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1Koyanagi, Kuni (Stats) Empty Koyanagi, Kuni (Stats) Fri Feb 03, 2017 5:47 pm




Reaction Time, E-0 to D-3
Speed, E-0 to E-2
Perception, E-0 to E-1

Speed, E-2 to D-3
Perception, E-1 to E-2
Strength, E-0 to E-1
Endurance, E-0 to E-1

2Koyanagi, Kuni (Stats) Empty Re: Koyanagi, Kuni (Stats) Sat Feb 04, 2017 12:32 am



For future reference, please make sure that you put the word counts that you need, as well as how many words go towards each thing in the post in this thread and into the last post of the thread where you do your training. That being said...

Kuni wrote:

Reaction Time, E-0 to D-3
Speed, E-0 to E-2
Perception, E-0 to E-1

Approved~ Feel free to request your ryo deduction and stat change in the admin requests thread.

Kuni wrote:

Speed, E-2 to D-3
Perception, E-1 to E-2
Strength, E-0 to E-1
Endurance, E-0 to E-1

This one you would need 2150 words in order to get all of the training you want done. If you would like dropping your perception training here would bring you down. Let me know how you want to edit it and I'll take a look again.

3Koyanagi, Kuni (Stats) Empty Re: Koyanagi, Kuni (Stats) Sat Feb 04, 2017 2:22 pm



Speed, E-2 to D-3 = 225 + 300 + 325 + 400 + 450 = 1700
Perception, E-1 to E-2 = 150
Strength, E-0 to E-1 = 75
Endurance, E-0 to E-1 = 75

The total should add up to 2000.

4Koyanagi, Kuni (Stats) Empty Re: Koyanagi, Kuni (Stats) Sat Feb 04, 2017 2:34 pm



Kuni wrote:Speed, E-2 to D-3 = 225 + 300 + 325 + 400 + 450 = 1700
Perception, E-1 to E-2 = 150
Strength, E-0 to E-1 = 75
Endurance, E-0 to E-1 = 75

The total should add up to 2000.

You know, I added it up like 3 times and kept getting my answer assuming I had to be wrong. I must have added E1 -> E2 each time. You're right.

Approved!~ Go ask for your stat change and ryo deduction in the admin requests, and in the future add the actual word counts needed here and at the bottom of the thread for this exact reason.

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