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Usually, Umeko can tell how her day is going to be from the very beginning.
How? Mostly due to the fact she plans them carefully the night before. She's an organized person who likes to know what they should be doing at any part of the day.
The girl likes to pick her clothes beforehand, and place them beside her bed so she won't need to look for them. There's also a journal she keeps, that helps her with time management.

This morning was different.
Stuff were messy— too messy. The clothes she picked were on the floor, as if a person broke into her house. The windows also held her gaze for a couple of moments, they made her wonder if she left them open - which she was sure she didn't. Maybe someone got inside through them? 
“Probably just the wind..?” the Ouroboro spoke to herself, almost as if a question was being asked. She wasn't a heavy-sleeper - so she hoped she had nothing to worry about. If someone was here, she would've noticed.
It took her a few more moments to fully believe there was no one in her house, and then, the girl simply went to start her daily morning routine. Brushing her teeth, changing her attire, arranging her bed - all of the usual actions one who lives alone has to go through.

She decided to wear a royal-blue colored skirt, with two white strips at its left side, the shirt she wore was greyish, that leaned towards the color white. As usual, her headband was tied like a bow to her head - the way it felt most comfortable. She was almost fully prepared, just.. One more thing!
Lollipops, duh.
The first was taken out of its wrapper practically only a moment after Umeko departed her home, and the two others were placed in her backpouch - where she kept her kunai and shuriken. Once the candy was popped inside Umeko's mouth, she began walking off.

The sight of the tall tree that stood at the middle of a bridge lured her already from yesterday, the girl didn't have the time to stay there yesterday - but today she did. There was an odd urge that bloomed within her body to go there once more— a feeling she couldn't resist. It wasn't usual for Umeko to spend her time loitering like this, but, some days were just odd like that. The teen's body acted on its own, as if it wasn't the brain who was operating it anymore.

“It could turn out good,” is what she told herself last night. “Maybe something big is supposed to happen there, maybe a famous shinobi is supposed to walk there tomorrow.”
Twenty minutes passed before she got there, considering there was no rush to be there this early, it was fine.

. . .

Oh. There was really no rush. Last night this place was more... Crowded, to say the least. There were people around! Some were just crossing the bridge, and not staying here, but hey - that's what bridges are for. Now? There was absolutely no one here but Umeko herself! Maybe she was too early? It was only nine AM, after all.
.. Or perhaps she was too late. Maybe the person she felt she was supposed to meet passed here last night?
No. The teen can't let herself give up this easily - there's a reason she needed to be here today, she can feel it. She took a seat on one of the wood benches, allowing her pale eyes to drift aside towards the view that was offered from this height. There were houses around, and some stores, yet none of them seemed relevant to her.
Nonetheless, the teen had to pass her time somehow, and the best way she could do it was to observe the surrounding view.

It's only a matter of time before some sannin, or a kage would pass here. And she would be there to welcome them!

Wordcount: 677.

Kaiji Kyudoka

Kaiji Kyudoka

Kaiji Kyudoka whistled quietly as he drifted through the Hidden Leaf, and whereas he would usually talk to himself, he was disdaining from doing so as it tended to draw way too much attention. So, the sixteen year old strolled in near silence, nary a purpose to his venture. He had been doing a lot of thinking as of late, about the whole mystery surrounding Sachiko, about achieving the next stage of the Takamegan, and about his new friend Nayoko Nozara, among other things. It was while lost in thought that the pink-haired archer unintentionally wandered into an area of the village that he was presently unfamiliar with. The charade of of not talking to himself dropped immediately. "Huh..." he pondered, "I don't recognize this place, but then again the village is pretty big, so it makes sense that there are some parts I don't know about." Kaiji shrugged, shoulders unusually stiff. "I should get some training in soon, can't let myself waste away over personal matters." In this unknown section of the village, there were a couple buildings here and there, most likely shops and some houses. A bridge with a tree that sat smack dab in the center of the area drew Kaiji's eye , and a set of wooden benches were placed nearby, giving him a sort of 'park' vibe. "I have been walking for quite a while. Hmph," he tutted, "A little sit-down wouldn't hurt."

