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1A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Sat Dec 01, 2012 12:47 am

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto was walking the streets of Suna with his eyes looking up at the sky. The sun was shining brightly and forcing down a good amount of heat. Today was a hot day for sure. Well, hotter than most if that's even possible in a desert. There was a few specks of sand floating around, but he thought nothing of it. He lived in a village where sand was everywhere. It was somewhat quiet on the streets. Not many people were out and about. During this certain time of day, the streets would have had dozens of people going about their business. A gust of wind rushed by Rikuto as he turned a corner of a building. His eyes widened when he saw what was heading his way. There was a wave of sand rushing and violently twisting towards him. Without any thought, he ran into the first open building he could find. The building he entered was recently abandoned and had a fair amount of furniture in it. A few chairs here. A table there. Even a mirror hung up on a wall. Rikuto peeked outside, but was greeted by a gust of wind, followed by a lump of sand hitting the door. Quickly, he shut the door and took a step back. He sighed and turned towards the rest of the house. He wondered if anyone else had gotten unlucky and not realized the sandstorm.

2A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty Re: A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Sat Dec 01, 2012 7:18 pm

Shimo Rai

Shimo Rai

Shimo was passing through the markets seeing what was on sell and seeing if he could find a bargain on a sword...Yeahh that wasn't going to happen not in this kind of market at any rate. So here and there he meandered looking at the different booths. He tried to make a deal and bought some peaches now there was a treat from the land of fire.

Biting into a peach he turned a corner and began walking down another corridor and passed into a more populated street. Again the souks and bazaars rang with people trying to get a deal or finish a scam. Being the nomad and caravan man that he was or used to be he resisted the more obvious scams and if he had a bad feeling about something "to good to be true" he avoided like a plague.

Getting bored with the markets he started off the next destination where that was he didn't know off hand. Getting out of the crowds his nose caught a whiff of something he hadn't smelled since he was in the caravan. Looking toward the horizon the dry lightning confirmed it. This was a rare site indeed a sand storm coming through a major village like this one.

Things got quite exciting as it approached incredibly quickly causing the shops to close and the patrons to find shelter. Shimo wrapped his face and tucked the wrappings into his shirt before starting to trot off to find a near by shelter. Just in time as the first arms of the storm reached the street he was on he ducked into the back of a building and shut the door pressing hard against the wind. ~Slam~

3A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty Re: A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Sun Dec 02, 2012 6:46 pm

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto Shiro

The slam echoed slightly through the house and ended up right where Rikuto was standing. He jumped slightly which meant he definitely heard it. The only thing he thought it could have been was another person trying to escape the crazed storm. Then again, it could have been something else. No matter who or what it was, he decided to see the individual who made the noise. Slowly walking down a hallway, the floors creaked from his weight. This caused him to stop constantly before he continued on. Approaching the corner, he slowly peered out to see a glimpse of a person's shoulder and arm. Rikuto quickly snapped back behind the wall. In doing so, he put a fair amount of pressure on the floorboards. A very loud creak is all that resulted when he moved. "...crap..." He closed his eyes and slid along the wall to get away. Though it wouldn't help much considering he caused a loud creaking noise. All this sneaking just to avoid a person. Somewhat pathetic from a normal person's point of view. Then again, it could be understandable considering Rikuto was the shiest kid a person would meet.

4A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty Re: A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Sun Dec 02, 2012 7:14 pm

Shimo Rai

Shimo Rai

~Creek creek SQUEAK shuffle shuffle shuffle~ Shimo chuckled and pulled the wrappings from his face and spoke aloud to who ever else was in the house "Some ninja we turned out to be huh. Me slamming the door and all the noise we're making right now." Shimo chuckled at the absurdity of it all "So how bout it come on out. "

Digging into his pocket he pulled out a peach and began to eat on it. "Hey now if you're hungry I got some fruit and from the sound of thing we're going to be here for a bit." Rather the other house guest would come over to visit or not Shimo pressed against the wall and slid to the floor sitting.

5A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty Re: A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Sun Dec 02, 2012 7:35 pm

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto Shiro

Hearing the guy speak out loud, it was obvious that he heard Rikuto. Again, he slowly moved back to the corner and peered out. This guy seemed nice enough and looked friendly. Rikuto fully came out from hiding and stood still. "..." Not a single word came out of his mouth. He didn't really know the guy, so he didn't feel comfortable talking to the guy. Then again, they were going to be stuck for a while, so he might have to get started on it.

The man offered some fruit after taking a bite out of his own. Rikuto hadn't eaten for a while, so he was moderately hungry. Moving a bit closer, he slowly took the fruit and sat across from the guy. "Y... You saw the storm too...?" His voice was nervous and quiet. He glanced down at the fruit he received, but didn't take a bite.

