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1Asira's Plot Mover Empty Asira's Plot Mover Mon Jul 03, 2017 11:38 pm

Uchiha Asira

Uchiha Asira

Hello, everyone, this is my own Plot guide, so I can keep up with all my roleplays and who I meet along the way, with how Asira will think about that person. I could be willing to do more threads in the future with everyone, so if you wish to take up one of the roles below and roleplay please let me know, and I will get back to you. If you have any questions, you may PM me, and I will try to answer them the best I can.

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  • Roleplays Can Start - Asira is someone that is smart and likes to think she can know many moves ahead of anyone. She leaves her home a lot to find her father's missing eye, and she also could have arranged a marriage to someone, who wins a fighting tournament. Many ninjas can run after her because well being a noble her father doesn't what Asira to leave sending ninja like you to get her by any means. So that is how many of my roleplays can start. But the tournament can be open to anyone.

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