The benches were grouped together overlooking the bridge, and as Kaiji approached them to have a seat, he noticed that another person had had the same idea. It was a woman as far as he could tell, with jet black locks of hair longer than Kaiji's. Her ensemble consisted of a light-grey shirt and a blue skirt, accented with white stripes along each side. Drawing closer, a Konohagakure headband stood out, tied about her head like a bow. A fellow shinobi, he thought to himself. His serendipitous meeting with Nayoko instantly came to mind. Should I... say something? The choice of whether or not to speak brought about pangs of anxiety. Shaking slightly, Kaiji Kyudoka took a seat on an adjacent bench, staring forward, petty fear in his heart. M-maybe she just wants to be left alone..? And certainly, he did sense an aura of cold about the woman. Attempting to inconspicuously glance at her, but not being one for nonchalance, Kaiji found himself staring intently at the raven-haired woman. What he realized was that he couldn't tear his gaze away. She's going to notice sooner or later, he fretted in the confines of his mind. It's now or never...

"H-hello," he stuttered, voice doing more shaking than the leaves on the trees whenever the wind blew them about. "The weather's n-nice, don't you think?" Kaiji paused momentarily to gauge a reply, before continuing on. "I love the weather here. W-wait, that makes it sound like I'm a tourist or something, heheh," his signature nervous laugh. "I'm Kaiji. Kaiji Kyudoka, a shinobi like y-you, or maybe not like you, I-I don't want to assume."

This conversation was playing out about as well as a train wreck.

WC: 548



By now, Umeko finished her first lollipop, and another candy found its way through her lips in no time. This one was blueberries-taste, her favorite!
The empty benches neighboring her own bench were the only thing she could call company for quite some time, and there were signs of boredom building across her pale visage - it certainly doesn't mean the teen looked bad, she just... Looked a tad tired, nothing more.
“I wish I brought a bottle of water with me,” A thought was mused outloud by her; a complaint, to be precise. 
The Person taking a seat on a bench nearby Umeko's doesn't go unnoticed— not at all. The first moment Umeko catches him in the corner of her gaze, she rises to an abrupt stand.

“You!” the teenager exploded with excitement. She even pointed at the boy, which could've been seen as a rude gesture by anyone who wasn't... Well, Umeko. She never cared about being rude.
 From simply standing there, far from the feminine looking boy, Umeko began pacing— almost as if she was in a rush, like he might try to escape.
I knew you would arrive,” she mumbled, only partly for him. Yes, yes. I could feel it!” - A reassurance of some sorts was given along with a confident nod.

“I must say, though,” she began, and stopped for a short pause. One might think she was considering her words— but with how rude she was, that option seemed very unlikely. “A sannin with pink hair? Who is this short? I've never heard of such a sannin— T-The weather?” Umeko questioned his statement, with her brow raised.
“What does the weather have to do with this? Is that some kind of a code?” Another question, it seems. She wasn't a fan of stopping once she started speaking.

For once, the girl lets him speak without interrupting. He introduces himself, and her face simply remains stagnant.
Or does it? 

Like the clan she belongs to, Umeko too, was a snake. Not literally— but in some ways, there were little to no differences between the raven-haired girl, and the slithering creature. She was just as capable of hiding her emotions and thoughts from her expression, a talent she had prior to becoming a shinobi.
 She was craving information, wanting to know just how right she was about this mystery, famous shinobi. For someone as calculated as Umeko, it was odd to assume she didn't think of the possibility the man in front of her was a mere, simple shinobi. Like her.

