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1Ken'ichi Clan. Empty Ken'ichi Clan. Sun Jan 15, 2017 11:13 pm



Symbol:Ken'ichi Clan. Pinnee10

Ken'ichi Clan. FAHfQ33
Clan Name: Ken'ichi
Location: Mainly Amegakure. Then Konohagakure and Kirigakure.
Specialization: Chakra control and manipulation.
Elements: Suiton.

Ken'ichi Clan. HhU72Pp
Clan History:The origins of the Ken'ichi clan stem far back to times before the five great nations were formed, to times where Jashin were worshiped  and war was the normal way of life. The Ken'ichi clan like all others were highered for their talents within warfare. Their specialities laying within their eminence chakra control allowing them to produce many different types of warriors all showing an aptitude for endurance and their unusual form of communication. The Ken'ichi clan established a foothold and claimed a section of land within the place of their birth, During the many wars that were fought the Ken'ichi backed up their allies creating more allies and ever more enimies like all other clans, however this gave them the chance to settle within other lands with relative ease as allies remained close by. There motherland would soon become known as Amegakure (The hidden rain village). The head of the Ken'ichi clan, Seikatsu and the main bulk of the clan remained within their land nestled within Amegakure, and entrusted her younger siblings 'The twins' with the responsibilities of upholding their lands and alliances. The brother of the twins, Hotto would take up as the leason for the clan within Konohagakure no sato in its early days taking a few members of the clan with him. The sister of the twins, Kōrudo however became the leason for the clan with Kirigakure no sato again taking a few of the clan members with her. This would keep them close with their allies and keep eyes within the great nations that had formed. All of the clan births would take place within their birthland Amegakure, the children and their parents would then remain within the clans land giving the young a connection to their clan, their traditions and birthland. When they would become old enough to enter an academy the elders of the clan would make the choice of who would stay in Amegakure and who would be destined to uphold the settlements and alliances within Konohagakure and Kirigakure. The head of the family would be expected to uphold tradition and bare three children, one to take over as the head of the clan and the other two to carry out the duties within Konohagakure and Kirigakure. All pledging honor to their clan and birthland alongside pledging their loyalty to there assigned village, even if this meant fighting members of their own clan in times of unrest for the village, once in there birthland all quarrels would for the time there be forgotten and they would be family once more without grudge. Over time the clan grew smaller and smaller and their kekkie gankai became rarer and rarer within their members. The members of the Ken'ichi clan tend to stick to themselves communicating with one another through a form of sign language never speaking to one another unless such were deemed necessary this being an ancient tradition set far before the clan had settled down within land. Traditions, respect and honor are things the Ken'ichi prides themselves on, though as a whole not much is known about the clan by those outside of the clan itself. The Ken'ichi clan were found among the ranks of the allied shinobi forces of the fourth great ninja war.
Seikatsu the silent. Head of the Ken'ichi clan when they first settled. (Deceased)
Hotto the heated. First leason for the clan in Konohagakure. (Deceased)
Kōrudo the cold. First leason for the clan in Kirigakure. (Deceased)
Hansha the strict. Current head of the clan.
Yami of the shadows. Current leason for the clan in Kirigakure.
Hikari the bright. Current leason for the clan in Konohagakure.
Arashi. Youngest daughter of Hansha and next in line as head of the clan.
Torjiru. Second born child of Hansha. (Twin of Tōku)
Tōku. First born child of Hansha. (Twin of Torjiru.)

Ken'ichi Clan. Y4syLuV
Kekkei Genkai Name: Itami sōsa.
Kekkei Genkai Description: The Ken'ichi clan's kekkei genkai is called Itami sōsa. (Not all posses the kekkei genkai itself though they still possess small remnants of the effects diluted.) The clans Kekkei Genkai is specific to one un-usual organ that grows at the back of there throat.. The organ itself is in two parts; one part found where the tonsils would usually be located and the other within the back of the tongue directly below the other.the organ is hard and resembles crystal slates ( Hence the nick names ' slates '). The individuals chakra instead of emanating from its usual point within the chest the individuals chakra emanates from there throat as the slates would class as there main chakra point. The 'slates' are able to grind up chakra finely making it easier for the individual to use and direct. ( the slates act like a mortar and pestle, when the chakra is so finely ground the chakra control is smoother, unlike the usual rough form of chakra.) making the individual proficient in fine chakra control such as chakra storing. The 'slates' themselves due to the natural equmulation of chakra are sensetive to others chakra ' feeling' the chakra like a vibration. The use of the Itami sōsa is painful for the individual and depending on the use depends on the severity of the pain.

Gains and Abilities.

