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1The Ninja RP Empty The Ninja RP Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:17 am


The Ninja RP

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The World... The World, Where has it gone? The Fresh green forests, the scenic mountains of The Hokages, the Snowy Peaks that pervaded through the land of Lightning … all decimated. The dunes which never seemed to end in the land of sands turned to glass and ashes. The great oceans and rivers of our world dried up and forgotten, histories abandoned, and a life without hope … love and joy. What happened to this life of ours so full of gluttony and happiness...?

The Ninja RP is an interesting new role playing site loosely based off of Naruto, offering great customization for your character. Different races, species, and varied naruto system. Pick from a wide selection of jutsu and special abilities based off the series or make your own custom ones, quest with or battle against other people for items of great power, and shape the world around you as you go! Become a legendary defender of the weak or a mysterious villain who thrives on the suffering of others - the possibilities are endless, and the choice is yours alone.

The Ninja Roleplay- Create your own Destiny.

2The Ninja RP Empty Re: The Ninja RP Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:51 pm


800 updated with Link and a Linkback to Naruto Saga

3The Ninja RP Empty Re: The Ninja RP Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:07 pm


1100+ Posts, getting a bit slow now due to classes and all, but we have introduced Sage System, and next up is occupations and a docket for Jinchuuriki system :)

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