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1Art of Gaming [Open/NK] Empty Art of Gaming [Open/NK] Thu May 18, 2017 5:04 pm




Jutsus, stealth tactics, mission protocol, training, this was everything his days consisted of. Kurai's mind stumbled through the dark to find a time where this was not the case. Of course he still has his poetry, spirituality, and music, but there was something else that was more resembling of a bright youth. His bright and blinging days at the arcade. He gained plenty of finger dexterity from music but his arcade days were just as much worthy of the credit. There was a game that fit his fighting style and personality so well, so much that it inspired many of his jutsu. Boulder smash! A game that called for precisely hitting the right spot on the boulder numerous times as the location continuously changed until it was obliterated. The high score remained his until he became a Chuunin. Since then, he did not know where he was in the rankings. But he wanted to know. There was also so many interesting characters at the arcade, from children to young adults. He wondered as he wandered there who he would bump into.

Stories from his friends kept announcing themselves. He remembered one friend met his girlfriend there, another found a spiritual leader using video games as a way to minister to the youth, a few even found language exchange partners. It was truly a mixed bag, and a place guaranteed to bring lights and action. Kurai was not terribly interested in all the bells and whistles, only a brief gander at his place in the rankings, but Kurai being so competitive, he wondered if he could retake his crown. Without practice, was it feasible, or was it just a matter of will. if the latter was all that was needed, the top spot was surely his, unless there was someone more tenacious than him. Someone more tenacious than me... that would be the day I obtain the Mangekyou Sharingan from the trauma that would inflict on my self esteem.

WC: 329

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