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1Akarari Clan Empty Akarari Clan Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:36 pm

Blades Akarari

Blades Akarari

Symbol:Akarari Clan RSiAQZk

Akarari Clan FAHfQ33
Clan Name: Akarari Clan
Location: Scattered - 散在
Specialization: Any
Elements: Any

Akarari Clan HhU72Pp
Clan History: The story of this clan is not an eventful one. However, despite this, it turns out to be fascinating; there was once a young man named Orphinosis, born in an unnamed village, which was born with mutated chakra reserves. The mutation made the life energy overflow out of his body, and the more chakra he had, the more powerful he’d become; and when he lost chakra, he’d become weaker, until he simply couldn’t keep up. Due to this, he became known as a master of chakra conservation, making sure his reserves never deteriorated, all the while his abilities being more potent than most.

When it came time for nature to run its course, he met a young, respected shinobi by the name of Sandra Ikeba, a medical jutsu expert of the time. She saved him many a time, as despite his cautious nature with chakra, he was still a bit of a hardhead, unintentionally wasting chakra when in battle. A year after their meeting, they would get married, eventually having offspring, and starting a clan of his own due to the unique nature of their chakra; their bloodline would continue the prosperity of the clan he made, perfecting their craft until it came completely naturally to anyone born in their loving arms. They even considered partnering up with Konoha, as a scuffle with another unknown force threatened to destroy them.

However, all good things must come to an end; a generation before now, an inner circle of the clan decided they wanted to remain independent as a clan, and with absurd thoughts in mind, wanted to become its own country. It was completely impossible for such a thing to happen, but of course, they tried anyway! The leader of this union, Drake Akarari, would go on to massacre most of the clan with his miniature army, including his own wife, though a few of the families managed to escape to a few nearby countries, before the ANBU of Konoha were sent to eliminate the rogue force. Thankfully, anyone that survived were not hunted down, as groups that fled to Konoha explained what happened, and the Hokage gracefully gave them a second chance, so long as it never happened again.

Members: Orphinosis
Drake Akarari
Blades Akarari

Akarari Clan Y4syLuV
Kekkei Genkai Name: Overflow Shine (Ōbāfurō kagayaki - オーバーフロー輝き)
Kekkei Genkai Description: Due to their mutated chakra reserves leaking out excess chakra, member of this clan don the “Overflow Shine”, increasing their overall capabilities the more chakra they have. With each boost in chakra, comes a different buff, due to having more active chakra.

  • While a member of this clan has 100 or more chakra, they gain a passive +1 tier to their speed.
  • While a member of this clan has 150 or more chakra, they retain the previous buffs, however also gain a passive +1m increase to the range of any jutsu (0.5m if in a radius technique).
  • While a member of this clan has 200 or more chakra, they retain the previous buffs, however also gain a passive +2m/s increase to the speed of any jutsu.
  • While a member of this clan has 300 or more chakra, they retain the previous buffs, as well as a passive aura of intense chakra activity that deals minor second degree burns to those touching the skin of the Akarari. This aura is visible in the form of sparks of chakra that seem to emnate from the users body.


Limited Variety: Members of the Akarari clan have intense chakra, however, this is not to say their chakra is diverse in. nature. Akarari clan members do not have the ability to learn a quaternary element

Violent Chakra: Due to their unnatural chakra nature, members of the Akarari are more prone to damage if they do not release their chakra consistently. While in combat, after first activating a jutsu, every post they do not activate another jutsu that uses chakra, members of the clan suffer minor first degree burns across their body, as well as a -1 tier to their reaction time. These effects do not stack.

Chakra Fatigue: While at less than 100 chakra, members of the Akarari clan suffer a -1 to perception, as the crackling of their chakra dampens their hearing, and their vision begins to blur a bit more than their usual ability to see would cause.

Disclaimer: This clan was created by me, and Midori.

Last edited by Blades Akarari on Mon Apr 17, 2017 4:52 pm; edited 3 times in total

2Akarari Clan Empty Re: Akarari Clan Mon Apr 17, 2017 2:20 pm



I like the sort of 'defeatist' ability here, decreasing in power exponentially as they tire out.

Drawbacks first:

The "Violent Chakra" really is quite active for SC. I suggest it just being a clan drawback besides. (Perhaps state that they have to place it somewhere such as at the top of their Jutsu Registry and List.)
That said, does 'use' mean 'activate', or does it also count for such a thing as continuing the use of an extended-duration technique?

100 chakra as a threshold for your third drawback starts out as something fairly considerable, but becomes more and more of a non-issue as you progress. Depending on your answer to the above, this may be less of an issue.

I have no problem with any of your benefits save for the final one; is this a visible effect?

That said, the rest (+1 speed, +1m range/.5m radius, and +2m/s speed) are minuscule enough buffs to non-damaging aspects to jutsu that they oughtn't be considered overpowered in any form. Along with your drawback, it's a flavorful way to boost yourself.

3Akarari Clan Empty Re: Akarari Clan Mon Apr 17, 2017 3:43 pm



Ah, nerts. Just one more thing: Does the -1 to Reaction Time stack for each post they do not use another jutsu? Do the burns worsen by degree?

Otherwise, looking good!

4Akarari Clan Empty Re: Akarari Clan Mon Apr 17, 2017 5:22 pm



Akarari Clan LdT8u2N

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