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1The Endless Dunes [Repeatable/Solo] Empty The Endless Dunes [Repeatable/Solo] Fri Jun 30, 2017 1:20 am



Mission Details:

All you have to do for this mission is mark landmarks and their distance in relation to either the village or other landmarks; no cartographical skills required!

The desert was, actually kinda cool. Of course it was cool when you traveled at night. Piles of sand didn’t hold heat the same way other landscapes did, it was literally the two extremes of temperature here, hot or cold. While he couldn’t do too much about the heat one could always prepared for the cold. Besides his usual jacket and umbrella, a giant empty sack, he also has a thick leather cloak to shield him.

Why was he randomly outside in the desert during the night hours anyway? Well, it had honestly been a while since he got any action, he started to feel left out in the village. I mean when you live somewhat isolated from everyone, it’s hard to make friends. Then again it also might have something to do with his distrust of the ‘Hidden Village of the Sand’, though we’ll get to that topic a bit later.

His official business was a simple cartographic mission. This desert is massive and even the natives aren’t completely aware on what’s here. Though the real reason he decided to task this specific mission because his brother asked him to. His instructions were clear. “If we could end up here then chances are something else from the home world got washed up here as well.” When you combine this with the mission, he was asking for Kisei to keep a look out on anything resembling chakra tech. It shouldn’t be too hard. The technology from home world was leagues ahead of what could be found here so it tends to look out of place. Example 1: Most umbrellas didn’t have a gun handle on them, nor were nearly completely made of metal. And positively none of them shot explosive rounds of chakra. This should be easy.

Kisei looked around the darkened dunes. Currently he was evaluating the areas east of the Sunagakure and so far not much has been found. There was a small oasis about half a kilometer from the village. Though it looks like it’s close to drying up. On the map he drew a vague depiction of a pond and pal tree. He had just finished the latest discovery, a mid-sized temple ruin with depictions of bipedal cats with wings. From what he could understand about from the markings on the walls, the world was once ruled by cats, though the maps didn’t line up at all with the modern ones. Idly he wondered whether the destruction of his world had also affected other space-time continuities as he went about his mission. He did succeed in taking a strange glowing red orb from the temple for examination. This time he marked down the temple, which wasn’t that far from the pond actually, with one of the winged cat statues, and a question mark next to it. Indeed a mystery.

He made slow progress through the desert despite his best intentions the sand kept shifting, displacing and grip he hand and causing him to lose about two feet of distance. Every, freaking, time, he climbed up a dune. So he stuck to using the ridges between the sand hills, he sighed in relief when it worked. But his relief was short lived when he stubbed his toe on a familiar black object, “Another black bar?” He remembered seeing one of these in that giant scorpion from before. Wordlessly he stuffed the bar in the bag, right next to the red orb, before moving on.

Cave formations were not uncommon in the Land of Wind however they were the perfect hiding place for bandits and such peoples. From a decent distance away he could see massive split in the earth. Not too big, about as thick as the walls around the Sunagakure, and half as long. There were carved out stairs leading down into far off caves down below, people were here before. While he definitely wanted to check the caves an investigative team would be more effective than him. He quickly marked down the crevice on his map before tracing his steps back to the village. On the way he wondered about the curiosities in his bag and that cat temple. 'More mysteries for later' he thought to himself.

742/600 words (142 words leftover)

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