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1Awaiting Trinity Pt.4 {Jutsu} Empty Awaiting Trinity Pt.4 {Jutsu} Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:06 am



Dengen was already done with the climb and while already in the top he decided to train in order to learn a couple more techniques. Of course the jutsus Dengen is planning on learning now is not one that is going to cost a lot of chakra because it isn’t going to be a high ranking technique. The technique the Tsuchikage was going to learn was going to be a low leveled technique and he felt it was only right for him to learn it. The earth release hiding like a mole technique is a technique that proves to have a lot of up – sides to it. For one, the earth release hiding like a mole technique is a great jutsu to keep oneself concealed and protected in the battle field. By going underground the Tsuchikage can create great strategies utilizing the situation and the best thing about it is that while underground the enemies won’t know where the Tsuchikage is. Well shinobis will know that he is underground but they won’t know where since he will be able to move in there. As Dengens mind ran wild with ideas on how to start practicing this jutsu he actually had another wild plan. Maybe instead of learning one low leveled ninjutsu, the Tsuchikage would make better use of his time learning three. The Rokudaime has always admired the academy school jutsus. As low as they are in rank they can prove real effective in the battle field. The Clone Technique as well as the Transformation Technique are two jutsus that Dengen never got to learn as a young shinobi because he never got to go to school the way the average shinobi would now and days.

The Tsuchikage then thought of that idea as a brilliant one and one that can’t be passed on. Especially since those techniques are so low in rank and so easy to learn, well Dengen doesn’t know if the clone technique and the transformation technique is easy to learn but what he does know is that there are millions of kids ages 15 and under in the academy that have more or less mastered these low level E – Rank techniques. Although the Tsuchikage took it upon himself to first learn the earth release hiding like a mole technique because he knows that this is the beginning jutsu of a chain of great strategic techniques like the earth release whac – a – mole technique. Dengen’s dream is to be able to control the earth that he stands on so that he may one day control the battlefield where he fights in. Dengen got up from his meditative state and looked at the sun go down towards the horizon at the distance. Beauty can only be defined by gods own marvelous creation and the SUN is by all means one of Gods most precious creation behind man themselves. Dengen knew that in order to really get a hold of moving underneath the ground he must first know what it means to be on the ground. As soon as this thought went into his head Dengen began to flow chakra onto his feet and the chakra soon began to mold into the earth, creating a much softer ground to walk on. Dengen closed his eyes as he began to slowly sink to the ground.

2Awaiting Trinity Pt.4 {Jutsu} Empty Re: Awaiting Trinity Pt.4 {Jutsu} Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:57 am



As the Tsuchikage stood calm and slowly sank underground, he remembered thinking about the techniques full potential. This thought distracted him from the training as Dengen lost focus and thus his composure, so he stopped with half his legs already underground. This was of course a failed attempt as Dengen was better yet stuck instead of flowing freely in the ground. The Tsuchikage happened to pull himself up, struggling he pushed himself out of the whole. Although this was a failed attempt Dengen couldn’t help but to feel hopeful about the situation since this technique almost worked as it is if it wasn’t for the unnecessary distraction. Sanroku after pulling himself out of the whole actually laid there on the ground, he was exhausted after all this training and simultaneous climbing. Dengen has already learned three jutsu in a matter of just a few days, and those three jutsus Dengen learned are jutsus that haven’t been seen in the shinobi world for over one – hundred years. As the Tsuchikage Dengen felt like those techniques were vital to him staying in power. Being the Rokudaime Tsuchikage, Dengen needed to be a better leader and a stronger shinobi at any cost. In order for a shinobi to be kage they must put their heart and soul into the position, and this was done by Dengen ten times full. Iwagakure is known as a rock hard village and Dengen can’t afford to not know the jutsu that could make it possible let alone a lot easier to walk underground. Dengen then got back up as he decided to try the technique just one more time with him putting one – hundred percent of his focus on to it.

As the Rokudaime Tsuchikage closed his eyes, his feet began to glow again. The Tsuchikages chakra is almost silver looking and his feet began to charge up with that special and unique chakra. As soon as the feet got engulfed in chakra the ground beneath began to get softer. The Tsuchikage feet looked like they were in flames the way the chakra danced on them and as he sunk the chakra looked to have spread to the ground, on the areas that would have to touch Dengen in order for him to dive completely underground. Dengen felt the technique as it was slowly but surely becoming a success. It didn’t take long for Dengen to realize that he was up to his neck with dirt his whole body was buried and still sinking. Dengen kept his cool as his thoughts stuck with succeeding in completing this simple technique. But then the thought of breathing underground began to scare Dengen just a bit for he never thought that far and the scrolls in the Iwagakure library says nothing about how the shinobis can breath when they are buried. Sanroku was too late to turn turn back now as his mouth was already covered by dirt and the ground was working on catching up to his nose. Once completely underground Dengen got to see what it was all about. He was able to move steer and for some odd reason he felt like he knew where everything was on the surface, it’s like Dengen can sense it. The Tsuchikage was surprised to notice that it was easier then he thought to breath underground, especially when chakra is flowing all around the outer layer of your body and Chakra that has a main component of oxygen.

