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1On The Water [Sayuri / No Kill] Empty On The Water [Sayuri / No Kill] Tue Jun 06, 2017 7:37 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Deep within the forest, tales would continue to unfold, albeit rather minor, the finer details is what filled them. The harmonious efforts through the residing wildlife would flutter and usher its ensemble of responses from the birds songs as they rested in their nests, the fluttering of wings from the beetles who dashed from tree-sap to tree-sap, and the emitting glow of the many fireflies whose light mimicked the stars. Moss grew on fallen trees, various colors of flowers of both poison and pure would scale along the riverbanks, leading to the large body of water that held only one occupant.

In the center of the great pond, the Monkey Sage would sit upon the waters surface. There was no ripple that echoed throughout, and there was no path to the center. No loose and broken shards of what once remained a bridge, no floating devices of any sort that one could use to support themselves had the water embraced them to their unknown knowledge of how to keep them afloat. The water was clear azure, the very same color the Beast was proclaimed with.

The sun mirrored off the waters exterior, enlightening the world beneath him to create its replica. Its clear and crisp flow, its contents of plantation and the koi that swam in its aquatic home was to embiggen to a false size. The many pebbles lingered deep from those who had cast it from the surrounding bank, allowing it to skip, causing ripples in succession once upon a time. They often choose the smoothest and flattened surface of stone as they would traverse best. How its very nature was attune to its specific purpose, could it not serve another? Was this stone destined to linger among the nearing precipice only to be thrown across the open waters? Had fate had its way, what was to become of the Monkey Sage that sat in the open?

His body was still, his mind was lost deeper than any body of water. A drowning man knew only the depths of the ocean, not its width. Sousetsu however, was not struggling for breath, nor was he being dragged the ponds floor. He was calm, serene, at peace at last from the vast ventures that his past would inevitably intertwine with the future to come. He did not detain himself from others. He did not grow upset from their lack of efforts to see him. He held many stories for any that would seek them, bore many rumors for the winding travelers that were lost in search, and yet he would only seek solace himself. Never one to feed his curiosity.

Had there been a story of a Haven where peace lasted a lifetime, that was when the Azure Beast would depart this land of its hunters, that was when the Monkey Sage would have his own settlement of trees and vines. His ears had peaked. The sounds of the soft earth, snapping twigs of fallen branches echoed and traveled to this great being of perception. His eyes remained closed however, his body as still as the great stone statues that prayed over divine lands. He was at rest, solemn with content. Had any threat presented itself, it would soon be vanquished. For the only threat here was the Beast himself.

2On The Water [Sayuri / No Kill] Empty Re: On The Water [Sayuri / No Kill] Thu Jun 08, 2017 3:51 am



Sayuri was in deep and desperate need of respite. Konohagakure no Sato, while a fabulously lovely Village, was far too large and full of tiny building and smashed full of people who either wanted to talk to her or worse still, touch her. Not in any inappropriate way, she just had very strict rules regarding being touched; don’t. So after a morning of trying to slide through what felt like impassable crowds of people in Konoha’s market place she made up her mind to stop trying for the day and headed off into the woods. She felt a good deal more comfortable in the forest, and as soon as she set foot within the perimeter of leafy haven she felt her heartbeat slow to a more natural pace along with her steps. Even though she’d been living in the cabin in on the outskirts of Konoha for close to a year now, this would always be the closest this to a home to her, the forest. She had spent so long living in it, anything else, any other building felt too closed in, like a trap or a cage not a home. It was easier to handle when she was with people she loved and trusted, however easier was not the same as comfortable.

As she walked through the trees and underbrush she gently ran her fingertips over the various trees and leaves that she saw, taking in their texture, trying to memorize their colour just by touch. She couldn't of course, she was pretty sure no one could, but it was a game she enjoyed playing all the same. She liked to imagine that different colours felt differently, or tasted differently, and as she walked along she let her mind wander painting colours with her fingertips, imagining that the all the tree trunks were now the colour of the blossoms her other hand was touching. She giggled in amusement at the thought of a brightly coloured forest as she wandered, never one for ‘proper’ convention, and topped it off by running and jumping and tumbling. It was not long before she was well and thoroughly turned around and in a part of the forest she’d never been before, with twigs and leaves sticking out of her long straight white hair and bits of plant matter on her clothing. She looked down at herself and laughed out loud, “Aren’t I a mess then?” and took off her azure blue fitted coat with the red turned up cuffs and shook it out vigorously before hanging it up on a nearby tree. She combed the bits of tree and plants out of her hair, straightened her white blouse and tall white boots, having to sit down to retie the left one. “I really should have not worn a skirt today. . .” She complained with a laugh while adjusting her tanto on her hip and shrugging coat back on. “. . . ah well, it hardly matters anyway. It’s warm out at least.”

