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1Starting A Huge Plot Empty Starting A Huge Plot Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:54 am



Hello and welcome. . . .

I will be starting a new huge plot for Tsuneo which includes creating a new small group called "The Five Nations' Special Task Force." Or "TFN: STF." This group is assigned missions by the five nations(RP wise, however, I will be the one creating the missions.) Of course no mission will be a crime-mission. Some may be undercover or secret. I will also be the one paying for extra rewards upon completion of such missions. The STF will suffer betrayals, attacks, and many threads will be kill-enabled while indulging a pre-made NPCs making fights more realistic those NPC will be controlled by me. Killing or capturing said NPCs will result in rewards I am paying for. Conflict between comrades and such will also be indulged. Basically corruption, manipulation, and under-handed tricks will occur . It's up to how your character is to react to situations. However, being a plot for Tsuneo it will center around Tsuneo, however, you can still create certain events and private moments or even with other members if you feel the desire to do so. All I ask if you will use this squad in your plot is that you tell me what you plan to do so I can make sure it does not defy the group's agenda, reputation, or mission as a whole.

Prepare yourself!

I welcome all. Precisely, I do not care what the nature of your character  is, its purposes, or even its shady business.(In fact to an extent if your character is in some shady business do indulge the group. Remember it's up to you to do so or not.)


C-RANK + All C3 Stats.(ADVISED: B-Rank)
At least 1 Jutsu above your rank or two equal to your rank(ADVISED: BOTH)


The missions will be death-enabled. While you will face opponents of equal ranks I suggest  being in top shape. Remember, yes... There is risk, however, there's also something equivalent to reward you. Extra rewards are all from me.

Note: Not locked to any location, but you do need to meet Tsuneo IC.

2Starting A Huge Plot Empty Re: Starting A Huge Plot Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:48 pm



How many people are going to be in the group. And how late can we join? I'm very interested but I am only about to become C-rank so it will take me a while.

3Starting A Huge Plot Empty Re: Starting A Huge Plot Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:30 am



There is no time limit. However, the plot will begin as soon as their are five members including me. 

Any new members will have to be introduced formally in a thread.

4Starting A Huge Plot Empty Re: Starting A Huge Plot Sat Jan 28, 2017 7:41 am

Raishi Kanetsu

Raishi Kanetsu

so could threads be used for training? or just mission word counts?

5Starting A Huge Plot Empty Re: Starting A Huge Plot Sat Jan 28, 2017 8:49 am



Assuming they're turned in like missions that count towards rank-ups, and only the bonuses are paid by Tsuneo, it would stand to reason that they can't be used for WC too. Well, except for any extra, of course.

6Starting A Huge Plot Empty Re: Starting A Huge Plot Sun Jan 29, 2017 2:41 pm



As Ano said.

For example a mission that pays 100 ryo will pay 150 or even 200 ryo depending on the difficulty. You will receive the normal amount from the mission and I will pay the extra reward. Those are the official missions. Some missions will not be official and thus to not count towards your mission count but the reward will be there and in this case you can use the wc you created, otherwise, follow standard mission rules. I will need someone to help me design such missions.

Another thing is. Remember the corruption is more than welcomed. The end of the group has already been dictated. It will be torn away from the inside the prize goes to whoever takes the role of the biggest traitor.

7Starting A Huge Plot Empty Re: Starting A Huge Plot Fri Feb 03, 2017 12:00 am



I'll be making missions.

...can I get a little money for creating them? q~q

8Starting A Huge Plot Empty Re: Starting A Huge Plot Mon Feb 06, 2017 8:33 am



Ano wrote:I'll be making missions.

...can I get a little money for creating them? q~q

Of course

9Starting A Huge Plot Empty Re: Starting A Huge Plot Mon Feb 06, 2017 1:11 pm



Who exactly are the "Five Nations" as a body? I'm assuming you're not referring to the actual elemental shinobi nations since the logistics behind that aren't under your control.

10Starting A Huge Plot Empty Re: Starting A Huge Plot Fri Mar 31, 2017 9:39 am



Bokuden wrote:Who exactly are the "Five Nations" as a body? I'm assuming you're not referring to the actual elemental shinobi nations since the logistics behind that aren't under your control.
I apologize for the confusion. It is a group created to serve and protect the five nations, not created by the five nations.

11Starting A Huge Plot Empty Re: Starting A Huge Plot Fri Apr 28, 2017 10:09 pm




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