Another one was cackling grandly, and when Cloud asked what was so funny, she ran her hands through her thin hair. "I'm not the only one with white hair. Did you know that I used to have the brightest red hair out of any of my siblings?" She said, and began preaching about the perks of being Uzumaki, although it mostly revolved around hair. A little uncomfortable, Cloud tried to focus on the pain in his leg.

Cloud quietly huffed in protest as the nurse began rubbing her hands over his aching wounds, but once the bleeding had completely stopped and the tissue slowly started mending, he was actually slightly impressed. As he was being healed, Kyoko had snuck out of the waiting room, and was going door to door looking inside each of the rooms. Some of them it seemed as if they weren't very hurt at all, in Cloud's case, and she noticed a few people who seemed as if they would be dead soon. Noticing the creep from an earlier occasion, she smirked to see that he was now unable to grow any facial hair, and looked somewhat like a naked mole rat.

Cloud flexed his leg as the nurse was finished, and seemed incredibly pleased with the results. Rubbing his leg, he once again noted the usefulness of medical ninjutsu, and began to think about all of the potential uses in the future. After one too many jokes about 'pain medication', Cloud was kicked back into the waiting room, where he decided he would sit and wait. He didn't want to abandon Jamie in the hospital, and so he stretched out on a couch, and fell asleep.

Kyoko was continuing to look at the different people, until she noticed Jamie's room. He seemed to be somewhat clueless as to what was happening. Kicking open the door, she rolled into the room, underneath one of the wandering nurses. Standing up, she looked at Jamie, and fixed her hair from the roll.


Akito Miku

Akito Miku

While Jamie was busy thinking of other things his thoughts snapped back to his surroundings as he thought he heard a door get kicked open. He did not see anyone, as he was not really paying attention as he just went back to relaxing as his feet were still being treated. Medical ninjutsu was not something to be used by everyone, it required a lot of skill, time and effort. After a moment of still being a bit dazed he finally noticed that Kyoko was there as the nurse sighed before finishing up with Jamie's feet patting them gently as Jamie did not even realize they were all better now.

The nurse then greeted the girl, "Hey, his okay now you can take him now." as the nurse was a bit upset over the interruption as she went to her next patient, an old man with strange bunions on his toes as she gave that look of going from cute little feet, to rotten old potatoes. The man was grinning as he knew this would be enjoyable, although the nurse was planning to rush it as soon as she reached the old man. She was too late as he began talking about his good old days back when he was an old shinobi as the nurse wished she chose another profession. However whatever paid the bills was what was most important.

Jamie looked a bit confused at Kyoko as he just waved to her and then thought for a bit. "Hi, Kyoko..." as there was a slight pause as his hair fell on top of his nose as he leaned forward bowing his head slightly. "Thank you, Kyoko" as he felt more familiar with her and gave his thanks since she helped him out. He was a bit nervous and he was not moving his feet at all since he was a bit worried about that subconsciously.




Kyoko gave a small smile as they boy said hello, and gave a small bow. He thanked her, and she smiled a bit wider. Wishing she was capable of speech, she pulled out a small notepad, and began to scribble down a response. 'Anytime, buddy.' She gives him a thumbs up, and without missing a beat picks him up and carries him out to the waiting room in which Cloud was waiting. Tossing him gently on top of the sleeping Cloud, she blinked, and sat on the floor, watching the two of them.

Quickly waking up, Cloud rubbed his eyes, and turned an interesting shade when he noticed that Jamie was sitting on him. "Oh, hey there." He looked over to Kyoko, and back at Jamie. "Would you like to go anywhere it particular today? Or... Do anything?" He shrugs, and leans back in the chair, looking close to falling asleep again. "Just... Let me know..." He mumbles, and falls back asleep. Kyoko looks somewhat pissed at him, and after rifling through her bags, she tosses Jamie a small piece of candy she had swiped from the front desk. There was a lot more in her bag as well, and upon inspection of the dish, it looked as if it had been emptied. Grinning a sheepish grin, she tossed one into her mouth, and went back to her notepad. 'What do you dream about?' She wrote, 'Cloud's dreaming about eating again... And...' She suddenly giggles, and starts drawing a picture of Jamie riding on top of a comet, with Cloud floating around the planet which Jamie was flying towards, which realistically was impossible, but Kyoko still liked the picture, and ripped it off, attaching it to Cloud's face.

