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1Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Empty Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Mon Nov 26, 2012 5:53 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Busting some Genin chops? Fuckyes. He'd enjoy it, Ashi would enjoy it, the dogs would enjoy it... yummy. Time to blow of some stream, yep. All with a new kid to break in; one of his clan cousins at that. One he wasn't familiar with at all; but meh. Big clan, and Kenta had almost zero time to hang out with all his random cousins. Give him his dogs, his kids, his mate, and Ashi. He was a happy, happy man. The urges to scare some kids pissless was strong this day; and he was okay with that. Might be time to show off some dragons again, yep.

He'd go easy to start; close to town and easy to find, a shady pool half cut off from the river itself. Old logs and some rocks had the gap between the pool and river half dammed, which was fine. The pool itself was spring fed like the river itself; so it was cool and clean, even with the slow cycling from the river's pure waters. Yuki and Aki where laying in the sun for the moment; enjoying the quiet until the headaches that where his squad appeared. Although Aki would enjoy some time racing with Akai; that was a given. Yuki was... acting pregnant again, so he didn't expect her to do much this time around. Likely growl at everyone and just lay there on the moss bed Aki'd dragged off a log for her. Yeah... time to take her to the clan vet to check. He'd need time to make sure the house was puppy proofed again. With the kids getting older, he'd been able to remove some of the child/puppy proofing from the walls and stuff. If Yuki was gunna be birthing more puppies; he'd have to go fix everything back the way it was. Oh well.

"Alright kiddies... time for this Hokage to blow off some steam...~"

2Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Empty Re: Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:25 pm

Daximus Maximus

Daximus Maximus

Dax looked out of his window in the quiet place that he was given after he was found passed out outside of town. Dax brushed his hands over the banister and took in a deep breath of the surrounding village. He loved to have the smell of the morning air going through his nostrils there could be so much to learned by taking a deep breath. He could tell that the baker was baking and the ramen shop was starting up its usual business so early in the morning. Dax smiled and hoisted himself up on the banister so he could look out over the town. Everyone was moving and everyone was enjoying their day. Even Dax was enjoying his day because today he was finally assigned to a squad!

The thought of being on a team sent chills of excitement up his spine. He brought his hands up to his face and with balled fists he could finally see that his dreams were coming true. It was almost time that he would have to meet his new squad leader. This made it almost even more exciting for him because his squad leader was the Hokage! Not to mention a fellow Inuzuka Clan. Rather he was the HEAD of the clan. Dax met him a couple of times only in passing since he would make sure that Dax had food for Fubuki his companion which normally meant that he would drop the food off and walk away. Dax always thought it odd that he never seen his own Hokage's face. Dax smiled and shrugged his shoulders. It didn't matter! He just couldn't wait to see him finally. So it was time for Dax to get ready!

Dax jumped down and spun and twirled around the room packing up his things. He made sure he had his bag which he slung over his should so the strap could rest across his chest. He made sure he had his scarf which was a long white scarf that he wrapped around his neck a couple of times and still made it down to his knees. Dax made sure he had his hat which he picked up and adjusted it one his head. The hat had the Inuzuka clan markings on the front of the hat in blue embroidery so it matches his markings on his cheeks. Finally Dax didn't want to forget something this important. "Fubuki!" Dax called out and ran around his room searching for underneath his bed by lifting up the sheets. "Where are you?" Then he heard it. A small little bark coming from the top of the bed. Dax got up on his knees and looked at his sheets. There something rustled in the bunch and out popped a little white wolf puppy's head with violet eyes blinking softly at Dax. Dax smiled and laughed opening his arms up. "Fubuki there you are!" He giggled. Fubuki started to pant and wag his tail getting out of the sheets and jumping into Dax's arms where he climbed up and found himself on Dax's head.

Dax put on his brown gloves as a final measure and adjusted his hat once more. It was time to go and meet his squad! Dax took a deep breath and then took off running out of the room and down the steps to where he could find the dirt road. Dax ran and waved to all the people on the street as they were opening their shops for the morning rush. Dax also took out the sheet of paper that had the meeting place on it. Dax looked at it with his purple eyes and would occasionally look around to make sure he was heading in the right direction. Finally Dax made it after his finally turn.

