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1Awaiting Trinity {SSC-Training} Empty Awaiting Trinity {SSC-Training} Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:40 pm



Dengen body flickered away from the team mostly just to get ahead. By appearing a lot more than 15 meters away and still running as he landed, Dengen was practically invisible to the genins eyes and he was definitely going to make it to the top before them so the Rokudaime Tsuchikage decided to train a new technique he has never seen preformed but he has seen the jutsu archived in the village library. Dengen, knowing that water is an element that he wishes to perfect he needed to train it while climbing the mountain but Dengen knew that strength will come in strategy and techniques. The Shuriken Shadow Clone technique is a perfect jutsu to base strategies around. Team Alpha is already going on this trip harder than what it needs to be as they have strict orders to not only train but learn a combination technique before reaching the top of the mountain. Luckily this is the Tsuchikage soul training area and he knows all the shortcuts and odd paths in the mountain. Dengen was heading towards the lake where he has trained a lot before in order to modify his water elemental ninjutsu. The Tsuchikage was relieved to get to the cave – like entrance to go into the lake. While running in, Dengen began to think about naming the lake.

“Hmm. How about Itami Lake? No. Not to creative. How about M & M Lake? The “M & M” of course stands for the Master Mountain because this is the largest mountain in Iwagakure. Still the answer is no, that name wouldn’t do much good.” As Dengen got closer to the lake he began to remember his last training, the Ninjutsu Morning Star training. The first visual image Dengen got in his mind was the circus of bright lights that the chakra let out and reflected upon all surfaces within the area. The bright lights bouncing of the waves in the lake made the light dance and almost look like a diamond being rotated in front of light. “Crystal Lake. That is going to be that name of this lake. That’s a brilliant name.” As soon as the thought ended on the name of the lake Dengen reached his destination. As he removed his shinobi sandals he infused the soul of his feet with chakra in order to walk on the lake as if he was walking on air. As Dengen began to slowly walk to center of the lake he began to manipulate the chakra in his chakra pathway system around him in order to get a better field of his own energy. There was no specific reason to why Dengen made the tenketsu vibrate but he was clearly doing it at will. Dengen began talking about chakra control and manipulation under his breath. Repeating the fact that if he controlled chakra to its finite potential, as if it was an extension of his hand then Dengen will certainly be an impacting force for Iwagakure’s defensive system, exactly what the Tsuchikage should be. When Dengen got to the center of the lake he closed his eyes as he began to focus more energy around his body. As Dengen began releasing more chakra, the expansion effect kicked in with the energy around him. Dengen began letting out so much energy that the water in which he stood on began to flow in the opposite direction to Dengen as the force was pushing it vigorously so. Dengen looked to have been lighting up the whole area with his chakra and that wasn’t easy as he was beginning to sweat as well.

Last edited by Dengen on Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:02 am; edited 5 times in total

2Awaiting Trinity {SSC-Training} Empty Re: Awaiting Trinity {SSC-Training} Mon Dec 10, 2012 8:42 pm



Dengen was too focused on himself to notice the impact he was having on the lake. The Rokudaime Tsuchikage is new to the Ninjutsu fighting style so techniques of a high level are not impossible to learn but still it is a little more complicated than it would be for someone that has Ninjutsu as their primary fighting style. Dengen only had one Shuriken, so he needed this jutsu in order to make himself more abundant in the weapon section. Dengen got intrigued by the wide range and special use of the Shuriken Shadow Clone technique, and that is why he wishes to make that technique his own. The Tsuchikahe knows that there are powerful shinobis in the world and he has bared witness to a few, and this technique Dengen was positive is what he needed in order to have for the very least a slight upper hand. The technique is both spontaneous and efficient as any other technique of its rank and difficulty. When Dengen opened his eyes he seen the energy he was spilling out into the material world from within his body. He began to wonder about the chakra he is releasing and then he went on to reach inside of his jacket where he kept the one and only shuriken he possessed at thne moment. When Dengen reached inside of his pocket he noticed that the energy decreased a little.

“Focus is needed?” Dengen knew that meditation was huge when it came to learning your true potential but when he noticed that small reduction in chakra he had another epiphany. “The shadow clone technique was done with extreme concentration, so much that in order for me to create a shadow clone I need to first create a moment a blank thinking.” Dengen realized the true potential of the number zero, “Maybe if you want it too bad it is almost as not wanting it at all.” It is a complicated little theory he had and the only way that he could apply it to the technique now is if he tossed the shuriken without him wanting too and use the technique with little to no will at all, well the will would be there but it won’t be to succeed nor to fail but just to be. Dengen wanted to follow this philosophy of just “letting go” but the philosophy won’t work now since he knows he wants to throw it. Dengen caught himself in a Pandora’s Box type of effect where it was impossible for him to “do something without him wanting to do it.” Then without warning or thought Dengen tossed the shuriken up into the air and Dengen then began waving hand sign in order to create the shadow clone effect. This was done as he wished but the shuriken did not multiply and instead got thrown awfully high up and so high that Dengen lost track to where the damn mili weapon went. Dengen then began to look up while squinting noticed that the sun was in his eyes and with a glimmer of light almost blinding him he knew that was the shuriken torpedoing down. Dengen dodged his own attack by a fraction of a secant and how pathetic that would have been for him to kill himself in the middle of his training. This could have ended up bad. When Dengen dove to dodge the attack the energy in the soul of his feet disappeared as he dove straight into the water. “Guess I have some work to do. I wonder how they did it before, it’s harder then it looks to multiply a moving object.”

