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1Sweets, Juice, FOOD! (Izayoi/NK) Empty Sweets, Juice, FOOD! (Izayoi/NK) Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:37 pm



And 28 made the final errand of today. I could hardly move anymore. So much for helping my mother out and doing a few favors. I guess it was a bit foolish of me to work all day, and without a break at that. In the end, it was more of my stupid decisions that landed me as sore feeling and tired. I got up from the bench I had been resting on and began to walk around, hoping that I could treat myself to something in a store or cafe. Speak of the devil and he shall appear. I looked at the door of the cafe, and my curiosity shot up like a sick person's temperature. There was an outdoor and indoor area to the shop, giving a choice to whoever was around and ready to eat something. I opened the small gate and closed it behind me as I went up to one of the outdoor seats. I sat down and almost instantly, a waiter came up to me and presented me with a menu.

"Thank you," I squeaked, taking the menu and opening it as he ran off to take care of other people. I began to scroll through it, wondering just what I did want at the moment. My mouth actually began to water as I looked at the options, and with the prices actually being civilized, I couldn't believe my luck. I knew what I wanted, and I had more than enough ryo to get it. I closed the menu and placed it on the small table, waiting patiently for a waiter to come and take my order. I'd have to take another mission soon, and getting home by the time I could watch the sun go down would be my last few hours of peace before the next tedious day of favors. The same man from before took my menu and held out a notepad.

"So what would you like?" the man asked.

"A medium Vanilla smoothie with chocolate chip cookies," I replied. "Thank you."

He went off into the building and I began to wait again. I looked at my katana, sighing softly as I thought of wielding it just once more in the forest. At least my first mission wasn't a tragic disaster. But it also could have been so much better. I pulled out my purse and began to dig through it. It was enough for the small treat, and probably more if I wanted to get some for home. But with the amount of people sitting and waiting, I'd have to occupy myself with something. I took a book from my pouch and started to read it. Medical Strategies 101 was a guilty pleasure but I couldn't help myself, boredom would be inevitable. If only I actually bothered with making friends in the academy, maybe I could find some other than my mom to talk with. I sighed softly. Am I just that antisocial looking? I thought friendly, gentle colors were more appealing to everyone. Or maybe I didn't read that book on the human mind correctly. Whatever scenario it was, I prepared myself for a lonely session of eating.


2Sweets, Juice, FOOD! (Izayoi/NK) Empty Re: Sweets, Juice, FOOD! (Izayoi/NK) Wed Dec 28, 2016 3:06 pm

Izayoi H

Izayoi H

Sunlight, rays of heat beating down on the cobbled streets of Konohagakure. It was winter, yet still it was an abnormally warm day, enough that one could mistake it for the land of wind. The wind was stale, and among it all, a lone Hyuuga walked down the streets. Clad in a blue and white kimono, the patterns of which reminiscent of clouds, scattered around and parting vaguely. The wooden soles of his shoes clacked quietly with slow, methodical steps. Black hair tied back neatly in a long ponytail that trailed perfectly behind his back, it swayed with the stale breeze as he progressed through the streets. Grey eyes scanned out, zipping between details back and forth. Yet the grey of his eyes was soft, gentle. His facial expression in a state of bliss, like someone that just picked up a penny. This was the happy go lucky kid, Izayoi Hyuuga. And as a bead of sweat trickled down his head from the heat, he decided to take a turn into one of the many local refreshment and eating places.

Ducking into the nearest café, the Hyuuga felt in the pouch at his side. He had remembered to pick up his ryo. With a nod, he looked around, his Konohagakure forehead protector tight on his forehead. It was relatively busy. Not too busy, but, enough that he could… Get people to know him. A benign, rather bland but happy smile crept across his face as he walked towards the nearest waiter. “Excuse me sir, can I please have a menu before I sit down? So, you know, I can choose if I want to stay or not.” Without pausing for the odd, short Hyuuga, the waiter simply took a menu from a nearby counter, placing it delicately in the hand of Izayoi. “Thank you!” he replied with a respectful bow, before deciding to peruse the locale, and figure out where to sit. He hummed to himself, eyes focused on nothing and nobody in particular. Of course, he could choose to sit alone. But that would do no good for his personal reputation, the idea of building up public image. He needed people to know Izayoi, and sitting alone would not do. So! Who to pester, and learn more about? A couple was seated at a table, however they were clearly busy being interested in each other. An old man in the corner, yet that wouldn’t work. Being old, it was likely the man would not remember Izayoi if he introduced himself, and thus it would prove a waste of time.

