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1Kirinito Chill Day (social/no kill/open) Empty Kirinito Chill Day (social/no kill/open) Sun Jun 18, 2017 5:42 pm



his day of bored out his mind stumbled along the city. "Damn this place is quiet.' "I haven’t beaten down a criminal since last week." He sighed as his put his hood up. "I have not even slept really." He stretched his body out while looking around. "Where the hell are all the women?" He then crossed his arms in frustration and sighed. “This day has gotten boring.” “Even the invaders have gotten too predictable.” He then looked up at the sky. “Not even a drop of rain today. “ He then smirked. He slowly uncrossed his arms as he begins to run at top speed in the town. He then began to scan everything with his eyes. “No one causing is causing trouble.” “This is very odd.” He crossed his arms again as he began to wander off. “Everything is too expensive and crowded here.” As he shortly found a nice roof to stand on the tip of crouch. “Now to head up here.” “I must remain ever vigilant.” He slowly and menacingly climbed his way up. “This has gotten easier.” He knew beating up criminals was a fun work out after all.




With a heady yawn Yumo got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to relieve homself.. He hadnt bathed in a few days but Yumo washed his face up, he was sure that was adequate.. With a gargle of water Yumo finished cleaning himself up. His bone white hair lay messily down upon his head, covering his two different coloured eyes.. After turning from the Mirror Yumo got dressed for the day in his usual white and block robe outfit.. He had finished his year of training for Genin missions but he had yet to take on a mission. With a loving pat on the head Yumos crippled father Atsuki bid him suggested he head into town and look for work or perhapsfurther his standing in Kirigakure. Yumo respecfully bowed to his father and silentky dashed outside to find adventure for his first official day as a genin.

Yumo had begun his advanced training but he was still a mostly stock shinobi. He thought today he would put to work all the training he had endured and would find a magnifiscent adventure. Yumo gazed at the beautiful weather, it was a rare occurence for such clesr skies.. As Yumo gazed into the majestic skies he decided to climb the nearby clock tower. Heading towards the south of the village Yumo traveled stone faced but with certain glee. He loved to climb things and be up high. Before he knew it Yumo had made it to the clock tower. By channeling his chakra into his feet Yumo succesfully performed the Supernatural Walking Jutsu and quickly, but carefully., began his ascent up the very tall ckock tower. Surely he could be seen from a close distance.

As Yumo made his way up the ckock tower he began to feel confident in his control and began leaping and climbing up the ledges. He wasnt quite the strongest shinboi and it was taking him quite a while to get up to the top. Before long he was getting winded between the excercise and all the brutal shin bumps. Almost half way up the clock tower Yumo stands on the side of the building and looks off into the distance; with one hand holding the stone ledge and the other shading his eyes Yumo rested his heart rate while he enjoyed the lovely city hw called home, The Village Hidden in the Mist.

Word Count: 399
Chakra Level: 115/120:



Kirinito watched as he saw the busy streets. One stranger caught his eyes passing in the streets. He climbed down and began to tail him. He kept up in pace behind the strangely dressed person. He remained silent. But his mind began to race. He adjusted his forehead protector. He then slowly began to slide his hands in pockets. He then quietly spoke. “This should be interesting. “ “I have never seen this stranger in my patrols.” He then went back to being quiet as his he kept his eyes on the person’s movements. He then said, “What is he up to exactly.” “What is the logic in his movements?”
A cold wind blew on him knocking his hood down. He fought with the wind to keep his food up. “I don’t think I pulled my hair back today. “ His attention didn’t waver from the stranger. He remembered he had not eaten in a while and his money was very low. He tried to ignore his rumbling stomach but it began to get annoying. “Shut up stomach.” He growled. As he tried to keep his vocal tones down. He also really needed to sleep but he did not want to return to his home. His memories are too painful from his past.




From midway up the clock tower Yumo could see the .com streets.. On such a calm weathered day it was common place to see hordes of various citizens of Kirigakure; some were shopping, some were prpwling.. Then there was Yumo.. He just wanted to getbto the top of this tower.. With a soft grunt he leapt upwards and somewhat gracefully gripped a window sill with his chakra infused foothold. 'This is quite the work out.. ' Yumo thought to himself as he looked sbout at the crowd once more, tis time from a higher vantage point.