3Awaiting Trinity Pt.4 {Jutsu} Empty Re: Awaiting Trinity Pt.4 {Jutsu} Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:31 am



As Dengen got the hang of movement underground he decided to try and practice it just a little while longer before going to the basic ninjutsu training. After coming out of the ground Dengen was surprised to see that the earth behind him was still solid. Now the Tsuchikage is going to work on training a ninjutsu that creates an intangible copy of one's own body, without any substance as in weight or solid matter itself, like a ghost. Since the clone itself doesn't have the ability to attack and thus can only be used to confuse the enemy, it is mainly used in combination with other ninjutsus in oder to mask the other attack or to confuse the enemy. It's a basic technique but depending on one's ingenuity, the strategies that can be used would be as effectively as any other technique of a higher rank. The clones will dissipate when they come into contact with something so Dengen though that the clones are better left to be used for supplementary usage instead of offensive and / or defensive. These clones can be easily distinguished by a shinobi with dōjutsu, like the Uchiha’s Sharingan or the Hyuga’s Byakugan so to fight with those specific clans would need concentration from Dengens part. A person with normal eyes can also distinguish the clones from the original, since the clones do not have shadows and will not disrupt the area around them. The will have movements that will not affect the world around them and that might make them extremely vulnerable to a highly trained shinobi who is analytical, he would figure thst out as soon as the technique is used. “The clone won't kick up dust, crush grass or even show a shadow?” This was certainly a dumbed down version of the Shadow Clone technique and Dengen felt more than confident that he could accomplish it because of his high mastery of the shadow clone technique.

Dengen clapped his hands as he made the clone hand sign. The Tsuchikage stood for a couple of secants before finally starting to look like he was trying to accomplish something. The clones began forcefully but almost none – willing to come out of the body or better yet multiply out of the body. Dengen was feeling that the technique was near completion and he felt this simply because he was getting almost the same feeling now as he does when using the Shadow Clone Technique. As the Rokudaime Tsuchikage, Dengen has no choice but to try and complete this jutsu with just one attempt. After all it is an Academy technique and if little kids can learn the jutsu then the Tsuchikage can definitely learn it as well. Dengen didn’t feel like stopping until he created his first ever none – shadow Clone. Dengen was pushing himself to the limit and he would have never thought that he could do it with such a basic technique but this was just proof to how complicated this E – Rank technique really is. A lot of people have failed in the academy because of that jutsu, being unable to perform it when finals come will surely keep you left behind. Dengen then started creating the clone and just like everything he has ever studied about the technique, it had all of the characteristic. Dengen stood with five clones surrounding him and as he walked towards one of them he then decided to reach out and touch one although his hands went through again. It was amazing, the technique was learned, all Dengen needed now was a strategy to go with the clone technique and Dengen decided to spend this time trying to create that strategy. Sanrokus plan is to perfect the clone technique.

4Awaiting Trinity Pt.4 {Jutsu} Empty Re: Awaiting Trinity Pt.4 {Jutsu} Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:15 pm



After the training of the clone technique and the learning of a few jutsus that Dengen feels is going to be more then effective in the battlefield he decided to try and learn the transformation technique. The second of the two academy school techniques that Dengen was yet to know is now a primary priority of the Rokudaime Tsuchikage. Dengen has structured his jutsu list to fit him in order to give him a strategic advantage. The transformation technique is a technique that deserves all the focus in the world and thus Dengen gave it just that. He sat right where he stood and he began to meditate and think about the basis to the transformation technique. Dengen while in his meditative state began to think about the philosophy behind the transformation technique, of course the science of the jutsu is nearly undefinable but the philosophy gives the technique truth and thus existence. When you transform into another being, the “real” become none – existence. Dengen began to get more in touch with the truth, knowing that nothing is truly certain and that the body is as much “not here as it is here.” This philosophy made him realize that colors, shapes, sizes and weights of objects can change in the matter of time or even means to change, and by knowing that the body is both here and not, Dengen now knows the truth about consciousness and matter. The Tsuchikage realized that consciousness and matter are both interwoven and connected through the means of free will. The Rokudaime’s free will is the only tool he has in order to help him use and learn this jutsu.

As he meditated Dengen began to try and transform himself into the thing he was most familiar with, the great Monkey Prince Ema. Dengen has seem Ema and been his partner for over 25 years. The Tsuchikage knows Ema’s appearance all the way to all the small details. Dengen focused with everything he got towards all the atoms in his body. He was consciously trying to change the make – up of who he is by changing the nature of his being. This may have been a simple technique taught to those younger then adults in the academy, but still this technique proves to be one of the most complicated in the shinobi world. While sitting down meditating Dengen began to glow. It wasn’t an average glow but one that could possibly blind someone. This was the effect of his cells multiplying and dividing with itself in order to create a new self image. Because this was the first time ever used, the transformation technique had a peculiar effect as it lit up the area where Dengen sat. When finally calmed down Dengen couldn’t see for himself if the technique has worked but when he looked down at his hand he got to see the reality of the matter. The Rokudaime Tsuchikage had a hairy arm and it was very well the arm of the Monkey Prince Ema. The technique became a success and the training ended up becoming priceless.

Hiding Like a Mole Technique C-Rank
Clone Technique E-Rank
Transformation Technique E-Rank

Words Needed 2000 Words Used 2271
250 Ryo in possession 250 Ryo jutsu training cost equals 0 Ryo left.

E-Ranks are now free so 100 Ryo is back in my savings

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