There the place was close to town with a nice little pool of water and some old logs sitting around the place. Fubuki above Dax stirred and barked. He was telling Dax that there was someone close. Dax face lightened up at the sound and a smile grew on his face. He was finally going to meet his Kage and Squad Leader! Dax took some steps forward finally the man came into view. He approached the man with his usual energy and smile and waved at him. "Hiyo!" He said with a broad smile. As he was smiling he caught himself and went into a respectful bow. "I mean hello! My name is Dax. Reporting for Squad 2. It is nice to meet you!" He said as the words themselves seem to take the breath from him. He couldn't believe he was saying he was apart of squad 2! He kept his excitement hidden. Fubuki sat up on Dax's head and barked. He could tell Fubuki was smiling too. "This is Fubuki!" Dax said with a smile, but for some reason his companion seem a little disturbed. Dax couldn't tell why.

Dax looked down after raising himself. He could see so many dogs of different kinds around his squad leader. Dax's eyes widened and smiled. Crouching himself down he smiled at the dogs. One dog seemed to be pregnant as she had a weird smell to her while the other seemed to snarl just a little. Dax just smiled at the dog and picked Fubuki up off his head and put him on the ground. Fubuki was hesitant and sat next to Dax's feet. he didn't want to leave his side. Why was that? Fubuki loved to hang around other people not to mention dogs.

3Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Empty Re: Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:34 pm

Axel Nekonote

Axel Nekonote

The sun slowly peeked through Axel's window and hit him right in the eyes. As a response, he opened his eyes and quickly adjusted his position. After a few seconds of relaxing and enjoying the morning, he sat up and stretched. With each reach, there came a satisfying crack. This happened quite a few times before he finally had nothing more to crack. Letting out a cold puff of air, he stood up to get ready for his day. Through each step of his morning scedule, Axel made sure to remember that his Sensei, who also happened to be the Hokage, ordered them to meet by the Naka River. Having the meeting place be the Naka River gave Axel a bit of confidence. He mainly focused on water ninjutsu, therefore he'd have his element nearby if the need be. By the time he was finished thinking about what might happen and the possibilities that my arise, he was already dressed and ready to head out. Axel grabbed his sword and made his way to the meeting location. The walk didn't take too long. He arrived and saw that another squad member was already there. His sword made a slight clinking noise as he picked up his pace. "Hey." Axel grinned and looked at everyone, almost like he was examining them. "Oh... Hokage." He softened his voice and gave a slight bow to Kenta.

4Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Empty Re: Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:01 pm



Yeaaaaah, there wasn't going to be a happy ending to this; Ashi and Akai had been racing, neck and neck, towards Kenta. The two were attempting to blow off some extra steam before it was time to act a little less childish. They'd been more then busy recently, and the urge to just act wild was too tempting for either to ignore.

Ashi was in the lead, but barely as Akai was attempting to close in on her. The streak of rainbow colored hair followed by a large mass of white fuzziness announced their arrival.... Right before Akai attempted to dive tackle Ashi right into the water. Ashi had been expecting it and jumped herself up onto a lower hanging branch. Which of course meant Akai met the water full force, sending a large burst of water in every direction. "I believe that makes me the winner...", she spoke to Akai while chuckling. Her nose had informed her of the people here, and Akai's even before that, so it was no surprise as she took a quick glance around that everyone else had already arrived.

She slipped herself down from the branch, making her way closer to Kenta. She leaned herself against a random tree trunk nearby. She looked towards each individual again in turn, taking extra time now to observe in greater detail who all was there, noticing the new faces and taking in their appearances.

Akai meanwhile bound out of the water, giving her massive form a giant shake that sent water droplets flying everywhere. She then practically ran her way over to Kenta, mouth open in that trademark grin she got whenever she saw Kenta around.

5Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Empty Re: Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Tue Nov 27, 2012 3:12 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

"....." Well; this was gunna be fun. Hyper cousin, and a young pup. Something told him this was gunna be a short assignment for the younger Inuzuka male. Too much noise already; yay. Most Inuzuka where scent based creatures; but Kenta's Ookamizuka heritage left him as a sound and sight based tracker; so loud people made him cringe and annoyed. Buuut... this was a clan cousin; if not directly related to him at all. Eh, oh well. "I wouldn't let your dog too close. Aki is... territorial. Or can be."

His attention shifted; not much caring what Aki or Yuki did to the other ninken. Snap, bite, meh. The boy would listen or not; but he'd definitely know his place after the fact. The hints of a smile appeared when Axel approached; the boy amused him for some reason, and the fact that he'd survived this long in his squad was a good sign. Stick around long enough; Kenta would warm to you. "Axel. Good to see you made it."