Finally, the light grey of the Byakkugan looked upon an individual reading a book. He couldn’t yet tell what the book was, but, that would simply offer more ways of which to introduce oneself, via the emotion and nature of curiosity. Keeping up his grin, menu in hand, Izayoi made his way to the table where she was seated, exiting the café to the outdoor seating area, and standing awkwardly at the side for a moment. Coughing slightly to allow the person to become aware of his presence, Izayoi then proceeded to speak up properly. “Greetings! I hope you don’t mind me asking, but, um, well, would it be possible for me to sit with you? It’s rather boring sitting alone, and well, it’s nice to get to know fellow members of the leaf village!” he declared, bowing in an attempt to be respectful.


3Sweets, Juice, FOOD! (Izayoi/NK) Empty Re: Sweets, Juice, FOOD! (Izayoi/NK) Sun Jan 08, 2017 3:29 pm



I pulled my book down slightly to meet the owner of this voice. A young male with a Konohagakure forehead protector strapped onto his head and infamously featureless eyes. Judging by a lack of jacket and how he was built, the teen was likely not even a chunin. A Hyuga genin perhaps? He was oddly pale, and his features made him look like a female rather than a male, yet the voice and a few minor hints of his clothing gave that factor away. He looked far from threatening, and he seemed more like a cheerful fellow rather than a person ready to harm others, not to mention the fact that he looked tired. Who could blame him? Today was a hot day and who'd want to run around doing random tasks? Oh, wait. I put the book down gently, as I thought of what to say, and my mouth almost spoke before my brain started translating the situation.

"I-I was expecting to sit down by myself, b-but I suppose you can join me," I said softly, gesturing towards the seat across from me. He was oddly formal about the whole thing, going as far as to bow. The last thing I wanted was to seem stuck up, so I changed my posture to something a bit more friendly, placing a content smile onto my face. I didn't know much about the Hyuga clan, so perhaps getting to learn about this fellow would prove informative? I opened my pouch and stuffed in the book, so I wouldn't come off as rude to this person. And it'd probably be bad if I didn't at least try to keep eye contact with him. Already, I had millions of questions that were just waiting to be asked. What was his name? Was he born in Konoha? Was he only part Hyuga? The number of question accumulated as I stared at him, interested in learning as much as I could about him. Perhaps, we could even become friends and go on missions? But, then again, it'd have to depend on this whole conversation, and she'd have to try and make it go smoothly for anyone of her ideas to work out.

"Um, my name's Kazeyama Ashiko, and I suppose you are a member of the Hyuga clan, correct?" I chirped in question. I had given a bit of my information and was simply asking for a piece of his information in a trade. Yet something felt, wrong. I felt like there was a warning hidden underneath that smile, but I wouldn't press any further on the silly idea. If anything, this guy didn't look like he could kick a dog, even if it was trying to murder him and bite his butt off. I reinforced my smile a bit more, hoping I wouldn't seem too awkward. When he'd answer back my question, I'd simply fire off with another.

"So, what do you wanna order? I'm getting a smoothie and cookies," I'd say, staring at him with my purple eyes, letting them nudge him into the question with a little pressure.

4Sweets, Juice, FOOD! (Izayoi/NK) Empty Re: Sweets, Juice, FOOD! (Izayoi/NK) Mon Jan 09, 2017 7:24 pm

Izayoi H

Izayoi H

Izayoi continued his soft smile as the stranger gave him permission to sit with them, taking cue and placing himself at the gestured location. Despite the seeming attention he was receiving from this person, he resumed his gentle demeanour, and flipped the menu he was holding open, scanning the pages intently, and scanning for something to eat, or more importantly, drink. Boring, bland. None of it interested him, none of it held appeal. Yet he had a façade to uphold, and a personality to portray, so, shrugging to himself, Izayoi concluded on what he would have, just in time to hear the words coming from the other end of the table. Of course, for but the brief moment he was an idiot and forgot entirely that he was in company. Pausing to sigh quietly, Izayoi took note of the person’s name, setting the menu down on the table, laid flat against the surface.

