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1Shinko Akemi [Stats] Empty Shinko Akemi [Stats] Sat May 27, 2017 5:17 am

Shinko Akemi

Shinko Akemi

• Strength E-2 • Speed E-2 • Endurance E-2 • Perception E-2 (+1) • Reaction E-2  •

Positive SC: Ace Eye (+1 Perception)
This individual has incredibly sharp eyes. Due to this, they can hit moving targets, react to situations faster by visual cues, and are all-around better at pointing things out, the equivalent of someone one rank higher. In addition, they can pick out minute details that those without this characteristic would overlook, allowing them to find flaws in Genjutsu or detect traps easier than they would otherwise be able to.

Negative SC: Fatigue
This individual becomes easily fatigued after short periods of physical exertion. They cannot endure long periods of extensive activity without tiring quickly, and the individual often sleeps for longer periods of time afterwards.

Last edited by Shinko Akemi on Wed Aug 09, 2017 4:43 pm; edited 3 times in total

2Shinko Akemi [Stats] Empty Re: Shinko Akemi [Stats] Sun Jul 02, 2017 8:28 am

Shinko Akemi

Shinko Akemi

[x] Perception E -> E-1

[x] Strength, Speed, Endurance, Reaction: E -> E-1
300/300 words (75 x 4)
[x] All stats: E-1 -> E-2
750/750 words (150 x 5)

No ryo cost.

3Shinko Akemi [Stats] Empty Re: Shinko Akemi [Stats] Wed Aug 09, 2017 12:02 am



Shinko Akemi wrote:[x] Perception E -> E-1

[x] Strength, Speed, Endurance, Reaction: E -> E-1
300/300 words (75 x 4)
[x] All stats: E-1 -> E-2
750/750 words (150 x 5)

No ryo cost.

Approved see administration for stat change

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