Aaand then Ashi appeared. Awesome. Now the fun could begin. He knew to sidestep the bounding mass that was Akai; letting him skid past and into Aki. That would buy him a few moments to shift closer to his cousin; leaning against the same tree as she was. It was easy to tell that he was now perfectly comfortable in the presence of this particular cousin; his best friend and only real blood relation outside his kids. Just having the Inuzuka name didn't make you blood relations; but he and Ashi where at least proper cousins. Happy place, achieved. "So... demolish anything good lately, Ashi?" Smirking, he waited for Akai and Aki to finish wrestling, or Yuki to get up and maul them both; so that Akai could come back and get his scratching out of the way.

Yep. He'd needed this so bad.

6Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Empty Re: Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Tue Nov 27, 2012 6:32 pm

Daximus Maximus

Daximus Maximus

Dax looked at the dogs and smiled. Fubuki apparently did not want to go near either one of them but that was his choice. Dax loved seeing other people of his clan because it meant like he had some sort of family. A family that he never really had a chance to meet as his daily before they were murdered lived in a place out in the mountains. Still there was Dax smiling away at he dogs. Dax really wanted to pet them but he would not approach anyone that Fubuki wouldn't so he just sat there staring at them with his violet eyes.

Dax put his hands on his knees and then slowly began to stand smiling away at the Kage. Dax looked at the man in front of him and put his hands on his hips and smiled. He knew he could like him because he seemed to have a good aura, but something seemed to be masking it. Maybe it was because he was a new wolf in his pack or something along those lines. Dax was about to speak some more but then his ears twitched. Another boy seemed to come out. He seemed like a normal boy and Fubuki seemed to agree as he seemed to edge more towards him than towards the other dogs. Dax turned and smiled showing him his bright eyes Dax laughed a little. "Hi!" He said with his same usual energy. He put his hands behind his back and bent his body slightly forward. This way he got a better look at the boy. Don't get him wrong he had a good eye sight because of his family lineage along with his nose, but Dax wanted to be able to see him.

Dax turned slightly as the Kage began to speak. Dax snapped himself around and smiled to hear what his squad leader and Kage had to say. All Dax received from this man was that he had to keep his dog away from the rest. His dog? Dax turned his head to the side lightly and showed confusion. "My dog...?" Dax looked around and then saw Fubuki who was sitting there smiling at him. "Oh!" Dax said looking up at at the Kage. "Fubuki isn't a dog...he is a wolf" he said smiling and a slight giggle but when he got a good look the Kage moved away. Dax blinked. That was all he got for conversation from him. Something broke Dax's thoughts, as a dog began bounding in and ran right into the Kage's dog. Dax looked at them smiled and laughed.

Dax watched the dogs play. His violet eyes followed their movements so did Fubuki apparently. But his eyes caught something. The Kage was up and talking to a girl next to a tree not so far off. Dax smiled and waved at the girl and then slowly started to walk away. Fubuki followed him at the heels keeping a nice pace. Dax made his way to a near rock and sat down on it. His wolf pup followed him and bounced up laying next to him. Dax bent his legs up and felt out the smooth surface of the rock. He wondered if that girl was a part of their squad too. Obviously the Kage knew her so thats why he talked. Dax was new. There was nothing wrong with a little social shyness on a new person. Right? Maybe it was because he was weird and loud. Maybe it was because he is not truly from the pack.... A slight breeze came through moving his scarf into the wind as well. Dax brought his hands up and grabbed it making sure his scarf didn't fly off. He took off his satchel and place it next to him. He thought deeply on that subject and then Dax shook his head. He hated having these thoughts. Thats was why he was always happy. He knew the Kage would like him eventually.

7Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Empty Re: Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Tue Nov 27, 2012 8:57 pm

Axel Nekonote

Axel Nekonote

Nodding once he gave a quick response to Kenta's greeting. "Glad to be here." Axel glanced down at the vast amount of dogs, then he turned his attention back to his teammates and sensei. Something was similar between all of them. It took him a second to match up all the evidence he was given. The dogs, or a wolf in Dax's case, the marks on their faces. It finally hit him. Axel was stuck in a team where the other members were all Inuzuka... He was the only Nekonote. This wasn't the best situation for him to be in. Even if he did have his Kekkei Genkai which allowed him to track chakra signatures, it would be somewhat useless now that he knew his team had a natural tracking abilities. Even though he knew this, he didn't want to bring it up at all. If he did, it might make the Hokage go easier on him. And that's the last thing he wanted to happen. If anything, he wanted whatever he would be doing to be more like a training session. Or at least the same difficultly of one of his personal ones. After clearing his mind, he looked up at Kenta and grinned. "So what are we doing Sensei?" A simple question, but he was dying to know.

8Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Empty Re: Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:18 pm



Ashi looked to Kenta and grinned before rubbing her head with her left hand. "Well uh.. I did get into a little mock battle with Amaya, I think we did a good bit of damage to the forest deeper in. Fighting her gave me a whole new perspective on pain in the ass..." She stopped rubbing her head, and folded her arms across her chest. "Girl can cause some serious damage when she wants to...", she added, muttered, and sounding rather amused at the thought.

Akai meanwhile had finished with her little wrestling match with Aki. She had paused only long enough to sniff in the direction of the Inuzuka she didn't know, before making her way over to Kenta. She sat herself down close enough to be within petting distance and looked up expectantly at him, that same big dog-like grin on her face as before.

Ashi's gaze lingered over to Axel before looking to Kenta in an expectant way. She, too, was curious as to what they'd be doing. She remembered the last 'first meeting' and the nightmares that had come after it for a week straight do to what Kenta had pulled. 'Yeaaaaah, I see this turning amusing fast.', she thought to herself.

9Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Empty Re: Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Sat Dec 01, 2012 8:05 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

"Wolf eh? Welcome to the club." Yuki was growling at all the random people except for Ashi really; but it was more 'back off I don't want to be social" then any kind of threat. A quick whistle stopped that; and also sent her into the shadows. Or rather into safety. She might be pure white; but she was a creature of the deep forest and once she was in the shadows; she was gooooone. Excellent. A chirping hiss had Aki breaking his hammer over from the root hallow he'd half hidden it in. An idea had struck him, and it just... sounded fun. I mean really... he was supposed to be unpredictable, wasn't he? The hammer was taken, and promptly swung; a trigger of QuickStep taking him away from his cousin and towards the other members of his squad.

"So!~ It's time you learned to DODGE!~"

Three swings was all he took; before ducking back to Ashi with a downright insane grin on his face. "Wanna teach 'um?~"


10Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Empty Re: Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:50 am

Daximus Maximus

Daximus Maximus

Dax was sitting there on the rock while playing with his little wolf pup. It made him smile all the time when Fubuki was with him. The white fur and the violet eyes seemed to call him when he was in times of distress. Dax raised his hand and pet the furry little creature. The wolf approach Dax's hands and pushed his head into the hand. Dax scratched it behind the ears and continued to play with the dog by throwing it in the air and laughing. Only did he stop when the boy named Axel asked the Kage what they were doing.

Dax stopped messing around with Fubuki and set him down on the side of him. Dax crossed his legs and grabbed both his feet with his hands while turning his head to the side. He too really wanted to know what they were going to do. IT actually excited him to think about it. Dax's heart fluttered and his hands began to itch. What was going to be their first training day? Were they truly going to train or was it going to be practicing their chakra like they did in the academy or at least like what Dax did in the academy. When he got the chance to look around he noticed that he was actually younger than the two other teammates. He hoped that the difference in age wouldn't hinder their ability to work together.

Another breeze came through as Dax leaned himself forward while still holding his feet. There a the dog that was wrestling with the Kage's dog seemed to have finished its match. Dax looked over in its direction smiling. He loved to see dogs play. It was so much fun to be around because they were enjoying themselves. It seemed like something that only dogs could do. Dax really hoped that he could find Fubuki some other ninken dogs that he could be friends with. Just being around him, Dax seemed like it would be bad for his health. Dax looked over at his ninken and smiled. The wolf was sitting there panting looking right at the other dog when it came over and sniffed and walked away. It turned its head and gave Dax a smile until laying down and yawning.