A light sigh escaped his lips as he let the girl’s question hang in the air but a moment, waiting an appropriate amount of time before giving his apt response. “Ah, yes, how rude of me to forget my manners. I should have been the one to introduce myself first, since, you know, I’m the one invading your space.” He laughed, slowly easing out of the formal tone and behaviour into a more relaxed, comfortable act. “My name is Izayoi, and you got it right, if the eyes say anything about me, it’s that I’m of the Hyuga! I’m not super far in my training, but, well, as Konohagakure shinobi, we all start somewhere, right? Oh, assuming you’re a shinobi as well. I could be entirely wrong about that, in which case I’m sorry! Look at me ramble on, aha!” he laughed once more, turning his head to the side and chuckling quietly to himself before turning back once more to face the book person.

Ah! Yes! Ordering! I think I’ll have myself some strawberry juice! The sweet flavour is quite delicious!” he grinned, before nodding to himself. “I shall go place my order, as I assume you have made yours already. Please, excuse me one moment.” He bowed his head slightly, shuffling off the seat and excusing himself from the table to make his way towards the staff member he had seen before. After a brief exchange where he placed his order, Izayoi practically skipped his way back to the table, sliding his way into the table back to where he was seated. “Ah! Okay, there we go! All ordered up and ready!” he replied, grinning cheerfully. Ah, how pleasant this all was. “So! Kazeyama Ashiko, if you don’t mind me being very nosy, when I came over, I saw you were reading a book? I personally love books, so, um, well! Would you mind telling me a bit about the book you’re reading? Of course, you don’t have to! I am merely being a terribly curious soul! It’s like a curse, it really is!” he grew giddy at his own joke, expression remaining cheerful, and seemingly chuffed at the littlest things in life. Oh if only this were his reality, but alas, at least he could act.

532 + 574 = 1106

5Sweets, Juice, FOOD! (Izayoi/NK) Empty Re: Sweets, Juice, FOOD! (Izayoi/NK) Thu Jan 19, 2017 6:01 pm



The answer was rather pleasing. Not only did he confirm his status in the clan, but he also mentioned his name, which didn't appear as a lie. Apparently, he was a genin would had only recently graduated, unlike me. I had genin for quite a while, and honestly, I think I need to head back to training, he actually looks like he trains. And while I probably already know about the best ways to train, perhaps he knew better methods? He was a Hyuga after all, and they knew the optimal exercises for physical strength. But he seemed to have a way of adjusting his speecg to a question, and with a small sigh, pulled my katana out of its sheath just a tad bit and pushed my hip a bit closer to his sight, hoping it wouldn't appear too hostile of an action. "I am indeed a kunoichi, though just a genin," I sighed softly, leaning onto my arm.

He began to go on about what he wanted to order, and I listened patiently, and waited quietly as he ran off to make his order. Something felt just a bit out of order, and it may have been that just a bit too easy to get along with attitude. I shook away my thoughts away again, it must be normal for people to smile randomly and for no reason, right? You see it all the time in a cartoon, optimistic people. And even more commonly in people deemed insane. He appeared back in front of me in what felt like record time, chirping out a little ice breaker.

It was going to be rather peaceful. But the mention of my book made me a bit shy. Among many things, I highly doubted that he wanted to listen. Medical Ninjutsu wasn’t the most popular thing in the world last time I checked, but I supposed he wanted to listen, and how was I going to just deny him?

Well, it was about some strategies on Medical Ninjutsu, such as ideals places to begin an incision,” I chuckled nervously, trying to hide a growing blush. “I was just learning the best way to heat another person’s temperature. I thought that fire or even a heat pack would help, but then I began to realize, it may come down to the situation of using body heat, and that’s just a bit awkward.

"But I guess it makes sense. If you were going to have to choose between eating a rat or a human in a jail cell, most would pick the rat, mostly due to the moral issues or the preference of taste," I sighed. "So if your friend was dying of hyperthermia, most would try their hardest to sacrifice their own heat for the survival of their friend. It's in human nature for many of us, and even some of the coldest people may want to help a person in need, no matter what pain the victim has caused."

Last edited by Ashiko on Mon Jan 23, 2017 6:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

6Sweets, Juice, FOOD! (Izayoi/NK) Empty Re: Sweets, Juice, FOOD! (Izayoi/NK) Mon Jan 23, 2017 4:52 pm

Izayoi H

Izayoi H

The Hyuga listened intently, resting his chin against his hand and elbow on his leg, focusing on what the, now revealed to be a kunoichi, said. It seemed the book she was reading was on medical ninjutsu, a rather refined craft which he couldn’t say he was knowledgeable on. Still, listening to this medic ninja talk on the subject she was listening to was… Fascinating, and rather insightful into a few things. It was revealing to him, and so he simply nodded along, his smile temporarily gone into a, while still positive, more neutral disposition. Fascinating, simply fascinating. As she explained that fire was likely not the best way of warming an individual’s temperature, Izayoi chimed in quietly, only at the first moment of her pausing. “Yes, I can imagine. Fire isn’t exactly the most practical, controllable, nor safe method of heat, and heat packs are not the most reliable. Good information!