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

That smile by Kyoko seemed a bit strange, then again he was not really the best at understanding emotions in the first place. She gave a small bow and he simply nodded as a light short and quick bow of his own. He did not understand why her smile was getting wider as he felt a bit self conscious as he was hugging his arms around his chest since he was too scared to move his legs or feet at the moment.

Jamie began noticing the scribbling on the pad which made him calm down a bit, though a part of him found that to be strange as he began wondering if she was mute. He was sure she spoke before, but given his confusion at the time he was not even sure what was going on anymore. He just accepted that at the very least she was not someone or something dangerous. Though a part of him was still wavering on that conclusion.

She told him anytime buddy with thumbs up and before he could even think about it any further he noticed the bed was gone. He panicked in that moment as his heart was racing as he was now frozen from shock, the look on his face as if some wild animal had just taken him away as emergency food supply. As things were getting confusing he fell on top of Cloud gently as Jamie was too confused to move before realizing the chair he was sitting on was moving.

Jamie looked down as Cloud greeted him as he mumbled a soft, "hi" as he sat like that. They were really fast paced and while he was quick footed he was a bit slow witted at times, but not too slow witted that it could be seen as a downside.

Cloud just spoke about going somewhere and then fell asleep as Jamie began wondering if Cloud was sick to be so sleepy all of a sudden. Then a part of him blushed which was as close to a smile as he was going to get as he started to understand why he was called Cloud. As Jamie turned to look at Kyoko he noticed something fly through the air and instinctively instead of catching it, he dodged. The sweet managed to land in Cloud's hair as he nearly wanted to burst out laughing, but not understanding the emotion he naturally resisted that urge. Though it did not stop one other kid and two patients in the waiting room from laughing a bit.

She asked about dreams and mentioned Cloud wanting to eat all the time, but all he could think of was. "where we going to stay?" as he had not found a place to stay in the village and being a wanderer he had no idea where that place would be as he moved around a bit again and accidentally slid off as his elbow managed to hit Cloud in the gut as Jamie's butt hit the floor hard. "ow..." as the response was really soft it became more clear that Jamie was not really used to expressing himself much. Fortunately he was weak, otherwise who knew how much pain Cloud would have felt.




Kyoko regarded Cloud interestingly, and started scribbling quickly on her notepad, pausing several times and continuing. 'Cloud is lazy.' was the first line, followed by 'he has a hard time taking on a single task... so he kind of...' Kyoko looks Jamie in the eyes. 'He trys to do everything at wants-- a jack of all trades that sucks at everything. He trained for years but still has no concept of basic--' she sighs, and tosses the notepad at the wall, frustrated with Cloud. She turns to Jamie and sighs, feeling bad for him being the victim of a rant. Kyoko quickly thought of something, and dashed off to pick up her notepad. 'Do you think there could be a genjutsu that would let me talk to you?' she looks at Jamie, with a sparkle in her eye. 'It would be cool, I think we should try to make something!' She tilts her head a little. 'Do you know what Genjutsu is?' She hands the notebook to Jamie, drawing lines in between the sentences. She didn't know why but she saw Jamie as the most adorable child in existence, and wanted to be the mom-est she could be. If she had enough money to buy soup, she would make it chicken noodle. Kyoko laughs softly, and glances over at Cloud, finally stirring from his deep sleep.