Dax turned his head to the Kage and finally spoke. "Yeah Sensei!" He said with a a giggle. "What are we doing today?" HE said with complete curiosity and a smile on his face. It didn't take long to find out what they were doing. The kate pretty much just told them how they were going to be training today. Dodging. Dax turned his head slightly to the side. Dodging? How were they going to be training dodging? Then Dax got the hint. The Kage split open a tree and received some sort of hammer. Dax leaned in to take in the features. It was a war hammer that seemed to be tied down with several different kunai. Dax blinked his eyes and a smile grew on his face. How interesting! First to get your hammer out of a tree was awesome! Then to have that hammer covered in Kunai was even cooler!

Dax did not have enough time to admire the hammer. Fubuki who was laying down next to him stood up and let out a quick gruff in a low tone. Dax turned his head and looked at his dog. That meant that something was coming. Dax just sat there, but this time uncrossed his legs and put his hands off to the side. Normally Dax would be wondering where the "something" was coming from but he got the hint when he saw the war hammer. Fubuki was right because in an instance the Kage leached forward with incredible speed. Dax opened his eyes wide and put a grin on his face. "He fast!" Dax exclaimed with a giggle. Dax himself reacted on point. Dax went into a split and stabbed his hands into the rock to push his body into the air. Fubuki did as well but just jumped up at the same height as Dax. It was a good thing that they did it because right when he left the ground the swipe came right underneath his fingers. Dax flipped and landed on his feet which gave him just enough time to go into a backbend. Right when he bent the blade swiped over his face. Dax could literally see each and every kunai and the strings that tied them down. Dax really wanted to look at the blade but he didn't have the time. The kage was holding back a lot and Dax was still just barely dodging each attack. When Dax completed his back bend, Dax went into a series of back hand springs off the rock and back into the grass where he stopped with a skid and his hand on the ground. Fubuki moved in unison with Dax and bounced backwards as well.

Dax let out a breath of air and looked up at the Kage who was beginning to strike at Axel. "That was close..." He said with a small nervous laugh. Dax looked about himself to make sure that nothing was hit. He looked at his pants and at his shirt. Everything seemed to be in order. Dax finally looked up and saw his hat. There was a small split on the bill of the hat. Dax frowned at this. It was his favorite hat. It must have happened when he did that backbend. He should of just used a jutsu when he was in the air. Dax couldn't give all his attention to the hat though. Dax stood up and looked up at the Kage. He seemed to have moved back now to the other girl in their squad. Why wasn't he striking her?

11Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Empty Re: Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Sun Dec 02, 2012 5:15 pm

Axel Nekonote

Axel Nekonote

Axel heard one of Kenta's dogs growl and he quickly leaned away. He didn't like the fact that the dogs were there in the first place. After a couple seconds of staring at the dogs, Kenta had sent the one who growled away. Bringing his sight back on Kenta, it looked as though he now had a hammer. And an interesting looking one at that. Axel watched as Kenta swung his hammer directly at Dax and himself. The hammer went towards Dax, who uniquely avoided a hit. Now it was his turn. "Oh shi-!" Since there was nothing behind him, it allowed him to duck down and roll back. In doing so, he was able to completely evade the hammer. Luckily, his sword didn't halt his backwards roll because of it's position on his back. As soon as he got on his feet, he stumbled back slightly. Axel watched the hammer come to a stop and not continue to head for Ashi. It confused him a bit. To him, it looked as if she just wanted to avoid her. "What the hell... why didn't she go for her...?" His eyes glanced at Ashi for a quick moment before focusing back on Kenta.

12Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Empty Re: Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Sun Dec 02, 2012 6:08 pm



An eyebrow raised as Kenta revealed the hammer, her mind flashing back momentarily to a while ago when she go to use that thing first hand. A slight smirk appeared on her face as she watched Kenta move forward, swinging the hammer towards the other two. 'Oh, I hope they're fast on their feet.', she thought, all while pushing herself gently off of the tree. She didn't move from the spot she'd been in, but she was no longer leaning comfortably. She threw a glance towards Akai who backed away, giving the whole group plenty of room while staying in view; for the time being, anyway.

Her slight smirk became a full out grin as she noticed Kenta's facial expression when he moved back towards her. Another eyebrow rose at his question. "You know I won't say no.", she said, chuckling. Her eyes were lit up with a very playful expression, and the grin remained in place, giving her usual feral appearance a slightly sadistic twist.

13Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Empty Re: Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:59 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

"Like I said, have fun." His logic? She was slower by a factor of... several dozen, so they had a chance of actually surviving the swings. If he did it; even holding back, he'd be crushing skulls like watermelon. Which sounded like fun, but not with his own squad. The watermelon squashing could be arraigned though... Ah, distractions. Glorious. He'd have to test out the hammer one some fruits later; give him an idea of how far back he needed to move to avoid splattering innards.

