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1Kezumu. Empty Kezumu. Tue Feb 14, 2017 8:58 pm



Kezumu. BCJdXuJ

Kezumu. FAHfQ33
Clan Name: 削無 (lit. "to whittle away to nothing")
Location: Scattered. May not start in a village.
Specialization: Bukijutsu or Taijutsu.

Kezumu. HhU72Pp
Clan History:
Kezumu. Y4syLuV
Ability Name: Kezumu. 0eaYDT6 Umbral Curse (陰影罰半具, In'ei Bacchanbun; lit. "Cursed Umbral Tool")

Ability Description: Umbral Curse is not exactly a Kekkei Genkai, as it is not technically genetically passed down, nor is it even a Hiden because it's not taught. It is, rather, a power that manifests in certain people, a group of which happened to call themselves a clan.

The Kezumu, to sensor-types, have always had a particularly vile type of chakra signature. Even those in the upper echelons of the clan still have no idea how, particularly, the ability that underlies this trait functions. Only the basics of the 'why' are known: when a Kezumu's chakra makes contact with the chakra of another person that does not also possess this Kekkei Genkai, the other person's chakra becomes "corrupted".

The basic way in which this is described, in relation to a person, is that the victim's chakra is diluted even within the Chakra Pathway System by the Kezumu's own chakra, as well as its chakra signature being corroded and starting to match that of the Kezumu that "corrupted" them. This change is very persistent, and a chakra sensor can detect if someone has had their chakra corrupted, and also how long ago. Because of the change in chakra signature, the victim has trouble controlling their own chakra properly, because it doesn't feel like their chakra.

  • A technique carrying an Umbral Curse always will appear wicked, twisted, or have some telling difference from an identical technique. They also just 'feel wrong' to those within 15m. A Kezumu can choose not to apply their Umbral Curse if they so wish.


  • Umbral Curse affects the chakra pool of the victim. An Offensive technique, or a Supplementary technique that specifically states so, can Curse a target's chakra by making contact with them. Chakra affected by Umbral Curse cannot be used for the purposes of jutsu or chakra-activated abilities.

    Umbral Curse's restriction on the chakra pool lasts for 3 posts, but if another instance is applied by the same Kezumu before then, the count resets.

    If a person runs out of non-Cursed chakra, they do not go unconscious so long as their total chakra remains above 10.


    A Kezumu can sense when someone that they have Cursed is within 10m of them, but can't discern in which direction they are without moving, themselves; the detection range increases by 5m at B and S-rank. They can tell when they have gotten closer to or farther away from the Cursed individual by increments of 5m.


  • A Kezumu can only Curse the chakra of a person through expending their own chakra. The amount of chakra Cursed is directly proportional to the amount of chakra released by the Kezumu. The amount is always half of a used jutsu's chakra cost, rounded down to the nearest multiple of 5.

    Melee-range Bukijutsu and Taijutsu techniques that allow for (or expect) multiple hits can Curse a person once per hit, instead of once per jutsu. However, the total amount of chakra that is Cursed this way cannot exceed the total activation cost of the jutsu.

    In both instances, a technique that is blocked by a Defensive Jutsu cannot Curse a person's chakra, even if it connects afterwards.


  • The effect of Umbral Curse disappears from a ranged technique once it is 5m away from the Kezumu who cast it. At B-rank, this range increases to 10m. At S-rank, it increases to 15m. Umbral Curse cannot be applied to self-centered-AoE jutsu.

Because of the nature of their ability, Kezumu are potent close-range specialists befitting their occupations; even those not of the clan catch on and can train accordingly. They gain +1 to their Reaction Time stat as well as +1 Speed or Strength.


  • The ability to make others' chakra unusable has not left the Kezumu entirely unaffected. 20 of their chakra is always treated as Cursed,  and is thus unusable. Unlike normal victims, however, this does not prevent them from going unconscious, and it cannot be cleansed using the below method.


  • Once someone catches onto and correlates the effects and telling signs of Umbral Curse, they can begin to counteract it.

    By paying 10 chakra, a ninja can perform a method similar to Genjutsu Kai to clear their chakra system of the Kezumu's chakra, and regain all of their Cursed reserves. This increases to 15 when the Kezumu is A-rank. Unlike Kai, it can be used at-will so long as the ninja has chakra.

    This process requires hand seals no matter what specializations the person has.


  • Such a potently corrupt chakra is rooted in its composition, and is difficult to change. A Kezumu must take the "Hesitant (Specialization)" and "Hesitant (Element)" Negative Special Characteristics, and cannot balance them with positive ones.


  • A Kezumu's natural specialization is in assassinations. While they do gain some prowess in such areas, they also sacrifice 2 tiers of Endurance due to not being used to their targets fighting back. They also lose 1 tier of Strength or Speed, whichever one was not increased as above.


  • The Kezumu have a....history with the Five Great Nations. Joining them or allying with them is heavily frowned upon, due to a from-birth indoctrination. 10,000 words of interaction (2000 words of which may not be used for training) in which a prominent member of a Village (B-rank or higher) reconciles with the clan member is necessary in order to join said village. This WC can be split between threads, but at no less than 1000 words per thread.

    This is slightly less so for business-only transactions, where even 2000 words with a village Genin will do to allow a Kezumu the ability to ask the Kage for missions. (They cannot use 1000 of these words as training.) This is not required for Crime Missions.

    Even if one roleplays as not part of the main clan or even just a random person with this power, some event in the Kezumu's past or predisposition makes working with the large villages difficult. It's sort of the ill hand of fate working against these cursed people. (This may also apply for the below as well.)

  • Kezumu, due to their extensive, if unpleasant, history on the matter, have a deep distrust of the Mist. They may not ever join Kirigakure, or any village that is (to the Kezumu's knowledge) positively affiliated with them. Even getting them to work with a person from such a village is a tough task...

2Kezumu. Empty Re: Kezumu. Tue Mar 28, 2017 2:43 am



Okay, so I'm going to go ahead and say this off the bat. I have a couple of glaring issues with this.

-Spite is crazy powerful, like very high ranking jutsu kind of powerful, and therefore shouldn't simply be a part of the clan's KKG. That absolutely needs to be brought down or removed and made into a jutsu desperately (Ideally the second one.)

-Not being able to join Kiri isn't a drawback. It's interesting, but not a drawback.

-Having 20 cursed chakra at all times is fine enough, but if that is going to be the case, it cannot count towards the chakra that keeps you standing. It should be considered dead chakra and shouldn't count as a part of your chakra pool at all, and when you go below 10 regular chakra, you should still suffer chakra exhaustion.

Remove Spite, change the drawbacks up to make them actual drawbacks, and then I'll take another look.

3Kezumu. Empty Re: Kezumu. Tue Mar 28, 2017 2:54 am



Kezumu. Mitsuo%20Approved

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