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Sanosuke and Hiromasa traveled up the mountain trail that was a steep incline upwards one of the many mountains of Kumogakure. There was another mountain trail that snaked around the Raikage's building towards a 5 story cliff where the Durain tree with its crimson colored leaves stood proudly and of large stature. Sanosuke was growing tired from the walk, his skin and body stung with each step he took. His body has yet to recuperate from his training the other day. If he ate the fruit from the tree then he should be feeling as good as new.

Sanosuke turned around to look on Hiromasa, Sanosuke was breathing a bit harder than natural. "Come on Hiro, we're almost there" he panted.



"If you say that one more time," wheezed Hiromasa, trailing behind Sanosuke "I'm going to throw a rock at you. I swear, this fruit better be the most delicious thing I've ever tasted!" Wiping sweat off his forehead, he could finally see their destination. "That isn't close. Ah well, I need the exercise anyway, obviously. As I said earlier, not so naturally suited to this kinda workout. Oh, don't laugh, I see you gasping up there" He said, willing himself back into motion.

"Tell you what. Instead of tortuously crawling up there, let's make a dash to the end, huh?" Walking past Sano a few feet, he turned around. "Gimme like a...ten second head start, eh? A handicap if you will. Go ahead and count to three and I'll be start and you come after me whenever you think it'll be close."



Sanosuke laughed to himself at the optimism that his partner Hiromasa showed. It was infectious in his opinion. This partner of his just seemed to want to show more and more progress and was bristling with energy to the point where it was infectious. He stretched his body as he began speaking "Sure, thing I'm ready when you are." His body cracked in pleasure at the run.



Even with a head start, Hiromasa's hand touched the tree a couple of seconds after Sanosuke's. Shaking his head, Hiro collapsed against the tree to catch his breath. "Huh....phew. So yeah, bigger handicap next time, eh?" Staring up at the tree's red leaves, he then turned his attention to the fruit.

"So, how do you want to get those down? Just give me a boost and I'll climb up and drop a couple of them down, or throw rocks at them until they fall, or am I missing some easier way to do this?" Jumping up, the short rest having invigorated him, he jogged a short distance from the tree. "Maybe if I just run fast enough up the- oh man, I'm forgetful. Just need to literally walk up the tree. Not normally something academy students learn I guess, but since chakra control is one of my two strengths they gave me that training eventually. Never needed it, though...anyway, want me to grab you one?"



Sanosuke looked at the fruits that hung from the ground as he walked closer to the tree. He was here again, before the Durian Tree that was highly correlated to his clan history. The tree that had the ability to drain the evil of the world and manifest it in the form of fruits. The memories of how Sanosuke ate his first fruit was still fresh in his mind, he faced terrible stomah pains. But it just might be because of something he ate in the past.

He looked up to the trees and spotted a fruit on the tree that he wanted. Like the other fruits on the trees, it was crimson red and had spikes on the fruit itself right on the skin. Sanosuke noticed that the fruit was about a few feet above over his head. Sanosuke reached for his sword and unsheathe it. Once he got his sword out, Sanosuke made several swipes in the air to slice the branches on the tree to just get the fruits lose from the tree.

The fruits fell down to the ground as Sanosuke went to sheath his sword.



Watching his friend simply cut down the fruit nearest him, he shook his head. "The low hanging fruit? Everyone knows the best stuff on a tree is at the top," he said, pointing at the top of the tree. "See that one, right at the top? That right there is a fruit worth having. To the naked eye it may look the same, but the hard work it's gonna take me to get it will make it all the sweeter. No chakra, gonna climb my way up and come back down."

With that, he looked at the tree and with a running start, jumped up. The initial impact gave him more than enough traction to push off the base of the tree and he reached upward, his fingers barely latching on to a branch. Kicking off the tree trunk, he managed to get his other arm over the branch, pulling himself up. From there it was much easier, and he rapidly ascended to near the top of the tree.

Once in reach of the fruit he had picked out, he plucked it gingerly off the branch and descended, utilizing chakra flow on a branch near sanosuke to hang upside down. "Ah, the 'fruits' of my labor." He said, emphasizing the pun to ensure it was not missed as he took a delicious bite.



The trees bristled every time Hiromasa took another jump to ascend farther up the tree. Leaves fell down and even a couple of fruits from the tree did as well, Sanosuke had to swiftly evade the falling spiked fruits so he can avoid getting his skin punctered by the fruit's spiky rough skin. Sanosuke looked up to see Hiromasa hanging from a tree upside down boasting about the fruit that he had just obtained.

The fruit in his hand felt warm, it was the same sensation he felt the first time he picked one from the tree. Sanosuke wanted to taste it, even after the last time he ate it. For some reason, he felt that it wouldn't happen this time. Sanosuke began to pluck off the spikes off the fruit so he can eat it without any harm coming to his mouth. Once he was done, he showed his peeled fruit to Hiromasa. The fruit now gleamed brightly "Well bottoms up" he said before taking a bite from the fruit.



Following Sanosuke's example, Hiromasa broke off the dangerous parts of the spiky fruit and stared at the peeled half of the fruit in his hand. After a cautious sniff, he bit into it with gusto. " This is delicious!" He said with glee. Rapidly devouring the rest, he ran up the tree, this time using chakra to allow him to simply dash straight up.