✔-10% wordcount when training endurance, due to the familiarity of pain caused by the Itami sōsa.  
✔+1 rank to Reaction time, due to the clans use of sign language.

Chakra storing ( Hyakugou seal ): (Optional)

The form of Hyakugou Seal stated within the Kekkei genkai takes a lot of training and continuous word count to uphold. This form of the Hyakugou a seal which is reputed to be the pinnacle of chakra control. By storing various amounts of chakra over an extended period of time into a specific point on their body the user creates this seal, which manifests in the form of a small coloured marking or symbol (Such can easily be mistaken for a birthmark to the untrained eye.). Once the seal is formed, the user's already impressive chakra control allows them to perform techniques without any wasted energy. When released, the seal will either spread across the area the user's seal is located or wrap around their entire body. The stored chakra is then released into their body, greatly amplifying the power of their techniques. once the chakra within the seal is used the seal reverts back to its original mark.  
This must be trained from D rank.  

D rank: (Unable to access stored chakra.)
✔Able to store a maximum of 70 chakra.
C rank:(Unable to access stored chakra.)
✔Able to store a maximum of 110 chakra.
B rank:
✔Chakra seal forms.
✔Able to store a maximum of 150 chakra.
✔Able to access 30%  of the stored chakra.
A rank:  
✔Able to store a maximum of 190 chakra.
✔Able to access 60% of the stored chakra.
S rank:
✔Able to store a maximum of 240 chakra.
✔Able to access 100% of the stored chakra.
SS rank:  
✔Able to store a maximum of 260 chakra.

Chakra sense: ( Optional after D rank.)

D rank:
✔Able to sense chakra within a 15 meter radius.
C rank:
✔Able to sense chakra (Depending on training) up to a 20/25 meter radius.
✔ Able to recognize individuals chakra they are femillair with within the abilities distance.
B rank:
✔Able to sense chakra (Depending on training) up to 30/35 meters radius.
✔Able to sence the difference in the strength of an individuals chakra within the abilities distance.
A rank:
✔Able to sense Chakra (Depending on training) up to 40/45 meter radius.
S rank:
✔Able to sense chakra (Depending on training) up to 50/55 meter radius.
SS rank:
✔Able to sense chakra (Depending on training) up to 60/65 meter radius.


✘Must produce +25% more wordcount on on their personality, motivations and history upon the creation of the character.
✘+10% wordcount when training speed.
✘+5% wordcount when training Strength or perception (Individuals choice but it must be clearly stated on character info.)
✘If reduced to 25 chakra or lower the slates become irritated causing temporary damage to the throat making it hard for the individual to swallow and shout.
✘Unable to take hesitant specialization.
✘Unable to take hesitant element.
✘Unable to take mighty.

Drawback associated with the chakra storing (Hyakugou seal)[if you do not want these minuses then do not take chakra storing.]:

✘When down to 30 chakra remaining the individual gains one of these symptoms: Dizzy, headache, coughing up blood. ( Individual may chose)

✘When any of the stored chakra is used it dose not replenish of its own accord the chakra must be sealed with the ritual as per usual.

✘This must be trained from D rank.

D rank:
✘No access to stored chakra.
✘-5 chakra a day from the first day of training.
✘-10 chakra to preform the chakra sealing ritual + the amount of chakra you are sealing.
✘+2000 wordcount for the first ritual of starting the chakra seal.
✘+700 wordcount for each ritual of storing chakra after the first ritual.
✘The individual becomes exhausted when reaching 20 chakra remaining.
C rank:
✘No access to stored chakra.
✘-5 chakra a day.
✘-10 chakra to preform the ritual of storing chakra + the amount of chakra you are storing.
✘+700 wordcount per storing ritual.
✘The individual becomes exhausted when reaching 20 chakra remaining.
B rank:
✘The seal can only form under pressure. (I.E Fighting, torture, witness of torture, clan ritual.)
✘Until the seal forms the individual may not access the stored chakra.
✘Takes +2500 wordcount upon the first activation of the stored chakra.
✘-15 chakra per chakra storing ritual + the amount of chakra you are storing.
✘+800 wordcount per storing chakra ritual.
✘The individual becomes exhausted when reaching 15 chakra remaining.
✘Coughs up blood when using the seal.
✘After the use of the seal the individual is unable to raise there voice for 36 hours, as the use of the stored chakra at this level causes a sore throat.
A rank:
✘-15 chakra per chakra storing ritual + the amount of chakra being stored.
✘+850 wordcount per chakra storing ritual.
✘Coughts up blood when using the seal.
✘After the use of the of the stored chakra the individual suffers damage to the throat needing medical attention to fix otherwise it will take 24 hours before the individual is able to speak at a normal volume yet still feels strain unable to shout for a further 36 hours.
S rank:
✘can only access the full extent of the stored chakra when there normal chakra has dropped to 40% or below.
✘+3500 wordcount upon the first activation of the complete stored chakra.
✘-15 chakra per storing ritual + the amount of chakra being stored.
✘Limited use of the full extent of the sealed chakra:  
3 uses: Constantly irritated throat.
4 uses: Constant sore throat and unable struggles to swallow
5 uses: unable to shout
6 uses: only able to speak at the volume of a whisper.
7 uses: the Itami sōsa cracks, crushing the vocal cords rendering the individual mute.
The only way to cure any of this damage is through a transplant.