Sayuri hummed as she would walk into a clearing that had a beautiful pond in the middle of it, and much to her surprise, a statue. Or at least at first glance she believed it to be a statue, but as she drew closer to it, which she was naturally inclined to do as she was not in the habit of avoiding interesting things, she saw that it was actually a person who was simply sitting very, very still. In the middle of a pond? That’s amazing! The water was perfectly still and the the man sitting in the center of the body of water looked very serene and peaceful, and Sayuri having spent a good number of hours alone was now craving a conversation with someone. She looked at the surface of the water and considered for a moment how to get to him, when an idea struck her. Well, if he is sitting over there perfectly fine then I suppose that I should be able to as well. And with a shrug and a smile she would skip towards the sitting man and then immediately after with a shriek and a splash fell promptly into the pond.  


3On The Water [Sayuri / No Kill] Empty Re: On The Water [Sayuri / No Kill] Thu Jun 08, 2017 4:31 am

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Perhaps it was bold to state that the Beast was a threat rather than a protector of that he held dear. The ferocious nature of the title alone cast anguish and concern across the many that let it flourish. For those who knew the Beast, knew he was more than a shield to any sword. The resemblance came from his connectivity towards his preferred affinity in combat and how he cast the many creatures that shared his rage. The roaring waves would be solidified to a condense likeness to that of dragons and wolves, all under the facade of his caring heart to the many who could not defend themselves.

Once the Kage to a powerful land, he had let his duties become over en-cumbersome, the weight of the world bearing too much to hold as his authority and his reputation barely found a moment to peek its head above the crashing waves. Once, the leader of his own Clan, he met the blade of his kin who vowed in determination, anger, and hatred to take his life. It seemed that fate would force him to fold every opportune moment he took. But what hand would it play when he refused to draw once more? To live the life of a Vagabond, no longer burdened by the responsibility of many, would fate leave him to his own demise? Or was it that fate was tired of its own failures?

As his eyes remained closed his sense of hearing had heightened in his still form of recollection. The sounds of twigs snapping, earth crumbling, and grass bending was enough for the Senju to acknowledge company in his presence. He did not show fear, nor did he show any signs of disturbance. His body still amassed the natural energy that surrounded the forests that bore it. It wasn't until a sudden yet brief shriek and crash of water that the Azure Beast was woken from his slumber. His eyes slowly opened, his head lifting upwards only slightly before his pupils wandered to the origin of the sound.

With a small sigh, not burdened by the intrusion but by his very nature of needing to assist, did the man with hair of frost decide to dissipate into water, joining the large pond as one. Ripples echoed outwards from the center, like a domino effect it carried as the minuscule waves reached the shores of the banks that contained it. In an instant, he reformed by the side of a young woman of the water. A young woman in white who reminded him of someone he once held dear. A small smile etched on his face as stood before her, still upon the surface of the great pond.

Sousetsu would be seen wearing an outfit consisting of a white yukata with a blue swirl pattern on the bottom and ends of the sleeves, worn so that his arm only went through the left sleeve, and the right half droops down over his obi. Over this, he wore a black belt buckled so that there was leftover dangling from the buckle, from which his high frequency blade rested. Underneath, he wore a black, red-lined shirt with a popped collar and black pants to complete his ensemble, none of which dripped with water, drier than the deserts of the Sand Village. A comfortable attire to him although some could argue his sense of style and fashion, it was a choice to one's own liking.

"Concentrate your chakra to the soles of your feet next time." he spoke with that small smile still resting upon his face. He was not belittling, neither was he scolding. He was simply embracing the nostalgia of all the past students he had taught before. "Are you okay? You are not hurt are you?" He would continue with genuine concern, his arm now outstretched in order to lend his assistance to the young woman in white.