Speaking of; pay attention. Or rather... make it worse. Stress testing, that was his aim. Get them worked up and see how they handled; and all that. His hammer? Crazy. Kenta himself attacking too? Tee Hee. Simple enough; he'd just use his whips to scare them some more. Attack at the feet, aim for the head, etc. Nothing major. Just confusing. The water was easy enough to get; right behind him basically and plenty of it. No need to waste chakra making some, the river was perfect. He shifted his body, moving an arm towards the water and pulling several gallons towards himself; wrapping the liquid around both hands and wrists so that it was anchored, then pushing it outwards until it formed a thin whip from both hands. The whips where only a quarter inch thick; heavy enough to cut through the air with great speed, but do very little damage. Welts, thin slashes of the skin, not much else. That was the point; pain without damage. Learn to move and not choke, yep. "So... boys. Having fun yet?"

Arms reared back and he flicked his wrists just like you would with a normal whip; the loud crack of the tips breaking the sound barrier echoing as the water flew towards the fleeing males. There was only general aiming; plenty of room left to dodge if they could concentrate enough on him AND his hammer wielding cousin.


14Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Empty Re: Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:03 pm

Daximus Maximus

Daximus Maximus

Dax was able to take a second to breath while still in stance. Standing up he watched the attack on the boy named Axel. He as well was able to dodge the attacks. With a roll and a dodge he was able to get away from the attack from the Sensei. Dax smiled while seeing how well they all worked. It also started to become interesting when the Kage handed the hammer over to the other girl. His smile grew on his face. This was going to be fun! He couldn't wait to move again. It was always a thrill. If only....Dax shook his head. He should not change over when he was in a group.

That was what he didn't need. He did not want to show his group his battle personality. All he had to do was think of this as a game. What game would it be? Dax looked down at Fubuki who was at attention getting ready to warn Dax at any time if something was coming their way. The wolf's ears were back and a glare was forming on its face. Dax giggled a little. The wolf needed to lighten up, this was like a game! A game of tag! Dax liked that idea. He crossed his arms and smiled some more. This was going to be a game of tag! Dax realized that the Kage was preparing himself for something. He could feel the chakra brewing inside of him. Fubuki let out a small growl underneath its breath. Dax smiled again. He knew that it meant that the Kage will attack again.

Dax whistled low to Fubuki who jumped up onto Dax's head. He needed Fubuki to tell him when things were going to happen but he didn't needed him to fight. It also made it easier on him so that he didn't have to worry if his wolf was going to get hit. Once his wolf was laying happily and attentive on his hat, Dax looked up and prepared himself. The Kage raised his hand and pull water out from the river that was sitting near by. Dax looked back and watched the water flow to his hands. Dax took note of the river just in case he would have to use his own techniques. Dax lowered himself into a fighting position. It made him happy to know that the Kage was of the water affinity Dax was as well.

Then the Kage began his attack. The Kage raised the water that shaped into a whip into the air and slapped it on the ground creating a whip noise. Dax smiled and loosened his hands getting ready to dodge. The attack began as the Kage attacked the feet first. Dax jumped and dodged from left to right hearing the cracking on the ground from the whip Dax smiled and laughed. This was fun! Dax jumped to the side by doing a one handed cartwheel. Dax was smiling the whole time. He let out a couple of giggles while he was doing this to. Finally the whip changed course and Dax could see it in his peripherals. Dax eyes widened and ducked. he let out a sigh and then began the process again. It was like he was doing a dance. A fun dance. Dax was truly enjoying himself. "This is fun!" Dax giggled to himself, but could not let himself get to carried away. The girl was still there holding the hammer. It could happen at any moment that she would strike.

15Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Empty Re: Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:10 pm

Axel Nekonote

Axel Nekonote

Axel reached for his sword and pulled it out of his holster. In his mind, it would be needed for what was to come. Kenta had given his hammer to Ashi and created a two whips made from water. As he watched the hammer being passed over, it finally hit him. "Ah... I see... two on two..." After cracking his neck once. He took a ready stance and waited for Kenta or Ashi to strike. Using his Kekkei Genkai wouldn't be a good idea to him at the moment. Axel would rather wait for a more complex combination from Kenta. He was the Hokage after all. There was no doubt in his mind that Kenta would end up injuring someone before stopping.

