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~"I'll keep you my dirty little secret."~

How entertaining. What was this, the fourth time this week Maybell had gotten loose? Madam Chiasa was Yukiteru's most frequent client, due to how well he got along with her cat. It was odd, yes, considering the vicious creature's general personality towards other life forms. Over time, however, Yukki and the feline bonded.... In a way. They both respected each other. They both preferred the quiet over the bustle of people, and found the other pleasant company. On the days when Maybell wasn't off doing whatever it is cats do, the two would hang out and just... Relax. They both had simple enough needs; peace, and to be left alone to their thoughts. It was a mutual thing that allowed them to get along.

However, Maybell had a tendency to take his wants... Too far. He'd do things that Yukki only dreamed of. Ditching his caretakers, clawing anyone who tried to claim him back and hiding away for his own peace of mind. Even Yukki wasn't immune to the cat's temperament when it was in this state, and after the first few times, he came to saw it as a game between them. It was like tag, only Maybell was continually violent and Yukki couldn't be. Not that he would ever want to, but even if he did see violence as an option to subdue the creature, the Madam would have his head. The relationship between them was friendly enough, and Chiasa loved that Maybell had found someone he "liked", but Yukki wasn't going to push his luck.

He was already past the first three of the usual hiding places, all empty, and was moving on. There was at least 15 of them in the village with Maybell discovering more every other day or so, it seemed. By now Yukiteru knew the entire place inside and out, though, and there was no where the cat could go to hide except out of the land of fire. It was around this time, after about an hour of looking, that he began to get tired and once again wished he had some form of tracking jutsu. Could Snakes do that? He'd have to try that out sometime. Once again, he mused this, and once again, he knew he would probably never get around to it. He had enough things to worry about and didn't need a situational jutsu to add more to the pile.

Like Dai...

No, this wasn't time for him to think of that. He had a mission to do, and honestly, he needed the ryo badly. He was running out of food in his house, and it didn't help that his b- b- boyf-friend ate quite a lot consistently. (God, that word was hard to get out.) Yukiteru's self pitying thoughts were cut off short by the sound of rustling nearby, and he froze. Shrubs? The cat had resorted to shrubs? He moved to look and saw he was spot on, his eyes flashing in mild, playful interest. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do to get away, was there?

Many times over he had thought about just letting him go. Letting him enjoy the life the way he wanted to enjoy it. But... Chiasa. She would be devastated. She had nothing left. She was a widow in a large house with no kids. Maybell was all she had; and he couldn't, with complete honesty, state that Maybell didn't occasionally enjoy her company as well. The feline was a picky one, as most were, and would probably die without the fancy food he was provided on a daily basis. It was why he only lasted for a few hours outside of the house. This mission, one that came up every day, was for the good of both of the strange beings. The rich, codependent Madam; and the bitter, antisocial cat.

A low hiss came from the shrub, and Yukki rolled his eyes. This was how it always was, and it'd end the same way each time. The cat lunged. He Kawarimi'd. The cat blinked in momentary confusion. He shot out a small blast of fire in front of it to scare it closer to him. He forced it under his control completely by terrorizing it with wind jutsu, the poor thing unable to handle the feeling of the high powered gust messing up it's hair and blowing into its eyes and ears. He swooped it up with protective padding covering his limbs...

And then he brought it home, where he was promptly rewarded and thanked. Oh, and given a lazy, cynical glare by the creature he had just captured.

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