4On The Water [Sayuri / No Kill] Empty Re: On The Water [Sayuri / No Kill] Thu Jun 08, 2017 1:34 pm




As Sayuri skipped across to the white haired man sitting so still on the surface of the pond she had been expecting to simply traverse the skin of the water as he did, it had not occurred to her that she would fall in. But that is precisely what happened and it was as though someone had taken a thousand razor sharp and wind thin blades and placed them deep within her lungs. Her shriek at the sudden pain that was accompanied by the shock of plunging in the pool of water was cut short by being under water, it wasn’t deep but it was deep enough for a person who didn’t know how to swim. And as soon as the water was over her face she panicked, reaching out with her arms for anything to help her when suddenly she found herself pushed along and sitting on the pebble strewn shore, very disoriented and with the white haired man now standing in front of her on the water's surface, hand outstretched.

"Concentrate your chakra to the soles of your feet next time." She would look up at him while shivering, glancing once at his hand and nodding slowly, her teeth starting to chatter as she sat looking very miserable. “Th.. th.. thank you. Yy.. you m..mean th.. the s.. super  n.. natural  w.. walking  practice.” She would try to smile as she hugged her arms around herself, pulling her knees up to her chest, making as small a ball of herself as she could hoping to conserve what little heat she had left after being doused in the water. She didn’t care for being in wet clothing, it reminded her of her time in Kumogakure, they had such awful storms there and she was often trapped outside in the snow or the sleet or rain. She loved all of those things, the thunderstorms and blizzards, but she hated being wet and cold.

She would take a couple deep breaths to try to stop shivering long enough to reply in an intelligible manner to the towering statuesque man smiling down at her. He had a gentle voice which helped calm her panic somewhat, she wasn’t hurt but she wasn’t comfortable, and worse still she was lost. She wasn’t sure if that was something she should tell this man or not, she could clearly see a dangerous looking weapon hanging from his belt and while he had a sincere smile on his face, she was alone and no one knew where she was if she ran into any trouble. At noticing his weapon she reach a hand to her waist to feel for her own, and breath a far too visible sigh of relief that it was still there attached to the belt at her waist. At least if anything did go wrong she was not unarmed, it was a small comfort.

“I’m not hurt, no. But I’m really cold, and wet. I was just. . . I don’t know. I just saw you sitting over there and I thought, if you were sitting there that I could walk over there. Which I realize now was a stupid idea. The walking thing, I just learned about that a while ago, I should have thought. You helped me out then, uh… thank you. I’m Sayuri by the way, it’s nice to meet you. I would say that I’m usually more graceful, but that would be a lie. Uh. . . what uh. . . what were you doing in the middle of the pond?”

She would blush fiercely and huddle closer in on herself as she finished speaking, feeling very foolish indeed.


5On The Water [Sayuri / No Kill] Empty Re: On The Water [Sayuri / No Kill] Thu Jun 08, 2017 3:30 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

“Th.. th.. thank you. Yy.. you m..mean th.. the s.. super  n.. natural  w.. walking  practice.” the woman in white had spoke through a chill.

Her voice was not the same, dampening the Sage's spirits if only just a little. it was a fools gamble to believe that they would be alike from the basis of their attire and likeness of her long white hair, but what harm could come from hope? If not placed in the right time or place, hope could only serve to sadden the beholder. It was not something the Senju would hold so dearly. Allowing the minor sadness to pass, Sousetsu tensed his jaw, swallowed his sadness back into the depths from whence it came and kept his small smile lingering.

His hand remained outstretched for the young woman to take, his eyes darting to and fro each detail she had to offer. They way she held herself, her composure now tightened as she tried to conceal her warmth from sudden shock of the chill waters. Her skin as pale as her clothing, snow white within the forests emerald glow.  Her bright eyes reflecting the sun's rays as they would sparkle with dewdrops of water that still latched its presence. It was unusual however, that each eye was of a different shade. One was as blue as the ocean, and the other, a shade of the moss green that similar to that which etched across the fallen bark of a tree. Her hair, long, straight and white as her complexion was now too wet and damp for the Senju to appreciate its once soft and silk smoothness he imagined.