3Awaiting Trinity {SSC-Training} Empty Re: Awaiting Trinity {SSC-Training} Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:20 pm



Dengen got a little pissed to see the Shuriken fall into the water, knowing that the Shuriken is made out of metal it will certainly sink down and hit the rocks in the bottom of the lake if he doesn’t go and stop it soon. The Tsuchikage then dove straight into the lake and like a fish began to swim towards the sinking shuriken. Dengen never really liked swimming so it was barely done but yet swimming in this lake almost felt right for him. All was going right as Dengen got closer to the shuriken and when he reached out to grab it, the shuriken looked to be moving away from the Tsuchikages reach but only till the very last secant. Dengen caught the falling shuriken with the tips of two of his fingers and as he turned around to swim back he felt again the comfortableness of the lake. Dengen was floating in the water looking near life – less looking straight up into the surface of the lake and out towards the sky. Dengen thought about the technique and how complicated of a technique it is. Dengen has only tried but that one time to attempt this jutsu but that was enough for him to realize its complication. The reason Dengen was so good at the shadow clone technique was because…. well he didn’t even know why or how he got to learn the technique. Of course he remembers the day he was taught it but to tell you the truth the Clone technique of Dengen is so common to him that it is second nature. The he thinks that maybe the only reason he was good in the first place is because it is easy to split yourself from within. Then he repeated that word in his mind, “Within?”

Dengen couldn’t say it but he definitely showed it as he summoned a shadow clone to his side. Creating the clone hand seal Dengen yelled and made a shadow clone appear on his side holding his arm and already beginning to spin. The Tsuchikage is going to use the shadow clone to whip him towards the surface of the lake while under water and the technique was going through smoothly. As the shadow clone released Dengen, Dengen looked like a rocket the way he was torpedoing towards the outside world. But Dengen didn’t summon the shadow clone just for that, he wanted to experience again this “separation from within” that he was thinking about while creating a clown and his experimentation proved to be worthy of the testing. By getting the feel of the splitting energy within Dengen realized that he doesn’t need to clone the shurikens as the shurikens also share that cloning energy from within. It is the shuriken doing the cloning, Dengen is just going to be the transfer of the technique so that the material can understand and communicate with its separate pieces. The science of it all was becoming clearer and with that the learning of the technique was sure to become easier.

4Awaiting Trinity {SSC-Training} Empty Re: Awaiting Trinity {SSC-Training} Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:01 am



Dengen knew exactly what to do and as he shot out and up from the lake he prepared mentally for the technique. Dengen knew that the technique needed to be done with a collective consciousness to it. It can’t be Dengen forcing the shuriken to multiply but the shuriken itself needs to want to multiply. This may have been crazy to hear but Dengen believed this with all of his might and he began to view the Shuriken as its own separate soulful entity. As the Tsuchikage came down, he landed on the lake with one knee down on the ground. The Shuriken Dengen held was in the palm of his hand and he was trying to “be one” with the weapon in modern term. The Tsuchikage closed his eyes as he took a deep breath, he began to think about the “it not him slitting the shuriken but the shuriken multiplying itself” theory. This may be crazy thinking but Dengen needed to put his energy on making the shuriken want to split itself instead of focusing energy on splitting it and creating more shuriken.

Dengen cocked his hand back with the Shuriken ready to be thrown and as Dengen swings his hands forward he began repeating to himself in thought that the shuriken is going to do the work and he is just going to guide it. When the shuriken was tossed Dengen made sure not to aim it up either since that almost backfired only to stab him in the head, and Dengen thought that if he was to succeed then it isn’t the wisest idea to throw a thousand shurikens right on top of you. The Rokudaime Tsuchikage whipped the shuriken straight ahead and towards the entrance where he came. After tossing the shuriken Dengen began creating hand seals. Dengens hands made the Ram – Rat – Bird – Boar – Tiger hand seals and as soon as he made the Tiger hand seal he proceeded to yell out the name of the technique in attempt to pour more will into the attempt. “Shuriken Shadow Clone!” When the name was finished the shuriken began appearing in different areas like small projections and then they started hitting the walls. The projections began to turn solid as the sound of one thousand shurikens hit the cave walls. Done, was the technique.

Learning the Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique A-Rank
Words Needed 2000 Words Used 2008
Possess 1000 Ryo minus jutsu expense (250) equals 750 Ryo

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