Cloud exhales from the elbow, and stirs slightly. "Whenever Kyoko runs around I get so sleepy..." He stands up in a wobbily, and looks around the room. Rolling over to the desk, he checked the candy bin for candy, but frowned deeply when none were left. Attempting to fix his messed up hair, he felt one stuck to his head. Feeling deeply blessed, Cloud pulls it out of his hair and cleans the hair off, relishing the minty flavor. The candy somewhat brought him back to his senses, and he looked at Jamie. "Is she telling you about the twinkies?" He suddenly looked over at Kyoko, and realized what was going on. "That wouldn't be too bad of an idea, but how would it even work?" Kyoko looks at him, and shrugs. "... Yeah, we should probably get out of the hospital." He walked over to Jamie. "Want to go to my house?" He grinned. "It's less a house and more of a big room, but it works out nicely." Wanting to let Jamie learn the whereabouts at his pace, he let him lead the way.


Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Like a rabid squirrel hungry and desperate Kyoko scribbled away madly like a wild beast. The difference between the two was so crazy as the wild heart of Kyoko contrasted to the calm will of the carefree Cloud. Her manic writing like a mad genius laying waste to the page like sword cutting through a field of butter.

Kyoko said Cloud was lazy, and at that point it was already rather obvious as well as mentioning him having trouble with every single task given to him. Jamie began wondering if Cloud was sick as he laid still like a dead man. She tossed her book like she was in a mad rage and then she scurried towards her fallen book as if an acorn fell out of the tree and she was the mother squirrel in need of her last meal.

She turned to face him as she looked like a wicked witch for a moment burning in the fires at the stake. She wrote down something about talking with genjutsu with sparkling eyes that looked like they may just light up on fire and burst into flames with the intensity of her burning passion. She was so passionate she could account for two or maybe even three people since Jamie and Cloud both seemed so lax compared to her.

All that talking in word form as he simply nodded as he pointed to the genjutsu line to show he knew what it was, though he only understood the basics of it and how to get out of it. Cloud then finally got up in a wobbly wobble as he looked around. Jamie watched as Cloud stumbled around and then fixing his hear he took the candy out and Jamie had a slightly worried look on his face. Jamie began to wonder if Cloud would actually eat food that has come straight out of his hair.

Cloud mentioned twinkies and began looking at Kyoko as Jamie was left deeply confused once again. He did not understand what was going on, but he knew Cloud told Kyoko something was a bad idea. As she shrugged Cloud moved over towards Jamie and asked if he wanted to come to Cloud's house. He said it was a large room and not a house, but a room was more then he could ask for since he usually slept in the trees or in the ruins and had not ever slept alone before as he was actually getting a bit scared of the nightfall.

They were waiting behind him for some reason as if he should lead the way and then he had a deeper confusion before asking. "which way?"




(wouldn't be a bad idea, not would be. maybe could try to get one approved and train it with this, since it would make sense. idk what do you think)

Cloud points out the direction, and continues to do so throughout the village. Wandering slightly, he looked at the birds and different animals floating around, trying his hardest to ignore the mass of humans everywhere. Pulling out several stolen twinkies, Cloud begins to eat them, each one entirely in one bite. This causes Kyoko to stare at him, to which he responds with by eating another twinky. 

Stepping away from the two of them, Kyoko examines the various things she had borrowed from the convenience store. Flipping around a cool looking lighter, she opens up the pack of smokes she had also borrowed, and lights one. Cloud immediately slaps it out of her hand, to which Kyoko glares. "No more bad habits for you." This caused Kyoko to get extremely angry, as she began to berate Cloud with each of his bad habits. He made a sheepish grin, but looked away from her. "Not cool." She didn't really care, and lit one anyway, and straggled back as to not get any smoke in their faces. Looking uncomfortably across the people, she regarded the small stick. She never really touched these before, but for some reason after using a lot of fire jutsu, it felt nice on her throat. She takes a deep drag, before coughing, and regretting her decision. Tossing it into a trash bin, she sulks over to Cloud.