Though most of the city goers were clearly citizens Yumo caught the sikhouette of a somewhat imposing figure.. Iy seemed a Hoshigaki shinobi was also perusing the crowd. Unable to logically figure out if the fish boy had a ourlose to stand in the middle of The City Yumo decided he would make a game of the day.. Standing erect from the tower wall, hanging on by the Supernatural Walking Practice, Yumo began waving his arms and single fox tail wildly to catch the attention of the fish. Hoshigaki werent particularly favored by the Kotsuchi ckan and Yumo was no different.. "Fish for breakfast!" Yumo called out as he let out a grand display of deep ourple FoxFire. With a sparkling display just below te face of the clock tower Yumo was sure to catch the fishes attention.

Asbhis FoxFire display scattered into the wind Yumo made one final leap and was now hoeizontal wit the ckocks face.. He had made itball te way to the top. As the minute hand turned closer towards him Yumo dashed onto it abs tood himself upright, his usually fair complexion turned redlike a tomato from the infervsion of gravity in his body.. As the blood began to settle once more Yumo impishly shouted to the Hosigaki, [color:222d= 993399]"Hey Ungly if you can make it to the top of the tower and grab my tail before this minute hand circles the face again Ill buy you dinner. My name is Kitsuchi, Yumo!"

Word Count 345



Kirinito saw the flash of something. He glared at it intensely. He looked at the clock tower. “When the hell was this thing put in?” He tried to ignore the other person’s words. “Really insulting me?” “Have you no clue on our clan’s lore?” He did not bother to even here the person’s name. “Why in the hell do you have a tail?” “Even my clan doesn’t have it.” He then smirked up at the tower. “Once I gather enough swords.” “I will bring a date here and will kick bad guy ass together.”
He then looked for a door to not waste his chakra on it. He then puts removes his hand from his left pocket. “I wonder if this is real.” “I was trained against illusions.” “But maybe I’ll play along for amusement.” “Everything seems to be real.” He then began to run around it. “Now where is door?”
“All buildings must have doors.” “That’s what my dead mother would supposedly say.”

He then lowered his hood on his own shouting, “If you’re challenging me to a fight it’s a mistake!” “I have never lost a fight!” He then went back to being quiet as he glanced everywhere. He then shut his eyes and raises his hood slowly again. “This day might get interesting after all.” He then began to stretch out his muscles. “If this is a fight the person better not get cocky.”




Yumo faintly heard the ugly fish crying something out to him.. He didnt much care for what the strange guy was saying.. But it seemed he was ever vigilant  as he looked for a door to enter the clock tower.. With a mischievous snicker Yumo studied his gait and presumed what his new company would be like. The fish guy wasnt tpo smart that was certain. The clock towers door was surely locked, even if it wasnt it would take at least a fifteen minutes to get up to the clock face.

He wore a darkly cloured hood, Yumo figured it was just to cover his ugly face. 'Surely he isnt dumb enough to pick s fight with me in the middle of Kirogakure.. ' Yumo thought to himself as he climbed up the wall and sat on the needle above the face of the clock tower.. He wagered a challenge not a bout.. However Yumo had never been in real combat with a stranger.. The idea was tempting for the teen fox.

With his Supernatural walking dispelled now Yumo sat cross legged on the point.. It was large enough to uncomfortable sit his small child bottom. With both hands facing upwards towards the sky Yumo began to enter a meditative trance. Ugly fish guy aside Yumos initial purpose was to meditate atop the tower. With his eyes closed Yumo began to focus on the senjutsu arts.

His mothee had taught him a guided meditation to use in unfamiliar terrain. Yumo could almost see the nature energy around him swirling  withon his eyes closed. As Yumo began to concentrate on the nature chakra in the whipping winds around him his silver tail began to stand fully erect. With his trance completed Yumo began to funnel thchajra from the point of his tail to his stomach.

With his tail bobbing up and down Yumo began to perspire as he conciously moulded his chakra.

Word Count: 321

Chakra = 110:

3/3 turns = -5 chakra



Kirinto began to focus on his eyes on the strange creature meditating. “Did I just hear a locking mechanism?” His mind went curious. “I wonder how long I shall continue to toy with it.” He began to pick up tiny rocks and began pelting them at the creature. “Don’t fall little freak.” He began to change his smirk to a grin. “Clearly this creature is a coward.” His eyes did not shift. He began to slowly lower his hood down. He began to pull his hair back. “The wind feels nice today.” He cleared his throat and went back to chucking tiny rocks at him. “Come down and exchange words face to face like men.”

