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1Lucid training [Private/NK] Empty Lucid training [Private/NK] Thu Jul 13, 2017 8:00 pm



"50...51...52...5-ugh", Eishi collapsed under his own weight. It was a quiet, normal day when the boy was suddenly possessed by the burning urge to train his stamina in the nearby forest. Unfortunately, the whole thing wasn't going as planned. Knees weak, arms being heavy, the genin (sadly) ended in a very bad shape, barely being able to breathe after having spent the entirety of his energy reserve on running, climbing and pathetic push ups. "Man, I could really move more. I feel so...dizzy. Wonder what time it is. Huh? What's that?"
A small white rabbit dressed in an ANBU jacket was looking at a golden ticker. The peculiar animal didn't seem to have noticed the lying boy for it was simply in quite a rush.
"Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh", intoned the fluffy animal. "I am almost out of chakra and I need to report to the croakykage. What am I going to do? Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh..."
"Hey, rabbit", shouted Eishi, adjusting his body to what appeared to be a lotus position. "What's wrong, rabbit?"
"Huh? A human? You can see me? Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh."
The funny rabbit approached Eishi. It had a worried expression and his left ear appeared ruff and bitten. "I need help, human. Please. You've got to help me!"
"Slow down, slow down. Can't you see that I am tired? I've been training for a while. Care to fill me in on the details?"
"Oh yes, oh yes!", the rabbit seemed excited. "You will be perfect. I am a shinobi from Carrotogakare and I was sent on behalf of the croakykage on a diplomatic mission with the wufs. Well, mostly. See, my part was to guard the others who...had it bad. The mission was a failure, we were ambushed, betrayed from the inside. I am to return home and deliver the news, but I am almost out of chakra. You need to...replace son..."
The rabbit coughed. It was at that moment that Eishi noticed the various bruises around its tousled tail.
"Please...go to Carrotogakare...and save my people...for...the wufs are preparing for war..."
A couple of melodramatic pirouettes later and the Kiri shinobi was holding the body of the defeated animal.
"Rabbit, nooo!", he yelled. But it was too late...
"Wait. Where is Carrotogukare and how do I get there?"
"Erm", the rabbit opened his left eye and looked around. "Go through that hole over there."
"You sure?"
"Yeah. Why not."
"Okay. Now where was I...ah, right. Rabbit, noooo!"
But it was too late...

WC: 445

Last edited by Eishi on Fri Jul 14, 2017 11:28 am; edited 1 time in total

2Lucid training [Private/NK] Empty Re: Lucid training [Private/NK] Fri Jul 14, 2017 11:16 am



Eishi was falling through what seemed like a bottomless pit of murky despair. His frail body, which was currently defying the essential principles of gravity, was being progressively stretched and folded, solidifying after being liquefied by the immense multidimensional pressure put on the boy's bone structure as his screams were surrealistically expanded to the point of unknowable agony. It was through this very process, this whole black hole passing, that the genin was soon cast off at the shores of a colorful village. Its buildings, tall and pulsating, were made out of various cookies with short ember grass between them. The ember grass consisted of hardened cherry cream. And the ocean waves nearby...the ocean waves were simply a chocolate dream.  
"Over there!", something screeched. "I saw the monkey!"
"A monkeh?", huffed a raspy voice. "I've nevah seen ah monkeh!"
"It's there! It's there!"
" head...", Eishi cried quietly. "Where am I?"
"Stay put, monkeh!", yelled the samurai rabbit. "Stay puuut!".
"Yeah, monkey, stay put, stay put!", intoned the parrot.
"What the..."
"We are taking yah to tha croakykage for inspection! Everything yah say can be held against yah at the barn!"
"The burn, the burn!", screeched the parrot happily.
"The wha..."
"You shut up! Squaky-kun, 'it 'im!"
"Ouch!", Eishi winced. Strangely, he didn't feel pain, but somehow he knew that he was being hit. "Stop doing that! Ouch! Who are you people?"
"Who are we? Who are we?", intoned the parrot while pecking at the boy's shoulder.
"We are yah daddy, monkeh!", screamed the rabbit before jumping on Eishi's back. The beast was wearing a traditional kimono and a round hat made out of dry hay. "And we are taking you to the croakykage!"
"The croakykage, the croakykage!", intoned the parrot.
"Yes, please, the croakykag-ouch-take me to the croaky-ouch!"