Her hand began reaching for the tanto that rested in a worn and tattered grip, checking if it was not lost from her recent fall. Sousetsu withdrew his offering, his mind wandering to believe he may have been more threatening or intimidating than what he initially thought. He stood tall and stoic, his arms crossed, a habit which he always bore since his early youth. She explained that she was not hurt, only cold and and still possessive of the waters from the great pond. She had wanted to meet the man who sat still in the center of the opening, her mind transfixed on that matter alone, forgetting how to reach him.

"I’m Sayuri by the way, it’s nice to meet you..." she would introduce herself as became collected, realizing how she presented herself in an clumsy manor. "...What were you doing in the middle of the pond?” she asked.

It was not something answered as easily as one would think. To reveal the nature of abilities of a Sage was not one to share with the unknown or the strange, rather than have them realize the error of their ways if he was to be crossed, experiencing it first hand. He could not say that this was a place of solace for it could lead the visitor to sulk in their intrusion. He could not share that he collected his thoughts of all his past endeavors that made the man exclude himself from the world as he knew it. The way of a Vagabond until his time would come to an end was too heavy to include others.

"Sousetsu." he began a smile that slowly faded as the brief statement was a poor effort to an introduction. He looked back to the center of the pond, still wondering what white lie or half-truth could suffice. It dawned on him that the pale visitor was still a novice in the field of shinobi, forgetting how to remain on the surface of water, grasping their weapon tightly at the sight of his own. These were main examples of those with little experience in Sousetsu's eyes. Yet again, he has been made a fool once before. The Senju who shone her efforts to slay him had asked him to meet at his own grave, none the wiser.  Was he to be wary of this intrusion? Was fate playing another hand despite no effort made to better himself?

"I was just meditating. Keeps the mind clear." He continued to gaze into the open aquatic qualities. Turning his head to meet the young woman in white once again, he offered his small smile that he had first shown.

"Care to join me?" he would offer.

Last edited by Sousetsu Senju on Wed Jun 14, 2017 5:15 am; edited 2 times in total

6On The Water [Sayuri / No Kill] Empty Re: On The Water [Sayuri / No Kill] Fri Jun 09, 2017 2:16 pm




Sayuri’s ears would perk up at the name, she could hardly believe what she was hearing. Of all the people in all the forests in all the world. It felt to her like just yesterday when she had been standing in a forest not very much unlike this one with Mitsuo, the Sword Saint of Konoha after having trying to kill him, that she had heard him speak that very same name. Sousetsu was one of the people that Mitsuo, one of only three people that she trusted, had suggested may be willing to help train her once they reached Konoha. All the distrust that she had held mere moments before had vanished, and in its place was delight, and just the tiniest bit of guilt for thinking such terrible thoughts about someone that Mitsuo trusted. He explained he was meditating, which since she had been training with Tsuyo she now had some comprehension of what that was, and the stillness of it made more sense to her. When he asked her if she would like to join her she was thrilled beyond words, her face lit up with a beaming smile as she would uncurl herself from the tight ball she had so carefully wound herself into, and she leapt to her feet with a gasp of joy.


She would stand staring at him in awe and appreciation for a moment, she had thought he was towering when she was sitting and he was standing above her, but now she was certain of it. It was like looking up at a tree made of a mountain who was in fact a man. She could see what Mitsuo would appreciate in this man, he seemed very stern, like Mitsuo did. Also he had a sword, and he had very pretty clothing, which was something that Mitsuo appreciated as well. But beyond that she had no idea what to expect.

“I know you. Well, I know IIof you anyway. I know someone who knows you, and trusts you, or well,  who trusts you to. . . I’m not explaining this right. I’m sorry, I’m not very good with people. I don’t spend very much time around them if I can help it.”

She would quickly slap the palm of her hand over her mouth her eyes going wide as she realized the horrible thing she had just said to the person standing in front of her. He is probably going to throw you back in that pond silly duck. You need to learn to think before you speak, this is someone Mitsuo knows, you have to be nicer! She would take a step back while slowly removing her hand from over her mouth.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. Let me start again, a uh. . . friend of mine, someone I trust very, very much, told me you would be in Konoha. You weren’t when we got there, uh. . . but you already know that because, you’re, anyway. He trusts you, so I will too.”

