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1Time is ticking [Social/NK/Open] Empty Time is ticking [Social/NK/Open] Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:26 am



Masuki walked out into the open, having just received his new headband which he ironically decided to put around his neck instead. He wasn't really sure what to do now except wait for a mission or figure out where he was needed.

Given his medical proficiency maybe the hospital, or maybe he should meditate due to all the hard work he'd been putting lately.

He hopped up high above the village to a beam that could see the entire view of the village in one single looking. He sat down and decided to close his eyes.

The world was not as large as it seems in this case. He could hear most of the busy village life, and focused only to empty his mind. As he awaited something to happen, he was resting up his reserves. Knowing eventually something would come his way, all he had to do was wait.

2Time is ticking [Social/NK/Open] Empty Re: Time is ticking [Social/NK/Open] Tue Jun 13, 2017 11:34 am



Today Shippo and Tsume were training their agility and dodging skills with another fun rousing game of tag. Most people thought this to be a silly game, but Shippo found that trying to tag, or keep a dog from tagging you was harder than anyone thought. The reason being is that canines were four footed and moved faster than people. However; today Shippo decided that the two of them would play this game up on the tops of the village. He didn't want to get in the way of the everyday life of those who weren’t ninja so he thought this would be the best option for him. It also gave a whole new dynamic to the game to see who could catch more birds than the other either snatching them out of flight or before they took to the air.

As they traveled through the tops of the village Shippo was in the process of snatching a bird out of flight leaping across a street he managed to grab the bird in both hands landing on the roof on the opposite side of the street. Holding the bird carefully he gently plucked one feather from the little pigeon and then released it. Once he had the feather he looked around to see where he was, he was supposed to be tagging Tsume, but he had gotten distracted by the bird. With one loud shrill whistle that cut through the village’s other sounds he signaled to Tsume that he had lost him and the first point of the game had gone to him.

While looking around he spotted someone else among the tops of the village. He was sitting alone on a beam across two points and with that in mind he was careful in how he approached. Jumping to the farthest point on the beam away he carefully made his way closer speaking “Hello there, friend!” he called out so he could be heard above the din of the village “Have you seen a ninken run past here jumping on the tops of the houses by any chance?” He asked in a friendly tone of voice to show he meant no threat.

WC: 363

3Time is ticking [Social/NK/Open] Empty Re: Time is ticking [Social/NK/Open] Thu Jun 15, 2017 10:09 am



Masuki in the midst of his meditation, heard the call of a person nearby, and for anyone to be anywhere near him now, considering he was on the top of the village must mean they were speaking to him. The clear sound of their voice rung through his ears as he was deep in concentration. He opened his eyes slowly and pushed his fingers through his hair down to his long backing. He gave a light smile, at the greeting of the stranger, and realized he was being asked a question. "Ninken?" , he mumbled as he questioned back. He hadn't seen nor heard of anyone having that for awhile, minus the kage himself. He stood up and took a better look at the person speaking to him and noticed the marks on his face and realized he was a member of the proclaimed Inuzuka clan. Hmm I guess they're more prominent than I thought, he said to himself in his head. Well, he didn't want to be rude so it is best he answered back quickly and enthusiastically. "Ah, an Inuzuka! No I haven't seen any Ninken run anywhere by here but it is a pleasure to meet you." He said while nodding towards the newfound friend. He stuck his hand out and awaited a handshake as he met this new fellow. It seemed like a great opportunity to make his first friend since he left the academy.

4Time is ticking [Social/NK/Open] Empty Re: Time is ticking [Social/NK/Open] Fri Jun 16, 2017 6:03 am



Shippo smiled as he looked over this new person with great interest. He didn’t know what clan this one came from, but he really didn’t mind it either way. He was happy to make friends with anyone and everyone. He nodded his head as he turned to look back out over the village for a moment “Ah yes, well, Tsume isn’t going to get himself in too much trouble I am sure.” He turned back to Masuki shaking his hand happily “It is a pleasure to meet you! The name is Shippo Inuzuka.” A loud yip came from behind him somewhere and Tsume came running onto the beam with them running between Shippo’s legs “Ah, and there is my ever troublesome Tsume. It is his pleasure to meet you as well.” He let go of the other shinobi’s hand “So what are you doing up here? This isn’t exactly the quietest or the more comfortable place that is here in the village.” He mentioned as he sat down on the beam.

Once he was sitting down he looked up to Masuki with a smile “I’m sorry I didn’t get your name, but I also might’ve just missed it. I talk fast and often you see. Some people find this to be a trifle off putting, too some. Oh wow look at me rambling. Anyway, what were you doing up here? Some kind of sight training?” he asked clearly excited about the prospect of a training exercise that he could put to use.

WC: 252

5Time is ticking [Social/NK/Open] Empty Re: Time is ticking [Social/NK/Open] Thu Jul 06, 2017 5:55 am



Having recieved no answer from the other Shinobi for a long moment Shippo shrugged his shoulders slowly in dismissal "Well, I am sorry to have bothered you. I'll see you around!" He dropped onto all fours and bounded off to find his ninken partner and continue their game.



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