Cloud put away his remaining twinkies, but not before offering one to Jamie. As they finally arrived at the house, they both sighed contently. Going inside, it was a modest room with sticky notes coating the walls, to which Cloud began to quickly tear down and stack in order, putting them in a file called 'Organize'. Putting it in a desk drawer, Cloud dug around in a pile to find a nice bean bag for Jamie. Upon doing so, he tosses it onto the ground next to his and Kyoko's, and flops down in his own happily, glad to be comfortable. Kyoko, on the other hand, was busy trying to focus, and tried talking to Jamie the same way that she could talk to Cloud. 'Hey, Jamie...' She said, before making a series of beep noises, and screeching. Cloud covered his ears, but then suddenly remembered it was in his head. 'Not cool, Kyoko.

Kyoko finally flops down onto the bed, and starts drinking a bottle of water, looking at Jamie thoughtfully.

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Cloud was just lazily pointing where they had to go and Jamie was walking a bit more carefully out of instinct at this point. Having just recently had his feet healed he was wandering around with these other two wanderers as he noticed that all three of them had no shinobi headband. Did this mean they were all wandering together, though these two at least had a place to stay so maybe they were just ordinary villagers.

Jamie and Cloud both seemed to be looking around while Kyoko seemed to have the best sense of direction as some people looked at them suspiciously. Jamie watched as Cloud swallowed some weird food item the whole time as Jamie was staring it seems that Kyoko was also staring as well as Jamie noticed Kyoko looking and wondered if she wanted one of those things as well.

Kyoko seemed to be leaving them behind as she sped up her walk slightly to get a bit of distance between them as Jamie clasped his hands and held them to his chest as he got nervous looking around at the people everywhere as he started getting a bit scared of the crowd. As he was getting lost in thought Cloud seemed to move fast as he noticed Cloud smack Kyoko, though when he looked more carefully he slapped something Kyoko was holding as he sees something strange as he approached it closer not hearing the lecture about bad habits.

He noticed it had smoke coming out of it and that was a sign of fire as he just kicked dirt on it to put it out as the other two did not seem to notice they were leaving him behind slightly as he scurried forward a bit to catch up to them passing Kyoko who seemed to be laying back for some reason as he was not sure whether to look forward to Cloud or back at Kyoko.

Jamie got some strange food item and then took it in both hands as he stared at it, he bit into it softly and after tasting how nice it was he began trying that swallowing thing of Cloud. He choked on it for a bit as he coughed a bit before looking down as he shook the crumbs off his hands he was a bit scared of this food item. Though it did taste nice as he wondered if nice things were bad for him, since he was mainly eating plain things most of the time like bread and more bread.

Jamie noticed both Cloud and Kyoko stopped with a sigh as he also stopped and gave a soft cough since he did not clear his throat yet. Jamie noticed upon entering their home there were notes and pages everywhere as Cloud began chucking some inside an organize box. Cloud began digging up something strange and then places it between two other similar things as Jamie stares at it really confused. Then Cloud plopped down into it as if it was a couch or bed.

Jamie was a bit confused and noticed Cloud pull a strange face and then watched as Kyoko went and plopped herself down on a bed and then he had a question as he pointed to the bean bag as he was too nervous to plop down in this strange couch like thing.

"What's this?" as he then looked at Kyoko and wondered why she did not sit with Cloud, he could not understand if they were close or not since they always seemed to act so weird sometimes. Though in truth it was Jamie that was the weird one.




Kyoko rolled onto the floor, and rolled over to her own bean bag, and watched Jamie. Cloud opened his eyes for a moment, and looked at James confused face. “its… like a comfortable… bag…” Cloud mumbles, not really knowing how to describe a bean bag. Feeling warm, he opens his arms to Jamie. “I'm a furnace dude.” he claims, and Kyoko rolls over to him, bringing her beanbag. She flops on Cloud's chest horizontally, and due to his extreme warmth she smiled, and closed her eyes, taking a rest. Waking up a little more, Cloud sighs deeply, and stretches, before pulling out a little book and writing.