He sat down mocking the creature’s meditative pose. He watched the things tail move. “Interesting I wonder what will happen if I rip it off.” His calmed his emotions. “I must fight the urge to kill.” “It’s so primal for a genius like me.” He then stood up and put his eyes on the person tail. “I wonder how many swords that’s worth.” He then began to ponder how much that tail would be worth. “I wonder if I should just make it into insulation for anything I need.” He then pointed at the tail. “I shall take that a prize for knocking you out.” He then lowered his finger. His eyes shifted around. “Damn nothing to jump on to make a perfect leap and tackle it.”

He then squatted down to make another perfect strategy. “Let’s see here.” He then shut his eyes. “If I move like this and counter like this.” “This should be minimal damage to me.” He then stood back up making defensive pose. His emotions went cold. “More blood and more carnage seem to be another day for me.” He shook his head. “Curse these primal urges interfering with my intelligence.” He took a deep breath and exhaled.




As the wind surged ever more violently around Yumo he could feel the transmutation of his chakra and the nature chakra collecting at his tail. With each inhale and exhale Yumo could feel his chakra pool revitalizing. The ugly fishes pathetic attemppts at pitching were slowed down by whipping winds of the young Kitsune Sages best friend.. Once the rocks ceased to fly Yumo hsd synchonized natures chakra with his own. As was tradition for him and his mother Yumo finished his meditation with a clap, deep purple flames escaping from inbetween his palms.

With his bicoloured eyes still closed Yumo stood atop the point he had been sitting on. With a small step Yumo plunged off of the tower, feet first. As he passed the face of the clock Yumos eyes opened.. Quickly reaching Out andYumo grasping the hand, Yumo hung from the clock hand. Letting go Once more Yumo made another short descent before landing on a ledge.. Posied next to a small crow statue Yumo was more than half way down the tower.. He smiled thinking how kuch moee strenuous it was to climb it..

Opting for theatrics the Yumo dashed down the wall the rest of the way, his tail fkickering with purple flames behind him. With one more magnaminius leap the young fox landed deftly and now stood about ten meters from the seemingly meditating Hosigaki. 'He is even uglier up close than I imagined... ' Yumo thought to himself as he used his tail to swat at his robws, cleverly dusting them.

With hands at his side Yumo formally introduced homself to the fish guy, "My name is Kitsuchi, Yumo.. Genin of Kirigakure." his voice was oddly smooth and deep for such a young child.. If not seen his voice could have been mistaken for an older gentlemans.. Yumo continued, "You seem to be up to something of ill will, Ungly." Yumo stared at the unnamed fish man with a stoic glare.

Word Count: 327

[spoiler= Chakra=115]

Senjutsu Meditation +5: 2/2 posts



Kirinito stared directly into the face of the stranger. “Yumo you say?” “Interesting no one has ever gotten a chance to say there name.” “I was raised by my father to fight as the old time of the bloody mist.” “I’m impressed you survived my rock assault.” He smirked. “Now why are you in my area in my patrol?” as He lowered his eyes directly to the face of Yumo. “I am Kirnito the dark hero of the mist.” “I am quite proud of my raising on the old ways.” “I am a Hoshikage and you will either get out or get knocked out.” “I have beaten many ninja of different styles.” He showed off his shark tooth necklace. “This was my brother’s tooth.” “If you knew what I did to him when he thought of betraying my clan.” “You’d back down now.”
He felt the wind get colder for some reason. “You’re lucky were not near a watery area.” He adjusted his forehead protector. “Many of men and women thought they could last a round near water.” “They now have a crippling fear of sharks.” He glared at Yumo’s tail. “How much is that worth in swords?” He smirked now “I have questions for you.” He glared at him as his primal urges slowly took over. “I wonder what furballs taste like.” He then shook his head again. “Damn, primal thoughts still working on that.” He shut his eyes again. “If you’re planning to trick me remember this furball.” “You will face a storm and you will hear me.” “I have been smashing criminals in the face and broke all my weapons today.” “So I am extremely angry.” “Many have called me the angel of death.” “Since death follows me like a love sick puppy.” He then picked up several rocks. “I guess I’m not such a perfect shot this day.” He then tossed the rocks in different patterns. “I do not want to have to use my senbon today.” “I was planning on using them during training.”