Drawbacks associated with the chakra sense.

✘Throat is irritated when the ability is active.
✘Costs 500 wordcount per 5 meter expansion on the radius of this ability.

D rank:
✘Costs 5 chakra to activate then 5 per round the ability is active for.
C rank:
✘Maximum of 25 meters radius.
✘Costs 10 chakra to activate then 5 per round the ability is active for.
B rank:
✘Maximum of 35 meters radius
✘Costs 15 chakra to activate then 5 per round the ability is active for..
A rank:  
✘Maximum of 45 meters radius.
✘Costs 20 chakra to activate then 5 per round the ability is active for.
S rank:  
✘Maximum of 55 meters radius.Costs  
✘Costs 25 chakra to activate then 5 per round the ability is active for.
SS rank:
✘Maximum of 65 meters radius.
✘Costs 30 chakra to activate then 5 per round the ability is active for.

Transplants. (Rules in addition to the ones already set in place by the site itself.)
✘If the slates sustain too much damage and breaks, the individual becomes mute but is still able to use the broken slates as before though it causes more pain than before. Coughing up blood becomes usual when utilizing their chakra. The slates can however be replaced by another individuals slates. The transplanted slates can't then be broken, claiming the name   Inotu Sōsa . However the removal of the donors slates must be done when the donor lives otherwise the slates are rendered useless for the transplant. (The slates regardless of when removed can be worked into jewelry or weaponry acting as a chakra conductor.) removing the slates from an individual has the chance of killing the individual. if the individual survives the removal of the slates and do not have them replaced the individual is unable to speak ever again essentially becoming mute.

Last edited by Tōku on Tue Jan 31, 2017 1:13 am; edited 6 times in total

2Ken'ichi Clan. Empty Re: Ken'ichi Clan. Mon Jan 16, 2017 10:32 pm



Information added and adjusted.

3Ken'ichi Clan. Empty Re: Ken'ichi Clan. Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:36 pm



Im sorry, i have absolutely no idea what's going on here... can you please try to read through your KKG, and try to bring it into a more simplistic version. The way it is currently written i cannot begin to understand how the slates relate to a specific ability or do anything. It's all very confusing. I would do one paragraph about the fluff and IC reasoning, then move into mechanics. Bleeding etc would be in drawbacks. And try to keep on track one point at a time :)

4Ken'ichi Clan. Empty Re: Ken'ichi Clan. Tue Jan 31, 2017 12:52 am



Thank you, I have updated the clans kekkei genkai. Hopefully this is more understandable.
( My apologies for it taking so long to update.)

5Ken'ichi Clan. Empty Re: Ken'ichi Clan. Wed Mar 08, 2017 9:41 pm



Hiya, I'm terribly sorry for the wait!

The Hyakugou Seal is, as stated by the Restricted List in the form of the Yin Seal, not allowed on Saga. I’m inferring from what is written, as it’s not very clear; this “ritual” would seem to take chakra from your character within the thread, but nowhere does it say that the decrease persists between threads.

Thus, I’m forced to assume that this ability allows you to store chakra and keep it between threads in the seal, allowing you to have increased reserves. Unfortunately, due to chakra being the only real IC resource that combat-ninja have in common, I cannot in good conscience consider this ability for approval, as this would create a large power gap that cannot be easily bridged by any method currently known to me. (This is the main reason for that seal being banned.)

However, your other wordings may tell another story. You say that it increases the power of their techniques; if you instead sealed off your chakra, thus permanently lowering your normal reserves, and then could use empowered jutsu upon releasing this seal, there is a better shot at getting this approved. You would, given this option, need to quantify how they are made more powerful, and in what way(s). (However, this would require that you change the name, as at such a point it is no longer the Strength of A Hundred Seal.)

Please remove your chakra sensory ability from the clan. It is, in essence, a jutsu; it is also not a Kekkei Genkai, seeing as how there is little actually distinguishing it from any other chakra-sensory jutsu except a lowered activation cost.

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