Seeing that the whip was coming towards his feet, he jumped back once more. "Hey Dax! Looks like it's you and me." He looked over at Dax and grinned. This little training session was going to be fun. Painful... but fun. Gripping his sword a little tighter, he tried to focus more on Ashi's movement. She would a lot easier to evade, considering she was on equal ground.

16Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Empty Re: Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:08 pm



The hammers' weight already was beginning to feel familiar in her hands as she picked it up, her mind quickly calculating the best method of striking. She wasn't, of course, aiming to kill her team mates; and she definitely didn't want to get in the way of Kenta and those water whips she watched him create out of the corner of her eye. Well then, from the rear it is.

There was no hesitation in her movements, now, with a plan fully made up within her mind. She darted back at first, into the trees, and around the area. She wasn't bothering to keep silent, not with such a heavy weapon weighing her down. She simply had gone into the surrounding trees as another method of distraction; keep them on their toes, right?

As she came back out from the tree line it'd be to the side of Axel, far enough to keep a bit of distance between herself and him, but close enough to make contact with the hammer if he didn't dodge. Her form went low, left leg going out long ways to keep herself balanced as she swung the large hammer, sending it across the ground towards Axel's legs.

17Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Empty Re: Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:31 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

He loved it when people could learn to adapt so quickly; and he'd expected nothing less of his cousin. With a weapon of that kind of weight; it wasn't stealth that was key; stealth was impossible in a forest setting when weighed down by several dozen pounds of excess and highly unbalanced weight. Nope, use the terrain to distract, come around from odd angles, and make sure you're still the fastest thing on two to four legs. Good, good.

He didn't need to move around much; and the heft the water made moving his body harder then anyone but a trained eye would notice. He'd said it many times before, he was not physically strong; his power was his speed, his mind, and his jutsu. Sure, he could crack the whip with the best of them; but it ruined his movement speeds, left him... slightly vulnerable, on land at least. Which was fine, here. It was all in good fun; a safe enough spar with his team. And a good lesson on always expecting the unexpected.

Really; how many people knew him well enough to think he'd hand his beloved hammer off to one of his 'students' to help with a lesson. Given Kenta's reputation, not many.

Just for the giggles, he pulled some more of the water from the pool and used it to thicken the left whip; making it slower, but more club like; more of a damage dealer then the right whip. It would add to the confusion; the right whip cracking and flitting in and out of vision, stinging and confusing; while the left would sweep and slow; break the concentration when it appeared coming directly towards them like a boulder rolling down a steep and narrow ravine. So much fun; the Kage was cackling like a child; especially when he could angle the club-whip to work with the swings of the hammer like a pincer closing. Sort of like what was happening to Axel right about them; with the thinner whip going right for Dax's face and if the angle of attack wasn't broken, his ninken's back.


18Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Empty Re: Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:04 pm

Daximus Maximus

Daximus Maximus

Dax continued his dance while moving front left to right with a couple of back flips and handsprings to dodge the assault. Dax was actually proud of himself that he was surviving this much. He hoped that the Kage saw the same. Dax took another dodge to the right when he was able to look over at Axel. The boy was doing well on his own too. Dax looked and gave a smile. They were going to survive this. They were doing so well. Even Axel saw that this was going to be fun as he pulled out his sword. Dax looked at him and gave a confused expression. They were allowed to attack? Still this was going to be fun. It wouldn't be much of a training season if all they did was dodge. Dax giggled slightly, "Your right!" Dax said taking a leap backwards. "I guess it is just you and me"

Dax laughed slightly while giving a couple of glances from the Kage over to the other girl. She has yet to move. Dax took a cartwheel over to the right and then crouched low. He thought to soon. Right then She began to move. Dax shifted his weight getting ready to dodge but soon realized that she was not going for Dax but for Axel. Which was good for him because he did not want to deal with to people at once. Especially when someone had a devilish grin like she did. Dax quickly moved his attention back to those whips. A drip of sweat came down from his forehead. This constant dodging was taking a toll. Dax winced when he did his last backflip. It was taking a huge toll on his muscles.

