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1Yo Fellows Empty Yo Fellows Thu Apr 20, 2017 3:21 am

Mori Moriko

Mori Moriko

To be honest I just want the 10 Ryo, it's not a lot but I'm a money grubbing fool. Anyways never been on this site before so, Hello all. Call me Mori if you want to, or develop your own nickname, I don't mind. Hope to have a fun experience with you all and roleplay with was many different people as possible.

2Yo Fellows Empty Re: Yo Fellows Thu Apr 20, 2017 3:29 am

Ningyou Aoi

Ningyou Aoi

Welcome to the site, my fellow money grubber! <3 Glad to have you here.~

3Yo Fellows Empty Re: Yo Fellows Thu Apr 20, 2017 3:34 am

Mori Moriko

Mori Moriko

Thank you, Money is important always, but it seems especially so here!

4Yo Fellows Empty Re: Yo Fellows Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:43 am



Welcome to Saga Money Mori Moriko~ If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask either here, in the c-box, or via PM! I look forwards to seeing you around and yes, money is important.

5Yo Fellows Empty Re: Yo Fellows Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:55 am

Mori Moriko

Mori Moriko

Thank you Oh Kazekage-sama. I'd thought about joining your village but alas I really liked the Momoichi clan. And I'm so excited to get started that I decided to start pre-typing my stat training out so I can be at least D rank in everything since the Guide and Guideline page said it was free until D-0. I'll be sure to pester you all with questions, naturally inquisitive soul and all that. I just felt I should ready everything first and then ask questions after, rather than wast anyone's time with something I could have researched myself.

6Yo Fellows Empty Re: Yo Fellows Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:30 am



Hey Mori, welcome to the site! Hope to see you around!

7Yo Fellows Empty Re: Yo Fellows Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:35 am



Welcome welcome

8Yo Fellows Empty Re: Yo Fellows Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:49 am

Mori Moriko

Mori Moriko

Hello Kuno and Sye again, you Suna people sure are active in the early morning.

Thank you for your massive amount of help in the chat box, Sye and Midori.

9Yo Fellows Empty Re: Yo Fellows Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:05 am



Hello Mori welcome to the site! Thanks for the ryo~

10Yo Fellows Empty Re: Yo Fellows Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:10 am



Not a problem, it's what we do here!

11Yo Fellows Empty Re: Yo Fellows Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:15 am

Mori Moriko

Mori Moriko

Hey Lilith if I can get you guys a small bit of ryo then I feel honored since its so little compared to how much help you've all been this morning.

12Yo Fellows Empty Re: Yo Fellows Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:38 pm



Welcome to Saga! I am also a new member, and I really, really love it here :)

13Yo Fellows Empty Re: Yo Fellows Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:43 pm

Raishi Kanetsu

Raishi Kanetsu


14Yo Fellows Empty Re: Yo Fellows Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:44 pm

Kaiji Kyudoka

Kaiji Kyudoka

Hello, Mori~! Hope your experience on Saga is wonderful c:

15Yo Fellows Empty Re: Yo Fellows Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:53 pm

Mori Moriko

Mori Moriko

Me too! Hopefully I can find a chance to travel to Konoha and role play with all of you as well!

16Yo Fellows Empty Re: Yo Fellows Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:04 pm

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Welcome! Make sure to stop by Kumogakure and see the sights. :D

17Yo Fellows Empty Re: Yo Fellows Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:08 pm

Mori Moriko

Mori Moriko

Obvi because Kumo is life

18Yo Fellows Empty Re: Yo Fellows Fri Apr 21, 2017 10:11 pm

Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

Ah, I think we all love that little bit of ryo every now and again! 

Because I don't think I welcomed you before... WELCOME TO SAGA!!!!!!! Hopefully, we can get some social threads done together sometime. And, there is a chance there will be some lovely name puns and awesome nicknames for you too! :D

19Yo Fellows Empty Re: Yo Fellows Fri Apr 21, 2017 10:12 pm



I know I've said this before, but welcome to the site and if you have any questions feel free to let Maigo know (or me, but you should bug him more because it's funny).

20Yo Fellows Empty Re: Yo Fellows Tue Apr 25, 2017 3:55 pm



Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time!

21Yo Fellows Empty Re: Yo Fellows Mon May 22, 2017 3:12 pm



Welcome to the site Mori I'm Buri Nice too meet you.

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