He started writing a short story about a kid named Ricky that got into all kinds of misadventures, though it had a weird and sometimes randomized setting. In this one, Ricky was trying to fight a demon by fusing together a tangerine an orange, and a tangelo covered with quantam matter to allow them to shoot bullets. After about fifteen minutes of undetailed fighting and bad jokes that borderlined crude, he turned his character into a character that was just a part of the original characters. Kyoko spit on his page, and seethed with the rage of someone witnessing bad writing. Kyoko didn't write often, but when she did she thought it was at least better than this. She ripped the page in half, and made Cloud eat one. 


Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Jamie wondered why the Kyoko rolled around on the floor instead of just running, jumping or walking to her weird baggy couch. Kyoko was looking at Jamie and then Cloud seemed to open his eyes and said it was a comfortable bag. Cloud said he was a furnace while opening his arms, that line did not make any sense at all as Kyoko seemed to roll over with her comfy bag and rested on Cloud's chest as Jamie felt a bit left out as he nervously looked at them as Kyoko made Cloud's gesture look a bit awkward.

Jamie looked on as Cloud took a small book out and began writing something as he wondered what was going on. Jamie did not know what it was, but whatever it was made Kyoko real mad as she started forcing the paper down Cloud's throat as Jamie rushed over to stop it, but hit his nose straight into Kyoko's elbow and was knocked out as he fell back and laid on the floor with the blood flowing out as he coughed it from his mouth. The need to breathe bringing his consciousness back, but his mind was a bit dizzy as he was seeing the blue sky in the ceiling.




Kyoko looked panicked as her friend fell to the floor, and keeping her foot connected to Cloud's side, she slid over to Jamie, fussing over him and shushing, although it made very little sound at all, and she looked over to Cloud. He was still trying to choke down the pieces of paper, and he drank a small cup of water to wash it down, belching satisfyingly. "Don't worry, Jamie. She always makes me eat it when I write something horrible. It's a good supply of food." He laughs and stretches, not noticing that Jamie had gotten hurt. Kyoko reminds him with a kick to the shin with her free leg, and he makes a noise of pain. Kyoko gently wipes Jamie's nose of the blood, and checks to see if he is alright otherwise. Ready to get Jamie whatever he needed, she let out a soft sigh and crawls next to Cloud, linking their arms together, and approaching Jamie.

Again was a brief cloud of smoke, and Arashi hugged Jamie, and tried to situate him so he was either standing, or sitting up, making sure he was okay. Cloud hadn't been very warm, but now he felt almost like a heated blanket. "Sorry... They crazy..." He pulls Jamie's bean bag next to him, and points at his, proceeding to lay down and give Jamie a smile. Hoping that he comes and lays next to him, Arashi starts thinking about their day, and felt a small, joyous sensation and looked out at the moon in the sky. He sighed, and relaxed. His headache was missing, and he looked at Jamie brightly.


Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Jamie was not sure what was going on as he felt this stinging pain in his nose and a slight headache. He was rather frail and most likely broke his nose from that violent accidental elbow. He heard some muffled sound that seemed to sound like 'don wo jam, she al mak met it whe rye som in hobble'. Jamie was wondering what weird language he was listening to as he felt like his ears were ringing, he may have hit the back of his head against the floor as he felt a pain there as well.

Jamie felt a strange sensation on his nose as the liquid flowing seemed to be moving around and he was not sure what it was. Jamie was still a bit out of it as he opened his eyes as he was being sat up by someone else. He blinked for a bit as he thought he had seen smoke, but then just thought he was seeing things. He heard something like an apology as he noticed Arashi was back and laying in the strange bean like bag, it was like a squishy bean and as he moved instinctively he fell slowly and just laid next to Arashi, but ended up moving his face to rest on top of Arashi as the blood leaked out a bit still.

"hnnn..." as he made a muffled sound before falling asleep.


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