6A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty Re: A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:21 pm

Shimo Rai

Shimo Rai

Another bite of fruit before speaking and chewing a bit at the same time "Saw it shoot almost got buried in it. Thing is this storm's gotta be a a powerful one considering it's actually covering the city." He smiled a bit and swallowed the bit of fruit in his mouth.

The wind blew and a window rattled a bit "By the way I'm Shimo Rai. Who are you?" He asked as he looked out side the sky going from a brilliant blue to a depressing grey. He kind of made a disgusted sigh "Ever been trapped outside in one of these?" He asked making a bit of conversation and some dust poured in to a crack in the house.

7A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty Re: A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:51 am

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto Shiro

"Ri... Rikuto Shiro..." He still sounded a tad bit nervous. Looking down at the fruit once more, he took a small bite out of it. It was delicious and had just the right amount of sweet and tart. Rikuto grinned slightly and took a bigger bite out of it. Another question was asked, so he finished what was in his mouth and responded with a little more confidence in his voice. "I... I've never seen a sandstorm this bad... But I have been able to walk around during the small ones..."

Taking another bite of the peach, he glanced at the shaking window. The storm was still rushing past and would take a while to stop. "Thank you for the peach by the way..." He held up the half eaten peach and grinned once more.

8A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty Re: A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:18 pm

Shimo Rai

Shimo Rai

Shimo took out another two peaches and gave them a bit of a juggle he tossed one of the two over to Riku "Well that's the last of the fruit and nice to meet you Riku Shiro." He smiled again "By the way watch out for the skins they'll some times take their time to go down."

As the wind changed a bit Shimo replied about the sand storms "When I was working in the caravan we got caught in one that stretched for miles either way. Every thing had to be tied down and covered. By the time it was all over there was easily three feet of sand covering most of the supplies. Luckily the animals and the people were stuffed into a kind of got ripe near the end." It was a true story but given a more joking tone to it.

9A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty Re: A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:21 pm

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto had finished his first peach and set it on the ground next to him. He then caught the second one right away. Giving off another smile, he nodded happily and held off on eating the second peach. It seemed as if Rikuto was lightening up to Trilby.

As he sat there and relaxed a bit, Shimo started to go on about an experience he had while he was working with a caravan. It involved a sandstorm that could have possibly been worse than the one outside. Rikuto listened intently and took a small bite out of the new peach. This one was a little less tart than the last, but it was good nonetheless. The window rumbled a little bit heavier, the storm was getting a bit more harsh. "Um... Shimo...? Could we move a little closer into the house...?" His eyes were fixed on the window.

10A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty Re: A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:22 pm

Shimo Rai

Shimo Rai

"Ok-doky" Shimo replied pushing himself up the wall with his feet and legs. "So what's up with you?" He cantered his head a bit and elaborated "Tell me about your self." Shimo casually began to explore the house. Opening cabinets and doors seeing what he could see. Every once in a while he'd find a few items to juggle or just toss around a bit till he got bored. If there were any gadgits in the house it kind of looked at them to figure out how they worked giving the occasional "oh ok" when ever he figured it out. All this was going on as he listened to Riku.

11A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty Re: A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:18 pm

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto looked down at the ground and thought about what he should say. “Um... I’m not from originally Suna... I’m was born in the Sound Village... but I’ve been living in Suna for a long time now.” He gave a slight pause to think a little more. “I can play an ocarina too.” Reaching into his pouch, he pulled out his ocarina to show it off slightly. It was a pale green color and had a few thin, curved lines as a design. Rikuto was grinning slightly. “I can’t really think of anything else...” His voice grew a bit quiet. Although he was lightening up to Shimo, it still didn’t make talking any easier.

12A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty Re: A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:32 pm

Shimo Rai

Shimo Rai

“That’s fantastic I can’t play any instrument.” Shimo said then he asked “So why did your family move from the Village hidden in the Sound to here?” Shimo asked as he continued to explore the house. Shimo was curious and besides that making conversation passed the time well. The wind blew and the roof rattled and Shimo kind of wondered when the storm would be over. Looking back over to Riku Shimo asked “so what kind of jutsu do you use?” Again curiosity and conversation was directing him as he moved about the house.

13A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty Re: A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:04 pm

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto's grin slowly went away when he was asked why his family moved to Suna. He didn't really want to say anything more. It was a personal subject and he didn't feel like sharing it. Seeing that Shimo was a bit distracted with the items in the house, he waited the question out until another came up. "Uh... I use Genjutsu and a bit of elemental Ninjutsu..." Rikuto paused as he watched Shimo pick up yet another object and started to tinker with it. "I like to support more than attack... That's what I use the ocarina for..."