Dax legs shook, but he had to endure. Dax looked up and watched the movement of the whips. They were moving at a nice pattern so he could move at an easier pace. However something changed. Dax looked at the whips one of them was changing size. The Kage seemed to be collecting more water. By doing this it changed the speed of one of the whips. They started to move at different patterns. It was overall confusing. Dax's fatigue plus the change in motion started to mess with his head. Dax looked up and saw one of the whips and dodged it by sidestepping. Dax saw the bigger whip going for Axel and because of the speed he thought he was going to be ok. He forgot the one that was going for him was faster. Dax looked up and at the last second he sputtered out. "Damn.." There right in front of his face was the whip. He had to time to dodge.

The whip collided smacking Dax right in the face. Dax hit the floor hard and bounced backwards to skid across the ground. Dax slowly got up and put his hand on his face. There was a small cut where he was hit There was going to be a bruise there later. Dax shook himself slightly. Damn it. The felt too good. Dax body shook and a slight laugh came out of him. He loved that pain. His eyes widened and his fingers itched. He wanted more!

What is he doing? Dax shook his head. He didn't want to have himself change over. Not when he was in a group. Dax looked over to Axel he was in trouble. He was going to be hit from both sides! Dax had to do something to help his friend! Dax crouched low and let his chakra flow through him. He felt himself get filled with wild energy. Dax's teeth sharpened and his nailers sharpened. Dax crossed his arms and was on all fours. "Four Legged Technique..." Dax said low with his eyes darting from right to left. Dax whistled low Fubuki jumped up on his back and by transferring his chakra to his ninken, Fubuki changed with a puff of smoke looking just like Dax. "Man Beast Clone..." Dax said lowly growling deeply his eyes reflected the wild intent that was filling inside of him. Then finally Dax and Fubuki sprinted off towards Kenta. Their bodies filled with new found speed from the change in chakra. They both leaped forward stabbing their right foot into the ground. As soon as the foot hit, they rotated their upper bodies and started to circle around creating a cone with the claws cutting into the earth below. Dax aimed himself right for Kenta to change his attention while Fubuki was aiming right for the water whip. Fubuki flew through and went right for the whip. If he were to cut through then it would allow Axel to be able to fight just one on one with the girl without having to worry about the whip.

Dax went flying through towards the Kage. He would try his best to keep him at bay. Dax just hoped that his plan would work.


19Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Empty Re: Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:49 pm

Axel Nekonote

Axel Nekonote

Axel saw that Kenta was targeting Dax, so that meant Ashi would be going for him. "Crap... Didn't think I'd need it... but..." After closing his eyes for a few seconds, he opened them rather quickly and turned to where Ashi had ran. His left eye was now orange and his right was pink. Both had the slit that seemed to relate to a cat's eyes. His eyes pained him slightly because of the others being there as well, but it was quite bearable. Using his Kekkei Genkai allowed him to track the movement of Ashi and see how she would attack. The moment she popped out and swung the hammer, Axel evaded it with a jump.

The hammer seemed quite heavy, almost equal in weight to his sword. As soon as he landed, he shoved his sword into the ground and used it as a pivot to stop himself. He then began a short series of hand signs and brought one hand up to his mouth. His chest puffed up as he inhaled deeply. With three quick exhales, he shot out three medium sized shots of water. The first two was aimed at Ashi, the last one was aimed at her hammer. If the shot hit the hammer, it would stick the hammer farther into the ground. It would take quite an amount of force to get it back out. His intention wasn't to harm her. More like stall and disarm her.




Last edited by Axel Nekonote on Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

20Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Empty Re: Fall In! [Squad 2, invite via Kenta] Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:49 pm



.oO( I apologize for the wait. :3 )

Ashi wasn't about to stay there and take it. She finished her low ground spin, body straightening to standing as she continued to move. Using her built up momentum she dodged to the side, feet becoming cushioned at the bottom, increasing her speed in the dodge, allowing her to just barely avoid the water that had been aimed her way. She couldn't help but giggle, this whole thing amusing her greatly. This was her favorite method of fighting, and getting to use it was making her day.

This hammer was proving to be a problem.. it weighed her down a bit more then she liked. Time to add a little bit more chaos to the mix; "Four Legs Technique". Her body lowered to the ground, teeth sharpening, fingernails turning into claws. Her overall appearance becoming more feral. This was definitely going to make things more interesting, and a lot faster, too. Hammer held now in both hands her gaze rested on Axel, waiting to see his next move, if any, while her hearing picked up the movements coming from Dax, his ninken, and Kenta.

Chakra: 100 / 120


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