“The name is Umeko, Umeko of the Ouroboros clan - a daughter to the Hebi family line,” she confessed with a bow of her head. “I guess I can agree regarding the weather, Kaiji of the Kyudoka clan.”
There was an urge she couldn't resist that made her remain formal when talking to a person she still, assumed to be an important shinobi. 
“Although I do prefer cold weather, Konohagakure's weather is quite fine for my taste as well.”
There was only a single moment she let her eyes drop from the boy's figure, and it was only while the seat beside him on the wooden bench was claimed by her. 
.. As formal as Umeko could sound, she wasn't going to ask for permission for that kind of thing. Or anything else, probably. 
“So? What are you doing here, sir Kaiji? Are you on the way to start some secret mission? .. Is it a dangerous one? Care if I join? I may be a genin, but I am more than capable!”

One could only hope Umeko wouldn't be too disappointed to find out the person who is sitting beside her isn't an actual famous, or an important shinobi.

Wordcount: 638.
Total wordcount: 1315.

Kaiji Kyudoka

Kaiji Kyudoka

The archer's eyes widened comically to the size of dinner plates as he experienced the unabashed verbal assault coming from the stranger he'd encountered mere moments ago. "Wha-wha-wha-what!?" he stumbled over his words. "S-Sannin? M-me? No. No, absolutely not. I'm j-just Kaiji Kyudoka." Kaiji was feeling a hodgepodge slew of emotions ranging from shock to fear. "Umeko-san, was it? L-let's set the record straight. Y-you've got the wrong guy, no doubt. I'm only a Genin. I d-didn't even know the village still had Sannin." Before the boy was able to assess the situation further, he realized that he was no longer sitting on the bench and had stood in his confusion. "S-sorry for my, well, I guess it was sort of an outburst. Your, um, claims may have overwhelmed me a tad bit. But I scare easily, s-so don't worry about it, heh." Kaiji returned to a seated position and crossed one leg over the other, breathing slightly easier as he hoped that the situation had been diffused. Despite hoping to the best of his abilities, these particular hopes were dashed against the rocks like a shipwrecked vessel meeting its end. In the blink of an eye, while the pink-haired sixteen year old was in the middle of adjusting his glasses, the girl named Umeko left her bench of origin and haphazardly plopped down right next to him. Another eye-popping, jaw-dropping situation to add to the already interesting series of events on this day.

"U-umm, Umeko-san?"

She was staring directly into his eyes, expression and body-language foreign and unreadable to Kaiji, being mostly unfamiliar with human interactions, and even further unfamiliar with those of the female persuasion. A rivulet of sweat swam down his forehead and into the corner of one of his eyes, and although it stung, he was strangely mesmerized by Umeko's gaze. Her excited string of words, never missing a beat, barely registered with him. She was like a... a snake, hypnotic glare lulling him into submission. Seconds, minutes, then hours seemed to pass while he sat trapped like doomed prey under the raven-haired woman's spell. In reality, the exchange was closer to instantaneous. As if he'd never fell for the black-magic allure at all, Kaiji shook his head side to side and he was free--for the time being.

"You... huh? Secret... dangerous... a mission?" he questioned with a genuine lack of understanding. Umeko was proving to be a difficult one to follow. Kaiji was truly unsure if he could keep up. "A-as I said, I'm a Genin as well, and nothing special I might add. Just... a regular, no, a below-average shinobi drifting in the wind like that leaf right there," and he raised his arm, index-finger stuck out towards a leaf shimmying in the gentle breeze. "I've no doubt that you're capable though, eheh," he giggled, though his expression quickly switched from one of laughter to one of anxiousness. "I, I didn't mean for that to sound weird, h-honest!" Kaiji put his head in his hands and stared down at his boot-clad feet. "I'm so bad at first impressions..." he murmured woefully. "Clearly I'm not the amazing person you were expecting here today..." The Kyudoka looked back up at Umeko, politeness overcoming melancholy. "I-I'll leave, if I'm not up to your standards..."

Up above, the sun was shining with not a cloud in sight. It was a beautiful day in the Village Hidden in the Leaves. Down below, Kaiji Kyudoka was on the verge of tears. His mood was unaffected by the beauty of the day.

WC: 637
TWC: 1185

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