Yumo looked at the fish guy.. 'damn he is ugly.. ' Yumo thought to himself as th fish looking, carp Yumo thought, guy went on about how primal he was.. 'Some people really go on about themsekves when they are takjing to people with fox ears. Yumo akmost began to feek a bit annoywd and rolled his bicoloured eyes, disrespectfully, at the primal yuppyfish. When he could squeeze a moment in to talk Yumo spokesai with an aggravated tone snd almost growled, "Alright Dark Heo of the Mist...I-" He stopped his failed exit speech as the Hoshigaki lazily tossed rocks in a pattern at him. Yumo wasnt impressed.

As the rocks flew at him Yumo snapped his keft hands finger and thumb; a deep purple, nearly opaque flame engulfed Yumos entire body starting at the tips of his thumb and index finger, ending with his precious Kitsune Tail. As quickly as the foxflames emerged they receded, with Yuno no konger thee.. He had disappeared, Body Flickering into a nearby tree. He didnt even feel like bidding s usual bow of respect and farewell. As Yumo dashed off in search of his next adventure he cataloged what he knew of this encounter.

Kirinito was his enemy. He wondered if thw Hoshigaki were all like that. 'Were the ugly fish so jeakous of the renown Kitsune that they made enemies with the Kitsuchi?'

Yumo figured this was a one time occurence and headed off to the shore side for some real adventure. He was so giddy the foxflames were glittering in his two beautifully polar opposite eyes.


Exiting Thread:



Kirnitos emotions got really cold. “I really hate that person.” “I can’t wait to bite him to near death.” He clenched his fist as tightly as shark humanly possible.  “I am going to enjoy this too much.” “That trash is going to get broken.”  He then stretched is body thinking of a place to race off to as fast as he could go.  His glanced around.  As he began to move as fast as he could through the city before the traffic of people got annoying.  He flashed back to the times training with his father and brother when he was really young.  To him those were better times then dealing with fur balls. He looked at the ground where Yumo was.  “Such an odd fire I just saw.”  “That looks like trouble and I will have to interrogate him later on.”  He put his hand down where Yumo once saw.  “That fur ball is going to be interesting.”  He grabbed a rock a skipped it on the ground where no one was.  “See I aimed perfectly there.” “That person must have powers.”

He then stopped reminiscing like some old person. “Looks like soon the dark hero of the mist will strike in the night.”  He smirked as he thought of all the near death things he’d do. “Rule one father always said think of   infinite ways to kick someone’s ass.”  He then smirked, “I have all the ways to beat him planned for all situations.” “I love being a genius.”  He rubbed his hands as if he’s a cliché super villain in a spy movie.  “I will not being paying for his hospital bills.” He sighed slightly.  “Maybe I’ll let him underwater for a bit too long this time.” He then shook his head.  “No that’s too easy and risky.”   He kept as his normal pace with his eyes darting all over the place.  “Once again the weak crime causers fear me.” “I guess they don’t want to have their jaw wired shut.”  His eyes gleamed at the sight of honored combat.  He kept his emotions at bay for a bit.  “I will honor the combative laws I was trained to.”  He focused his mind on the hunger for honored combat.  “The question is how much energy will I waste on him?” The others were too easy especially back in his academy days during spars. Which too like what felt like seconds to him.  He smirked slightly at an image of himself.  “Damn I am good looking as always.” “I am the perfect package of looks and intelligence.”

Kirinito stopped to look back at the clock tower.  “Seriously where the hell did this come from?”  He then went on about his business.  He picked up a plant and stuck in his mouth so he could have something to chew on while he began to think more on his travels outside the city.  “That idiotic fur ball will learn to respect my clan.”  He continued to walk in deep thought while surveying the areas to make sure there was no one sneaking into the village. “I really hate outsiders.”  He picked up his speed after his surveying was done.  “Damn and I almost got a free meal this time.”  He walked off as quickly as he could to not cause another scene.  He lifted his hood down and felt the breeze on his skin. His mind slowly began to sink into the darker side he hated to show around women.  “I hope he bleeds like a stuffed pig.”  He smirked. “I think I’ll make his unconscious body into a floor mat.”  “I hope I don’t lose control and kill another person.”  He looked forward to the day he could fight him.  His head began to hurt from hunger and lack of sleep. “I do believe I am slowly being driven mad from lack of sleep.”  “Great I’m becoming an insane genius and I its so cliché.”   He stood at the outskirts of the city in hopes for another encounter when he was packed full of weapons to cut the fur ball down to size. “I must to kill it would make me like the others.”   He sit down for a short bit enjoying the flash backs again of sparring with his brother.

EXit thread


Total word count 2033

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