14A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty Re: A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:22 pm

Shimo Rai

Shimo Rai

"Ohhh cool I have heard stories of people using an instrument to hypnotize people." Shimo kind of guessed at the avoidance of his first question at the moment he asked it. "I tend more towards summoning and sword fighting my self." Granted the fact he didn't have a sword was besides the point but that's what he used. Well he looked all around the house and gone through most of the cupboards and the entire place seamed bare. "Thirsty?" Shimo asked offering a canteen of water to his young companion.

15A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty Re: A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:20 pm

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto Shiro

It seemed that Shimo wasn't going to hold him up to that first question. Good. Giving away information like that wasn't something that Rikuto generally enjoyed doing. He only told those things to people he trusted completely. Since he had just met Shimo, he wasn't too confident doing so. Rikuto glanced down at the canteen then looked right back up at Shimo. "Um... no thanks... I'm not thirsty..." The sandstorm outside seemed to lessen, but not a whole lot. They would have a bit more time of holding out in this abandoned house.

16A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty Re: A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:40 pm

Shimo Rai

Shimo Rai

Shimo shrugged and than took another drink glug glug glug. Water was good and despite being in the desert there was abundant water from both his families oasis and from cisterns around the city. Closing the lid and slid the canteen back into his robe. Good the wind was dieing down, soon as he was able to he would go see what all had been blown away. But until then he was stuck inside "So how long you thinks this storms going to last?" he asked his young companion.

17A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty Re: A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:25 pm

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto looked over at a window and listened to the wind rushing by. He stared at it for a bit. It was only a blur of sand. "Um... I don't think it will last too long... It's been going on for a good amount of time..." After a few seconds, he walked over to an old couch and sat down. Reaching into his pack, he grabbed his ocarina and pulled it out. Inspecting it slightly, he looked as if he wanted to start playing. Shimo seemed to be done with looking around the house.

18A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty Re: A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:54 pm

Shimo Rai

Shimo Rai

Shimo was getting bored and starting to feel cramped and getting stir crazy he didn't like being indoors in fact he lived in a tent. Finally feeling a bit defeated he slumped to the ground once again. Looking at Riku Shimo watched him fidget a bit too before pulling out his flute. "So what are ya going to play?" He asked picking up a few pieces of garbage crammed them into little balls and began to juggle them.

19A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty Re: A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:28 pm

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto Shiro

"I'm... I'm going to play something that will help pass the time..." Rikuto brought the ocarina up to his mouth and began to play. Using a steady stream of air, he started to play a slow and calming tune that was in the higher register. It wasn't a real song considering Rikuto created his own. This particular one had a few decrescendos thrown in just for a bit of texture. The song was still playing while Shimo was juggling. It looked as if Rikuto was playing with his eyes shut. Almost like had memorized every measure.

20A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty Re: A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:13 pm

Shimo Rai

Shimo Rai

As Riku played his song Shimo adjusted the pace of his juggling to match the beat. He also came up with words to what ever song he was singing light hearted and fun some times nonsensical not loud enough to disrupt Riku's playing but just enough to keep the beat going in his head as he juggled the wads of garbage.

(OOC: I'm kind of running out of steam sorry.))

21A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty Re: A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:14 pm

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto seemed content with playing to pass the time. As soon as his last song ended, all was quiet. Looking over at the window, the skies were clear and the sandstorm had silenced. "The sandstorm is over." His voice sounded rather happy. Turning his attention back to Shimo, he formed a slight grin.

((OOC: I just ran dry too... Gonna... skip... a bit...))

22A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty Re: A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Fri Dec 07, 2012 7:36 pm

Shimo Rai

Shimo Rai

The storm finally let up and as hit did the stuff Shimo was juggling got tossed into the air and landed where they did. "Well it was fantastic meeting you" Shimo said with a smile "But you know i don't see how you can hear to play..." Shimo reached over toward Riku's ear with his hand open and snapped his fingers and a Ryo "magically" appeared "you have Ryo coming out of your ears. You have a fantastic day Rikuto Shiro" with that Shimo gave a wave and started singing "Kiss me Maggie and take me home fer i sure dona feel like diein alone..."

23A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Empty Re: A Harsh Sandstorm[Shimo/No Kill] Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:40 pm

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto Shiro

Rikuto tilted his head after Shimo did a magic trick. It wasn't really good, considering he had seen it many times before. After the magic trick, he told Rikuto to have a fantastic day. He grinned as Shimo walked. "Bye... Shimo..." His voice was a little louder than normal to make sure Shimo heard.


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