She would move quickly towards Sousetsu with the intent of embracing him, overcome with gratitude for him saving her from the pond and the familiar feeling of safety that comes from trust. As to whether that trust was misplaced she had no idea, nor did she give it much thought, as that was not in her nature to look too deeply beyond the surface.

“Thank you so much for helping me, I’m sorry I interrupted your meditating!”


7On The Water [Sayuri / No Kill] Empty Re: On The Water [Sayuri / No Kill] Wed Jun 14, 2017 6:04 am

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju


The Monkey sage was taken back by the sheer thrill that accompanied the name being spoken. The young woman in white rose to her feet with delight, a sudden change from her cautious demeanor into a welcoming one lay curiosity upon the man who bore the name. His brow raised slightly, watching the actions taking place before him as he attempted to understand the significance of the word to this kunoichi.

She explained that she knew of the Senju through a neutral acquaintance, one who could have only spoke highly of him as there was no rush to her blade in an effort to take his life like the many before. She then continued to inform Sousetsu with her discomfort with social interactions to those she did not know, bearing no trust within the world of ninja. An honest and intelligent choice most would agree with. However, his name alone should not have determined her reactions. Who was she to know of the personality that the man named 'Sousetsu' harbored? How long ago did she hear of his name in good will? Time changed many things, including the minds of people.

Another curious action occurred when a sudden slap of her hand against her mouth startled his ears, allowing them to peak in response as his senses sharpened with the sudden action. As it turned out, the mutual acquaintance was male, revealed by her use of the word 'he' within her words as she further explained the origin of her excitement and trust for the Senju. This 'male' in question must have held some influence over the young woman for her to place such trust in mere words. This could prove dangerous in times to come, but he would let it be known that this time, she was correct in assuming that the man named 'Sousetsu' was trustworthy.

As the sun nestled among the clouds in the blue sky that watched over them, the Monkey Sage could only wonder and marvel at the stories that traversed the land in his name. Just how many people and ninja alike had heard of his name? What story had kept of the Azure Beast for them to pass down from generation to generation? And would they be as kind and inspiring to feed the influence of trust they heard his name, or strike fear into their hearts? Were the same stories shared within the prisons which were filled with criminals who have engaged in acts of moral turpitude that had been apprehended by the Senju?
She embraced him. His eyes widened slightly as he was unaccustomed to this sudden display of affection out in the open. He did not waver however, and let the embrace take him as Sayuri found comfort and solace upon his person. It was warm, much like the sun that kissed his skin. It was gentle and soft like just as the clouds above that swayed with the breeze. He made no effort to shield or run. No denying what she could or could not do. He simply let it be and allowed her this moment. Who knew, that after all he had been through, the Azure Beast found solace once again. Even if it was within the arms of a stranger.
She thanked him and apologized for the disruption of his meditation, to which he let slip a soft chuckle and another small smile to accompany his response.

"That's quite all right, Sayuri." he patted her head during their embrace.

"Tell me. Who was it that spoke so highly of me?" he asked in order to satisfy one of the desires that plagued the many, curiosity.

"And if you were searching for me, for what purpose?" he had added under the pretense of her happiness.

8On The Water [Sayuri / No Kill] Empty Re: On The Water [Sayuri / No Kill] Tue Jun 20, 2017 6:24 pm



Sayuri sighed contentedly as Sousetsu allowed her rather sudden embrace. She would not have been offended if he hadn’t, it’s not like she had given him any warning, or as though they had any prior relationship that would have warranted that sort of closeness. Not that that had ever stopped her before, in fact she couldn’t think of a time in recent memory when she’d had the opportunity to be close enough to a person to form that sort of bond in the first place. All the same, had he pushed her aside she would have been merely disappointed and embarrassed. Horribly embarrassed, but never offended. There was only one time she thought that anyone truly owed her anything and that misguided sense of entitlement had nearly cost her her leg. As she thought of that moment with Mitsuo at the base of the mountain in Kumogakure now she would shudder and close her eyes tight as she remembered the pain that lesson had caused. It was not that long ago that she had stood there with her childhood hero, but it felt like a lifetime. And how strange it was to her now that she was currently in the arms of one of the men that Mitsuo, the Sword Saint of Konoha had told her may be willing to teach her. Someone that Mitsuo trusted. That was no small thing in her mind. And the timing of it was surreal, and very unfortunate. She would hold tightly to the waist of the tall white haired man, as she tried to block out all but the surrounding environment, turning her thoughts back to the simple pleasure of the warm afternoon and a gentle pat on the head.

