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1The Kagem Restored Empty The Kagem Restored Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:56 pm



Apparently that clan mod over there who's name starts with an 'I' thinks I edited my already approved clan. It's 'kay though. No harm done~

Last edited by Arthir on Thu Jun 22, 2017 5:49 am; edited 71 times in total (Reason for editing : Tired.)

2The Kagem Restored Empty Re: The Kagem Restored Wed Apr 05, 2017 3:44 pm



With it kept in mind that "learning" any Curse Mark, as well as "forgetting" a Cursed Art both need to be documented in the Jutsu Registry.....

The Kagem Restored LdT8u2N

3The Kagem Restored Empty Re: The Kagem Restored Fri Jun 09, 2017 9:35 pm



Hiya! I'm Issei, I'm a clan jr. mod and I'm gonna be the one helping you remod this~

I’m confused by what you mean by the +1 raising “max rank” if it doesn’t affect the rank that can be used, the damage, or the interaction. Please explain this a little differently for me.

Starting with two cursed mark jutsu is ok, but they will take up two slots from the member’s free starter jutsu. (i.e. they may take their two cursed mark jutsu at D-Rank, then take 2 more D-Rank starters and one C-Rank starter. They may not take their two cursed mark jutsu, in addition to their four free D-Ranks, in addition to one C-Rank.)

Imprinting shouldn’t be allowed, as that can be considered transfer of KKG, which is against the rules. Medical Ninjutsu is mentioned in the second form of the seal, so if that is the case, I would like that this be added under specializations. Furthermore, it is a seal, so it is undeniably fuuinjutsu and that should be added under specializations as well. Just having “-” under specialty on the jutsu is incorrect and it should be changed to Fuuinjutsu | Medical Ninjutsu.

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