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1Khalid Empty Khalid Sun Apr 09, 2017 2:48 pm



Khalid 24e373dadc14198ab9431231b2a4fcd4

Khalid FAHfQ33

Clan Name: Khalid

Location: Sungakure


  • Medical Ninjutsu (Required Primary) - Nephthys Blessing

  • Genjutsu (Required Primary) - Thoth's Wisdom

Elements: -

Khalid HhU72Pp

Clan History:

Khalid Defffe518a780740c5375909d273bff5

Not much is known about the Khalid as they are relatively ‘new’ to the shinobi world. Originally, as it was said by the elderly, they were once a powerful tribe, conquerors of empires and akin to the gods. Their powers and abilities were like no other. They call it the blessing of their gods, magic they said when it was actually another force, chakra. It served them well and brought them riches beyond compare. Life was pleasant in the outer world and things couldn't have been more peaceful. That was until their gods fought and the Empire invaded.

The conflict brought their people into disarray and a civil war erupted from the flames of chaos.There are no records concerning what happened during those events but it is common knowledge they were brutal considering how small the clan was when it came to the Elemental Nations some 500 or so years ago after their homeland was destroyed and taken by a foreign empire. For the next few years the clan simply wandered and only interfered in shinobi matters when is was absolutely necessary but overall it was peaceful. That is until 15 years ago when Jahi, Kaius rose to power and became the Clan Head.

While normally this position didn't have much weight concerning them, Kaius sought to 'fix' this issue. During his time he had almost all the Elderly executed and the children brought under a strict training regimen as he set up a main base in the Wind Country, deeper into the desert than Suna was. He believed in only two things, perfection and power. Any and all who dared to go over his word were severely punished and tortured until ultimately they died. There were but few uprisings as it was made clear that Kaius was no simple opponent. This sadly went unnoticed by the Kazekages since a curse mark similar to the one used by the famed Danzo Shimura for his ROOT, placed on them prevented them from revealing any information lest they be killed. However upon one of the heir's apparent death, the eldest sibling took arms against him. It was a swift but devastating battle set in a hidden plains between Kaze no Kuni and Kaminari no Kuni. Many were lost on both sides but the eldest son won, killing his tyrannical father or so it has been said....

The eldest son did not have time to grieve for a he was now the new clan head and had to bring his people together lest they allow themselves to fall into ruin. So the young, weak clan head with only his knowledge as his weapon, took his people to Suna where he asked to join and to give sanctuary for the clan in exchange for their prowess. Thankfully they were accepted however not trusted. Not much was known about the nomadic clan and this were the first time one of them had ever joined a village. Hence the council was ecstatic to bring a powerful yet mysterious clan under their control. But they were also weary. To this day the clan built their compound into the farthest reaches of the village and create the equal of their own district that was about an 1/8 of Sunagakure. The Khalid rarely were seen out of their district and it were even more rare to see an outsider allowed in. Only members of the council or high ranking clan heads are ever allowed in on most occasions. This form of self alienation led to many unsavory rumors about the clan and a sense of distrust in its members. But the feelings were mutual. The Khalid did not care about outsiders, but rather to rebuild. At least most of them. Even now there is a chance for another civil war to break out as plenty of those still clung to the former head's ways and did not want to follow a teenage clan head. Even after a 1 year since the Khalid came to Suna and Jahi, Ahzek became the head, a sense of uneasiness filled the air. Only the gods can predict what will happen to them.

Six Branches of the Khalid:

  • Shemu, meaning the season of harvest: Represents War, their role is to cause Chaos on the battlefield

  • Akh, means Soul: Represents Order, their role is to make sure the laws are followed

  • Neferty, means Prophet: Represents the Daut. their role is to essentially act as the heads of spirituality

  • Djet, meaning Eternity: Represents Earth, their role is to grow the mind and body

  • Cataract, meaning Waterfall: Represents Life, their role is to look after the clan, typically being medial ninja and herbalist

  • Ankh, meaning House of Life: Represents Magic, their role is to teach others and reach their full potential

The Khalid are divided into Six Branches for each house, to identify which branch a member comes from, they will have a tattoo or symbol etched into their skin or clothing with the color of their house in the form of the clan symbol. You are either born into a branch be it from whichever parent you take the most from or you can change branches once you have been recognized as an adult in the clan and forge your own path. Each Branch plays a significant role in the clan for their survival. Branches are allowed to all play for the seat of clan head and make up members of the council.

Branch Head NPCs:

  • Shemu: Hamset, Nefer

  • Akh: Ishaq, Aymn

  • Neferty: Hossam, Kassis

  • Djet: Ahmad, Toma

  • Cataract: Abasi, Isa

  • Ankh: Louai, Desire

*For more insight on the direction of the clan as well as more history, npcs, and clan story arcs concerning branches, their heads, the head of the clan, and the story, see the clan creator for more details*


  • Current Clan Head: Jahi, Ahzek

  • Second Heir: Jahi, Nau

  • Former Clan Head: Jahi, Kaius - The Bloody Moon

Khalid Y4syLuV

Kekkei Genkai Name: The Gift: Nephthys' Blessing or Thoth's Wisdom

Kekkei Genkai Description:

+Nephthys' Blessing+

Those who follow this path can invoke the power of the Goddess receive a 20% deduction when training medical ninjutsu (jutsu) and being the more passive aggressive they gain a +1 tier to perception and reaction time. They can start with 4 elements with start at D-rank. They can use medical ninjutsu of one rank higher.

+Thoth's Wisdom+

Those who follow this path can invoke the power of the God Thoth and use his powers however they see fit. They also receive a 20% deduction when training genjutsu (jutsu) due to their dedication and genes and as these are the fiercer of the paths they gain a +1 tier to speed and strength. This side can start with 4 specializations that start at D-rank. They can use genjutsu one rank higher.

Clan Handsigns:


+Nephthys' Blessing+

While Nephthys powers are a blessing they are also a curse. They start with one specialization upon starting, learn their second at B-rank and cannot learn a third. The second specialization can only be trained up to S-rank. Also -1 tier to speed and strength as well as suffering 20% wc increase for training specializations. Offensive Genjutsu is +1 in power.

+Thoth's Wisdom+

Knowledge is power and with power comes corruption. They start with one element upon starting, learn their second at B-rank and cannot learn a third. Also -1 tier to perception and reaction time as well as suffering 20% wc increase for training elements. Offensive Medical Ninjutsu is +1 in power.

Additional Info:

  • Cannot take Agile, Reflexes, Mighty, Ace Eye, or Quick leaner.

  • Those who take the Genjutsu path are unable to take Medical Ninjutsu and Vice Versa

  • -10 to chakra pool

  • Cannot take Hesitant (Element) or Hesitant (Specialization)

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