Then he fell silent once more, continuing to listen to her example of a rat or a human to eat. Izayoi agreed, although perhaps not for a reason that one would expect. A human can be commanded easily, a rat, however, would take a little more time. Thus if one of the two most be consumed, Izayoi would choose the one that was most useless to his whims. Not that he would be… Open, with this information. Still, as she finished, he would adjust his posture as one would expect someone interested to do, nodding slowly as he gathered his thoughts ready to speak. But what to say? Of course, flattery! “That’s good logic, and I one hundred percent agree. You sound like you really know your stuff, Ms. Kazeyama! If you don’t mind me asking, how long have you been studying the craft of medical ninjutsu?

He paused once more, allowing his own sentence to go through his head, before he laughed, shaking his hands quickly. “Oh, never mind! That’s maybe a bit of a personal question! My mistake, I’m very terribly sorry for being rude there!” Laughing, he rubbed the back of his neck, looking to the side for a moment as an idea crossed his mind. They both were leaf shinobi, no? Perhaps it best that he offer… Aid, to his fellow shinobi. He held a finger up, signifying his idea, and turned to face the person whose time he was invading with a presence, grinning. “Aha! I’ve got it! As a little payment for me pestering you when you were reading your book, I have a brilliant suggestion! You are a medical ninja, right? But, even as a medical ninja, you can not see that which the Byakkugan can see; the tenketsu. So, I have a brilliant idea that will help you, if you would like! So long as you promise to only use the information for healing, and for the better of helping those in need, I can teach you the location of the tenketsu within the body! I may not be a good ninja, but, I can at least use my clan’s gift! What do you say to this? From one leaf shinobi to another.

523 + 1106 = 1629

7Sweets, Juice, FOOD! (Izayoi/NK) Empty Re: Sweets, Juice, FOOD! (Izayoi/NK) Thu Mar 02, 2017 5:44 pm



I was surprised by his interest in my conversation, and he seemed to agree with most of the words that went out of my mouth. But the involvement was something that had far exceeded my first expectations upon seeing him for the first time. His compliments were also quite pleasing, and rather sweet. And the question he asked shortly afterward was a question that many asked, so it wasn’t too out of the ordinary. I quickly counted up all the years I had been a shinobi alone, then began to consider how long I had trained in the medical arts.

I’ve been training for about 11 years, the journey has been quite hard,” I responded with a smile. When he reprimanded himself about the ‘personal’ question, my smile faded into a slightly confused look. He appeared so casual, and yet a nagging feeling told me, he was being too hard on himself. But before I could even try to interrupt him, he suddenly broke out with words I’d never think I’d hear in my entire life. My entire face froze as my purple eyes shone in curiosity. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what his words meant. The great and powerful Hyūga secret, revealed to me? Of course, I'd use it for the greater good, but the mere knowledge of it made my stomach feel unsettled. It’d help with my career as a medical ninja, it could put my life in danger, it might let me become closer to this random stranger. But it could also lead to trouble. Quickly, I weighed my options, my heart racing. I let my face soften and smiled brightly; already thanking this fellow genin for his willingness to share such secretive information about his clan. Somehow thinking nothing of the situation, I began speaking.

Well, I suppose you're willing, and trust me, this will be quite helpful for me,” I chirped, closing my eyes into a content look, just as a waiter with a platter of food arrived. “But, I will really owe you one!

Just as I finished, the man who took  my order from before placed a plate and a glass in front of me. I nearly drooled at the sight of my food, but managed to hold back, though just barely. My eyes lit up as the man went back inside to fetch something else, and suddenly, my entire world was not focused on this food in front of me. But I was quickly reminded of Izayoi's presence, and all my manners came flooding back to me. Picking up a singular chocolate chip cookie, I held it out towards Izayoi calmly, smiling brightly as I expected him to take my small offer of food as he waited for his own small lunch.