Grabbing another fruit, he tore a single spike off and squeezed the fruit, causing juice to pour out of the otherwise tough shell. Drinking it greedily, he then tore the skin open and tossed damp chunks of the innards into his gaping maw. "I can't believe I've spent my whole life without eating this before!"

Deciding he had had enough, he disrupted the chakra holding him onto the tree trunk. Attempting to do a back flip, he instead nearly landed on all fours, managing to only land on one knee in a pose he hope was still impressive.



The flavors from the Durian fruit he had bitten burst from joy in his mouth. All the taste in his mouth salivated from the fruit he had just took a bite from. He crunched slowly, it tasted just like the last time he had eaten it. The body that was Sanosuke's which echoed with pain with every slight movement he took was gone and destroyed. The flavor of the Durian fruit destroyed his body and instantly recreated it with a body that was abandoned of all pain.

Sanosuke removed his mouth from the fruit as he swallowed. The second he swallowed his fruit, there was an instant epiphany-like moment in his body. He looked into the sky more calm and collected as his body was free from all pain and diseases. It was then that he realized that there was no way this fruit was the cause of his sickness. He smiled to himself.

"I knew it" he said softly



Staring perplexed at Sano, who seemed to be standing up straighter and a strain he hadn't even noticed disappeared from his friend's face. Staring at the fruit in his own hand and tossed the remainder into a trash can likely place for just this purpose. Looking at Sanosuke, Hiro raised an eyebrow.

"So, yeah, next time we eat together you should get some actual food if getting a bite to eat invigorated you like that. Man cannot live on sake alone!" Hiromasa decreed, gesturing grandly. "So, got any other plans for the day? As he asked this his eyes widened slightly as he began to feel the negative effects of the fruit he'd just eaten.



Sanosuke turned around to look towards Hiromasa, he chuckled lightly to himself as he walked towards Hiromasa. It was as though he was previously wearing weights on his body before Sanosuke had taken a bite out of the Durian Tree's fruit. The taste was still sweet in his mouth but it was going stale in his mouth. Sanosuke took out the fruit he was eating and took another savorful bite of the fruit he was chewing on. He swallowed the fruit he was chewing on. The fruit went down more easily than any food he had eaten in the past.

"You're going to need something to cure that busted stomach of yours" Sanosuke offered as he clamped his hand on Hiromasa's shoulder. "There are some pills at my house that could help you out you know."



Hiromasa grimaced. The pain in his stomach was definitely getting worse. With a slightly strained smile, he nodded. "Yeah, two of those might've been a bad idea the first time. I think I'll take you up on those pills. I take it you've eaten these before so it doesn't bother you or something?"

Doubling over, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a lemon, which he sliced into quarters with a kunai. Sinking his teeth into one of the pieces, he savored the flavor, which let him forget the pain in his stomach for a time. Bouncing back up, his grin returned. "Alright, before the delicious lemon runs out, let's go to your place!"



[OOC: I give you permission to enter my home]
Hiromasa doubled over and Sanosuke was expecting chunks to begin spewing form his mouth. It was not something he wanted to see, the smell of vomit made Sanosuke extremely nauseous. Sanosuke shook his head to get himself focus the task ahead. He had to get Hiromasa up and transportable so he may take Hiromasa in the closest place possible that can help treat stomach pains. The hospital was ways off, but if they went to his house in the rice paddies then Hiromasa can get treated more quickly.

Sanosuke pulled one of Hiromasa's arms over his shoulder so his weight was on Sanosuke's shoulder. He stood up with his comrade on his shoulder and began the slow walk down the mountain trail away from the Durian Tree and to the Rice Paddy fields where his home was located in. "You better not puke on my shoulder" Sanosuke added as he continued his walk down the mountain trail.



Hiromasa bit into another slice of lemon, the edges of his lips forming a smile. Turning to look at Sanosuke with the lemon still in his mouth, he smiled even wider, trying to bring some humor into the situation. It was an odd feeling. The sour taste of the lemon would almost suppress the nausea he felt for a while, and then it would come roaring back, stronger each time.

Tucking the drained husk of that lemon slice, he quickly grabbed another, knocking back the sickness a third time. Fortunately, as hard as it had been to get up to the tree it was a rapid process descending away from it and before long they were among the rice paddies, where Sanosuke lived. Entering the home, he devoured the last of his lemon as he waited for Sanosuke to find the medicine, sweat beading on his forehead.



[OOC: Hiromasa post in my home in Kumo from now on this is where we'll continue our RP]

Sanosuke began walking as he tried his best to drag his comrade into his cave like home as gently as possible. If he was too rough with him, well it can cause a mess that could spew on him. Puke stains was hard to clean from over coats and Sanosuke was particularly fond of this one he was wearing and would like it very much if the smell of his coat wouldn't reek of vomit.

Once they got to the Rice Paddy fields, Sanosuke walked Hiromasa to the base of the mountain that existed near the ends of the rice paddy fields. There was a cave at the base of the mountain that was achievable by climbing a small mountain trail. The two did that and got to 2 giant leaf doors.

"Ahh, home sweet home" Sanosuke said to himself as he held Hiromasa. He was finally home

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