"Tell me. Who was it that spoke so highly of me?"

She would flinch at the question, her muscles twitching slightly as she tried to think of a way to answer it. She had not thought this part through at all. Not that she thought most things she did through at all. Nearly everything she did was on an emotionally charged whim, as though she were walking around in a fanciful dream half the time and her heart rather than her head was telling her what to do. She would press her forehead gently into Sousetsu’s side, looking down as she thought back to what she had been told when Tsuyo, Mitsuo and herself had first arrived in Konoha. It had been quite a while but the instructions were there still firmly emblazoned into her memory, Tsuyo had asked her to go into the Village; “...and do not mention our names to anyone.” He had been quite clear about that fact and up until this point she had followed those instructions to the letter. However, he had been speaking specifically about the Village of Konohagakure no Sato, and they weren’t in it, and also this was Sousetsu, a man Mitsuo had spoken of by name.

Sayuri would let out a tiny frustrated whimper, as she weighed her options, she didn’t know at all what she was supposed to do. She was not a person that was particularly good at dealing with complicated situations, and this seemed exceedingly complicated to her. She could feel her throat swelling with emotion as the heaviness of a responsibility that shouldn’t be hers weighed on her heart. She deeply cared for Mitsuo, would even go so far as to say that she loved him as bizarre of a concept as that was all things considered. But she didn’t know how to keep him safe, or if this was an instance where her silence or lack thereof would make a difference in that regard. It seemed that as quickly as her clothing dried in the sun, her eyes were determined to keep her from being comfortably warm and dry, and she would shiver as she stumbled over her answer.

“Sousetsu, please don’t think that you’ve done anything wrong. You didn’t, it’s just. . . I don’t know what I’m supposed to say. I um. . . I heard your name from. . .” She would take a deep breath before continuing, hoping against all hope that she was not making a terrible mistake, and that she was not directly defying Tsuyo’s instructions. “Mitsuo, the Sword Saint of Konoha. About a year ago. Although he had mentioned that you would be in Konoha, and actually you weren’t, so that was a bit of a surprise.”

She was less worried about answering his second question, at least that one didn’t require her to lie. And while some would consider what she had just spoken to not be a lie, to her merely leaving out parts of the truth made it the exact same thing. And now she was able to be completely truthful, which was far more to her liking and instantly replaced the troubled and tearful expression on her face with one of happiness as she spoke with a quiet and eager tone.

“Well actually Sousetsu-sama, the truth of the matter is I wasn’t exactly looking for you specifically. What I was searching for was assistance, you see I need help, I need to get a whole lot stronger. I’m on sort of a quest. . . or mission, well no, not a mission since I actually know what those are now. Let’s call it a quest. I need to rid the world of bandits. Not only bandits, but people like that, people that think they have the right to go in and take whatever they want, destroy whatever they want, kill whoever they want.” Her voice would crack and she paused for a moment to get a handle on her emotions before continuing. “Your name was given to me as someone who might be willing to help teach me. I need a lot of help, there is a lot wrong with the world and I need to set it right. I don’t suppose you’d be willing to help me?”

This was not the first time she had asked this same question. And every time the answer so far had been no. It was getting difficult to take, being told repeatedly that she would have to do it either by herself or with someone else. So she would set her jaw and hold her breath and look up into Sousetsu’s eyes.

“If you are willing, I’ll be in Konohagakure. Thank you for saving me from the water, one day perhaps I’ll be able to return the favour. I should get back though, it’s getting late and there are people who might wonder where I am. I’m glad I got to meet you, even if it involved such strange circumstances.” And with a final respectful bow she would turn and head back towards the cabin. She had been gone for many hours and it wouldn’t do for her to continue being missing. She also was excited to tell Mitsuo of who she met in the forest, she had no doubt that he would be pleased since he had listed him among the people he knew here.  

{Exit Thread}


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