"Y-you don't happen to be allergic to cookies. . . Right? I heard the food here is good so it'd be a shame if you couldn't at least enjoy some," I said, hoping he'd take it without any negative reaction. "I mean. . . You have had a cookie before, right?"

I hope he'd take my food.

OOC: I ship Izako because you told me I couldn't ship until I posted. Look what you've done.


8Sweets, Juice, FOOD! (Izayoi/NK) Empty Re: Sweets, Juice, FOOD! (Izayoi/NK) Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:01 pm

Izayoi H

Izayoi H

The information that she had been doing medical ninjutsu and medicinal practices for eleven years was fascinating to Izayoi, and further emphasised his idea that this person could be useful in the future. That was eleven years to stop bleeding after all, and eleven years to know how to heal wounds. Were Izayoi to go rogue in the future, or perhaps be in need of assistance with injuries, this person could be useful, and he was glad he made his offer. After all, Izayoi was being honest for once – he was sincerely prepared to explain the locations of the tenketsu and chakra pathways. For he had something to gain from doing so – knowledge of a medic who could heal his chakra were it to get damaged.

As he stated his intention to teach the girl about the Hyuga secrets, her face seemed startled and surprised, pausing in her speech and posture as she seemed conflicted and confused. It seemed the forward gesture had taken her off guard, giving Izayoi instantly a social upper hand in the situation. Still, as she smiled, the Hyuga could tell her response before she said it, the girl thanking Izayoi for the act and stating how useful it was, before saying those sweet, sweet words that were like music to his ears. A favour. She stated so blatantly, so innocently, that she owed him one, or at the very least will, and while his expression was unchanging, Izayoi was feeling utmost ecstasy.

Still, he turned and looked at the waiter as they arrived and placed the food and drink in front of the Ashiko girl, who seemed all at once overly pleased at such an arrival. He paid little attention as the man walked off, no doubt to get Izayoi’s order, or perhaps that of someone else, but to Izayoi’s surprise, the girl was now offering him a cookie. He made a look of surprise as she held out a cookie to him, and after she asked the questions and made the offer, Izayoi smiled, gently taking the cookie as he spoke. “I’ve not had them very often… Mother never used to like me having sweet things, for they were too unhealthy and not a part of a perfect diet. Sometimes when I was out with the other kids I’d sneak one out though… So, thank you very much!” he smiled, nodding, and biting in to the cookie, holding it with one hand, and covering his mouth with the other, clearly trying to hold up his sensibilities and manners while he ate, taking small, nimble bites, and leaving minimal crumbs from his slow eating pace. Shortly, the waiter returned, with the juice drink that Izayoi had ordered, and carefully, Izayoi set the rest of the cookie down on a napkin, taking a second napkin before humming, spreading it out like one would imagine a piece of paper. “I hate to be a bother, but, do you have a pencil? I want to write the details on a napkin, so that when you’ve read it, I can destroy the napkin… Safety in secrets and all that.” He nodded, before picking up the cookie to take another small bite, grinning. “This cookie is very tasty by the way, thank you.

543 + 1629 = 2172

9Sweets, Juice, FOOD! (Izayoi/NK) Empty Re: Sweets, Juice, FOOD! (Izayoi/NK) Tue Mar 14, 2017 2:08 pm



I chuckled softly at his response to the cookie. He was extremely polite while he snacked and seemed much more concerned about not making a mess than me. I picked up a cookie and began eating slowly as the waiter with Izayoi's food arrived. It was so good, chocolaty goodness in cookies. I almost forgot everyone else existed for a moment. But then the glass containing Izayoi's drink clicked on the table and I tore myself from my daydream.

"Thank you," I said when I noticed Izayoi hadn't said anything, watching the waiter go back inside. Even though Izayoi seemed to be polite, he seemed to be a bit shy with getting out there and being nice to some. I sighed softly as he spread out a napkin in front of him. I caught on quickly. He was going to write about it and destroy it after I had seen it. Note to self; Izayoi is smart and polite. He then began to tell me the reason behind his need for a pencil and reminded me that it was indeed a secret. He also mentioned his pleasure in eating the cookie, claiming it was indeed tasty. I couldn't agree anymore. With hesitance, I began looking through my pouch, remembering I had a pencil somewhere inside. I suddenly squeaked when I felt a shuriken stab my finger. I cursed under my breath as I pulled my hand out and looked at my now bleeding ring finger. "Wrong section. . ."