WC: 312
TWC: 757

3Lucid training [Private/NK] Empty Re: Lucid training [Private/NK] Fri Jul 14, 2017 6:53 pm



"'ve been the monkey that invaded My domain, beenst you not?"
"I am not a m...ouch!"
It was as Eishi had anticipated - the croakykage was actually a frog. A black-spotted fat frog in wet slippers.
"State your business, monkey, for I am a benevolent lord."
"I've been sent here by the rab...COULD YOU PLEASE STOP PECKING ME?!"
The parrot stepped back, guilt reflected in its eyes.
"Thank you. As I was saying, I've been sent here on behalf of the ANBU rabbit. The wuf deligation was ambushed and he had me deliver news of war."
"The ANBU rabbit you say?", the frog seemed agitated.
"I see. Is he mad?"
"Well, to be honest, he was a tad weird..."
"No. I mean you. Are you mad?"
"Wha-? Me? Why do you ask?"
"Well, isn't it obvious? There's no such thing as an ANBU rabbit!"
"No butts."
"For mist's sake, you are a talking frog in slippers!"
"No, I am not."
"Yes, you are!"
"No, I most certainly am not."
"Whatever. This is the part where I order my guards to take care of you."
"What for?!"
"You are a monkey spy, and an intruder."
"I am a shinobi! A human shinobi!"
"A shicobi?"
"Right. To the asylum you go, shibibobi."
"Oh, I've had enough!!!"
Eishi roared and jumped back on his feet. This entire time he was forced to remain on all fours, but the boy wasn't going to tolerate it any longer. He grabbed the rabbit samurai, the one that was riding him, by the long ears and threw him at the parrot. The parrot squawked and barely dodged the hit.
"Guards! Guards!", screamed the croakykage.
"Just shut up!"
Furious, the Kirigakure shinobi sprinted towards the arrogant frog, kunai in hand. He was about to end this madness once and for all! It costed him enough time already. Time he wasn't even supposed to have in the first place. And just looking at the frog's delightfully plump face was giving Eishi the itches. Sadly, just before the final blow was struck, somebody opened a portal through time, sending Eishi back to the future, that is, the real world. For the shinobi screamed in frustration, opening his eyes to the sun's dying light. It was the well-known scenery of the training grounds, in the vicinity of the Village Hidden by Mist.


"Oh man. I feel so sore. Everything hurts. It's so uncool to sleep in the wild."
Eishi was massaging his shoulders for he was feeling awful. His short training had left him drained and he had fallen asleep under the large tree without noticing - a typical display of carelessness on his side. "Was there a weird dream or am I mistaken? Can't remember a thing, yet it felt so...dumb." The boy sighed. Then the panic kicked in. "Oh no! I really must go home before my mother gets furious. And to think I've wasted my day off...snaps!"


15 minutes later the training ground was once again empty, no signs of life. Only a couple of rabbit tracks were giving any indication of recent activity around the perimeter.

It was a funny coincidence.

WC: 550
TWC: 1307



1. Reaction time from E-0 to D-1 for 1075 words and 25 ryo.
1307 - 1075 = 232 words left

2. Strength from E-0 to E-1 for 75 words and 0 ryo.
232 - 75 = 157

3. Endurance from E-0 to E-1 for 75 words and 0 ryo.
157 - 75 = 82 words left

4. Perception from E-0 to E-1 for 75 words and 0 ryo.
82 words - 75 = 7 words left

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