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1Muh Goats (2) [D-Rank Priority] Empty Muh Goats (2) [D-Rank Priority] Sat May 06, 2017 11:05 pm



"Why are you even here?":

Arthir, along with a guide ninja from Iwagakure, made it to the second goat’s location. They knew of the goat’s whereabouts when asking the kid with the bandage. Apparently, on the way to get the grappling hook for the first goat, he spotted another escaping the farm and heading for a different mountain.

Surprisingly, at least to Arthir, the second goat did the exact same thing the first had done. It was relaxing, chowing down on some mountain herbs. The ledge it had chosen to relax on too was impossible to reach without a tool. Luckily, the Iwagakure ninja decided to take the grappling hook with them from the first goat.

Arthir moved out of the way as the ninja spun the hook around, launching it up to the left side of the goat’s ledge. On the first try, it clung onto something. The ninja guide tugged at the grappling hook’s rope a couple times, making sure it was secure. Then, he offered the rope to Arthir, who only stared.

Shouldn’t-…?” he looked away, scratching his head. “Shouldn’t you be getting a bit of the money also? I mean, you’re doing most of the work.

True,” the guide ninja nodded, “but I’m not the one getting the goat. That’s usually the hard part.

Arthir looked at the guide.

They usually run away from people. But, if it’s anything like the first goat, this one will be glad to see you.

Arthir shrugged, tilting his head to the side as he did. He moved the red hair that happened to be draped in front of his pink eyes, trying to see the goat from where he stood. Unfortunately, he could not. Having faith in the guide’s intuition, he began climbing the grappling hook. As he was climbing, he saw white fur above rise. The goat must have stood up for some reason. As the red-haired man climbed further, the goat…came closer to the edge Arthir was approaching. Right when the young man’s head rose to the point where the goat could see it, it immediately licked the right side of his face. Arthir groaned and leaned his face away, thick globs of saliva mixed with a hint of green running sluggishly down his face. Bits of herbs were left to cling where they were as the globs traveled.

Grooooss!” Arthir said, almost tempted to let go of the rope just to brush the saliva away.
He wasn’t too overly pleased with this…show of affection, but he was at least thankful the saliva had a minty plant-like scent. Arthir looked at the goat as it wagged its tail. Could goats…really do that? Arthir just figured it was dogs and cats that could wag their tail. Though, he gave it some thought, realizing that would be silly. Most animals had tails, and surly they could wag them. Afterwards, Arthir tossed these thoughts aside for later, deciding to talk to the goat.
Come on if you’re coming-

Before he could finish his sentence, the goat pretty much tried to climb onto his head. Arthir grunted, grabbing the goat gently and handing it to the Iwa guide ninja below. He hadn’t noticed they climbed the rope after him, but was glad they decided to.

Now down from the rope, Arthir wiped his face free of the herbal saliva. The guide ninja had informed the Senju that he’d be waiting back at the mission outpost with his pay, and along an offer.

Offer?” Arthir asked. Just as he finished wiping the goat saliva away, he noticed that they…were gone. Arthir decided to head for the mission outpost, and then towards home to wipe his face. On the bright side, he was definitely going to be able to eat tonight.


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