I looked at Izayoi as softly as I could muster, trying to reassure any concerns he could have.

"D-don't worry about this," I said grabbing a napkin from the dispenser and pressing it aganist my finger. I held the paper to my bleeding finger and reached into my pouch again, remembering the mistake from just seconds before. This time I was rewarded with a pencil. Excitedly, I pulled my hand out of my pouch again, grazing yet another shuriken. For f-

"I need a new pouch," I groaned as I placed the pencil onto his napkin. "I keep stabbing myself today."

I grabbed another napkin and looked at my now bleeding arm. But then again, why the heck didn't I just keep my pencil somewhere other than my weapon pouch?!

"I often talk all about how I may be a medical ninja. . .but I certainly lack the money to buy medical supplies. . .my apologies if this happens to be a surprise, but I often have issues with money," I sighed softly. "I can hardly afford to buy a new pouch and medical supplies, so it's just jutsu after jutsu with me. Thank the hospital for teaching me how to heal myself naturally however. Sorry if I'm babbling, but please, go ahead and write down what you need to." I paused for a minute. ". . .Excuse me if I'm being personal. . .but do you have any family here in Konoha? I have my mother and my father passed away when I was quite young, and he is most of my motivation for life. . .what are your motivations?"

I was being quite straight forward with my questions, hoping they wouldn't upset him in anyway. I kept the napkins plastered to my arm, awaiting an answer.

10Sweets, Juice, FOOD! (Izayoi/NK) Empty Re: Sweets, Juice, FOOD! (Izayoi/NK) Wed Mar 22, 2017 8:28 pm

Izayoi H

Izayoi H

Izayoi simply watched and waited as the girl began fumbling in her weapons pouch for a pencil. Yet, it seemed perhaps her attempt had failed, as soon the Hyuga boy watched as she yelped audibly, withdrawing her hand from her pouch, the ring finger seemingly bleeding. Still, she seemed to be determined to not allow the matter to ruin the moment it would seem, stating with a stutter for Izayoi not to worry. He wasn’t, but, he wouldn’t let her know that.

Instead, shortly after she got a napkin to hold to her finger, Izayoi watched her go back to trying to find a pencil, and while doing so, he would reach for a napkin himself. It seemed her second attempt was more successful, however still resulted in an injury, and Izayoi sighed, nodding slightly at her comment. He couldn’t imagine being consistently stabbed would be a positive. It was then that the girl spoke about her financial situation. She explained that she didn’t have the money for her medical supplies, and a weapons pouch with a decent sorting system. He nodded as she stated that he could begin writing, however instead, he would focus water chakra into the napkin, akin to how students would test to find their chakra nature, and dampening the napkin, before holding it out to the Kazeyama with a smile.

It was what she said next though, that perhaps struck a nerve, and Izayoi’s face dropped the instant the question was posed. Family. He sighed for a moment, pausing and allowing her to finish what she was saying before replying, and distracting himself by drawing the silhouette of a human quite basically, and emptily. Then, he gathered his thoughts, and spoke, voice more methodical than before. “My parents are dead. I do not have any siblings.” He stated it simply, allowing the words to hang in the air for a moment, before shrugging his shoulders, focusing chakra into his eyes to activate his byakkugan and look at the tenketsu and chakra networks of the people in the room, drawing and mapping out the areas roughly on the napkin drawing before continuing his reply. “My motivation? I will be honest, I don’t really know. I’m a part of the branch family, so, in a way I suppose my motivation is my destiny. To serve. To obey. To protect. Although outside of that, I know not. My life is little more than the fodder of the main family, and I am okay with that. It means my memory, and the trainings, of my parents, is not useless and without meaning. So, I suppose I wish to do what I can to aid my clan, and the world. To bring peace, and order, and safety…

He sighed, closing his eyes as he finished the drawing, sliding it and the pencil across the table to the genin. They weren’t perfectly accurate, the nature of the napkin meaning that too much detail would not work, and that too much pressure would rip the paper. However, it gave an impression of the most important locations, and at that, Izayoi simply waited, taking his juice and taking a sip. “Please let me know when you believe you have understood the information so that I can destroy the evidence. For clan safety reasons, as I have stated before.” He said with a nod, smiling before adding. “Not that I don’t trust you, but more, I don’t trust material knowledge to be kept as secrets.

581 + 2172 = 2753

Chakra: 140/150 (-10 chakra for C rank byakkugan) (was a genin at the start of this thread)

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